The budget above even includes gas for our boat to go water skiing 1-2 times a week. Now we can just parlay all of our savings into investments and real estate. Swap hair cuts. I relate w/U; My only health care is VA hardship + medicaid for an ER trip if it comes up; And medicaid dental which took 2 yrs to get on for just the basics (77 yo). e) Make hamburger stew. Something to think about. BUTTHINGS HAPPENyou are at the bottom of the barrel with your expenses already but i do hope you enjoy life and have love because thats what is rich in life. 2023 Speaker Series on California's Future In-Person and Online. The way you phrased this is misleading. Need medical to prove to ssdi I cant work. Julie, In would love to live in New York City, even Queens, but how does one find a rent-controlled apartment? ugh. Catherine, Im sure you are a precious person and you should not feel bad or ashamed at all. Also I buy an unlocked phone and pay cash for it. Be great full for everything you have and try to teach people how to live within their means and how to save. (Was an engineer until reagan took it all away: career, 3br house, cars, life-long pension, health, . Hey. I notice you dont list paying for health insurance and auto insurance. I live 9k below the poverty line for 2 people. But the fact remains that you still have financial security. To get me back to work. 125% of HHS Poverty Guidelines*. I hope thats a joke because Ive experienced nothing more depressing & stressful than having to live like this especially once a child was added. I make 22,000 a yr. & about $6,000 in child support.. Try to Create More Income: Its hard to save money when you have none to save. Turn off the television and Youtube cat videos and take an Online class. So I think government should help Americans depending on there situation. First is a determination a drive and a unwillingness to NOT be a victim. The whole thing is one big joke. It was warm and filled our bellies. As I read these things, I realize I am working far too hard for too little. So, what is the federal poverty line? A lot of people have to live on that amount of money or less I have not seen too many posted comments about having a low quality of life. I also think thats ok as long as we are taking care of ourselves (with or without legitimate government assistance.) There is just nothing closer. Im not judging you for being in the situation you are in, I admire you for cutting back where you can. Do I let it bother me? And I have savings to pad any emergency or big ticket items. Got no medical. When you are sick, in pain and will be broke, you really dont give a shit anymore. And items like laundry soap and shampoo and cleaning bathroom 40 a month. I get 825.00 SSDI & 60.00 food stamps, total 885.00. Not a Facebook or Google+ user, so Ill leave my question here. Im a single Mom of a 2 yr. old. I could send the bed back that would be another 104 save. 12. Not really. Just wanted to say thanks I appreciate your incites. Like about 6 thousand more Dollars than i can afford. Where you choose to live, where you choose to shop, what you choose to need in life to make you happy. The figures are WAY low with the heightened expenses these days. We never went without. When I was in community college, I attended with almost exclusively middle class students who drove while I took the bus. Love tinkering with my home when I am here, about 300/mo. For example, in 2022 it is $13,590 for a single adult person, $27,750 for a family of four and $46,630 for a family of eight. 183 0 obj <> endobj They simply will not even think of applying for something they feel is beneath them. For years my mother helped me out. Im currently studying pre-pharmacy, and hopefully, I can achieve this as to become a pharmacist to be able to provide for my family. I really think of myself as a saver, but apparently I am not as frugal as I thought! I do not like to bring up issues without offering possible solutions. :), And $1.50 for coffee? We try and save money, but our savings have been drained due to normal life things happening. I live in the Philippines now which is the only place I can afford to live.I have no luxuries. Phone 20/mo. Calculate California FPL based on your income 2. You cant hand-wash a GI and have it be dry the next day. Which is far less than even the average rent on a studio apartment. I dont have to pay rent etc., which would be about $150-$300/month, presents and postage in local currency cost about $75/year, local holidays and vacations run about $100/yr. Dylan: If ya aint got nuthin, ya go nuthin to lose is becoming my motto. How asinine is that! Yes, I know that I am comparing apples (income) to oranges (expenses) but that is the point. Sell storage space. There are bunches of free ones out there. F. Hold a garage sale. No cellphone or cable or tv.Just myself and my wife trying to get along on $753.Per month SS. 4. Stay strong! Its a lot easier to live with little money and still enjoy the quality of life if one does it as a choice, instead of a necessity. (Ask them to come to your house, so you dont have to pay for gas.) Of course, I have the benefit of free meals from my employer, so my grocery bill is about $30/month, and I drive a fully paid 02. 5. do you pay for car insurance. Happy job hunting! A few of years ago, I had an eye irritation and went to a doctor. I have been extremely blessed. The house we rent is essentially a studio, in a poor neighborhood. Car insurance 42 dollars a month. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. These are all things that are on my to-do list. I hear you. So expensive but worth it for me. Please provide the eligibility, reporting, and targeting requirements to the applicable service providers to ensure program compliance. I understand that the point is to live simply and save the rest for these expenses, but I think this article trivializes the plight of that 15% of people who doesnt find living inexpensively a game. I went to a drugstore and was told the cost would be something like one fifty. I naively thought it was $1.50, since these simple generic eye-drops obviously would cost more than a few dollars. The poverty guidelines apply to both aged and non-aged units. This article has been updated to cover the U.S. federal poverty line income levels for 2022 and 2023. I have cable/ internet and phone at about 200 a month Now, we can easily do it, but found that we can do everything we want to on this amount. Instead of taking care of the illegals. Good luck to you! Rent/Mortgage, Electric, water, garbage, (880.00), Insurance, (House, life, Medical, Auto, & Pet). the good is the National health service, all medicine is free, you may have to pay a charge for your prescription , currently 8gbp , but everything else , operations etc is free, it seems hard for most of us. Why? So when we discuss we need to discuss true poverty and living with real poverty. Alaska and Hawaii have different federal poverty levels than the 48 contiguous states and District of Columbia, due to elevated cost of living in those states. I dont need a car, cable, etc to survive. California Department of Public Health. We arent miserable, but we arent happy either. I get free medical care. If I sell that house it would not cover what I owe on my mortgage and I would have absolutely no income. We couldnt afford the option we had for both control (due to my health issues) and the result is a large living family on next to no income. I always loved mechanic work and have the tools to work on my home. I was a varsity tennis player, a class officer and an A student. Omg I cant believe u jus said that, what a horrible way of thinking! endstream endobj startxref Good luck to all of you trying to survive in this economy. You mention hubby had heart attacks. I am now 47 going on 48 and have Sjogrens, Lupus, Common Variable Immune Deficiency and thyroid cancer. Or $600 per month. our basic national wage is gbp 6.35 which is about 8-9 usd, it is as hard here asit seems to be in the USA, we have two main things that do differ , one good and one bad . We do not drink smoke or have cell phones, jut a small track phone that cost ten bucks. I am 61 & not eligible for SS ) After foreclosure & bankruptcy in 2008 ( GM closed plant) which relieved us of our home& cars ( also removing our ability to look for employment) we are surviving (?) In California, an estimated 12.3% of 38,481,790 people live in poverty. A new political party, that represents all of us, and we vote them into office is what it is going to take. Poverty Guidelines. These houses have families men, women, and children. In fall 2021, nearly two-thirds (64.2%) of poor Californians lived in families with at least one working adult, excluding families with only adults 65 and older. Brush w/iodine waterpik and now, BP, glucose down; old back and knee surgeries healed, no dental probs any more. Watch out for thieves. Im also referring to people who did not give up looking for work and continue. I never finished due to becoming ill. Inquiries may be directed to the CDA . Some people can derive a lot of pleasure from choosing to live at the poverty level and save/invest the rest of their income. $140 Utilities (this drops big time in the winter) The only reason I am not currently living in poverty is because I was left an inheritance. 4. how often do you buy a car, which would require car payments unless you pay cash. (Yearly the loses will be 2% to 4% to 8% to 16% to 32%). We all are responsible for what is happening. Your wife works. Sorry, that should be $129 thousand ceiling for paying into Social Security. You might need to have a car for this one. AND read good spiritual books. 7. If ineligible for Medi-Cal, consumers may qualify for a Covered California health plan with . But I cant qualify for assistance because I make to much! I couldnt live on $31/month. I have contemplated moving down south, but Medicare is not taken everywhere and I would miss my best friend who is the only real lifeline who gets me by. The rate of Californians who were near poor (with resources up to one and a half times the CPM poverty line) fell slightly, from 17.6% in 2019 to 17.0% in 2021. But, if you are working make sure you put aside a few bucks no matter how hard it is. Someone who is well, or two people who are well, go get two jobs and make some money because things are not always going to be like this. Utilities and insurance for car and house $350 our car is sixteen. You only like it now because you are well. Im fortunate to get nice shampoo for myself. So we making it for now. 3. do you have expenses for telephone and cable/internet. Poverty in California fell nearly 5 points between 2019 and fall 2021. And you might even have a little fun in the process and give back to those more in need. ; Technical Appendix A. I find this article and comments very interesting. Auto maintenance. Our lifestyle does not come close to matching our income level. The secret seems to be in our attitude. I currently live far about the poverty line, but have less free time and disposable income then many who live closer. Our rent is $600 plus utilities that vary greatly. I live on a yearly total income of 11,000. Could I live below that level? of course there is no funds for habitual products, movies, vacations or trips, no entertainment at all. The depression from illness and the worry of finances has caused both my therapist and doctor to get me on antidepressants as of today. Better yet, organize a lawn service and pay the neighborhood boys to do it. Federal means-tested public benefits include food stamps, Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and the State Child Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). In the United States, 12.8% of 324,173,084 people live in poverty. I have been entertaining the thought of selling the house and renting, but rent and renters insurance are as much if not more than my current housepayment. You cant afford to go to the ER, you cant afford the car repairs. I live in Los Angeles. Heck my health insurance alone is 12k a year(self Employed, single dad to 3 boys). ; -). What is my point? This definitely is a good way to look at things, but it also puts things into sort of a sad perspective. Thank the gays theyre Always ALWAYS the first ones in to come fix up neighborhoods where the great LAPD ugh wont even go in. That leaves about 500/mo. It is beyond weird how to navigate through the waters of future poverty. I get by, I do feel kind of poor since I can not always afford food. Here are some ideas, none of them are easy: We cook up great organic vegetarian meals, enjoy an occasional bottle of wine or homebrew, have a solid humble home in a good community, we have multiple mobile devices, high-speed internet, fancy bikes, clothing, TV, computers, car, backpacking gear, and even take nice cheap vacations. Im A single mother and work 7 days a week averaging 60 hour weeks! I just dont have a car, cable, etc. No books in that houseThats also after taxes not before. In addition, I get social security of about $1100/month, from which I pay life insurance ($540/yr. But lets face it 10 -13 years ago Los Angeles was only able to have a few were people would feel safe and could actually live Safeway butt its always the games and eventually The Young white yuppie couples who want that cute house the gay guys had the balls to move into when it was still a crime.drug.gang infested neighborhood. BTW, I was curious about the poverty level in the US for 2014, and my search led me to this site. Where is your compassion? Which would create a much different outcome. Ive spent well over a decade optimizing my finances. Official websites use .gov Earlier this year some one syphoned the gas out of our gas tank. While I might appreciate your dedication to living frugal I also think it is obvious that your lucky or Bless with good health, a good education and a partner who is also of the same thinking. Is impossible to live on. The state has a guideline as to how much food, housing, or other resources a family need according to size and income. child, and one school-age child. Health insurance at full premium through a group plan at work: $550/mo (I am considered uninsurable on all private plans), Cost of medications and medical supplies with insurance: 250/mo, Cost of hospital bill repayments: $70/month. All it takes is one disaster when one lives on the edge to change ones life from comfortable to misery. You need to replace the word live with the word survive. Neither the rate nor the number in poverty was significantly different from 2020 (Figure 1 and Table A-1). If just the ISP would come down. You can even do it fairly comfortably if youre lucky or if you live somewhere with a low cost of living. We worry and wonder what we will do if something catastrophic happens. My mom used to make Boston style beans for church potlucks. Example: The 99ers and beyond. 2022 U.S. You can do it. Sure we can pitch a tent and eat beans, while the few mega-cheaters control 70% of everything. There is no joy in my life. The District of Columbia was the only location with a higher rate of poverty than California. L.A. has changed SO INTENSELY ONLY for the better so why do the Latinos want to keep it unsafe and crime drug murder rate city it was just a decade ago??? I work part-time, been trying to find a full-time job, but have been told that I have been part-time too long (thats all that is out there, unless I take a several thousand dollar pay cut that I cant afford!) I have never read you column before, so if I misjudge you, I apologize. Its a joke. Gross urban. We were served cereal even if it weavels in it. If so, do you feel poor or deprived? ), , Medicare ($120?/month), presents ($2000/yr. ), education and professional expenses (~$2000/yr.). I used to have a friend that lived in an apartment building with several single moms. I became ill at age 18. Another factor for some folks being counted below the poverty line is tips wages, they are paid a $2.13/hour base wage and there are a lot of people who work in tipped professions who dont report their tips accurately. However a few years ago when I was single, I think I couldve easily done it and I saved lots of money to boot even w/ a low salary compared to most of my peers and colleagues. I do believe that some people do go into politics trying to make a change, and are bombarded with corruption that entices them with a better life for themselves, and then forget about the rest of us. Virtual Event, January 26, 2023 This is a crock. I have met many people with a great deal of Schooling but can not think independently. For us it was a special treat, we didnt know any better. If it werent for my SS, wed be in worse shape. If you spend more than you make, you are not below the poverty line. We were able to buy a house in cash after working our tails off through college to stay out of debt, and going even crazier for a few years afterwards. You can take a weekend and go out with the family and have a little money left to tuck away for the next unexpected bill to come along or medical expense the Medicaid in my case ( Molina ) will not pay for or decide due to your age you do not need to have. if you are poor there are often many reasons that you cannot move somewhere cheaper. If you have money to homebrew you are not hurting for cash and cant really understand how those living paycheck to paycheck are. d) Teach the neighbor in c above to read english, or tutor his kids. tinkering expense. Are your annual expenses below poverty line or near it? I made people uncomfortable. We may have basic necessities and luxuries such as cell phones, cable, and so on, but I dont think my family are happy as they want more out of this life like with bigger house and fancier stuff. Right now, I may am receiving Social Security benefits, but Im currently without a health insurance. Thats cold, and what makes you such a great specimen? There is an abundance of resources, know how, and energy. Los Angeles (13.7%) and Orange (13.1%) Counties had the highest poverty rates; the Central Valley and Sierra region had the lowest (9.3%), largely due to lower housing costs. About once a month when she didnt have enough for dinner, she would make rice pudding. At the end of the day, most excuses are just an unwillingness to make different choices. I am no longer concerned about saving or the future. On January 21, 2022, HHS published the new 2022 poverty guidelines . The variable is: is it a loss of job, or an injury that cannot be recovered from, to addiction, onto the best for last divorce. We eat organic and gluten due to horrible food allergies and we homeschool too. It is difficult sometimes when anything extra comes up ie. A note on the UK: A number of years back, I was living in Germany and paying health insurance. The key to this for us has been to say no to a mortgage. Our savings was eaten up in medical bills. I know from experience. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider O thought that was so sadly Repulsive!! And my cobra health plan is 890 a month. I have lived my entire life below the PL making a little less than 11K a year between mom and myself. You have a better chance if you have no expenses, no children. So that is just about 1309 a month for a family of 3 before food costs and basic necessities like clothing, shoes, medical costs or anything else. We have debt, from a time when he ran his own business, and although we could pay on it, once the truck driving went away, now we have creditors hounding us. You are correct and I applaud the get rid of payments orientation. *Modified Adjusted Gross Income Page Last Updated : May 20, 2022 My husband has been unable to find a decent job in four years. And so what? If you brew beer in bulk,you would use minimum of 12 packs as a method of comparison. I we broke it down to net income and not gross net income. 2022 HHS Poverty Guidelines for Affidavit of Support. Anyway, it is silly to try and convince people that it is possible to live at or below the poverty line for any length of time. So those are some thoughts. What if you get sick and cant work. Do you know how to do taxes? Google can you live on minimum wage or go to National Coalition of Homelessness. Offer to sell other peoples stuff at your garage sale for a commission. 8. So in 12 years I averaged around 600 dollars. I Can Tell You At $2,000 To $4,000 Below That Poverty Guideline & Living In A 71 Cost Of Living Index (29 Below The U.S. Average) Surviving Is Very Difficult. The State allows me to have $15. Yeah the poverty level a joke. Home when I was in community college, I apologize both aged and non-aged units such! Of years ago, I do feel kind of poor since I can afford 22,000 a yr. & $. Just an unwillingness to not be a victim should be $ 129 thousand for... Say thanks I appreciate your incites my SS, wed be in worse shape this definitely is crock... For dinner, she would make rice pudding excuses are just an unwillingness to make different choices targeting... Jus said that, what a horrible way of thinking service and pay the neighborhood boys to do it comfortably! One lives on the edge to change ones life from comfortable to misery of finances has caused both my and! The UK: a number of years ago, I attended with almost exclusively middle class students drove! Engineer until reagan took it all away: career, 3br house so. Ugh wont even go in go water skiing 1-2 times a week what a horrible way of!! 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