German African colonial experience essentially amounted to thirty years (1884-1914) and was characterized by bloody African rebellions. In 1897 the British government agreed to support Goldies Royal Niger Company in the development of military forces. e) Transylvalia Dutch, 16) The Boer War took place in ____________. Which of the following countries is not located in Southern Afirca? Britain and France) The country that moved its capital from Lagos to the more centrally-located city of Abuja is _____. The country in Equatorial Africa with significant oil supplies and the only coastal capital is: T/F: Periodic markets are found in the central city squares of West Africa's largest urban concentrations, T/F: Although much of Subsaharan Africa still practices tribal religions, Islam penetrated from the north to confront these faiths as well as Christianity as it advanced southward, Which of the following is a lingua franca, T/F: The term "veld" refers to the forested area of northern South Africa, Which of the following countries was not a British colony prior to its independence, T/F: Senegal was the anchor of France's West African empire, Tourism, once a particularly important business in _____, struggles to remain viable in the face of numerous challenges, The natural environment of Botswana is dominated by, Nigeria's old capital of Lagos was situated within the culture area of the people known as the, T/F: The Islamic Front is located on the northern fringes of the Sahara, T/F: Zambia, Sierra Leone, and Malawi were all British colonies, Which of the following countries is not located in The African Transition Zone. Where are most people in the African transition zone? e) The Boers are now called the Afrikaners. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Tanzania and Uganda, Continue Learning about Movies & Television. Many of these current borders cut across traditional tribal lands, migratory and nomadic routes. The country that is located at the tip of the African Horn is _____. The European scramble to partition and occupy African territory is often treated as a peripheral aspect of the political and economic rivalries that developed between the new industrial nations in Europe itself and that were particularly acute from about 1870 to 1914. The most populous country of the African continent, which today compirses a confederation of the Yorubra, Ibo, and northern Muslim peoples, is _____. West Africa is Subsaharan Africas most populous region. d) the Zambezi Basin These include Britain, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Portugal, as well as Germany. Its opening has commonly been taken to be either the French reaction to the British occupation of Egypt in 1882 or the Congo basin rivalry between agents of France and of Leopold II of the Belgians that led to the Berlin West Africa Conference of 188485, both of which are seen as being exploited by Bismarck for purposes of his European policy. Which of the following countries is not located in West Africa? d) Gambia The emphasis on cash crops destroyed many traditional forms of agriculture. Penetration of Islmic North Africa was complicated, on the one hand, by the struggle among European powers for control of the Mediterranean Sea and, on the other hand, by the suzerainty that the Ottoman Empire exercised to a greater or lesser extent over large sections of the region. e) Tanzania, 45) Most countries in the African Transition Zone have a ____ population in the north and a _____ population in the south. English language journals are filled with policy-relevant articles geared to the maximization of US power, not how other states and non-state actors can best contain or resist US power (Adamson 2016, 21). Which of the following declared itself inependent in 1990s yet is part of the failed state known as Somalia? c) Belgium e) Angola, 14) A unique aspect of Madagascar is that _______________ e) East; Equatorial. d) Burkina Faso The last country to give up its African colonies was, The great river of Southern Africa is the, Africa is one of only two continents containing a cluster of, T/F: Johannesburg has a slightly larger population than Cape Town, T/F: Whereas West Africa's environmental zones are aligned in east-west belts, most of its states are oriented in a north-south direction, the population is of Malay-Polynesian origin, The two groups who fought one another in the Rwandan civil war are the, T/F: Equatorial Africa is the most developed region of the realm. c) Its white population is larger than the white populations of all other Subsaharan African countries combined. peoples of the tropical forest and peoples of the dry interior West Africa showed a high degree of regional complementarity between ____________. Which two European colonial powers dominated West Africa? e) Angola, 34) What country has the largest population of any in Africa? Portugal How many World Series rings do the Boston Red Sox have? T/F: The Islamic Front is most correctly located within the African Transition Zone True Which two colonial powers dominated West Africa Britain and France T/F: The Berlin Conference took place immediately after World War I and was attended by 8 colonial powers interested in acquiring African spheres of influence False a) Botswana b) the British Caribbean Islands The Kalahari Desert is founded in the Central part of The Congo. The second feature of the new imperialism was also strongly evident. Already during 185474, the logic of the situation in western Africa had led France and Britain to take the political initiatives of creating formal European colonies in Senegal, in Lagos, and in the Gold Coast. 62) South Africa's Zulu nation is clustered in the Western Cape Province. e) sedentary/nomadic, 46) Which of the following declared itself independent in 1990s and yet is part of the failed state known as Somalia? Korea had a strong resistant movement within its borders, but the Japanese country was able to suppress it. e) Hausa, 38) The country that moved its capital from Lagos to the new centrally-located city of Abuja is ____________. 10. The country in Subsaharan country that has been Christian the longest is _____. d) an island that was formerly independent but is now part of Tanzania German colonialism was too short-lived to establish a coherent administrative policy. Second, the importance of domination of the Mediterranean increased significantly after the Suez Canal was opened in 1869. What are health savings accounts (HSAs)? British settler colonies were founded primarily in South Africa, Southern and Northern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe and Zambia), and South-West Africa (Namibia). b. Colombia. d) Somalia Why or why not? Aircraft destined for the. Which of the following is located in the African Transition Zone? West Africa is Subsaharan Africa's most populous region. square kilometers of African territory. 2 languages European colonisation of Southeast Asia Portuguese Timor Spanish East Indies Dutch East Indies French Indochina British Burma, Malaya, and Borneo Siam ( Thailand) The first phase of European colonisation of Southeast Asia took place throughout the 16th and 17th centuries. The history of the Cold War has taught developing countries that getting embroiled in great power conflicts generates few benefits for them yet carries enormous risks. The edge of the African plateau in Southern Africa, where the feature is especially pronounced, is known as the Great _____. In Africa the two powers divided Togo and Cameroon between them, Britain acquired Tanganyika (with a few thousand German settlers), Belgium took Rwanda-Urundi, and South Africa received German South West Africa. d) Cameroon c) Equatorial; Southern a) tropical rainforests a) A client with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) tells the nurse, "Sometimes I feel so frustrated. b) It contains significant untapped petroleum reserves. T/F: The Islamic Front is most correctly located within the African Transition Zone, Which two colonial powers dominated West Africa, T/F: The Berlin Conference took place immediately after World War I and was attended by 8 colonial powers interested in acquiring African spheres of influence, T/F: The supercontinent Pangaea at one time joined together what is now Africa, South America, Antarctica, Australia, Madagascar, and India, T/F: Eritrea is a region located in Sudan that has been fighting a war of independence since 1956, T/F: The Yoruba nation lives in Nigeria and the Zulu in South Africa. 1 billion b. Who controlled the House of Representatives in 1982? The largest country in terms of landmass in South America is: a. Venezuela. a) Climatically, it is Africa's only true temperate-zone country. Japan's 35-year-old colonization of Korea was among the most short-lived as it was one of the last countries in the world to be colonized. Is it OK for a 13 year old to shave their legs? a) Somaliland Early history in West Africa included a number of prominent regional powers that dominated different parts of both the coast and . France, occupied with war in Tunisia and with internal political problems, did not participate in the military intervention to suppress the revolt. In the process of colonisation, colonisers may impose their religion, language, economics, and other cultural practices.The foreign administrators rule the territory in pursuit of their interests, seeking to benefit . A.Britain and France B.Portugal and Spain C.Germany and Britain D.U.S. Tourism, once a particularly important business in _____, sturggles to remain viable in the face of numerous challenges: A market that is set up on certain days of the week is known as a _____ market. Which two colonial powers dominated West Africa? Which of the following is a lingua franca is much of eastern Africa. Colonial subjects in West Africa devised a variety of strategies to resist the establishment of a colonial system and to oppose specific institutions of the system such as labourers engaged in strike action in the late 19th and the early 20th centuries in Lagos, the Cameroons, Dahomey, and Guinea. e) Togo, 21) Cabinda is ___________. c) Swahili most being appropriated by the colonial power - were negated by fluctuations in the world market for those crops. Which of the following statements about South Africa is incorrect? Work with our consultant to learn what to alter. Africas distributions of climate and vegetation are mostly symmetrical about the equator. It was common for colonial regimes to imprison and brutalize those who spoke up against colonialism. The company was divested of its political role, and the British government itself took over direct responsibility for the conquest of most of the Sokoto empire. Listed below are known African empires and their respective capital cities.. "Nationalism," the new issue of Jacobin is out now. School Joliet Junior College; Course Title GEOG 110; Uploaded By thaxqo. A market that is set up only on certain days of the week is known as a _____ market. Settlers from Holland, Britain, Germany, and Portugal colonized these areas. Which of the following countries is not located in Equatorial Africa? 1) Which of the following associations is INCORRECT? d) Ghana Colonialism in Africa. Political instability. e) Xhosa, 25) Dar es Salaam is the capital of _____________. c) the Netherlands The division of Africa, the last continent to be so carved up, was essentially a product of the new imperialism, vividly highlighting its essential features. An unstable situation was developing in which the European traders were likely to call for further intervention and support from their governments, and especially so if the terms of trade were to turn against them. c) Zimbabwe Transitional zones are especially prone to changes in climate. The Yoruba nation lives in Nigeria and the Zulu in South Africa. e) the Cape of Good Hope, 108) According to Figure 6A-6, the largest proportion of the West African slave trade went to ___________________. The ancient and medieval Mediterranean might have been a bustling stage of ever-changing empires but, across the inhospitable barrier of the Sahara Desert, West Africans were equally busy building up and toppling down their own kingdoms and empires. Nigerias dominant export commodity, produced in large quantities, is _____. Repeating rifles, machine guns, and other advances in weaponry gave the small armies of the conquering nations the effective power to defeat the much larger armies of the peoples of Africa. With the new steamships, settlers and materials could be moved to Africa with greater dispatch, and bulk shipments of raw materials and food from Africa, prohibitively costly for some products in the days of the sailing ship, became economically feasible and profitable. Nation-states (in their modern European or Which of the following countries is located in the Horn of Africa? Which of the following countries is not located in East Africa? 1 Which two European colonial powers dominated West Africa? Many countries in Latin America, Africa, and Asia view the war in Ukraine through a different lens than the West. Colonialism in the modern sense began with . These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. The primary source areas for slaves during the slave trade were _____ and _____ Africa. c) Ivory Coast 5) The deadliest disease in Subsaharan Africa is _____. For the 6.3 billion people who live outside of the West, 66 percent feel positively towards Russia and 70 percent feel positively towards China, and, Among the 66 percent who feel positively about Russia the breakdown is 75 percent in South Asia, 68 percent in Francophone Africa, and 62 percent in Southeast Asia. Already during 1854-74, the logic of the situation in western Africa had led France and Britain to take the political initiatives of creating formal European colonies in Senegal, in Lagos, and in the Gold Coast. The outcome of the conference was the division of the African continent by the European powers and the colonial subjugation of the African peoples. d) coastal zone In periods of boom in the sale of rubber, cocoa, coffee, sugar, and other cash crops, profits would flow outside the colonised country; when prices were dropped,that country would . Which two colonial powers dominated West Africa? a) an exclave of Angola d) Zambia 8) Before independence, the modern state of The Congo was a colony of ______________. The colony had a population of around 2,600 Germans, numerous indigenous rebellions, and a widespread genocide of the indigenous peoples. 9. By 2010 the UN listed 57 countries or areas, fragmenting Africa, since when Sudan has divided. Most African families still depend on subsistence agriculture. Which of the following countries is not located in West Africa? e) most of the population is of East African ancestry, 15) People of Dutch ancestry in South Africa are called ______________. a) Gambia The historical phenomenon of colonization is one that stretches around the globe and across time. Tourism, once a particularly important business in _______________, struggles to remain viable in the face of numerous challenges: Which of the following countries was not a British colony prior to its independence? The country in Equatorial Africa with significant oil supplies and the only coastal capital is: The southern part of the Subsaharan Africa is more Islamic than the north. d) Belgium German West Africa became d) Somalia Vladimir Putin's invasion was meant to last just a few days. In this respect, the timing and the pace of the scramble for Africa are especially noteworthy. Classic security studies' case studies, such as the Cuban Missile . The only country in West Africa that is fully Islamic is Burkina Faso. Government and mercantile interests nonetheless were able to agree on the need for British action to keep the French (and also the Germans from Togo and from the Cameroons) out of the hinterlands of the Gold Coast, Lagos, and the Niger delta. Following the Second World War, colonial governments began to introduce significant reforms to prepare Africans for self-government. e) a province of The Congo, 22) Which of the following countries is not located in East Africa? 57) The Berlin Conference took place immediately after World War I and was attended by 8 colonial powers interested in acquiring African spheres of influence. d) Zambia Senegal was the anchor of Frances West African empire. Their population of 3.2 billion is more than 4.5 times the combined population of the G7 countries, at 700 million. b) It contains significant untapped petroleum reserves. Congo, Central African Rupublic, Uganda, and Equatorial Guinea are all located in Equatorial Africa. Which two colonial powers dominated West Africa? Only a few of these republics, like Tatarstan, have a historical record of . d) Gambia d) Guinea The way people own, occupy, and use land. There are a variety of major colonial powers. Before 1880 colonial possessions in Africa were relatively few and limited to coastal areas, with large sections of the coastline and almost all the interior still independent. 61) Southern Africa's mineral wealth is matched by its agricultural diversity. An interview with. 5 What did West Africa have in common with East Africa? Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. a) the Zambezi River d) Tutsi Thus, although the French eventually reached Lake Chad, they were kept to the southern edges of the Sahara, and most of the well-populated Hausa agricultural territory became the British protectorate of Northern Nigeria. A Nigeria's old capital of Lagos was situated within the culture area of the people known as the B The country that moved its capital from Lagos to the new centrally-located city of Abuja is A The first West African state to gain its independence, formerly called the Gold Coast, is: A e) Moambique, 13) The great river of Southern Africa is the ______________. By the end of the 1870s France and Britain, therefore, were already on the march in western Africa. Before independence, the modern state of The Congo was a colony of: South Africas cities almost stopped growing during the period of apartheid. The history of West Africa has been divided into its prehistory the Iron Age in Africa the major polities flourishing the colonial period and finally the post-independence era in which the current nations were formed. The name Tanzania derives from the merger of Tanganyika and Zanzibar. . e) Burundi, 23) Tourism, once a particularly important business in _______________, struggles to remain viable in the face of numerous challenges: c) South Sudan b) Kenya West Africa showed a high degree of regional complementarity between: The peoples of the tropical forest and the peoples of the dry interior. In other parts of Africa, especially in West Africa, the British approach was different. 0) The Great Bantu Migration spread from north to south. Which two European colonial powers dominated West Africa? 79) Ghana was formerly known as the Gold Coast. b) Nigeria e) Niger-Kordofanian, 28) Two countries that were originally part of German East Africa but were granted to the Belgians after World War I are ___________. Which of the following countries is not located in East Africa? While some areas, in particular, South Africa, & Namibia retain a large population of European descent. South Africas Zulu nation is clustered in the Western Cape Province. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. German South-West Africa: A colony of the German Empire from 1884 until 1915. Peru and Mexico What two countries had colonies in. Two countries that were originally part of German East Africa, but were reassigned to the Belgians after World War I are. a) Ndebele Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. e) Ethiopia, 27) Which of the following is a lingua franca in much of eastern Africa? The colonial powers flooded Africa with European-made goods, causing many African industries to fail because they could not compete. d) both border Lake Victoria The Islamic Front is most correctly located within the African Transition Zone. The inability of the beys to service the foreign debt in the 1870s led to the installation of debt commissioners by the lenders. All along the coast, in fact, the traditional African political order was becoming ineffective in the face of European economic and social pressures. e) Ivory Coast, 41) Which of the following countries was established by former American slaves? and Africa, shows one specific transformation of the colonial matrix of power. 103) Given the importance of subsistence farming in this realm, the Green Revolution had a great impact here. d. Brazil. b) West; East Which two colonial powers dominated West Africa? Two reasons towns grew in West Africa are the decentralization 82) The bulk of West Africa's population is concentrated in the region's north. c) Central African Republic b) Muslim/Christian-animist Once they had reached the upper Niger from the Sngal (187983), the French forces had a highway permitting them further rapid advances. Which two colonial powers dominated West Africa? c) Its white population is larger than the white populations of all other Subsaharan African countries combined. a) Nigeria The now-independent country that once was a German colony named South West Africa is. Quickly and professionally. Not only the wish but also the means were at hand for this carving up of the African pie. The great river of Southern Africa is the: Which of the following countires was not a British colony prior to its independence? c) surrounded by South Africa The West African savanna states benefited from complementairity between peoples of the forests and the peoples of the dry lands to the north. European Colonialism in Africa Is Alive Jul 30, 2021 Stelios Michalopoulos and Elias Papaioannou By plundering Africa's resources and carving it up into artificial states, Europe's colonial powers created vicious cycles of violence, poverty, and authoritarianism that are playing out to this day. The BRICS are not imposing sanctions on Russia nor supplying arms to the opposing side. 7) West Africa showed a high degree of regional complementarity between ____________. . a) the Zambezi River Nigerias old capital of Lagos was situated within the culture area of the people known as the: Which of the following countries is the home of the Shona and Ndebele tribes where whites have been expelled by government-backed squatters seeking thier land? What was once a tropical, wet, and thriving environment suddenly turned into the desolate desert we see today. Which of the following countries is the home of the Shona and Ndebele tribes? The idea of a 'precolonial' Africa is theoretically vacuous, racist and plain wrong about the continent's actual history. c) Niger T/F: Africa's distributions of climate and vegetation are almost symmetrical about the equator, T/F: Under the terms of the separate development program, South Africa's land was divided equally between the majority Africans and the minority whites, T/F: A local or regional outbreak of a disease is known as an epidemic. 73) Equatorial Africa is the most developed region of the realm. The Yoruba are the dominant ethnic group in The Congo. These systems of checks and balances were replaced by the repressive colonial system which often violently suppressed the voices of African people. a) France Which of the following countries was established by former American slaves? a) Saudi Arabia c) pandemic Which of the following countries is the home of the Shona and Ndebele tribes where whites have been expelled by government-backed squatters seeking their land? e) Ethiopia, 39) The first West African state to gain its independence, formerly called the Gold Coast, is __________. Copy. c. Panama. c) Kenya Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. The principal powers involved in the modern colonisation of Africa are Britain, France, Germany, Portugal, Spain and Italy. Security studies is still a US-dominated discipline, and decision-making in Washington DC is its primary reference point. Italy the Netherlands Belgium Portugal Germany Portugal Which country has the largest population in Africa? T/F: The Ibo-dominated breakaway republic within Nigeria during the 1960s called itself Biafra. Due to Africas difficult agricultrual environment, numerous environmental hazards, diseases and periodic food shortages, the continents population growth rate is below the worldwide average. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. African empires is an umbrella term used in African studies to refer to a number of pre-colonial African kingdoms in Africa with multinational structures incorporating various populations and polities into a single entity, usually through conquest.. In the West African kingdom of Futa Jallon rulers were. Which of the following countries is not located in Southern Africa? c) Niger Which of the following is the process of getting oxygen from the environment to the tissues of the body? "Contradict[s] the extraordinary myth that Africa 'has no history.' Boahen is one of the pioneers in the school of African historiography." -- Times Literary Supplement Africa After Independence - Godfrey Mwakikagile 2006 This work focuses on the early years of independence and the problems African countries faced soon after the end of colonial . T/F: Namibia was once called Southwest Africa and was under South African control before independence, T/F: The name Tanzania derives from the merger of Tanganyika and Zanzibar, T/F: African sleeping sickness is transmitted by the tsetse fly. A disease that spreads worldwide is known as a(n): T/F: The bulk of West Africa's population is concentrated in the region's north. 98) An example of a choke point in this realm is ________. How might they introduce an element of The transatlantic slave trade was an extensive system of slave labor that first became active in the 16th century. e) the tip of the African Horn, 47) Which of the following countries is located in the Horn of Africa? Two smaller nations, Belgium and Italy, also entered the ranks, and even Portugal and Spain once again became active in bidding for African territory. A map, published in Portugal in 1623, showing a representation of Africa as understood by colonizers. b) Swaziland Focusing on two traditions that have been little . Many of them see their former colonial powers regrouped as members of the Western . a) Senegal At the same time this war also marked increasing control of Africans by colonial governments. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. a) Bantu y = f(x) = 6x + 3. The tension created by Germany led to an international conference at Algeciras (1906), which produced a short-lived compromise, including recognition of Frances paramount interest, Spanish participation in policing Morocco, and an open door for the countrys economic penetration by other nations. -Climatically, South Africa is Africa's only true temperate-zone country. The Islamic Front is most correctly located within the African Transition Zone. But Ukrainian resistance turned it into yet another imperial quagmire showing that the great powers aren't as able to reshape the modern world as they think. Boston Red Sox have forms of agriculture especially in West Africa, & Namibia retain large... Had colonies in trade were _____ and _____ Africa powers and the colonial power - were negated by fluctuations the! Traffic source, etc approach was different # x27 ; s only true temperate-zone.! 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