It is going on 3 days now and I have not heard from him no text no call I am so scared to death and I have no idea what to do and I really want to fix this so much can you please help me Ive only sent him one or two messages trying to take other sites advice and give him a little space but Im afraid also that if I give him too much space who think I dont care Im so confused I cant stop crying and I will not live without him please help me what I could say what I can text him when should I text him thank you Christine a very heartbroken woman. I supposed to he really into me n want this relationship or is he trying to end this .but since he doesnt want to take the blame on him for ending this ..n is he saying this because of that. There is no point in trying to control the situation when a Virgo man goes distant. Ignoring him because he ignored you. Hes angling for a friends with benefits situation. . Don't be too fervent. They typically will only do this themselves if theyre intoxicated but even then sometimes they still dont. 5 Qualities That Make A Woman Fall in Love with Virgo Man ; 5 Qualities That Make A Woman Fall in Love with Virgo Man. You may be trying hard to get the words out of his mouth, but you don't mind. Just keep in mind that if the Virgo man is distant still and you dont hear from him for a significant amount of time, then hes probably done. He is very observant and probably one of the most perceptive signs in the Zodiac. If you cant get your hair and nails done, thats okay! A Virgo man is a highly analytical being. If youd like, you should check out my book Virgo Man Secrets. I realize he spends time with his girlfriend on weekends. Sex will be secondary. If he textes me should I completely ignore him now or should I confront him? Well, he hated it for sure. He very slowly is developing feelings of some sort for me. If its just you and a good-looking male friend laughing over an innocent lunch, your Virgo man is going to feel a twang of jealousy and will probably contact you very soon! Hi TaMar! I told her I was worried about him, that I had thought he might have had Covid or in Hospital, and if he had died, no-one would know to tell me. He knows you, he knows your behavior, and he knows when youre being honest or if youre being a bit shady. We met several years ago, it was too soon after my long time partner passed away and this brief relationship ended because I was not ready for the physical side of it. Welcome to my blog about the Virgo man. It sounds like your Virgo friend thought maybe there was something more between you than there was. Thats simple and easy and should warrant an answer. I had wanted that all along, but wanted to wait until he said he wanted that too instead of just our friendship. I hope you find what you are looking for and get everything that you really deserve. I am not a young woman, but in my early 60s as is he. This has become an issue between us. We chatted on messenger. Hes one of those guys who always has a lot on his mind. He may be sending you a signal that he wants to slow down, he may be upset, he may even just be busy. He will be watching your behavior when you say youre sorry to see if youre being truthful or not. The problem for Scorpio though is that on most Virgos mind games simply don't and won't work. Dont keep doing this to yourself. Observe what he does and what steps he takes to reconnect. I think that what happened here is a difference in communication. So, if the Virgo man is distant, it will make him less so. Sure, if your Virgo man is ignoring you, it can really hurt. Ask him flat out if there is still a chance for you two to work it out or not. He says he doesnt like to text or talk on the phoneI decided to allow him to set the tone and pace, and I havent heard from him for 4 days. Its now monday and no call or text. Its likely hes ignoring you simply because hes busy in his cave doing his own thing. The current generation is all about "getting the bag" and "securing the bag.". Im not into forcing or changing anyone. We have gotten to know each other more closely now little by little. Any advice because Im at a loss for words. Hell come back to you when everything else in his life calms down! Once relaxed, you can just mention to him that you have noticed that hes gone really quiet, and you would just like to know whats going on. I met a Virgo man over social media and texted him that I liked his profile he replied the same and asked to further discuss some topics later.. But for 2 weeks he is very distant. What does it mean when a Virgo man gives you the silent treatment? Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) A Scorpio is known for being distrustful and stubborn. Wow, a Virgo/Libra cusp huh? 5. Who knows, he may not be angry at you at all. Ill text him and hell respond sometimes 3 days later. I am still quite confused. I think youll get your answer. I need some advice. And its been over 2 weeks since Ive heard from him. .for 2 weeks he chat with me regularly ,gave me a name and all that..but then I dont know what happened he start to pull him away from me when he was upset I asked him the reason but he told me nothing. This is such a painful experience to have to go through, especially when you are so deeply in love with this person and just want the relationship to work out! If you wonder "Why is my Virgo man suddenly ignoring me?" try to slow down. I think that he needs to deal with whatever it is he has going on. The best thing you can do when a Virgo man goes distant is to be patient. 1. we got together very soon. If its something that you know you shouldnt have done or said, make sure to apologize to him immediately. I left that Thursday and communicated till Friday. Virgo men are handsome, perfectionist types with a sensitive soul and a cracking sense of humor. Hi Sassy! 7. Virgo men actually need a bit of personal space and time. I dont think anything is wrong honey. 1. When this happens, he may need some time to himself to process everything that's going on. If he had a really long day at work, he could just be too tired to be intimate that night. It was almost four months later, December 2019 and there was talk of the Covid lockdowns ending and we could finally travel outside of our immediate area. They arent nuts but they may drive themselves nuts thinking far too much about one thing. He tells me that when were together is when he gets to relax. Tell him that you care for him so much already that youre terrified that hell get tired of you. Virgos sometimes run into trouble by rationalizing their emotions. His mind games will reach absurd levels and he's gonna throw the kitchen sink at you. After trying to get a reply to text messages, phone calls and emails without results over a 4 month period, I became increasingly concerned about him. I thought reassuring him he has nothing to do with my separation would help. Find out what you need to find out. I was talking to a virgo guy and we agreeded to meet and we was liming and had some drinks and i acted on my emotions and when in bed with him. However, they also want a partner that can keep up with them. Be very honest with him and ask him what his intention is and tell him what yours is. Perhaps hes just not the one for you. Theres no need to worry. He was criticizing about my business management (I have my own business) and my personal spending and I went crazy. He pursued me, I obliged. Tha is not because he is Virgo it is because he is an immature pr*ck! Things were starting to go real well and then a month ago we had a huge blow out fight. Should I be worried of no communication from him? Will he come back? Weve had two dates, and one incredible night together. Yes, they are also very picky. Most Virgos are either fully in or fully out when it comes to relationships. Virgo men often have empathic energy, and they absorb too much of what is going on around them. They think too much and thus causes them to almost be somewhat nuts. The last time it happened, I know he got pretty angry. It might be worth it to you to know more. If hes saying he IS interested then believe him. I have had a huge crush on my Virgo boss for quite a while now,and I can swear he feels same to,his nicer to me than everybody else,we have great connections,long conversations,and interesting chemistry.such that everyone around us sees this and think we are an item,this went on for months and I couldnt hold back my feelings and decided to let him knowhe didnt say yes that he felt same way,and didnt say no either but has become much more open to me and tell things he might not have told a random friend,I decided to find out if he had a girlfriend and he said yes,but I havent really seen or noticed any unusual excitement cus we spend the day together at the office,his response didnt affect how he treated me,everything seemed same,until few days back he told me she was coming over and he wont be available to me for the weekend,he has been a bit distant for the first so scared and really wish his joking and testing meare there chances of breakup with his gf as they are just 5months together according to himI sincerely find true happiness with him. Im sorry you had to end up moving on sweetheart. Im not sure if this is a space thing, a loss of interest or if I made him angry. Then we turn into close friends. They tend to be picky when choosing a partner. If you're dating a Virgo and he's suddenly ignoring you; either he's upset or he has found something in the relationship that made him . I have tried to reach out to him on two occassions recently to ask how he is, and to wish him a happy birthday but did not get a reply. He said that he promised he isnt ghosting me or anything and he promised that he would talk to me about it when he got through his depression. However, do be careful about acting too hastily. There could be many reasons why your Virgo man is ignoring you, so dont beat yourself up thinking about why your Virgo man is silent. You might enjoy it! I also cannot get my head around why he would be in a relationship with me for so long, then want us to live together and then suddenly without cause or reason cut me out of his life. I wont contact him. There are a number of reasons. Its good you didnt sleep with him on the first day because you definitely dont want to give him the impression you would be up for a friends with benefits situation. We even jokingly said we are a copy/paste of one another because of how similar we are. In order to make things flow reasonably well, go down the middle. I have determined there are common reasons why men may crawl into their dark, silent cave after one date. Send your foodie Virgo man on a quest to find it. But sometimes, the best thing to do is just have an open conversation with him about it. virgo men ae honest most of the time. Initially, we both had electric chemistry, we text message every few days, he asked me to text me pics of myself to him daily, he cooks dinner for me, we play tennis and enjoy activities together, we both enjoy traveling. After a serious breakup, he'll most likely be out and will drop contact and move on with his life. He made comments on how beautiful I am and that hes not looking for something quick, he wants something permanent. He is looking for the perfect woman and when he finds problems or differences that he feels arent fixable or that he doesnt want to address them, then hell just bail out completely. That may be the ticket to win his affection back. Try to apologize to him for the way it came out and explain what you meant. They crave for perfection and any woman they date should be perfect for them. It hurts my own heart to know he doesnt want to interact with his baby. Why the hugging and kissing even before he left? I am now feeling neglected. Eventually, around 1898, he quit writing altogether, and, for nearly twenty years, Valery did not publish a single word. Overall a great relationship expect for his refusal to define it. It just depends on you if you are ready to reach out and grab it! He would keep his present job and travel to me at the weekend and when he had no work on ( he has a zero hours contract). After so much thinking, today I just came to the deduction that may he have entered my profile, he looked at what I shared and got angry somehow. The expert who devised this system has discovered a hidden need in a Virgo man and has produced this short video in which he explains his findings. They need time to themselves to recharge from the world (they are an introvert). Don't get me wrong, like they can put effort when courting you but I feel like they start to get cocky when you express your interest in them and stop putting in work. I did something to make you upset? Your email address will not be published. There is no sure way to know if a Virgo man is going distant because of something you did. Continue reading if you would like to find out more information about why a Virgo man tends to go silent! The Virgo man often will put up with a lot from the woman he truly loves and is committed to but everyone has their limits. He responds in his own timing. You want to get a man's attention - disappear on him. Hi Cap55! I am a Virgo Man dealing with a libra Lady and I hate this relationship and I hate narcissistic people full of drama. Open up honey. This guy I thought would never ever give me a chance to talk to me but he did want to talk to me and we are just head over heels for each other you had good conversations but he isnt that open but he does answer when he can and hes the most romantic and explains how hell be romantic and has gave me romance stories of imagination in detail he tells me he loves me all the time. Sometimes they come on hot and heavy at the beginning, once he finally agrees to date you. When a Virgo woman is scornful, she will stop talking to you. When this happens, expect to see some action. Im not sure if he needs time to process or hes done. He'll want to see how empathic you are. Ive noticed that he messages only on the days that we have plans to spend time together. Find out what it is that upset him and do your best to let him know you didnt mean to hurt him or make him angry. If you keep texting a Virgo man about where he is and what he is up to he may start to feel the pressure, and this is no good. He was slightly interested just enough to go out with you and text you but he must have decided that its not going to work. Frankly, what I said was all true, he did not like it and he said some very hurtful things to me also. It wont sit well with his morals. As a Virgo girl, I admit that I get jealous when my boyfriend or the boy I like does things with other guys, but why would he (my friend) be angry? He will be thinking about a million things simultaneously, so giving him the space he needs is important so he can sort out his feelings rationally. Of course, hes not going to like that. after that he stood me up every time we wanted to meet. I never really said too much of anything to him because I thought I was g his type. The thing about a Virgo man player is that he can pull off that mysterious aura. He is shy and slow to open up his heart. The very best thing you can do is remain calm with the Virgo man. 5 Shocking Things Every Virgo Man Wants 1. Happy Birthday for Monday, Feb. 27, 2023: People admire you because you are confident and charismatic. He wants to know what's realand he wants to know the real you. Tell him that you were scared because you dont want your heart broken. Hi Suchi! we made it clear again 2 days ago that we were exclusive and saw eachother that day, hes still seemed a bit distant i know his probably got a lot going on maybe with his baby mum too and i just feel like i dont know what to do now or how his feeling. Make yourself vulnerable to him about this. Come to find out he was curious about me. Buy a perfume that you love and is affordable, and spray on just a touch before you see him. since being back we have barely spoken, i mean like we kind of have spoken pretty much everyday but very little like 1-2 messages and its been me reaching out a lot. If he doesnt wants to see me then why doesnt he deletes me from social media. He isnt interested in me anymore or he doesnt wants to see me anymore. Respectfully agree to his wishes and get it out so you can work past it. Virgo men are unpredictable sweetheart. Its been exactly a month since I heard from him. I know it shouldnt be a great deal but I am so into him I almost feel pathetic. Alas, another reason why a Virgo is distant from you is due to his lack of interest to have a relationship with you. I try to make sure that I dont pressure him, give him his space, am affectionate, and very respectful as Virgos are very sensitive & very particular signs. It's flattering to him without feeling fake, and it makes him feel like your knight in shining armor the way he wants. A fear of the lose of freedom he might feel after it's said or from the actions he's doing to prove his love to you. When a Pisces woman becomes distant, it is possible that she will decide to avoid you entirely. they will ignor you till you go away. On an emotional level, a Virgo can take a very long time to open up. Ive made sure to give him his space, I need my space too. I do love him but the hurt is too much. However, you need to be ready to commit to this change, because once it has been made then there is no going back. In any case, my friend, why dont he put the things in my face? Ignoring him after a breakup. He could feel the need for more freedom in the relationship or feel like it is too big of a difference in your opinions of one another. As far as I know, Mr Virgo and I are still connected on Whatsapp and by cell phone, but not by email or facebook,although I have been told that he still has our relationship status In a Relationship since 10th September 2019 still up on his page. There are a variety of reasons that you might ignore a Virgo man: Ignoring him to get his attention. You probably should have some healing down time both of you before you dive into a relationship after ending it with others. he was afraid when we meet again i will be in a bad mood again. Best We planned on seeing each other but we havent fixed a date yet What should I do? Things were going very good, he was calling, texting, checking up on me etc. Please help. After 6 months we had our first date. However, within a few weeks New years Eve, he sent me a text message wishing me a Happy New Year and that was the last I heard from him for over 4 months. Barely talking to me. I really did like him! If youre still married then your Virgo interest may not get involved with you. If you havent been pushing and he does this, then hes just flexing his freedom muscle. You are interrupting the pattern of your behavior and doing something unexpected. truly. He Does Not Open Up. However, there may be some useful information for you to learn more about the Virgo man if youd like to check it out. Like its that they want you to initiate some of the calls/texts or plan for the next date or I don't even know. The silent treatment could mean that he's not as interested in the relationship as you thought. Am I capricorning? It sounds like the Virgo man you are talking about only wants friendship and perhaps when he started feeling like you wanted more or that you had feelings for him, he decided he had better back off so that you dont get the wrong impression anymore. I respected his wishes and a few weeks ago when he seemed distant I asked if he needed space a couple of times, he told me he was just busy and we left it at that. and that is life they fall painfully silent too. Dont know what I should do.. Im withdrawing myself from him. Im fine with getting to know him etc. He always thinks he is right. If they dont get it, they get cranky and pull back. We had a baby and we are to far from each otherI just want to be hes friend for are baby.. He is very mental and will think about this over and over to a point where hell push you back or drop contact with you. Continue reading if you havent been pushing and he & # x27 when a virgo man goes silent t mind and one! 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