He touched the scars of his father's trident and then pulled Annabeth close, kissing her for a long time. Jason urged Polybotes to free him, but he laughed, saying Percy would die very slowly, wanting to see him suffer. They finally get the monster started (a dragon with no wings) which is an automaton and get it to help Beckendorf. Hades double-crossed Nico and put Percy in his dungeon, making Nico angry at him, since he wasnt supposed to hurt Percy or arrest him, and he was only supposed to talk to him. The Argo II thought that Nico hated Percy, but it is revealed in Croatia that he actually had a crush on him, to Jason, who kept the secret from the others. 6 Reading Comprehension. Nico and Percy then talked about the plan for Percy to bathe in the Styx. The group discussed Octavian and the giants, and as Kekrops said he was their best bet to make it to the Acropolis, Percy pointed out it might be a trap. Despite this he is perceptive when he needs to be, Percy could tell that Gaea wanted to keep him alive and gambled his life knowing that he was too valuable to Gaea for him to die at that time. Nico reassured him that it was cool and though he was cute, he wasn't his type, and bid the two goodbye to join Will Solace. Percy and Annabeth meet the other five demigods in Epirus and back on the Argo II, he fulfills his promise to Bob, by looking in the starry sky and saying "Bob says hello," before the Argo II continues sailing in the night. They're not particularly close and haven't gotten to know each other well yet, as Percy was initially angry at him for shooting on Camp Jupiter. Nico was surprised when Reyna and Coach Hedge accepted his crush on Percy, which likely encouraged him to come out to him after. Back on the ship later, Nico was determined to rescue Percy and knew he would make it back from Tartarus. The Titan's Curse (2007) is the third installment in Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson & the Olympians series, which centers around the adventures of Percy Jackson, a boy who is the son of the Greek god of the sea Poseidon and a mortal woman named Sally Jackson. Nico said that Percy is the strongest demigod he knows, and that he and Annabeth would make it through Tartarus, but he was secretly unsure if he would live. With that, Percy is restored to his original health and the trio continue their journey to the Doors of Death. Gabe spent much of his time playing Poker with his friends. Percy was mad that he was not allowed to take part in the quest since it was his chance to save Annabeth. However, Nico blames Percy for not protecting her and throws the figurine away, telling him he hates Percy. Suddenly, she turns into the Fury Alecto, and attacks him, looking like a bat with humongous fangs. He arrives home to his horrible step-dad Gabe Ugliano and his friends playing poker. Capping Riptide, Percy asks Grover for the blindfold he was going to use on Pin the Tail on the Human and approaches the celedon. Percy Jackson is a popular teenage character, and his books serve as a great example of how many teenagers can relate to him. Percy asked her to stop the storm, but she refused. Dionysus detests all heroes in general (although he was once a hero himself) due to Theseus's treatment of his wife Ariadne, while Percy resents his antagonistic attitude towards him and the rest of the campers. Take later. Leo also heard about Calypso from Percy, who told him that she was nice and awesome. "And Percy is carrying Piper somewhere. During The Titan's Curse, their relationship becomes a love-hate relationship that a brother and sister would have, even going as far as fighting with their elemental powers. In The Blood of Olympus, he loved all his friends, including Percy, and would do anything for them. First, Percy's father Poseidon comes and tells him that he fears Luke/Kronos is only temporarily defeated and when Percy blew up Mt. As for Nico, Nico missed him a lot and his voice broke when he mentioned him as being the sea expert. Percy also asks if he was a rogue demigod who used to be part of Kronos' Army. While passing through, Bianca took a Mythomagic game piece of Hades for her brother, Nico because it was the only one that Nico didn't have. Percy and Annabeth have been falling for supposedly 9 days into Tartarus. Everybody else believed their pre-algebra teacher was Mrs. Kerr instead, and that they had never met a Mrs. Dodds. Grover frantically imagines a cage around the celedon while playing the lyre, but instead summons a brick wall between Percy and the celedon. Percy was very supportive when he found out that Jason resigned as praetor for Frank and had no arguments about it. Annabeth is offered the quest she has been waiting for since age 7: She must enter the Labyrinth, find Daedalus, and get Ariadne's String before their arch enemy, Luke Castellan does. As Percy gets up, Daedalus comes and tells them that the Labyrinth is tied to his life. Author Rick Riordan's wildly popular Percy Jackson and the Olympians series has sold more than 20 million copies worldwide over the last 10 years and has been on the New York Times best-seller list for 357 weeks, as of May 3. Percy feels tricked until Bessie, the sea creature that had been following him, appears in the water. 536 Takers Personality Quiz. Nico had taken a great interest in the fact that he was a demigod and exchanged many thoughts on the Greek gods, while Bianca had been dumbfounded and was summoned by Artemis with Percy, where Bianca pledged her life to Artemis much to Percy's protests to become a Hunter (unaware at the time that she was a daughter of Hades and by joining the Hunters, she removed herself as a possible subject of the Great Prophecy). Percy gets himself excused from class and goes to help Clarisse and find out why she is there. In The Son of Neptune, Hazel introduces Percy, who lost his memory, to Nico. Nico leaves and Percy had just enough time to turn invisible before the Hunters leave the cabin, with Zo almost bumping into Percy on her way out. Percy apologized that he couldn't help Magnus more, because the sea is unpredictable. At the end of the summer, Percy can't decide whether to stay at camp or enroll in seventh grade and live with his mom. While meeting Sciron, she couldn't believe Percy was a son ph Poseidon, but realized he was like his father's good side, since he was gentle and helpful, like the kind of sea that takes ships safely to distant lands. Soon after, the Fates snip the string of life which makes both Grover very worried that Percy was going to die soon and Percy extremely suspicious. Lighting Theif Chapter 11-14. As for Percy, he trusted Piper and felt responsible for everyone on the ship, including Piper. The next morning, Piper, Annabeth, and Percy saw snake people who he suspected to be dracanae. When Percy told Reyna that Jason was returning, she hoped that was true. Hera, queen of the Olympians and his aunt. Despite being very confident in his own abilities, Hazel Levesque can sense there is a quiet sadness in Percy similar to Jason, like he saw his destiny and knew that one day he would face a monster he couldn't beat. Nico later states in The Mark of Athena that Percy is the most powerful demigod that he has ever met which includes the other members of the Seven who are all extremely powerful in their own right such as Frank Zhang and Jason Grace, the latter of whom is depicted as being nearly equal with Percy in terms of sheer power. Frank then put his hand on Percy's shoulder, agreeing with Jason and saying only Jason, Piper, and Leo can defeat Gaea. Reyna knew that she couldn't do this alone and grasped at anything that could help the legion. Nico ended up doing what Percy said and convincing his father, showing up in the middle of the Battle of Manhattan to help Percy, and asked if it was too late to join the party. When Apollo defeated it, Percy and Chiron ran to avoid being crushed. Jason figured out that Percy was at the Roman camp, and probably didn't know who he was. Percy later questioned Frank Zhang about Nico, wanting to know more about him. After Percy fell to Tartarus, Leo was wracked with guilt and felt like the fortune cookie that Nemesis gave him that saved Hazel and Frank had cost Percy and Annabeth. They camp there for the night, but a limo appears and Percy's blood began to boil, which meant Ares was nearby. After Bacchus left, Percy and Jason were possessed by Eidolons and drew their swords, forced to fight each other, and tried to kill each other until Piper knocked them both out. Setne then rambles on about why he wants to be immortal including getting souvenirs after him such as snow globes. They find another entrance and enter the maze once again. Age Percy has done many things that previous demigod heroes and mortals from mythology have such as: Killed a snake as a young child as Hercules did (, Successfully won a fight with Ares as Diomedes did (, Took the Gray Sisters' eye and threatened them for directions to a location as Jason and Perseus did (, Faced the Sirens, Scylla and Charybdis, Circe, and Laistrygonians as Odysseus did (, Taunted Polyphemus and escaped his cave as Odysseus did (, Got the Golden Fleece as the first Jason did (, Battled and defeated the Nemean Lion, fought the Erymanthian boar and the Hydra, and entered the Garden of the Hesperides as Hercules did (. Percy pleads with Bob for help, but Bob hesitates and allows him and Annabeth to get hurt because he realized that they were the ones who wiped his past memories. Nico takes it very hard and begins to hate Percy, blaming him for his sister's death before running away from camp, telling him he promised to protect her and that he wished he was dead. Although she cursed Annabeth for it, Percy did not blame her but instead blamed himself for not ensuring that the gods freed her from her island. They express their sadness at Jasons death and he says he misses his mothers cooking. Percy is very guilty for Biancas death and blamed himself, thinking it shouldve been him instead. The two skipped stones, and when Percy caught the rock Leo skipped, Leo wanted to show off by blowing up a tour bus with fire. He and his mother are shocked to see Grover outside their cabin, without pants (which Percy recommends not to see that) coming to him and his mom, telling them to leave. But Percy and Apollo were saved after Meg, with the help of Peaches, defeated the Nosoi. Being a son of Poseidon, Percy did not feel Annabeth dropping into the water, which confirms the fact that she had been captured. This resulted in a streak of grey hair for both of them. Annabeth is able to convince Luke to resurface. The problem is that Hades' Keys are in it, which lets anyone out or into the Underworld. Appearances Thalia then runs up to Percy, asking him what he was thinking as when she got to the flag's spot, it was gone. Grover had been waiting for their appearance. He finally decides to go train to clear his mind, where he sees Luke training at swordplay. When they reach the Garden, Percy and Thalia find out that Zo is a Hesperide after meeting her sisters, and she is poisoned by the dragon, Ladon but manages to distract it, clearing a path for the others. GG When he was a toddler, Sally married Gabe Ugliano, hoping his horrible smell would mask her son from the monsters that would hunt him, as monsters are attracted to the scent of demigods - the more powerful they are, the scent is stronger, and since Percy was a son of one of the Big Three, Percys scent is stronger than other demigods. She was happy to see Percy with Annabeth since Annabeth felt truly happy being with him for the first time in months. He probably hated in a personal level, as he often used his beloved ones as traps. June then shows her true form as Juno and the campers bow in respect, except for Percy who thinks that because he carried her all this way, he didn't feel that she deserved his respect (and also because Percy didn't particularly like Juno in her Greek form Hera though he didn't remember that at the time). Percy knew Hazel wanted time alone with Frank and respected that, letting them walking around New Rome alone. Percy and the seven, except Leo, were herded into the Argo II, which was catapulted to Camp by Zeus. We all have strengths and weakness. Percy threw a spike at the statues head and tried to get his dog to attack it. He said he thought his choking was payback from the Fates for what he did to her, and thats why he didn't try to control the poison and get it away from him. The demigod snares onto a billboard to prevent himself from falling and reveals that he wears plain blue boxers claiming they're more comfortable than briefs. A few days later, Reyna Ramrez-Arellano gave he and Annabeth the news that they could go to college and live out their lives in New Rome. Percy tried to reassure Apollo that he belonged at Camp and that he was once in the same situation, but Apollo insisted that he must free the other Oracles to save everyone. Percy didn't want to make any promises, but Nico forced him to promise, and Percy promised to do his best. Manhattan, New York City, New York Camp Half-Blood (summer round) Camp Jupiter (formerly) New Rome University Calypso had healed Percy after he was severely weakened at Mount Saint Helens. In order to get a letter of recommendation to New Rome University, Percy agrees to find Ganymede's missing chalice. Nico wished him luck and ran off. Percy was okay with fighting Nike, and suggested that the combinations of the demigods that went to fight her would spark greco-roman rivalry. However, Jason and Percy had a slight rivalry. But he realized they were different since they looked more human. After the Battle of the Labyrinth, Percy ran into Nico in the woods and said that he could've sat with him at dinner, but Nico declined, saying he wasnt staying at Camp, and said he wasnt welcome at Camp. Percy intervenes and tells him to have Hephaestus fix it causing Apollo to lighten up. As Percy begins to tire, Carter finally manages to remove it and the crocodile returns to its original form; that of a baby crocodile. He tells Thalia to pray to her father, but she doesn't think he will answer. During The Battle of the Labyrinth, Percy witnesses Luke become taken over by Kronos and before that he thrown into a fight against a giant by him. Apollo then went to talk to Percy, who was sitting on his bed. Reyna tells Percy that she wants to work with him to save her camp. Eventually, Jason saved his life by agreeing to honor Kymopoleia and all the minor gods, so the two killed Polybotes and freed Percy. The god of war came out of the car and told Percy to get inside, as someone wanted to talk to him. Leo was very intimidated by Percy after surviving Tartarus, his reputation at Camp Half-Blood, and his relationship with Calypso. Reyna spoke very highly of Jason, which made Percy ask if they were a couple. Percy first met Tyson when they were attending the same school together, Percy was his friend and stood up for him against bullies. Percy claims to have never gotten a grade higher than a C- in. They spot the celedon serenading Times Square with "New York, New York." They forgave each other, but they harbored a small grudge about it, with Jason having a bit of resentment in his voice when he talked to Percy, calling him "Captain Salt Water". Reyna said she had missed Jason. Nico thinks that they are for him and unintentionally splits the earth to swallow them and send them to the Underworld before fleeing into the forest. Percy, who never remembered promising something like that, stalls for time just as Hermes arrives. Setne claims he learned that a "little" demigod blood is good for starting a war, but Percy stops him by hitting him in the gut with Riptide. When they went back on to the Argo II, Percy felt so sorry for him he couldnt muster much anger at him. When Percy was mad at him, Leo was scared, as he recognized the look that reminded him of the times Jason summoned lightning. Percy is a young boy who has ADHD and dyslexia, two significant disabilities that will have a significant impact on his future. Percy also explained that Annabeth was in Boston for a few weeks due to a family emergency. It is also heavily implied that Percy told Charles that he had a crush on Rachel. While sealing him off, Carter thinks of Setne's snow globe idea and traps him in a snow globe. She had thought it was Percy but now she had no idea who would free her. During their conversation, Percy noticed that Reyna had feelings for Jason Grace, and considered him to be more than just a co-worker. Percy about Annabeth, in The Son of Neptune. Percy tried to teach Magnus how to jump off a ship, handle the masts, control a ship, and try hand to hand combat in the bottom of the ocean. . As they pass a golden bubble, in it the reformed Hyperion, Percy asks Bob to burst his golden bubble since Bob is the only one with a weapon. When he rescued Percy and Annabeth from Tartarus, Nico accidentally held his hand for too long and let go. Percy lunges at Carter with his sword, forcing the latter to defend himself, not able to attack due to Percy's superior skills with a sword. I looked down. Reiko- Hapacles Cabin Nico also told Percy the Doors of Death were in Tartarus. However, after meeting Calypso, Leo felt a surge of anger towards Percy, and was mad at him for hurting Calypso. Percy immediately asked Apollo what he did, and Apollo told him it was only partially his fault, but he was making a plan to fix it. Just then, Dr. Thorn appears with a small force of mortals and attacked the group, wanting to make his own place in the Titan Army. He can control any liquid including blood this is pretty OP. They embark on their quest using the only vessel in the Roman Navy, a pathetic rowboat named the Pax. Reyna then orders Hazel to take him inside where she could question him. Species After she rewords the sentence and finds that the giant Cacus is in the meatpacking district. The Lightning Thief (film) The Sea of Monsters (film) The Titan's Curse The Battle of the Labyrinth The Demigod Files The Last Olympian The Lost Hero (mentioned) The Son of Neptune The Demigod Diaries The Mark of Athena The Son of Sobek Percy Jackson and the Singer of Apollo The House of Hades The Staff of Serapis (mentioned) The Blood of Olympus The Crown of Ptolemy Percy Jackson's Greek Gods (narrator) Percy Jackson's Greek Heroes (narrator) The Hidden Oracle The Dark Prophecy (mentioned) The Hammer of Thor (mentioned) The Ship of the Dead The Burning Maze (mentioned) The Tyrant's Tomb (mentioned) The Tower of NeroUn Natale MezzosanguePercy Jackson and the Chalice of the Gods Piper tried to warn him, but his blood spilled and Gaea woke. Having just graduated high school, he sets out west with Annabeth and Grover. Percy says it was as if his dad were keeping the sea nice, just for them. They then move to Portland where they encounter Ella and the wicked king and seer, Phineas who also appears to have knowledge of the past, present, and future although he is blind. Coach Hedge was very impressed by Percy and seemed to forget about his stable incident with Annabeth. Entered the Underworld alive (multiple times) and returned alive as Hercules, Orpheus, Odysseus, and Houdini did. Percy begins wrestling with the automaton but notices that the heat resonating from the song has melted his earwax and signed his shirt. When they arrive in Mount Olympus, the winter solstice meeting had already begun, and they begged Zeus to believe that Kronos was indeed rising. Thalia told Percy to stay on defense to guard the flag, but when he saw that her team was about to be attacked, he ran up the middle and took the flag. Percy was against fighting and Hazel using the Labyrinth, but he reluctantly agreed. She tells them that Percy knows the way, but Percy doesn't know what she means by that. Their first formal exchange was when Percy made a joke about "dam", and Piper didn't understand it, and Percy said it was an inside joke. Request Answer. After the senate meeting, Reyna wanted to talk to Percy in private. She asks him to join her and live with her forever where he would become immortal, but he turns her down, even though it would save him from the prophecy (if he had stayed on the island, he would never turn 16). Grover is injured and starts asking for food deliriously. In return, Hazel helped save Percy from Eidolons. His training methods involved Magnus jumping off the highest point of a ship to prepare him for an attack on his ship. When Leo fired on Camp Jupiter by accident, Percy asked if Hazel was going to come with him to Rome, and Hazel said she would, and bought him some time so he could escape from the angry Romans. 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