Why some shoe lovers say these big rubber boots are bringing the fun back to fashion. Having said that, you may need to set some crucial boundaries surrounding your personal space - only you get to decide whom you allow into your world, so make sure they're trustworthy. Think you're getting the best deal when you shop online? Last but certainly not least, a solar eclipse in Taurus will touch down in your karmic 12th house of forgiveness on April 30, followed by a total lunar eclipse in Scorpio via your sixth house of health and daily rituals on Nov. 8. Astrologer Zoe Cardif affirms shes been looking forward to 2023 since the beginning of 2022! Revolutionary Uranus is accompanied by conservative, steady Taurus this year, which slows the pace somewhat, but with money being the Bulls main area of expertise, you can expect to open up to small adjustments in the way you handle your finances. It's about time you start believing in yourself, Aquarius. Were only a few months into 2023, but Marchs astrology is some of the most life-changing we'll see all year. This could reintroduce some themes and feelings you experienced in spring 2021, when Jupiter also appeared in Pisces. For those of you looking for your special someone, or perhaps contemplating whether to seal the deal with a significant other, the series of eclipses happening in your sign and across the way in Scorpio, via your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise, and marriage, will push you toward an answer. If youre craving a certain level of intimacy, that shouldnt be something you experience once in a blue moon, but rather, a practice that is embedded into your routine. All these spheres would be integral and essential, as there are quite happening things that would happen in all these spheres of life. With so many changes taking place, this is about finding your moment in the spotlight. You may find that Jupiter's lucky influence presents you with the opportunity to masterfully communicate, negotiate, and hone a certain skill. Mercury -- Geminis planetary ruler -- will go retrograde on four occasions in 2022: January 14, May 10, September 9 and December 29. Lucky Jupiter - celestial ruler of your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise, and partnerships - starts 2022 back in its sign of rulership, Pisces, and your ambitious 10th house of career and reputation. Here's your yearly horoscope 2022 from Red's resident astrologer, Yasmin Boland. March 23: Pluto There's no better feeling than a new beginning, Leo. 3 min read. Fundamentally, this is all about embracing your personal main character energy and -- as the star of every show -- youre all about that life. Youre driven by logic and more likely than other signs to use common sense to solve your problems this year. There's no bigger blessing than doing what you love every single day, Libra, and that theme will be clear for you in 2022. On April 5, Venus joins Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces and your fourth house of home. There's a catch: Venus will be retrograde in Capricorn and your intimate eighth house of mergers, joint ventures, and soulmate connections until Jan. 29. Or perhaps youll double-down on personal pleasure, prioritizing your independence, freedom, and exploration without external obligations? Look at it this way: Jupiter magnifies everything it touches, Saturn places limitations, and Aquarius starts a revolution. Basically, youre finding confidence like never before. At the start of 2022, Venus will already be retrograding through Capricorn and your stability-seeking second house of money and possessions, transforming your perception of the material world. 2022 will be is about getting grounded and connecting with what makes you feel stable, secure and one with the earth beneath you. Miscommunication is likely during this time, especially with a family member or significant other. Read your full 2022 horoscope here. These retrogrades will mostly center on air signs, bringing up issues surrounding your social life, communication abilities and your intellectual challenges. Last years Saturn-Uranus square put us all to the testbut you, Aquarius, more than most. Days later, Mercury joins Neptune in your relationship sector, meaning to get what you want, it's important to be clear with your intentions, as opposed to romanticizing the best-case scenario. Read your full 2022 horoscope here. Before the advent of the telescope that enabled stargazers to identify far-out planets in our solar system, giant Jupiter was actually the ruler of Pisces, so this planet is extremely delighted to be cruising through this sign. So what does that mean for you? Optimistic and swirling with opportunity, Jupiter will always come bearing gifts, so this is a sign to open your heart to the infinite possibilities and reap the fruits of your hard labor. Aquarian ruler Uranus thrives in upheaval, but as it sticks with stable, traditional Taurus all year, you approach new opportunities with a big dose of caution. Mixed signals arrive on March 14 when Mars in Gemini clashes with Neptune in Pisces and you may feel like your batteries are drained. They say tough times build character; 2022 will be the year to be put to the test. Uranus will also station direct in your sign on Jan. 18, which, in turn, validates your individual truth and freedom and highlights your personal revamp. Therell be even more where that came from in 2022! She said the support she got from other teams was 'overwhelming. Leo is associated with the heart and spine. Shortly after, a solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30 will shake up your stability-seeking second house of comfort, finances, and value systems, followed by a lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 16. Everyones excited to see what you do next! WebThe year 2022: Saturn spends the whole year in the sign of Aquarius in 2022, while Jupiter divides its time between the signs of Pisces and Aries. During 2021, Jupiter and Saturn forced you to face your shadow side and accept that all good things come to an endbut just because something is over doesnt mean something even better isnt just beginning. When you give away a dollar today, youll find many times that tomorrow.". Expansive Jupiter spends time in direct Aries and encourages you to overcome whatever limitations are in your way in the second half of the year, but not before it dreams its way through pensive Pisces from January through early May. March 23: Pluto enters Aquarius. February 12 and March 12: Venus and Mars will connect two times in 2022. Basically, it'll be easy to indulge in your fantasies, but try to steer away from over-romanticizing your ideal scenario. Likewise, when it comes to matters of the bedroom, this elegant air sign appreciates dynamics that are fair, balanced and inherently reciprocal. Things are about to take a well-deserved turn for the better for you, so it's important to keep the faith as you begin anew. Also known as the Greater Benefic, Jupiter's essence has everything to do with abundance, blessings, faith, and optimism, so this transit likely means good news for your professional life. The last time Pluto traveled through this fixed air sign from 1777-98, we saw the American Revolution, the Haitian Revolution, the French Revolution, the discovery of the planet Uranus, the first successful smallpox vaccine, and so many other landmark events. While you tend to safeguard their emotions in daily life, Cancers biggest thrill is letting loose. Jupiter expands whatever it touches and as it cruises across Pisces domain -- Virgos opposite sign -- it will magnify the area of Virgos chart associated with alliances, partnerships and serious commitments. How effective is it to take only half of the standard two-drug regimen for a medication abortion? Come 2022, youll be in a much better position to take a few risks. Here's what experts say. A New Moon in Aries takes place the following day, building on this revitalizing energy. However, so long as this lust is counterbalanced, 2022 is the perfect year to turn up the heat. 2021 was a major time for celestial lions who have been making profound changes in all aspects of life to accommodate new opportunities. This will dissolve the boundaries that separate you from others and inhibit your creative instincts! Couples who are on the rocks and feeling uncertain about their future may decide to part ways. These eclipses -- which will take place on April 30, May 16, October 25 and November 8, 2022 -- will invite growth relating to self and others, inviting you to transform the ways in which you relate to the world. It will activate the area of your chart associated with love, romance and creativity. The actress and director is done with impostor syndrome, online negativity and taking on other people's emergencies. They say tough times build character; 2022 will be the year to be put to the test. The best way to prepare for this is to tap into innate verbosity. Dont be surprised if you end up connecting with a long-distant lover who ends up taking you halfway around the world. As we ramp up for next year, this is an excellent time to begin setting long-term goals relating to your hopes, dreams and aspirations. Set your intentions on the Spring Equinox and charge ahead fearlessly after your manifestations. Jessa Duggar Seewald had a spontaneous abortion and a dilation and curettage procedure to remove the fetus. If things feel chaotic, don't fret; your celestial ruler, Venus, will make her debut in enchanting Pisces on April 5. If you are a visionary, this will be your year to inspire others and step into a brand-new kind of leadership. The Chariot: Dear Taurus, 2022 was full of ups and downs, and it seems as though you're still reeling with something that may have ended last year on a sour note. The transit of planets may be well aligned to give you some experience and help you find the true love of your life. Fast-forward to mid-March 2022, when the sun makes its debut in your sign, and you embark on another journey around the sun. Somehow, what once felt insurmountable, now feels doable. Web2022 Virgo:- Develop Fortunes This year, those who have been working hard on their fortunes are likely to get desirable results. Adventurous Sagittarians are known for their fun-loving, thrill-seeking spirit. You're a quick-thinking Earth sign, known for your hard work, practical nature, and brilliant mind. It takes Saturn 29 years to complete an orbit, so the changes catalyzed by this ringed-gas giant are truly built to last. Optimistic Jupiter - the planet of abundance and expansion - will be in its traditional sign of rulership, Pisces, via your responsible sixth house of daily rituals and due diligence for the majority of the year. WebYear of 2022 As a dramatic fire sign ruled by the sun, you command attention wherever you go, Leo, and 2022 is no exception! The vibe shifts later that day when Mercury enters Pisces, and your intuition reaches new heights. If there are things making you feel uncertain at the beginning of the year, like your professional progress or financial standing, don't despair. As of January 18, the North Node With 2021 coming to an end, sex toy company Lovehoney Group has tapped U.S.-based astrologer Aliza Kelly to predict each zodiac sign's horoscope for 2022. Happy New Year! Read your full 2022 horoscope here. Take advantage of this celestial interlude to reflect and re-examine yourself and your goals, because when Venus stations direct on Jan. 29, significant changes relating to your sense of self are afoot. Your lifestyle and living situation are transforming for the better, but not without challenging you to release what's no longer serving you. Despite this good news, 2022 is heavy with retrogrades. Mercury, the planet of communication, brushes up against Mars in Gemini, which can make for some heated conversations. As the planet of abundance, blessings, expansion, and spirituality, Jupiter thrives in your sign, because it is your traditional ruling planet. This is creative and serendipitous, especially for those of you in the film or media industry. There is a strong protective streak with Mars in Cancer, and you wont be afraid to fight for those you love. Mars will also go retrograde in 2022 -- a backward motion that will begin on October 30 and continue until January 12, 2023. Conjunct transformative Pluto - just four degrees away from the Saturn-Pluto conjunction we experienced in 2020 - Venus's retrograde is likely to introduce major economic shifts that will play out in the world at large, starting at the end of 2021 and continuing throughout 2022. Ash Pryor was body shamed as a new Peloton instructor. Jupiter - celestial ruler of your eighth house of joint collaborations and soulmate connections - will also be transiting through Pisces and your 11th house of community for a good chunk of 2022, creating fertile ground for serendipitous opportunities to materialize, whether you're smitten in love or exploring your options. This is a year that wants you to immerse yourself in various life experiences. The year begins with romantic Venus retrograding through loyal and committed Capricorn, where it will continue stirring drama in your relationships until January 29. Both Mars and Venus will join Mercury in Aquarius on March 6, which may increase the chances of you finding love with someone you might not expect. After years of feeling insecure, the country icon is finally at peace with her body. From December 19 to January 29, relationships, beauty, and money matters could all be stalled in an effort to gain more clarity around pleasure and value. You're not alone if you feel the concept of time is more baffling than ever. March 21: New Moon in Aries. Positioned in Capricorn - a symbol of structures, foundations, and hierarchies - these malefic planets began to dissolve previously set systems and traditions that were no longer serving us. Symbolized by the lion, regal Leos are zodiac royalty. To better understand what this means, revisit the themes of your life in May and June 2021, as Jupiter made its first ingress into Pisces at that time. On one hand, that means This air sign loves to have many balls in the air and thankfully, thats what 2022 is all about. In other words, think about what you want your legacy to reflect. Although, it could also have something to do with delegation, time management, and your means of transportation. You're feeling good, looking good, and smelling good, and you'll be basking in this solid energy for a while. Whether personal or professional, your traditions and values are shifting. Tiny but powerful Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23. As of January 18, the North Node will enter Taurus, guiding you towards finding your center, setting lofty financial goals and discovering what makes you feel comfortable and supported. Libra, you cant be the only one putting in the work. Uranus and Pluto continue their transits of Earth signs Taurus and Capricorn, respectively. But your Capricorn 2022 horoscope is filled with some much-needed good news! Changes coming in 2023 for Scorpio - Four Of Coins. Although, in addition to these newfound feelings of hope, harmony-seeking Venus will be retrograde alongside Pluto in Capricorn via your committed seventh house of significant others. Experts weigh in. Did you take advantage of every opportunity you had to make improvements to your own life and the lives of others in 2021? Youre the most psychic, empathetic sign of the zodiac, so having big emotions isnt necessarily a bad thing. Jupiter and Saturn spent last year revamping your second house of stability, helping you build stronger self-esteem and an even stronger handle on your finances. March 25: Mars enters Cancer. Read on and click through to see your complete 2022 horoscope. You'll feel called to slow down and reassess everything from your self-concept to your personal brand, and something you've been working on since 2014 is finally coming full circle. At this time, Mars will be sitting together with Venus in Capricorn and in harmony with Uranus in your career sector, setting an energizing tone for both your personal and professional life. Mars will eventually conjunct Venus in your sign on Feb. 12, energizing your mind, body, and spirit even more. Capricorns are the bosses of the zodiac and they do a great job making sure everyone knows it. 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