Flunk these tests or do poorly with them, and God may have to hold you back for awhile until you can see what He is trying to teach you and show you. We can't go into our new season with the practices from our previous season. Illnesses. God may be pushing you, or prompting you, by His Sprit, to change things. To soften someone's heart to listen to God's Will. In kindness God transforms our hearts so that we will begin to desire the right things. Instead of immediately parting the Red Sea for all of them so they can quickly get to the other side, He causes all of them to sit and wait for awhile before He actually parts the Red Sea. Obey God's Voice Your intentional obedience to the Lord will cause you to abide in the Lord. God finds that so beautiful! Also, my faith in God is badly damaged, because all of the good promises to the faithful aren't true for me anymore, and I can't apply the warnings of the Bible as a guide because I already failed. That hunger and thirst for Gods Word is not from a human source, because none of us seek God on our own (Rom 3:11); it is God Who seeks us (John 6:44), so if you want to inspect yourself, inspect the Word of God because it will inspect you. Then stay tuned for a trick the enemy uses to keep you from noticing signs God is transitioning you. A perfect example of this type of trying test in the Bible is the story of Moses and the parting of the Red Sea. In your powerful name, I offer my prayer for breakthrough. I then called 911 screaming for help. So, a reverent child of God feels the freedom to come to him in desperate need, even with loud cries and tears, because God is honored when that child comes to him in desperate faith. It has shown me areas in my life that I also need to work on. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even asI have been fully known.. So youre writing out Godly qualities for a spouse so you can trust God for someone that truly shows biblical love. In the past, you may have been blinded by someones physical attributes, but you want more than that now. Thats exciting my friend. He will then sit back and watch your reaction to all of it. Ironically, the very things we see as obstacles to our breakthroughs are often Gods hidden gateways to those breakthroughs. When God Makes You Wait, it can seem like an eternity. After a cousin of mine passed away, everyone could see how hard her grandchildren took, and so I spoke with them about their grief. The Devil 3. They seemed to come within minutes. When we practice biblical love only in the context of marriage it can be VERY overwhelming. God's Unstoppable Breakthrough gives you the answers you need to live in constant and consistent breakthrough. 18. Plus you get FREE access to all of our eBooks. The fact that YOU are HERE is the number one sign that God is preparing you for a relationship that leads to marriage. Called my children to tell them I was dying. Flunk this test, and you will either lose the call all together and then be forced to settle for Gods plan B for your life, or you will be demoted and set further back until you are ready to pass this kind of a test at a later date. And now all I can see is everything I'm ruining and all of the opportunities I could have had passing me by due to not living out my spiritual calling. So here are 3 signs God might be preparing you for a major breakthrough that could be right around the corner. If God blessed us before he prepared us, oftentimes we would miss the blessing of misuse it once we got it. All of the Israelites 20 years and older in the above story lost their one and only chance to enter into the Promised land all simply because they could not muster up enough faith and belief in the Lord to fully conquer and overcome all of the points of opposition and resistance they initially saw in this land. But whatever God may be asking you to do for Him, realize that this is an obedience test being sent your way and that you must fully obey the Lord with whatever He will be asking you to do for Him. They cannot go backwards or else they wall fall back into slavery with the Egyptians, as the Egyptians are now starting to come back after them. God could have made David become king the day after he was anointed. God can use correction, direction, inspection, for our protection, and for our reflection, as Hes working us toward perfection, and that push sometimes hurts, but Gods corrections are done from affection. Notice inJohn 15:2Jesus said that even when you are bearing fruit for God, he will cause you to grow even more fruit for him by pruning you. Pass this sin test and do not succumb to any demonic temptations, and you will then be trusted by the Lord, and He will then promote you into your true calling for Him. Thank You for all the breakthroughs in my life. They prepped me for that Monday for surgery. This is a great example of how God often has to take us through a painful season of preparation before he can produce even more fruit in our lives. Feel free to email me with any questions or comments at markballenger@applygodsword.com. 5 Ways To Avoid Unhealthy Romantic Expectations. Sometimes before God will bless you with a breakthrough, he will first remove the people, places, and things in your life that are causing damage to your heart. The course of Jewish history could have been completely changed and altered forever if Moses would not have had enough patience to wait for God to part that Red Sea on the day that it actually occurred. When you have a deep revelation of God's love for you, it is so much easier to walk in love toward othersin forgiveness, humility and kindness. However, since Joshua and Caleb had a different spirit about them and fully believed that God could take out all of these giants and strongholds, He tells them that both of them and all of the people under 20 years of age would be the ones who would be allowed to enter into the Promised Land all because they had enough courage, faith, and belief in the Lord that He could give them the victories once they had crossed over and started to possess parts of the land that He wanted them to have for themselves. Today we will sing, pray, and study Lessons on Calling For Life In the World from Luke 4:1-14. If God Is Removing Harmful People, Places, and Things from Your Life, This Could Be in Preparation for a Breakthrough God doesn't build on uneven ground. And if you cannot get your own personal sins forgiven with the Lord, then you may have a very hard time in walking out your own true call with Him since it will obviously damage your personal relationship with Him. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. I personally do not think God would ever do this type of test in our current day and age due to the extreme dangers of it. I was really struck with fear. You may have a deeper sense of purpose and vision for your future and a desire to budget, organize, plan, and practice better hygiene! You feel led to list and then pray for certain qualities in a spouse. 2. You know that your voice matters and you dont bottle up all your emotions. 9. And what happens next? Because we only know how to love because God first loved us. And if He wanted to test Him, why this kind of a specific test? Desperation is a sign that your breakthrough is near. Step 3: Draw near to Him, and discover that He, like the father of the prodigal son, is running toward you with open arms. My point is that before God does a mighty work in your life, there will first come a season of preparation before the victory comes. You are content and peaceful being single. 6. God may be tempering your faith with the trials of life to ensure its strong enough for the next flight of faith or spiritual breakthrough. Just type in your email address below. You conquered death in your resurrection. In ICU for days,then brought to my room of recovery,and the changes were still there. 15. You obey God's leading. The children of Israel cannot move forward or else they will drown in the Red Sea. But in reality, God may be using your waiting as a means of creating the very path to the thing you desire. Trials and Tribulations the Testing of Your Faith,, When People Let You Down: Dealing with Disappointment. You can learn how to tell if the dream is for healing OR because hes leading you to them here. Flunk this test and you will either lose the call all together, or you will cause a major delay to occur as to when you will be actually released to move into that calling. A perfect example of this type of test has to be with what God did with the children of Israel just after He had got done rescuing them from the Egyptians in the story of Moses. This specific test was given to Abraham way back in the beginning of the Bible in the Book of Genesis. Required fields are marked *, This div height required for enabling the sticky sidebar, Copyright at 2023. If we are walking with God, we are more likely to see the path that He has for us, and besides, He lights the path by His Word because the Bible acts like a light in the darkness and this can keep us from stumbling (Psalm 119:105). The main ingredients in a healthy marriage are two imperfect people that are committed to being perfected by God. Please help. Type in your email address and a copy will be sent right to your inbox. God is speaking to you about a specific person and you are wondering if that is your spouse. God asked Abraham to put his son Isaac on an altar and then asked him to take a knife and kill his own son. God doesnt build on uneven ground. 1. Going with it makes things seem to be easy, smooth and fast. Turn your face towards me and give me peace. Again, when these types of tests do come your way, make sure that you see them for what they are and do your best to pass them with flying colors. As 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 explains: So we do not lose heart. If you cant be in relationship with God itll be hard with another. If you cant or wont obey God with this specific command, then God will question and doubt your ability to fully obey Him further on down the road with anything else that He may be asking you to do for Him. Of course I cant take it awayonly God can comfort them in His way and time will help some, but really, you never get over the death of someone you loved. Just know that this is in preparation for your breakthrough. There is obviously always full forgiveness and full restoration for you with the Lord if you confess and repent of these sins, but what you could lose is that open door into the heart of your true call for Him due to the consequences that may result from you falling into a heavier type of sin. And you have a deep contentment and knowing that God is GOOD despite the circumstances around you. Copyright by Michael Bradley and Chris Bradley. Instead, He waited to raise him from the dead when he was already in his grave. 4. God May Be Delaying Your Breakthrough as a Way of Developing Your Desire for the Breakthrough He Wants to Give You. The trials of life have no power to keep you from being fruitful, receiving divine blessings, and fulfilling the plans God has for you. This contentment comes from a deep knowing and confidence that God has an amazing partner for you. That Sunday I was sitting in Church services and the pains started hitting me so severe. And this isnot your own doing;it is the gift of God,not a result of works,so that no one may boast.. But God may not let you get married. Getyour copy of The Ultimate Guide to Christian Singleness and access to all of our eBooks. I can do all thingsthrough him who strengthens me., 4. And you are learning to run to God with your pain and not away from him. I also learned that a sin that I thought moved passed may return during that I struggle. I made that promise to God that if He got me out of that bed,I was going to serve Him in every capacity the duration of my life. I am the vine;you are the branches. The grace to pray. Broken Dreams. This one is very serious. Dreams. 1. 14. If thats you, you be aware that God likes to talk to us about EVERYTHING not only for the sake of relationships. If he really lays my path forward why won't he clearly tell me. Signs God is Preparing You for a Breakthrough If you want to know if you are close enough to your breakthrough, you can read the following signs if God is already preparing you for it. You will come to realize that a Godly relationship consists of two people that are devoted with God. The interesting thing is, when you examine the Word of God, the Word of God examines you, and if youre like me, you are found wanting. I truly enjoyed that article. He'll put up the situation and circumstances of your meeting supernaturally. And if He would have committed so much as one sin against His Father, then He would not have been able to go to the cross to save any of us. As Jesus said in Luke 6:32, I have not come to call the righteousbut sinnersto repentance. Ephesians 2:8-9 also states, Forby grace you have been savedthrough faith. :), Scripture taken from New King James Version. You feel an urge to get your life in order. is wasting away,our inner selfis being renewed day by day. You are becoming less fearful of waiting for a Godly partner and saying NO to counterfeits sent to distract you! The Israelites got to where they were so done with the oppression that all they could do was cry out to God. In marriage you must be determined to LOVE your partner despite not getting your own needs met. Thank you Holy Spirit for placing this article in my path. If He closed the door to something seemingly wonderful, imagine what He really has in store for you. 16. And there is even greater to come. 22. God wants you to feel content whether you get a spouse or not. Shortly after delivering them from the Egyptians, He brought them right up to their Promised Land. If God is giving you a greater hunger for the Word of God, and its like you cant get enough of it, He may be pushing you into some sort of teaching ministry. The Obedience Test. I want to be forgiven for my failures, and I still want to be used in the future. It's completely free - my gift to you. When you begin as a new children's ministry leader, here are some places to focus. When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. Right after Jesus gets baptized with the Holy Spirit in the Jordan River, God does something rather strange with Jesus. If thats you then thats amazing. This test right here will determine who gets promoted into their true callings in the Lord and who does not. Challenges keep coming. No sooner does Moses rescue and deliver the Israelites from the Egyptians, that they are then brought before the Red Sea with nowhere else for them to go or turn to. God is trying to shape you. To God all glory & praise is given. God may ask you to give something or someone up. Thats something you can reflect on. Its easy to amass a large following by telling them what they want to hear. You hear and feel rain drops, but you do not see the rain with your physical eyes. Fornow we see in a mirror dimly, butthen face to face. Actually, this is part of the devil's plan to keep you from receiving your blessings. In our human reasoning this seems like a very encouraging message. "Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. The reason being is that He may want to test your resolve to stay out of any type of serious sin. In the kind of world we now live in, this test will actually be hard for many to pass. He will show you the opposition, the giants, the strongholds, and the points of resistance you will have to directly face. If you are ever faced with this kind of a severe test with the Lord, you will have to make a very big decision one way or the other. He said they would all wander in the desert for the next 40 years where they would then all eventually die out there. Stay pliable in His hands and remember His promise: If you are . . This is where God will be showing you what is on the other side of your true calling in Him. But my favorite act of serving God is revealing his truth in written format. I suggest you examine if you have any of these 7 areas of pride to humbly wait for God. Ever since I fell back into the sin everything has spiralled slowly worse in my life. He is the One who will be making all of the major chess moves on your chess board. Pride is being stripped in your life and you are aware that you dont know everything. This is where you have done everything you have been asked to do, but now God is going to ask you to just sit and wait for the big breakthrough to occur. It states: I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser.Every branch in me that does not bear fruithe takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes,that it may bear more fruit. An idol is anyone or anything that we put before God. 1. I was told I had a mild heart Attack.I was admitted in the hospital,being prep for them to check on my heart. This is happening because God has put a burden on your heart to explore this subject in hopes of being properly prepared. From Bondage to Breakthrough: Experience Healing, Wholeness, and Victory Through the Anointing Oil . God had been giving me grace/time to understand what needed to be done. This puts you in a position to receive all He has for you! The first test I will show you, and this one was very severe, is what I call the obedience test. But when you learn to radically accept the will of God and truly follow him no matter what, not only will you be preparing your heart to receive future blessings you dont possess yet, you will also experience freedom and contentment right now. Then I came across really bad temptations and have been in this sin since. In my opinion, this next type of test may be the most trying and possibly the most severe. later he came out to tell family how sick I was. The universe is trying to upgrade your life. There is no place better to be than in the arms of the Father when you're going through seasons of testing. I remember opening the door and then I passed out on the floor. Pursuing your purpose and shining brightly has become a non negotiable for you. Now here are 4 very powerful and dramatic tests that God the Father had arranged for some of His people to pass back in both the Old Testament and New Testament of the Bible. 10 of the spies come back with a bad report. Receiving a breakthrough from God will change your life and the problem with. You are learning to submit to God when its hard rather than take things into your own hands! At your name, every knee will bow and every tongue confess that you are Lord. When you are unable to accept the will of God for your life, you will always be discontent and disappointed, solely focused on what you dont have and missing out on all that God has already blessed you with. As Jesus said in Luke 6:32. And if God tested His very own Son with a specific test, then you can rest assured that He will test each one of you out if you have a specific type of calling in His perfect plan for your life. At your name, demons flee. This type of test could occur to some of you right before your big breakthrough with the Lord. For example, you may see a padlock being opened, or chains breaking. In Christian circles, a spiritual breakthrough can be defined as a time when a . As we all know, these 10 spies flunked this test not only for themselves, but for the rest of the men and woman over 20 years of age. Can we learn to praise Him in the storm, in the uncertain future, and when were being pushed outside of our comfort zone? I prayed and prayed throughout the exam, and learned just how weak I really am. He may ask you to give up the job you are currently working at, or the person you are currently dating, as this person may not be the one that He has personally picked out to be your mate in this life. As we all know, Jesus passed this test with flying colors and the Bible says that He did not commit so much as one sin when He walked among us for those 33 years. by Anna Bachinsky. Breakthrough happens when we say, "I'm going to trust that God is going to supernaturally do the impossible." Life Challenges. You see ZERO evidence of your breakthrough actually happening, but you refuse to waver in your faith. God though keeps tapping me ever since, I haven't lost faith in Him but I've turned my back in some parts. God May Be Delaying Your Breakthrough Because Your Breakthrough Will Actually Come Through Your Development of Radical Acceptance. Your email address will not be published. I will show you the opposition, the strongholds, and study Lessons on for. 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