The "number 982" sends us to an antique steam locomotive at Hermann Park (from the verse). None of these proposals can be considered definitive or correct unless a casque is found. (Note: It's possible that an even more distinctive symbol existed at one point on the birch tree beside the burial spot. Enlarge. This is just a field guide for finding stuff. This approach would actually help the tree by undoing decades of compaction and allowing water and air to reach the roots. The Secret a Treasure Hunt started with Byron recruiting a bunch of his friends. And, of course, remember that what you add may end up getting changed or removed by another wiki editor. The "Aha!" My proposed solution for the Houston would put it in a spot that was covered with a crushed gravel path sometime around 2001. Images of lawn bowling and a cicada nymph confirm that we are meant to turn right at the top of the stairs (image). I found this book interesting. } Major credit to Odeyin for associating it to China Beach. The hunt still continues! Some clues couldnt be or would be hard to make out. Status: Casque 3 was likely buried on the edge of the Waterside Theatre inside the Fort Raleigh National Historic Site on Roanoke Island in North Carolina. (Don't try it on your own though. Will try though but dont get excited! A spot that is completely bare today could easily have held several large trees forty years ago. For the most part images I saw in an area were images from the artist, not watermarks in the paper. Mitchell Cunningham was operating the digger in six months when he struck an object buried in the dirt. Detailed steps (from the verse) take us from the Outer Banks of North Carolina over a bridge to Roanoke Island. He probably had no trouble digging a hole without anyone asking questions. In particular, the "legeaster dog" seems like a very specific detail to confirm the neighborhood. (We just haven't bothered to pin it down yet. (function() { If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old. Status: The search for Casque 10 is focused on Lake Park in Milwaukee. Our final destination is the block where the St. Charles Hotel once stood before it was torn down in 1974. Clues from the image and verse narrow our attention to a small slice of the park directly east of the elevated Highway 1 (Crossover Drive). We're creating a (hopefully) official site for all things The Secret: A Treasure Hunt to pull together all information and give a platform for people to equally share their thoughts about the treasure locations. This is a wiki for solving the 12 puzzles contained inside The Secret, a puzzle book published in 1982 by Byron Preiss. We are guided down the Locust Street Ravine Trail to a group of birches (verse) where we would see some symbol on a tree (verse) and the confirming image of a cement disk (image). If you get within 2 inches and you depend on the metal detector to find it and it is a burlap re-enforced casque, you will miss it. A fund which strives to enhance childrens lives with educational services in New York and around the world. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited, yadda yadda yadda, party on! LIVE TO LOVE AND LOVE TO LIVE, 4-12-2012 today John Michaels is laid to rest. He hoped the open. It resembled the U.S. Capital building and had a dome that tourists could visit to look out over the whole city. The casque was buried directly across from the top end of the pole. I think it may be when John P. did the paintings he could have easily etched in the paintings, these hidden clues? The puzzles were based on a series of clues that were hidden in a variety of different places, including artwork, poetry, and even an obituary. Cyn on September 30, 2019 at 2:59 am . This wiki offers partial solutions for the 2 casques that have been found: The shape of Ohio (with rivers) is hidden in the image. Icon for Houston is a particular view of the train tracks for the miniature train. Visual references to gardens and monuments tell us to proceed through the Back Bay Fens. welcome to the group, ST Augustine Sat Sept 3 2022 at 8am Flagler College.. SEE if another casque has been unearthed.. see the original painting by john jude palenca, Maybe you can help fill in the blanks. He did say that Byron would drop in and stay at his place when passing through. Yet hard to understand in the original. Views of the Milwaukee City Hall get us to the city (from the image). So - please - be responsible, do no harm, get permission first if possible, and be sure to clean up your mess! Status: Casque 6 was almost certainly buried at the base of a tall pine tree on the grounds of the Fountain of Youth Archaeological Park in St. Augustine, Florida. This casque was almost certainly buried at the site of the former St. Charles Hotel in downtown New Orleans. Inside the pages of the treasure hunt boxes, hidden within their pages would be a series of clues. ("secret", "treasure" and "hunt" in any order) and the contents of several faerie tale and folklore books I'd read in the early 80s and . I got this book because I became interested in it after watching an episode of Expedition Unknown. A tower made of hollow metal pipes is a symbolic match for the suit of armor (image) and it has symbolism in the play as the tree last touched by the colonists (verse). Reply. The Secret's official nudge of 2021. For every key, 904 euros ($1,500) in precious gems could be exchanged. Are you looking at these paintings correctly? It's very hard to imagine that Preiss would A) dig through rocks and bricks to make his hole, and then B) put the rocks and bricks BACK where they would be obstacles for the next diggers. The goal of this wiki is to present all of the discoveries in an organized way, so that searchers can quickly and easily see what is already known about each image and each verse. This is my interpretation of the solution for Image 1 / Verse 7. If anyone knows of an arborist who might be willing to provide an air spade and handle the excavation, please contact us through this site. This is the image associated with immigration from China. For a brief second I was reminded of the Roanoke painting. Status: Destroyed when the Maine capstan monument was replaced. what an amazing call you had with him. In 1979, the book 'Masquerade' became an international best-seller. This wiki also currently offers detailed (but unproven) solutions for 8 more casques. and a magnifying glass. Head down the stairs and defeat the enemies inside the room. This is a wiki for solving the 12 puzzles contained inside The Secret, a puzzle book published in 1982 by Byron Preiss. Status: The search for Casque 12 narrowed long ago to the base of a single street tree near the edge of New York Harbor. The Secret: A Treasure Hunt - New York In the shadow Of the grey giant Find the arm that Extends over the slender path In summer You'll often hear a whirring sound Cars abound Although the sign Nearby Speaks of Indies native The natives still speak Of him of Hard word in 3 Vols. event : evt, Solved by the Bell walkthrough. In the 1982 book The Secret, author Byron Preiss gives 12 clues that lead to the discovery of buried treasures. It might be worthwhile to search for a good image match that one could see from the southern tip of Saint Helen's Island. For almost 40 years, The Secret: A Treasure Hunt, has taunted searchers. Cast Incendio on the cube on the left and Glacius on the cube on the right. Some of the locations mentioned have been suggested as the x that marks the location. But both of those were obstacles added later on top of the soil. Palencar painted a picture of the spot with the pine tree.This wiki has always promoted the idea that each image includes an Aha Moment of recognition at the burial spot, but it took wiki user Kang to point out the hidden depiction of the FOY hiding spot in Image 6.2) Those blocks by the park are blocks by the park.People have almost certainly pointed it out before over the years, but it it didnt really register until wiki user Kimberley posted about it: The squares on either side of the Golden Gate Park map in Image 1 are city blocks and the fingers are pointing at streets.1) If the dragon head is on the left, the map is flipped from left-to-rightThe single biggest discovery was the observation by wiki user Goonie68 that the head of the dragon in Image 1 matches the dragon above the entrance to the Golden Gate Park Senior Center. It was a puzzle book with no instructions or clues and gave one clever winner a very big prize. Sounds like a very gracious fella in sharing a few of his memories with you. Preiss probably meant this to be one of the easiest of all the puzzles, but the removal of the group of birches took away the crucial clue for the final spot. The two tall trees, hints of a picket fence, a shape very similar to the older version of the fountain, with a moon-like orb behind - the FOY planetarium. From everything we've seen so far, Preiss chose neglected spots in parks and gardens where the soil was meant for growing things. Contact the owner / RSS feed / This workspace is public, Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, Gmail, and Slack, (sometimes available to the public and sometimes only available to members), Proposed Solution for Image 1 and Verse 7, Proposed Solution for Image 2 and Verse 6, Proposed Solution for Image 3 and Verse 11, Proposed Solution for Image 6 and Verse 9, Proposed Solution for Image 7 and Verse 2, Proposed Solution for Image 10 and Verse 8, Proposed Solution for Image 11 and Verse 3, a claim in October of 2019 that the Boston casque had been found, the naming of paths in a community garden, the quotation about the St. Charles hotel, natives still speak of him of Hard word in 3 Vols,, the hidden depiction of the FOY hiding spot,, An Evening with Cole May 45. Standing with our back to the steps should put us in the right place to dig. Once you know that general area, the increasingly subtle and obscure clues will narrow down the search area into smaller and smaller places that are off the beaten path. This book included clues to 12 buried treasure casques, which once found, contained a 'key' used to claim a valuable gemstone. (We know from city planning documents that the park formed a task force in 1993 to begin bringing GGP facilities into conformance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.) As of 2023, only three of the twelve boxes have been found. Jason Krupat solved a puzzle from a 1982 book called The Secret. Ok I am Certain props used in the performance are rebuilt every year (with minor changes) which may explain why this icon has not yet been recognized. THIS IS AN UPDATED AND STREAMLINED VERSION WITH NEW PHOTOS AND INFO!This is my complete solve video for the New Orleans puzzle from the 1982 book, "The Secre. For every key, 904 euros ($1,500) in precious gems could be exchanged. The second was unearthed in 2004 in Cleveland by two members of the Quest4Treasure forum. The first room you enter is a bit of a puzzle. Reading about this treasure hunt is addictive! Inside the cave, cast Revelio and use Accio on the levers highlighted in blue. Great thought Amy! Lines in the verse pin down the exact place to dig inside the neglected planter bed shown in the image. There would be too much noise for that to be possible. In the Secret, Byron Preiss presented a series of puzzles that needed to be solved in order to find hidden treasure. To understand the layout of monuments and other features in the park as they existed in 1981, see our White Point Garden Landmarks page. He dug his holes in bare or weedy areas where the soil was already loose and where he was protected from view by trees and walls. Take twice as many east steps as the hour Or more "We dont get a lot of new input related to the verses, but wiki user Jess made a potentially big discovery related to Verse 2.6) Watch out for the alligator!We knew that Image 6 had lots of clues for Florida, but wiki user Halla4 was apparently the first person to point out that there is a very clear alligator lurking along the edge of the big stone.5) Its not a scythe - its Albemarle Sound!People have struggled for years to understand the weird objects on the right arm of the knight in Image 3, but it took wiki user Drumman to point out that they form the shape of the North Carolina coastline.4) That old pine tree? Since 1982, only two of the twelve casques have been recovered. The first was located in Grant Park, Chicago, in 1983 by a group of students. Official Contact: Phone: 414-257-7275. But in the final hiding spot, on the north side of a monument, there was a bronze plaque with a dedication and the final line of that dedication (closest to the ground) read simply "May, 1913.". Poor quality photo copy images really ruins the point of reading the book and solving the puzzles. The site has no aesthetic or historical value, so it should be easy to get approval. The most promising strategy would be to use an air spade to loosen and remove the soil. Should you add something to the right? If you damage an area or leave holes for other people to fill, you'll only be giving the whole hunt a bad name. To date only three of the 12 treasure boxes have been recovered. (Just don't try to dig without permission.). You shouldn't need to cut through grass (or any other plant roots) to get to the casque and you shouldn't need to be in a very public spot. BOOK HERE! We have a partial write-up for the Solution to Image 4 and Verse 4, but it could use more photos and more detail. Anyone who has dug, are you going thru this too, I'm thinking I may need a strong arm for the rest or should I assume this may not be the spot??? The odds alone of getting those 16 letters in that order are 1 in 43 sextillion. (And the idea that Preiss, a baseball fan, would want to send people around tearing up the city's baseball diamonds is simply not credible.) Also I investigated the paper, regular paper is thin , and has watermarks and some images that you see maybe from original watermarks from the paper. In 1982, children's book author Byron Preiss published The Secret, about a mythical treasure and its guardiansmagical creatures hidden from human view. Status: The search for Casque 11 is focused on the "Two Circles" structure in the Charlesgate neighborhood near the Back Bay Fens in Boston. By exploring the area we discover a curious little park with two circles of brickwork. The. Look for the cube down the road north of the vault entrance and use Accio to place it on the platform. Any test of this solution will require cutting away a square of asphalt with the permission and active participation of the park staff. Get help and learn more about the design. The remaining casques have been hidden beneath ground radar for years, and a long-running debate on internet forums has revealed the remaining casques. In 1982, The Secret: A Treasure Hunt by Byron Preiss was published. Try Dokkio Sidebar for free. The first quarter of the book is about the treasure. Status: The search for Casque 4 has been completed! 9) Sash-hattanWiki user Drumman spotted the shape of Manhattan that was staring us right in the face, hidden in plain view in Image 12. Free accounts will now be limited to only 1,000 photos, which means that many relevant photos from the albums listed above (and others) will soon be going away. After leading us on a stroll through the park, the puzzle brings us to a long staircase that has a handrail (or pole) going up the middle. Hi, yes I thought about it, and I have a theory to this park. That just doesn't seem likely at all. Abundant map and location details confirm that our destination is the Fountain of Youth Archaeological Park. Maybe there are instructions in the painting. 10) The concrete slab under the Moultrie monument in Charleston.Wiki user Chris Andrews did some careful investigations in Charleston and documented that a concrete slab was installed below ground level when the Maine monument was removed (which is great to know but probably ends all chances of recovering the casque for Image 2). Once retrieved the keys can be exchanged for a valuable stone. Boston Searchers: We now have a Proposed Solution for Image 11 and Verse 3. Some of the useful websites for doing research include: In the Files Section - A pdf template for a plexiglas casque container. In New Orleans, I will show how the journey of African American people of the city is key to connecting the clues into a path to the treasure, from the gatherings of slaves, the transition of the city following the Civil War, to education and the battle for civil rights. And it is something that is able to be made more clear via photoshop-like enhancement. Nice to see some were solved in the intervening decades though. When one is standing in the correct spot for the dig, the tracks receding over the train bridge in the distance resemble the lines on the stone plaza in the painting. for those who dont know JM, He and Kit Palencar did the Tribute 13th casque. Status: The search for Casque 1 has narrowed to a strip of land in Golden Gate Park, extending from the eastern end of Strawberry Hill to the California Academy of Sciences. THE SECRET is a decades-old treasure hunt that YOU can solve! Only two have been found. The design of Image 7 linked the new architecture with the old, and the arrows of the walking route ended simply in the word "PRESERVATION." The whole point is to reward exploration and the discovery of the obscure features one can only see at "see-level.". I first saw this book on Expedition Unknown on the Discovery channel And kinda got lost in it. Tip: To turn text into a link, highlight the text, then click on a page or file from the list above. The table below gives the most likely connections, based on the work that has been done so far. })(); Discover The Variety Of Sizes Of Shutterfly Puzzles: From Small To Large, Pushing The Boundaries: Exploring The World Of Perceptual Puzzles, Unlocking Special Monster Chests In Empires And Puzzles: Tips And Tricks For Success, Assembling A Spyro Puzzle With Ease: A Step-by-Step Guide. The "Aha!" Where did this information come from? So Looks like the original book is GOLD. Researchers discovered this discovery as part of a survey of the area. The "legeater" lamp was originally thought to be the image for this one, but no one has identified a possible dig site nearby. Erin the Avid Reader BFF's with the Cheshire Cat. That thread now has more than 5,700 entries, making it very difficult for new people to join the search and get caught up. our community lost a great person on April 4, 2021 But clues in Verse 5 seem to steer us more toward Saint Helen Island or Notre Dame Island in the Saint Lawrence river beside Montreal. Searchers may want to download copies of the most useful photos now, so that they aren't lost forever. But we've made some amazing progress over the past month and we've had some great contributions from new people who have joined the wiki and have quickly gotten up to speed. Proceed up the turning staircase and continue forward to . Preiss wasn't expecting you to dig through some nice lawn in the middle of a park or an athletic field. What this means for searchers is that, after starting along the route, all of the clues are going to be for small, innocuous features that wouldn't be mentioned in any guidebook. Status: Casque 7 was almost certainly buried in downtown New Orleans on the site where the former St. Charles Hotel once stood. Unfortunately, tourists don't tend to take pictures of parking lots, so we don't have a good idea of how things looked. Latitudes & longitudes get us to Houston (from the image). } Posting this on the front page as I think it's relevant to multiple (or all) puzzles. Be sure your contributions are always professional, courteous, and helpful to the search. Under the eye , blow it up and turn upside down and you will see the monument Also as mentioned- the next image is printed directly onto the back of that image. on: function(evt, cb) { If you're contacting the wiki administrator about access or other issues, be sure to add "" and "" to the safe list in your email program, so responses don't end up in your spam folder. Is the answer to this puzzle, that this treasure is real. Historical references confirm the city and direct us to a historical area (from the verse). Each of these prints are individually produced by Ben in his lab, signed and sent on their way. If it seems like the ground may have been left undisturbed, it might be worth trying to get the necessary permissions. i uploaded pics, i labled them 3balls and 2 dragon. Byron Preiss created "The Secret: A Treasure Hunt" in 1982, as sort of a United States version of the popular U.K. book, "Masquerade," which was published a few years earlier. Broadly speaking, there are two types of puzzles in The Secret: The key thing to keep in mind in solving a journey puzzle is that none of the clues after the initial starting point were meant to be interpreted by armchair enthusiasts (using 1980's tools). Here's my own personal assessment of the Top 10 Recent Discoveries on The Secret! Cast Levioso on the cube to open the door. The enchanted beingsincluding Mugwumps,. You don't have permission to comment on this page. Amy - after Odeyin posted about the not exactly hidden - but somewhat obscured JPP signature in the Roanoke image, I had wondered about this. 'The Secret: A Treasure Hunt'. I really wish I could figure these puzzles out!! After the first two versions of the hotel were destroyed by fire, the third St. Charles opened in 1896 and stood for over 75 years until it was torn down in 1974. Tip: To turn text into a link, highlight the text, then click on a page or file from the list above. icon is likely a feature from the interior of the Waterside Theatre where "The Lost Colony" is performed. Reply. Its still there.This wiki had a solution for Image 6 that required a large pine tree in a certain place, but we didnt realize that the pine was still there until wiki users Marvin Calhoun, Zteam, and Andy Hafler nailed down the evidence.3) Even more amazing? One way to understand these commonalities is to view each solution as a set of three progressions that Byron Preiss was making. There are only two of the twelve casques that have been recovered, and nine of them are still missing. San Francisco Searchers: We have a Proposed Solution for Image 1 and Verse 7 that narrows the search area to a small section of path at the top of an outdoor stairwell in Golden Gate Park. MW's Masquerade TRibute Hunt: https://mysteriouswritings . Part 2 of 2. The treasures were found in Cleveland, Chicago and Boston. 2 of the three found casques had wires in them, a small angled wire in the key originally thought to actually be a hex key, but it turns out the wire was just steel wire they had at the casting shop. Molly and Jack Krupat were inspired to search for the Boston treasure box after watching Expedition Unknown together. Most of the locomotive was painted black, but the nose was a bright, shiny silver that made it visible from a long ways away. The "Aha!" I may have a great theory for you to check out next time you are in that area. One of the casques had no wires and was reinforced with burlap. callback: cb There will be references to the number of steps in a staircase, or the name of a highway bridge, or the view across a lake, or the naming of paths in a community garden. Preiss used a line of sight starting at the nose of the locomotive and passing through a fountain to guide searchers to the burial spot on the far side of the lake. A concrete cap to a utility tunnel at the base of the Locust Street Trail has a very similar appearance. In the 1982 book The Secret, author Byron Preiss gives 12 clues that lead to the discovery of buried treasures. Two intersecting lines of trees pinpoint the spot and a distinctive fence feature provides the confirmation. He did say to me but certainly to all the ones in the group I was calling for Good luck in the hunt. Sorry to ask such a question, but in my dig, the earth is full of boulders and large rock, shale, black rock, clay and bricks..So I am wondering if I am wasting my time here on the spot we have been trying to dig?? How To Solve Sudoku Puzzles: A Beginners Guide. Ben has only released 22 prints on his site at the moment, but he has asked us to let hunters know, if there is a specific Fair Folk print you would like which is not on his site, just send a message to Ben Asen Photography and he will do his best to get it for you if he can. Street Outlaws: No Prep Kings; Alaskan Bush People . There would be no point in sending people on the walk if they could simply "jump ahead" by interpreting a later clue. Each casque contained a small key that could be redeemed for one of 12 jewels Preiss kept in a safe deposit box in New York. The treasure is said to be worth $90,000 in gold and silver coins. The casques are protected by lustrous transparent boxes, and are sealed.". Contact the owner / RSS feed / This workspace is public, Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, Gmail, and Slack. Forza Horizon 5 Supraman Treasure Hunt Guide - Clue Solution, Treasure Chest Location. Anyone knows where i can read this book online for free??? Download The Great Global Treasure Hunt on Google Earth Book in PDF, Epub and Kindle. I'm sure the bottom of the dress is referring to the Manhatten borough, the droplet in the top right represents Bronx, the biggest droplet represents queen's, the jewel is Brooklyn and the smallest droplet is Staten Island. PBworks / Help The "Aha!" Houston Searchers: We have posted a very detailed Solution for Image 8 and Verse 1 that walks through the different clues and narrows the spot down to about a square yard. Publishing houses and authors are always looking for interesting and exciting ways to launch their newest books, but Byron Preiss, author of The Secret: A Treasure Hunt!, went beyond what was expected. I got a lot of information. This would include zoos, formal gardens, bases of lampposts, and so forth. . But if there are only two objects above the crossed arms, and both of them are shown in a way that clearly indicates a flip, then it seems very clear that we are meant to flip the upper half of the image from left to right. To understand how the area has changed over the past 35 years, see our Hermann Park history page. Hi everyone, I was studying image 10, and it was getting late but I had printed a copy of image 10, from this website, and held it up to the light of the window, so I could see a bit better, and holy cow I found all kinds of images. Point on the levers highlighted in blue paintings he could have easily etched in the right place dig... More detail quarter of the Roanoke painting Levioso on the discovery the secret: a treasure hunt solved puzzles the pole the middle of puzzle... For good luck in the paper cast Revelio and use Accio to place it on own... For free???????????????. / RSS feed / this workspace is public, Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, Gmail and... 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