the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information. Jusy wondered if anyone else had this and gone on to a bfp!!! My dog totally knows. X. A Group Leader is a What to Expect community member who has been selected by our staff to help maintain a positive, supportive tone within a group. I dont' know for sure; but I really hope so!!! Smells are usually most intense in the early months of pregnancy and diminish . So is it possible that your child could pick up on these hormones? June 2012. Any reviews? We have a spoiled rotten chihuahua. I'm hoping that changes soon. My son who is almost 7 started talking last week about the nickname for the bang and how he'll help. Exciting, but unexpected:). The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. Can you imagine your 16-month-old son placing his hands on your belly, giving ita kiss and saying mummy, baby? My daughters teacher congratulated me saying my daughter told her I was pregnant with a baby boy. The dog jumped up, looked around the house, and then stared right at me as if to say: where's the baby?? She follows me everywhere and never lets me out of her site. ? My first I was in Jamaica and I was all of a sudden nausea just walking on the beach and had major aversion to coffee which was odd, This pregnancy no nausea or aversions yet but I had major mood swings and I had insomnia. My 2.5 year old DD, stood in a full room of family & said "Mommas got a baby in her tummy"?! When I had my M/C my dog was very depressed for the next couple of days with me. I just don't want a BFN! Symptmes de grossesse ne jamais ignorer, Moyens naturels pour dclencher l'accouchement. Any one 7 weeks and having twinges of pain?? Here is my story: I had a couple of "lightbulb" moments before I got my BFP.. the first one was when I fell asleep in the middle of a movie at the movie theater haha and the second one was when I randomly got this disgusting metal taste in my mouth, like I was making out with someone who was wearing braces haha. I was 4dpo and watching my DD at gymnastics. Nothing for my 1st until about 5wks, 2nd really sore and painful boobs and this one now was extreme tiredness, having to wake up in the night to go for a wee and always being hungry! They have an uncanny ability to detect changes in humans. ? She told me that she was over me. Ok, so the first thing that has me prematurely high hoped is that my monthly (Feb) horoscope said I 'would get some exciting pregnancy news' this month. If I'm posting in the wrong spot let me know :) BFP 12dpo. 2005-2023Everyday Health, Inc., a Ziff Davis company. With baby #4 I had terrible period cramps, but no period. She wouldntgo in the same roomshe was in or go to her for anything. I'd hope that this doesn't last the entire 9 mo. I don't know, but my 22 month old son has been super clingy lately lol. During early pregnancy, your hormones go wild. I have also had the worst itching/tingling boobs today too. i remember cramping for about 5 days straight, and had slight spotting (the cramping for days never happens to me, EVER) when i get my period i literally cramp a couple of hours before hand or the night before and bang there she is! Here are 12 early signs of pregnancy (Image credit: Getty) Jump to: 1. "AWE MOMMY!!! I feel like I have a guard dog. You're pregnant!!!" If a friend leans over too fast to give me a hug, he's instantly between me and them. My cats are also acting really funny, I was lying in bed reading last night and they both jumped on the bed at the same time and started crawling all over, both eventually settling down on my belly. My cat, who I've had since 2001, has been acting so obnoxious at night that I've had to boot her out of the bedroom. Surely there would be a perceptible change with all those new pregnancy hormones bubbling away. 5 weeks pregnant and boobs stopped being sore, Told at 8 week scan only 6 weeks (6.3mm) and no heartbeat - is this normal? She always curls up on my belly and is very protective of me. It's killing me (Damn TWW) Has anyone else had a random child (or their own) sense or predict their pregnancy before they even knew they were pregnant?? ?lol?? my dog is always like that- follows me to each and every room and under my feet! I said what baby he said the one in your belly. All rights reserved. In fact, this pregnancy was a surprise, and when she started doing this my DH was likeOH MY GOODNESS, YOU ARE PREGNANT! same! He would just walk up to the expectant mum and tell them what she was having, very bizarre! My then 9 month old started rubbing my tummy all of a sudden. She loves me unconditionally and we both cn't ever seem to get enough of each other. Listen: Holly Wainwright and Andrew Daddo discuss whether toddlers can sense their mums are pregnant, on the This Glorious Messpodcast. All of these changes will be apparent to your toddler who may not necessarily sense the pregnancy, but that something new is definitely happening. This is an attempt to regain the normalcy of life , where they perhaps had a higher level of attention. She never even knew I was pregnant, or that we had lost the baby. Due to test Wed but may not be able to hold out that long! Is lower back pain okay in early pregnancy??? Id love to know what goes threw their minds and if they sense it. My nephew told my sister he was going to get a baby sister soon, at the time her husband ad her were about to divorce, plus it took her a long time to conceive my nephew so she just laughed it off, lo and behold the next month she found out she was pregnant. W/my 5th pregnancy (M/C @ 5 weeks, so was probably CP) just before I tested BFP, as well as the day that I tested, my youngest two were very demanding, and wouldn't get off my lap. Hey ladies! He and my cat are even starting to pal around a little bit, and sometimes they both follow me. Start by selecting which of these best describes you! I was just talking to a friend and they have an english bull dog that they breed. Thought I was in there for a bit. So why couldnt a toddlercatch a whiff of a brewing baby? What is going through your mind? Add message. Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. Can older children sense you're pregnant before BFP? If you stay on top of any potential behavior problems, having pets during your pregnancy and afterward can be a wonderful thing for you and your baby. I have no idea when I actually O'd this month. Ive been feeling nauseous for days and threw up today and outta no where my son said mommy theres a baby in your tummy, I havent taken a test or anything yet but been freaking out ever since.. Well 2 weeks ago i found out i am expecting another little bean, I'm 17 weeks and haven't told my 5yr old daughter yet and she just thinks I'm getting fat!! Xxx, My cm seems to have a weird pattern so I'm not sure Hun, Thanks, lotion cm means not fertile? Studies have shown that spending time with a domesticated animal can improve mood, reduce depression, lower blood pressure, and even help you live longer. I was using OPK by I never got a positive stick. Welcome to Toddler Sense - a whole new world of sensory stimulation, play, fun adventures and learning for your toddler or child. Breast tenderness 6. Bloated. You might think its just an old wives tale but there is something to be said for intuition. I also know whether it's sticking or not. I'm going to have to say out of all the pregnancy symptoms leading up to my BFP, I despise getting headaches the most. Its helping me stay positive that someone else had this same combination of symptoms. I could smell my boss's wife's perfume a mile away with baby #2 and still got a negative test until one week past AF due date! SS (8) 23/05/2013 at 8:42 pm. And I was! After all, they do like to mimic what we say, so they will likely be saying baby quite a bit once youre talking to them about your pregnancy. theres a shortened version at the end loli am our babys primary care giver 24/7. Animals can smell when another animal is in heat. Create an account or log in to participate. Its presumed that a mothers anxiety can be induced in her toddler, who may display behavioral changes like sleep disturbances and increased tantruming. I think she knows. Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. Instead, try to explain it in terms of positive development for your toddler. It could be possible that toddlers have heard talk about you trying to conceive a baby. Anyways, yes, if *I* could smell a difference, I think your dog would too. All in all its cute, but something to keep an eye on. Toddlers are perceptive. 1. But lately she has to sleep with us and I mean right between us and nuzzled up against me. I told my students you know Im not pregnant right? And one girl says I know, I just feel like youre going to have a baby soon. I stopped to get a pregnancy test on my way home that day and it was positive. Advertisement. Missed period 2. I had a chemical last month but my cycle stayed normal with the exception of a heavier and longer flow last month. That did end up being a chemical .. I hope not the whole 9 months! You produce more progesterone, estrogen, and hCG. Or have your dogs been acting strange? I was just helping my 5yo DD in the toilet, and the smell of her poo, nearly made me vomit - normally something like this wouldn't bother me in the slightest! Please specify a reason for deleting this reply from the community. What if you've been on the Pill for 10 years? Breastfeeding: the trick to a comfy latch. i just laugh at least let me get my BFP first ! Learn more about, What It's Like to Find Out You're Pregnant Through IVF. Natalie C tells us that she started to think she might be pregnant when she found herself being hypersensitive to noise: "Loud noises made me cry," she says. We have had her since mid March and she is veryattached to us. I think dog's can sense something is different. And even stranger-- and I fully realize how crazy this sounds - we were watching a movie and in it, a baby starts to cry. Our black cat always hangs around me as if she knows. If you say that the baby needs these things, your toddler might think you are taking things away from them as though the baby is more important. She loves me unconditionally and we both cn't ever seem to get enough of each other. We weren't even trying yet. Partner has vasectomy, could I still be pregnant? Get weekly updates on baby and your body. Funny thing is this is the exact same way she acted toward me when I got pregnant earlier this year. I wasn't on BC because I was nursing and didn't want the hormones to affect my supply. I have a puggle-baby who will be 1 year in February who has been acting the same as PP's - following me around, sleeping on my side of the bed, having accidents in the house. Yes! I read this while AF was still here (I'm currently 6dpo) and my horoscope as never said anything about pregnancy before. My cat and dog both acted very weird even before I tested. The puppy just follows me everywhere too, we got her before I knew I was pregnant, but I wasso I am not sure about her. She loves riding her tricycle but the last couple of times when asked where she is going she says " I am going to my sisters house!" I posted about this when I got my BFP. After all, there might also be many occasions when toddlers think someone is pregnant, but they arent. Mood changes 8.. This is long and very much a ramble so proceed with caution. Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). What do you think - might toddlers have a sixth sense about pregnancy? Wishful thinking? Chances of pregnancy? hahaha oh wow thats scary! 20052023 BabyCenter, LLC, a Ziff Davis company. DPO 14. It was just funny because he pieced it all together before I did. BFP strips are dipped into a sample of collected urine instead of being held directly in the urine stream. In fact, I tested because it was unusual to get them dpo. Headache. **I completely apologize that I wrote a mini novel here. This discussion is archived and locked for posting. They say dogs are the first to sense an earthquake and studies even showthey can sniff out cancer. I think a woman's true intuition is never wrong. I hope this helps. He's not aggressive at all, but he has to be as close to me as possible. Most recently, he has been growling at neighbors or people he sees through the window (which he's always done ina way, but now he sounds lessplayful). I hope it is because she "senses" that I'm preggo, but we certainly haven't said anything to her about trying and probably won't tell her until we're sure we're "in the clear", around 2nd trimester. 20052023 BabyCenter, LLC, a Ziff Davis company. I did an HPT this morning with FMU at . Today our 5 yr old looked at me and said she'd rather be with her mom because she was going to be the only kid there. As it turns out, the pregnancy predictions of kids do come true. So I think animals definitely know, sometimes before we do. When R you testing? I have irregular periods so I'm not due for 3 to 5 days probably.. this is driving me nuts!!! This pregnancy though, I did not get cramping prior to when AF was due, but I aslo didn't have AF after my MC and before my bfp. She is 5, she said come on mommy we got to feed that baby boy in your belly. think twice before sharing personal details, foster a friendly and supportive environment, remove fake accounts, spam and misinformation, delete posts that violate our community guidelines, reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts. Sounds like your little pooch may be very intuitive! TMI - I always have very loose stools. Within a few days I was nauseas, emotional (with everything going on Ive been more emotional than usual), and SUPER BLOATED! He was like "Omg you're pregnant right now! lol my sister swears thats why my niece is so mean to me now because its probably going be a girl. It doesnt take a genius to realise you might be pregnant. ? lol. I still havent told her the news but she talks about the baby in my belly every day and how she cant wait to become a big sister. eav2c member. Dog's are smarter than we think. Toddlers may not sense pregnancy, so much as they can detect any stress youre feeling. According to the Humane Society of the United States, a cat's sense of smell is 14 times as strong as ours. I was wondering this recently too so I started reading a lot about it on line. I really hope I get my BFP this month and that that little girl is psychic lol!!! In fact, recommends waiting until later in the pregnancy anyway, when they can see what is happening. Just curious to how everyone knew they were pregnant before their BFP. Worr, Get the days best CHAT sent straight to your inbox, I have read and understood Netmums' Privacy Notice and Terms & Conditions, CM before period VS CM in early pregnancy. So 11DPO I took a test at 2am cuz I couldnt sleep and what do you know . I've been having on and off cramps and yesterday on 6dpo still lotion like cm xx, Hiya hun we get a secondary estrogen surge around 7dpo that can cause fertile cm I get it most months so it doesn't mean you will or won't unfortunately but I've got everything crossed for you! Then she curled up in my arm like she was a baby and slept like that all night long. So sweet! She does that in the morning as she wakes up and all through the day what does that mean. She is now almost 2 and a half. Fatigue 3. Its deff a possibilityi have a 5 year old nephew and hes like another son to me but when i got preggers with my first i didnt really notice a difference in him, but every child is different and can sense different things. I am 8 dpo and we have a 17 month old dd. People are far less likely to share this kind of story! So I had massively sore boobs, hot flashes, insomnia, bloating, etc from about 3DPO - all not due to the medication. One possible reason for the strong sense of smell is changing hormone levels. I did read somewhere that dogs can sense a change in their owners and some do show a more protective demeanor. I thought at one point that it was my urine/CM/general smell that was stronger and smelt awful when really it was just that I could smell it more. i do the night feeds, i feed her during the day, i change every diaper, i take care of her after he gets off work, all the time, shes a very long vent about Blippi..I mean my MIL. Group Black's collective includes Essence, The Shade Room and Naturally Curly. 24/04/2009 13:47. headaches too!!! I think so because my 3 year old dog is very protective of me. We haven't discussed a baby with him yet. Sometimes the outcome is no what we wished for but I hope we all got our bfp soon! 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