There are 5 unique obects on Iokath that need to be inspected with the microbinoculars. And as someone else mentioned, a lot of the Republic people who join the Alliance, like Bewan Aygo and Aric Jorgan, mention they walked away from the Republic because the Republic wouldn't listen to any ideas about change or fighting the Eternal Throne. The Foundry, run by Revan (ex-Sith), who was a little mad to begin with? One being that the Empire *is* open for change. Force Awakens was better than the prequels, Rogue One is the best movie in the entire franchise, and most of the Lucas EU was worse than even the lamest part of TOR. There's another quest where it's mentioned that the Justicars routinely kidnap people and press them into slavery/service as soldiers and go after their familiesand that is just on Coruscant, right under the Senate's nose - never mind elsewhere. #4 skill is an immunity shield on a long cooldown. New episodes will release every Wednesday. There are loads of bugs in the game but nothing quite as large as totally hosing cross-Class Faction queueing. Whatever you choose to do, it is going to align with one or the other factions interests, regardless of it is how you intend to or not. That all makes sense except for the fact that for 2 expansions of dull story content our alliance has been made out to be a much larger and greater military force than both sides (as our alliance is built out of the majority of what was left of both sides forces, remember that both imp and rep were decimated by skyforts before we rallied the galaxy, plus extras we picked up along the way). I also see this alliance as a way for my Outlander, who's a DS SI, to keep toes on his old Empire and hopefully integrate it into the Alliance, he's more than glad to have his own faction but he also has a special place for the Empire in his plans as he's not about to abandon his homeland. [toc] New Arcann Customization These customizations can be purchased form the Light/Dark sider vendors on the fleet. Versus a Jedi Knight class that can get a Pure Blood Sith Sith to change sides. I assume this is your favorite gif on the Internet. They can be seen from various locations on Iokath, including the Republic and Imperial Bases and the Iokath Expanse area. Iokath is an ancient planet that is entirely run by droids, but has become a point of interest for both factions as they seek to shift the balance of power away from the eternal throne. Always , Is that some Saints Row I see? It has over 8 million HP and only 2 special mechanic: A small group of well geared players with at least 1 healer and preferably 1 tank can take it down. The story quests in the game are meant to be played in a specific order, but in reality you may not come . First, to avoid any confusion: The faction you choose has no effect at all outside of Iokath. That's about it. I agree on the money, but I feel the story has been hurting since Ziost. These materials are often very valuable, as they can craft valuable items or high-level equipment. This is a simple mission, requiring you to kill droids and loot them for Broken Shards. Republic is a mix of evil and good. have no idea where people get the Jedi kidnap children aspect, I've never read it anywhere in the lore/books I've read. I am so over this game. The Battle of Sluis Van. You explain things better than they do . Well, if it is fanboy who praises Bioware no matter what, then you are hater who do nothing but spite and curse no matter what. Empire is all evil people (government wise). Beat them both, put a obedient leader for them and thats it. Then acina bring Quinn tag along.AHHH Why did you bring him with you!!!!!!!! I do not count in this seresh assanistion attempt in this since it had nothing to do with the republic, though question is why would the republic not help? Currently the way it works is that once you have completed a Mission, you are no longer able to switch that day. Sure, they retained their own individuality but sided with you because your alliance is now the top. I still have no idea where people get the Jedi kidnap children aspect, I've never read it anywhere in the lore/books I've read. When the game barely gets new content over years but the cash shop consistently gets updates. What book is this in? Sigh it was always a fairytale of good vs evil right from 1977 onwards. Once you have collected the 50 Broken Shards, you can return back to the base to the repair station to complete the mission. Disney isnt any different from EA in this case they both just distribute products. Well, you're still going, you just won't last long.". Republic players can use the "East to West Quick Tram". If you leave Iokath you are an imperial again and your friend is no longer able to do stuff with you. Genre: Science-Fiction, Action-Adventure. That said, we know for a fact the Sith do. But why would you want to grind them? Well, other than the Jace Malcom romance. ", Sooo, assuming there's truth to this Jedi stealing kids, Sith do it too. That wont happen anymore so the closest thing is joining the pubs. Its unwise to pull more than 1 small group at a time if you are alone. The real question is, what type of Alliance does the PC run and which side fits it closer. Its piss poor development and design given the story we just went though. Then it is proably better to stay with the faction that actually is willing to work with you from the start. The Jedi sprung him from Malestrom Prisom and the Republic and Jedi actively supported and protected the Foundry, which planned to kill 98% of Imperial citizens (the amount with any Sith heritage). The 5th location is far to the south. These Walkers are in the open world, so any other player can see you piloting it :). Like even acinas "transgression" hell the outlander didnt tell her as an "ally" that it might be a super weapon on iokath. Now that you know how you move between Factions, lets talk about what you can do on each side: Let us know if you have any questions about Faction switching on Iokath or its impact. Well I wish that EA wouldnt just grabbing money or at least let Bioware have more time on experimenting with methods, simply doing their job, but I think BW still make wonderful story. Their defeat at the hands of the Zakuul says you are wrong. And the Empire *is* already changing - for instance, accepting aliens for training at the Sith Academy, more aliens in positions of power, disavowing the Emperor, the alliance formed by Marr with Satele Shan during SoR, etc. Both sides have their corruption, but I do find it funny that people think they are able to change the Empire. Be careful, though, as you would need to purchase another one at the terminal again to finish the mission if you havent. I dont blame Acina for wanting to stabb Loreman, but since you can stop it from happening also tell straight to her face if you want to change then you should start now by not killing the creep its all good since she is willing to listen. Plus, if you tried to do that, the galaxy would see you as no better than Arcann. Their brains are exhausted by doing this. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Rogue 1 is about a cunt with excessive luck that is clueless about practically everything. Another mission that requires you to purchase and pilot a unique vehicle. If you were not impressed by the stories in Rebels and Rogue One, what exactly is it that you like about Star Wars? How do we know its gonna work as intendeded? Here you can learn more about Switching Sides on Iokath. Sith Empire all the way! Do you prefer the Zakuul drama? I wouldn't say Scourge "changes sides" at all. I used to like Bioware, right before 3.0 I was a big fan of the Austin studio. Though sometimes a Jedi can be cruler than any sith in the galaxy that can doom a race with no second thoughts as long it benefits the side the Jedi is on. They don't do anything once she's caught, but I wonder what they would have done had she succeeded. And both Rebels and Rogue One are post Disney-acquisition. Seventh episode is a simple copy of fourth episode with only more cool graphics. Whoever jumps into the seat of the ultimate weapon ends up dying. Your email address will not be published. Thats how I see it. Most likely for the items available at the Reputation Vendors, whose overview is also part of this guide! The Republic never repudiates Saresh's actions regardless of your choices and they actively support the Eternal Throne. Only if you were Empire? Purchasing a Mouse Droid requires Credits and Power Shards. SWTOR Patch 5.2 = a lesson in how to completely butcher one of the largest entertainment IPs in the world. Its sole intent is to support players of Star Wars: The Old Republic ("SWTOR") and make their gameplay more enjoyable. Frankly, about 85% of the EU is no big loss. So staying with the empire is more beneficial and better since they are willing and open than a certain republic that can only nag. Learn how your comment data is processed. Then we get to Ossus (Jedi Under Siege), which seems to be a much more permanent choice. So. There's another quest on Hutta between parents who are fighting over whether to send their kid to the Academy. There are actually some heavy consequences depending on your choice, so don't take it lightly. Empire is open for change so thier ideology could be change some what with it and like i said before i think the developers have made it so with the new ppl in command, Acina and Malcom that there is no ls or ds becuse both is equally and you can lead that side you choose to a new "era" of more freaking acceptence and lesser ideology and plotic nagging. This mission can be completed at the same time together with Mend a Broken Shard and Disarm. General. Episode 3 "The Solitary Clone". The faction youre siding with isnt a faction youre assuming, its a faction your allying with. Clone Wars was not in the Disney era (apart from the last season, which was still developed solely under Filoni and his crew) and that show, along with Rebels, were fully under the supervision of the awesome Dave Filoni. LS path in vanilla sets you on a path of remaking the Empire. Your email address will not be published. Yhea like i said in an erlier post the empire are willing to change and they are open with thier skeletons they have so they have nothing to hide so you know what youare dealing with, while the rupublic have a bunch hidden skeletons in the closet that they try to burry. We blame disney for fucking with starwars in general. Sounds nice how you put it. 19. You start the game with a character at level 1, and you can be an upholder of the Republic at first, then you make an Alliance, then you become the leader of the Eternal Empire army, and then you go back to the Republic, or you choose for some reason to now be part of the Old Empire. Lana is my Sithbae how dare you disrespect her! Your copy reads _way_ better than their copy. To be able to go to the Alliance Base on Iokath, first you need to complete the War for Iokath story line. Lorman may have an official title, but he's always been a deceptive little worm, going all the way back to "Annihilation" and his dealings with the Ascendant Spear. Star Wars:. Was it really important to ask how the stupid chat channels work? The Empire and the Republic have changed since you last worked for them, and the Empire actively helped you against Valin while the Republic quietly sided with the Eternal Throne (according to a report sent by Theron, I think). The Foundry, run by Revan (ex-Sith), who was a little mad to begin with? Once again, like with the Walker mission, you can do other missions in the open world while piloting the Monitor. Ashara's a lifetime student of the Jedi and her comments are mirrored by others. All my characters will side with the Republic simply because they hate Sith Ideology, even my warrior who I play as a guy with a more maverick sense of Jedi morals. This mission can be completed anywhere in the Iokath Daily Area, including other instances. So, you are imp agent, group with scoundrel, queue for warzone together(if possible. A minute of silence for those forgotten Reskin Market employes that still work hard. Otherwise, youre just your Class faction. For two of my characters who allied with the Empire in KOTET, it was a hard choice for me to choose to side with the Republic in Iokath, however, while Lana had a point in which we should not be betraying our own allies, as it will impact our integrity and all that we had build so far, Theron also had a point, that . The last button Eject is to leave the Walker. Even if the rep side look all shine and glam it have way to many skeletons in the closet at least the empire is open with thiers. I understand Disney has no one working on SWTOR or other EA Star Wars titles. On Iokath, you more or less make a "temporary deal" with a faction, which gives you the chance to fight alongside them for the duration of that planetary arc. * First run with my Vanguard, obviously sides with the Republic, gets back his wife, happy ending. Star Wars has had numerous multimedia projects over the years, with 10 being the most important in the franchise's history. The Empire continued them, but they wouldn't have had the idea without the Republic starting it. What book is this in? They also don't care what level of force user you are. Empire players can quickly get to the 2 locations in the north section of the Iokath Expanse and inspect the objects. Yhea i dont like quinn either but the empire done so much more and given much support compared to the republic like i said malcom is a powerful man and he at any time could command the soldiers that are loyal to only him to help with the fight against vailyn but didnt. Hahaha, What if its a Tuesday and I just ate some Taco Bell, Eric? As a smart leader, there is no way you would side with one of them, alienating the other. Satisfied? By Also i think By changing the power structer that they have when they have in iokath i do belive that they want us to see that either side is not dark or light side you choose the side you think will do better, fits, that you gain on or just like. . And yeah, you most definitely get a letter from Malcom right after executing Saresh stating that the Republic will officially speak out against the Outlander, but privately he gives a high five. So yhea there is no dark side or light side but if you want to go for the side that would be better for the galaxy take the one that are up to ally with you in need, help you, put up support, also that is willing to change thier view on others and situations that they normally would murder everyone. This is just ridiculous! Page 2- Iokath: Choose Republic or Empire ((Spoiler)) Spoilers. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Stoners, so high and so lit, he could use the Force to influence the marijuana to createblunts. Like Acina and Lana are two sith that you can look at and see that the empire could improve themself to be better what they are now. you kinda already Rule Zakuul hence why the Knights and scions both serve you. At best, youd be entertaining the idea of working with both and not alienating one side or the other because it makes you look weaker given youre the leading power of the both of them. They still count towards your Weekly, though. , Thats Eaware consistency for you, and lets better not talk about non-force users. CM by itself isnt the evil: all MMO have money-spending-thingies as far as I know because they need money to keep MMO going, otherwise, theyll just have to shut it down. Like even Dart Malgus was a kind darth before his wife got killed, even the god damn emperor had a time when he wasent a heartless bastard that wanted more power. A major Republic figure, on the other hand, tried to assassinate my Commander and their leaders did not condemn that action (you get that email telling you that the Republic leaders are publicly bashing you for what you did to Saresh). As we mentioned in our PvP post last week, and on our original 5.2 livestream, when you arrive on Iokath you will be able to choose which Faction you want to side with in the War for Iokath. The Reputation vendor offers a wide selection of items, including the Iokath Annihilator armor set for the Empire and Iokath Technographers armor set for the Republic. Personally, I would have preferred using my fleet to bomb them to hell and back, but whatever. The object here is to use the Network Node Access Terminal in the Docking Ring. You need to find the Assault Walker Access Terminal and use it. I don't recall slavery being active in Republic controlled worlds. The Zakuul stories did not have that Star Wars verisimilitude for me, it felt like one of the bad EU novels like Crystal Star or a scifi channel original or how ep7 felt for you it seems. Which means that you will be able to group and do dailies with the players of the faction that you CHOSE on IOKATH. it should be about a group of rebels taking a serious war aganist the empire, butchering stormtroopers with sabers and opening holes on everyone else with a blaster not just playing wrestling with them. Correct! Charged Blast (2s channel) single target attack on the tank. The other 3 active abilities include a Single Target Heal, an AoE Heal and a Shield, which allows you to move, but nothing else while its on. Beneficial and better since they are willing and open than a certain Republic that can only nag in and! Vanguard, obviously sides with the Empire more beneficial and better since they are able to and... 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