Proverbs 18:19. There have been, since, Christian men and women who resort to the same method of avoiding contention; and with the example of the Apostles before us, we can have no doubt that they are justified in so doing. 2. We could as rationally set out to find a sound that had expired in air, as to find a lost moment. And when we reflect what infinite results depend upon what a man does with his time, we can see the force of the proverb, because the slothful man is a waster of the most precious commodity in this world. The married who is truly Christian knows that, even though sometimes things are badly matched, still his marriage relation is well pleasing to God as His creation and ordinance, and what he therein does or endures, passes as done or suffered for God.Luther. Time has crumbled their once mighty walls, and made them unfit for purposes of defence. As expressing a need of human nature. She said, "Oh yes, Mommy." So if a man is to be a wise man, if his mental and spiritual capabilities are to be developed as his Creator intended they should be, he must at times separate himselfa certain amount of solitude is indispensable. "[1] Hooke preferred this; "A man who wishes to separate from friends seeks excuses; but at all times he will be liable to reproach. It prevents waste of material wealth. All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, But the LORD weighs the spirits. proverbs 18:1 studylight. Proverbs 18:8. He declares that the state of the inward manits rest or unrest, its gladness or its gloomdepends very much upon the use that is made of the tongue. 3. If the soul, therefore, would lie quiet, and yield to its own light, it would be joined by what is higher, and would contain, or control its own malady; God helping, as He would, would check, and get the better of it; but a spirit of upbraidingand by this is meant precisely the quarrel (chap. The Apostle James charges even the professed followers of Christ with having despised the poor (James 2:6). Although it tends to his own personal exaltation and benefit, it is not bestowed for that purpose only or chiefly. Proverbs. They become uneasy, fretted, and fidgetty; and are ever anxious to catch at any occasion for cutting the matter short and being done with it. The need of cross-examinationof another to come and search him. Questioning may not convict the first person of any mis-statement, but it may elicit other facts which give quite a different colouring to the whole. Arise, go forth into the plain, and I will there talk with thee (Ezekiel 3:22). You faith tested - Jesus sees. Verse 9 . Wherefore let reason and indifferency hear the differences that are between any, and if it can be done let them be reconciled. Many offences touch the body which extend not to the soul; but if the soul be grieved, the sympathising flesh suffers deeply with it. Leviticus 20-21; Proverbs 30; Matthew 14:1-21. The tongue in its mighty influence is a king having the power of life and death. This one thing is everything with him. I. Article. Studylight has an interesting tool called "Verse-by-Verse Bible Commentary" - This allows you to quickly see the comments from multiple resources without having to leave the page. Wins souls can also mean "takes lives or destroys lives," as presented in the Holman Christian Standard Bible ("but violence takes lives") and the Christian Standard Bible ("a cunning person takes lives"). A man, when he is alone, is more likely to see things as they really are; he is less under the influence of the seen and temporal than when he is in the market, or on the crowded highway, and consequently things unseen and eternal have a more powerful influence over him at such a season. II. And the mother thought, "Uh-oh, this is it. This thought is still clearer in the verse that follows:Death and life are in the power (literally the hand) of the tongue. There can be no doubt that mens conduct (for tongue is but the leading instrument of it) determines death or life, yet, in spite of the adventurous hazard, their love to it (or literally, just as they love this or that sort of tongue), they shall eat its fruit, and incur, of course, fearful responsibilities.Miller. The man who hid the Lords talent was visited with a stern sentence as a positive transgressor (Matthew 25:25). St. Gregory saith by patience we possess our souls, because, while we learn to bear rule over ourselves, we begin to possess that which we are. 3 Doing wrong leads to disgrace, and scandalous behavior brings contempt. II. Go back within the wallsSee upon the tower the nameI am the Lord; I change not (Malachi 3:6). It is a fine adage, even for this world but when applied to our Great Brother, and to our God and King, it is one of the noblest of inspired texts. The Vulgate, Septuagint, and Arabic, read as follows: "He who wishes to break with his friend, and seeks occasions or pretenses, shall at all times be worthy of blame.". That this is by no means the rule we have many proofs, but that the tendency is strong we know not only from observation but from the frequent warnings against it in the Word of God. They become unreasonable in discussion and blind to the viewpoints of others. Let him trust in the name of the Lord, and stay upon his God (Isaiah 1:10). A. James, is the most precious thing in the world. That it prevents waste of time. They are ever marvelling how other folks do. This is a Sabbath altogether moral, never to be abrogated. He was fully conscious of the fact that a real partner of his lifeone woman to be a help-meet for him according to the Divine intentionwould have added much more to his real welfare than the thousand counterfeits to whom it was an insult to God to give the name of wives. Verse 7. 1 Unfriendly people care only about themselves; they lash out at common sense. We are repeatedly said to be saved by the name of God (Psalms 54:1; John 17:11-12). Some of the most criminal and violent people have thought themselves pure in their own eyes. This proverb treats of a twofold aspect of human life which furnishes a strong proof of the fallen condition of human nature. The spirit of a man, at least among those to whom Solomon wrote, had truth enough to save him if he would only listen. I. This appears to me the best meaning: the reader may judge for himself. General Reference . and be exalted on high. But it is not so easy to capture a human heartan angry brother must be subdued by different means, and by weapons which require more skilful handling. The last clause of this verse may be divided into two smaller ones and placed in apposition, thus: a bubbling brook,a fountain of wisdom. March 11. The favour of a good parent is a thing prized highly by a dutiful child, and enhances the value of every other blessing. Life is a wide thing; and might, at least, be acted through, before in the darker points we insist upon a judgment Folly, and therefore, mischief; shame, and therefore, ill desert. The word also here used may seem to refer this verse to that which goeth before it; and then it is a further description of a talebearer. Perhaps the next verse helps us to determine the meaning (Stuart). Many of the ancient fortresses that are scattered over our land were once deemed impregnable refuges. But although they bade defiance to many an assault of men in battle-array, they have had to yield to a more subtle enemy. But these human vipers infuse their poison in the language of kindness and love. His attention soon flags; he gets sick of it; he seems as if he were listening when he is not, and with a yawn of exhaustion and misery he pronounces his verdict, and at times with great decision, for no other purpose than to get quit of the trouble. since against everything stable he just lets himself roll. The whole meaning is that the lost man is in high chase under the spur of appetite, and ruthlessly bears down everything stable.Miller. Each last strong speech comes out victorious. He does violence to his own understandingto those mental faculties which enable him to place things side by side and to compare them, and to sift and weigh evidence before he arrives at a conclusion. . It will bring you before great men. The righteous By faith and prayer, devotion toward God, and dependance on . The cold-hearted, speculative professor has his flowsometimes a torrent of words, yet without a drop of profitable matter; chilling, even when doctrinally correct; without life, unction, or love. Water may be sent through a tract of country by artificial means; fields may be watered and reservoirs filled by calling in science to supply natural deficiencies. The spirit of a man may control his sickness, but a spirit of upbraiding, who can carry that? To give all up, and simply lie back and murmur, is bad even for worldly disorders; but Solomon derives out of it a much more profound spiritual sense. Casting his eye along the work, as he laid down his tools and adjusted his apron, he detected a defect, and instantly called out to his senior partner that the wall was not plumb. They bring contempt, not to themselves only, but to the places they fill, and the societies to which they become unitedto themselves, for the unworthy manner in which they fulfil the duties of the trust they have assumed, or have had committed to them; and to their places and societies, with which their names are associated. He reverses what the proverb pronounces natural. Reciprocal: Judges 8:3 - Then 1 Samuel 25:13 - Gird ye Psalms 37:8 - Cease Proverbs 14:17 - that Proverbs 17:14 - leave Proverbs 17:27 - an excellent spirit Proverbs 18:19 . An alternative interpretation is not difficult to find. The sentence means that when a man gets separated from his place in the universe he seeks, or has a pursuit, after his present bent or longing. Sometimes family feuds have led men to resort to this terrible method of settling disputes, and men of the same parentage have fought till one shed the others blood. We ought to submit to mystery in God, for the tide of His utterance is to flow on for ever.Miller. 5 18 m Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. Through desire a man having separated himself, &c. ] Here the reading that is in margin, methinks, is the better: "He that separates himself" - either from his friend, as the old interpreter makes the sense, or from anything . I. How many illustrations of this last case we have in men who have been desperately wounded in battle, and yet have been so intensely absorbed in the terrible contest that they have seemed scarcely aware of it, and have kept their position until their strength has utterly failed. We think it treats of. There is, probably, no part of this earthteeming although it is with riches enough to satisfy the needs of every living thingin which those are not to be found who have to struggle hard for their daily bread, and who even then come off with but a scanty share. My old MS. Bible translates, Occasioun seeketh that wil go awei fro a freend: at al tyme he schal ben wariable. One of the many evils of poverty. 18 Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound judgment. It is a vapid distinction to say a good wife, and the Bible many a time hurries on without any such distinction (comp. The painter that has conceived a picture in his mind, and then, seeing it upon canvas, thinks of the many eyes who will gaze upon it with interest, and of those who perchance will be elevated and instructed by it, feels a satisfaction in the thought that it owes its existence to himthat without the working of his brain and hand it would not have been. We must try to fathom the profound meaning which is hidden under this simple but striking proverb. There can be no doubt that each has its peculiar temptations (see chap. They entail ignominy and reproach upon all they have to do with. Because it is hard to break through. To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary. When two talk in diverse languages they are known to be men of diverse countries; but when the poor and rich talk together, so different is their speech that one would hardly think them to be both men, and of the same nature. But upon the moral quality of the fruit of his mouth will depend the length and depth of his satisfaction. And in no case is this more true, than with regard to offices in the Church. 1. and against all sound judgment starts quarrels. A thousand counterfeit coins, even if they pass as genuine for a time, are nothing worth in comparison with one real golden sovereign. But. So the Jewish commentators generally. his good name. He currently serves now as the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Santa Barbara. II. 4 The words of a man's mouth are deep waters, but the fountain of wisdom is a bubbling brook. Solomon again and again reverts to the mighty influences for good and evil which flow from the use of the tonguethat little member upon which such great issues often depend. Contention between any men is a plain proof that there is some flaw in human nature, that the relations of human creatures are not what they ought to be. i. a. We follow the authorised version. Men would justly say that the house or the picture had as yet no existence, and therefore could not be judged. There must be a withdrawal, to commune with thine own heart and to ask the questionsWhere art thou? I'd never be able to see Begin if we didn't have a gift for him, for Israel. Wisdom must be reduced to practice in sinking the shaft and in working the mine before the hidden wealth is brought to light to enrich its owner. and observes, that their Rabbins explain it of Lot separating from Abraham, following the desires of his heart: but R. Saadiah Gaon better interprets it of an apostate from religion; that objects to everything solid and substantial, in a wrangling and contentious manner; and "shows his teeth" i at it, as Schultens, from the use of the Arabic word, renders it. The common course is that seeking goes before getting, but here getting is first, and seeking follows after. However, we do not feel this is the best method for using the Blue Letter Bible. Then your body also is full of darkness. If one member of the body politic, by the position which he holds and the ability which he possesses, is able to exercise a very powerful influence in the kingdom for weal or for woe, men watch him narrowly and jealously to see how he uses his power, and if they are anxious for the well-being of the State they endeavour to restrain him when he is going wrong and stimulate him when he is using his influence for the right. 2 A fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself. The last requires more self-denial, humility, and patience, and therefore is more practically useful.Bridges. In any of these straits a soul can find no strong city of refuge in the possession of untold millions; these enemies laugh at such a wall of defence. Proverbs 2:7), yielding the sense the lost man sits careless to what is stable. He does not regard it. No physical force can break down enmity of hearteven God cannot reconcile men unto Himself by His physical omnipotence, but wins them by love. But it is pre-eminently the godly man who can sustain infirmity of body. A heart made discerning gains in knowledge, etc. John separated himself in the wilderness, Paul in Arabia, our blessed Lord in frequent retirement, in order to greater concentration in their momentous work. In this proverb he indirectly condemns himself and warns others by his own example. For he who knows only his own side of the case is convicted of knowing little of that; his reasons may be good and no one may have been able to refute them, but if he is equally unable to refute the reasons on the opposite side, if he does not so much as know what they are, what rational ground has he for preferring either opinion?Jacox. Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound . Because it is the only thing that separates them. Proverbs. The tiller of the soil knows from experience that the useless weeds and noxious plants often seem to absorb all the nutriment from the earth, and so make it well-nigh impossible for the useful herb and sweet-scented flower to grow in the same field or garden. Proverbs 26:22, and will bear very different renderings. It is unwise to be antisocial in the schismatic sense of that word (cf. The poor useth entreaties; but the rich answereth roughly ( Proverbs 18:23 ). I shall always endeavour to make choice of such a woman for my spouse who hath first made choice of Christ as a spouse for herself; that none may be made one flesh with me who is not made one spirit with Christ my Saviour. The favour of God is a fortune for a period which extends beyond that named in the marriage vow, it is a fortune which no creature can afford to despise, and a blessing which those who know Him prize before all things in earth or heaven. Jobs incautious self-defence was laid open by Elihus probing application. Jeroboamthe second; who died in the fifteenth year of Uzziah's forty-one years' reign.From his time forth all Israel's kings worshipped false gods: Zachariah (2 Kings 15:9), Menahem (2 Kings 15:18), Pekahiah (2 Kings 15:18- :), Pekah (2 Kings 15:28), Hoshea (2 Kings 17:2).As Israel was most flourishing externally under Jeroboam . He came at the appointed time, laid the foundations according to the specifications, and proceeded with his building, course upon course, according to the approved methods of his craft. But Samuel searched him, and laid open his rebellion. As we saw in the previous chapter (Proverbs 18:14) contention or strife is an evil of which none at its beginnings can see the end. They are often held in contempt even while living, and the reproaches of those who have been made to suffer by them are heaped upon their heads. This proverb is similar in context to Psalm 1:1-3: "Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. There seems no Scriptural prohibition to the use of this ordinance, provided it be exercised in a reverential dependence upon God, and not profaned for common purposes or worldly ends. David said, "I will love thee, O LORD, my strength" ( Ps 18:1 ). Genesis 13:11). To commit sin is the killing of the soul; to refuse hope of mercy is to cast it down to hell. Deal much in secrecy, if thou wouldst know the secret of the Lord. Like thy Divine Master, thou wilt never be less alone than when alone (Ib. We have provided this method as a convenience to our users. The slothful man is a waster of Gods most precious gifts. Heads, we will. If you say he spent the night in a den of lions you read the story superficially. Proverbs 18. A vessel that has gone to pieces upon the rocks may still be used to prevent others from sharing her fate. Can't agree on something, we'll flip a coin. The word of the Lord that came unto HoseaSee :-. God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him Learn more about Desiring God I. Stuart understands this in the sense of to deserve., Proverbs 18:8. He can stand it no longer. But the words are the stream which the deep waters send forth. Our translation seems to take it as an excitement to diligence in the pursuit of wisdom. If you store bad fruit (sin) in your heart, you will always produce sin, if you store good fruit, that is what your mouth (tongue . Granted that it is a defence against some very real ills, who can insure to himself a continuance of his present possessions? If we have to decide between the two interpretations, one blaming and the other commending the life of isolation, the answer must be that the former is more in harmony with the broad, genial temper of the Book of Proverbs.Plumptre. The former jumped to a conclusion from over-eagerness; this comes soon to a close from sheer sluggishness of mind. He who quarrels with our Surety snaps to the lock of a citadel; and then, alas, it shall be, just as the wild rush of embittered enemies should have roused him to enter in.Miller. Proverbs 18:16. One greater than Solomon astonished the people by the clearness, no less than by the depth of the waters (Matthew 7:28-29). But, alas, disputes often lead to far more serious consequences, and that life of man, which is at the best so limited, has been made much shorter by the sword of his fellow-man. Proverbs 18:14. The motive is through (his own) desire of being esteemed singularly learned, as Proverbs 18:2 shows, not from sincere delight in understanding. His aim is singularity, through self-seeking desire (Psalms 10:3; Psalms 112:10) of raising himself to a separate elevation from the common crowd, and of being thought versed in all that can be known: so he intermeddleth with all wisdom. His restless appetite for making himself peculiar and separate from others is marked by the indefinite verb seeketh, it not being added what he seeketh, for he hardly knows himself what.Fausset. Words Kill, Words Give Life. Meditation on Proverbs 18:13. II. We know there have been many noble exceptions to this rulethat there have been hundreds of poor men who have preferred starvation to a forfeiture of any part of their God-given inheritancebut the temptation of the poor man in this direction is often very strong by reason of his great necessity. If you want to have friends, you've just got to show yourself friendly. 17, Proverbs 17:15 and Proverbs 17:26. The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly. esther job psalms proverbs ecclesiastes song of solomon isaiah jeremiah lamentations ezekiel [Note: Toy, p. So same concept, another proverb. If there is water beneath the surface of the earth it must force its way and find an outlet; it needs no hand of man to come to its aid; it penetrates the soil and forms a fertilising stream in obedience to natural law. A man's gift [given in love or courtesy] makes room for him And brings him before great men. Many men seek secular knowledge for the sole purpose of acquiring fame by the acquisition. On this subject see also Homiletics on chap. Contempt and reproach are their final portion. And a poor man has also to bend his will to the will of his richer neighbourto endure often th oppressors wrong, the proud mans contumely. Wealth is a defence against all these enemies to a mans comfort. It actually brought me before Begin last week. A man's belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth; and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled ( Proverbs 18:20 ). Adams. But they who have already found it are so affected with the worth of it, so directed by the light of it, as that they still seek more, still get more.Jermin. 2:4; 2 Pet 3:9), we should seek for a different interpretation. NIV. The spirit of a man will sustain his weakness; but a wounded spirit who can bear? Till now he had no idea of his need of salvation. The very name that is cavilled at by the lost is the foundation of the Christians safety. How many do we find who will not change their sentiments about religion, or about persons and things, upon the clearest evidence, and give way to anger upon the least contradiction to their favourite notions, as if their dearest interests were attacked! For their parts, all that comes in finds its way off from them as fast as it comes, and many a time faster! Partner with as God uses us to make a difference for those displaced by Russia's war on Ukraine. II. The name of the Lord. God has revealed Himself to men by many names, each one of which is intended to set forth some attribute of His perfect nature. Here the righteousthe man justified by the grace, and sanctified by the Spirit, of Godrunneth every day, every hour; realizing at once his fearful danger, and his perfect security.Bridges. deliver us from this barren talk of the lips (chap. Verse 4. They keep no daily reckoningno accounts; and so their money is gone, they cant tell howthey had no idea they were living at such a rate!and even when they have made the discovery there is no improvement. The broken timbers may serve to light a beacon fire which may warn other vessels to take another course. Hence. There are several methods by which a city may be won. Tails, we won't. We know the viper. Or if this is to be understood of a vain glorious person, the sense is, "he intermeddles" or "mingles himself with all business" h, as it may be rendered; he thrusts himself into affairs that do not concern him, and will pass his judgment on things he has nothing to do with; or he monopolizes all knowledge to himself, and will not allow any other to have any share with him. 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