Michigans unemployment agency announced another round of waivers and refunds for filers who were overpaid and asked to pay back the overpayment. If you need the advice and counsel of a knowledgeable employment law attorney who can best protect your rights and help you pursue your legal interests. and last updated 7:40 PM, Feb 07, 2022. Contact us to request a meeting with one of our attorneys. Video of the Day Of the roughly 690,000 claimants that were asked to requalify, about 241,000 responded to the UIA's request. Read Appealing a Protest above to learn more. According to recent reporting, the waiver program was much smaller than promised. Michigans unemployment agency announced another round of waivers and refunds for filers who were overpaid and asked to pay back the overpayment. The Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency (UIA) announced that it has issued waivers to approximately 7,300 state and federal COVID-19 jobless claims from workers in Michigan. This may have happened for a few reasons, like if you made a mistake when certifying your benefits, were unable or unavailable to work, or you knowingly gave false or misleading information when filing a claim. It specifically said states could apply blanket waivers for overpayments for claimants who were approvedfor a higher weekly benefit amount than what they should have received. The pause does not stop collections activities such as existing wage garnishments, intercepting federal tax returns, deducting a percentage from current unemployment benefit payments, or recovering overpayments for other states. Although the press release was release went to media outlets, claimants facing collections notices did not receive any notice. Please see q. If the UIA denies your protest and appeal and still says you owe the money, you can use this waiver process to argue that even if there is an overpayment, you should not have to pay it back. If claimants qualify for a waiver, UIA will notify them through an online message to their Michigan Web Account Manager (MiWAM) accounts and by a letter mailed to the address on file. The agencypaused "new" wage garnishments and interceptions of State of Michigan tax refunds for 398,000 claimants starting in early April, but that pause expires Saturday. Claimants also can schedule an in-person, phone or online appointment. A worker files a claim on the Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency website. Since July 2021, the UIA has waived over $4.35 billion in overpayment debt related to federal pandemic jobless benefits programs on more than 407,300 claims. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. In some situations, the UIA may send you actual bills for an overpayment. Please update to a modern browser such as Chrome, Firefox or Edge to experience all features Michigan.gov has to offer. Disclaimer & Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | Sitemap. Protests can take 10 months or longer to be resolved. Dale announced last week waivers on approximately 7,300 overpayment claims that waived $53.2 million in repayments. The agency expects more rounds in the future. If your protests were filed on time, the UIA is not allowed to collect money before your case is final. The U.S. DOL authorized a pause on certain collection activity through May 7, 2022. In May, Dale announced that collections on more than 55,000 claims will not have to be paid back, totaling approximately $431 million in overpayments of federal pandemic unemployment benefits. The suspension stops new wage garnishments and State of Michigan tax refund intercepts and is the second time UIA Director Julia Dale has worked with U.S. DOL to grant the suspension to provide relief for Michigan workers. If you were overpaid benefits and you are currently employed, contact the UIA Benefit Overpayment An overpayment happens when you receive more unemployment money than you should have received. Select a county above for resources near you, Helping Michigan residents solve their legal problems, Are You Being Evicted? The waiver only covers past Claimants who receive waivers were sent a message in their Michigan Web Account Manager (MiWAM) online accounts. He's been with WDIV since 2013. Director Dale is committed to ensuring that no Michigan family be forced to repay benefits due to changes that affected their claims after they applied for benefits. The appeal process and deadlines are still the same. Built a new, user-friendly website that is more responsive to those using a mobile phone or tablet to access services. Assuming Michigan UIA takes advantage of the broad blanket waiver allowances, waivers could fix many overpayment issues for Michigan residents who were incorrectly paid benefits through no fault of their own. If you dont repay an overpayment, the UIA may: Unlike most other types of debt, the UIA can do all of these things without going to court. Unemployment waivers bring relief to thousands. Recovery would be unconscionable under the circumstances. About 327,000 fewer than expected claimants received a waiver. We will continue to review federal UI cases to make sure everyone who qualifies for an overpayment waiver will receive one.. The Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency (UIA) has secured a second approval from the U.S. Department of Labor (U.S. DOL) to suspend certain collection activities for 391,769 workers who applied for federal jobless benefits during the COVID-19 pandemic. Workers with questions about overpayment waivers can go to Michigan.gov/UIA and click on the Schedule an Appointment link to set up an in-person, phone or online meeting with a trained staff member. The announcement came days after the Detroit Free Press reported some workers with overpayment notices were accused of misreporting their income. He enjoys suffering through Lions games on Sundays in the fall. On April 8, 2022 the Unemployment Insurance Agency announced a new promise to halt new collections activity and waive overpayments. Another round of waivers will go to claimants who received unclear instructions about gross earnings versus net earnings when applying for benefits, the Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency said in a May 27 news release. State officials worked with the U.S. Department of Labor to issue the first round of waivers last August followed by the second chunk in early May. There is not an application for this on MiWAM, but you can ask for the waiver by going to your main account page and finding the link "Send Unemployment a Message". The $250 million deposited into the Unemployment Compensation Fund nearly matches the $249 million state portion of the $8.5 billion lost by the state to fraud. A new system will allow for quick analysis of data that is currently not possible for the agency. Convenient times and dates are available. Three months after the U.S. Department of Labor guidance was issued,the first group of blanket waivers went out to 55,000 claimants. If you lose your appeal in front of an ALJ, you can appeal to the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Commission (UIAC). Claimants say UIA is lying, More: Attorney for jobless claimants asks judge to stop Michigan from garnishing their wages. When asked to self-certify, the individual did not respond or confirmed that none of the approved coronavirus-related reasons applied and the state issued payment, resulting in overpayment for the week. TheU.S. Department of Labor issued guidance to states in February on how to address overpayments when the claimant is not at fault. If there is any money left in your refund after that debt is paid, you will get it. currently being considered by Michigan Court of Appeals Judge Brock Swartzle. "For those who have responded, we're reviewing their cases to determine if they have an eligible COVID-19 related reason and if they may continue to receive benefits," said Acting UIA Director Liza Estlund Olson. Overpaid claimants who provided the Michigan UIA with gross earnings instead of net earnings will be the group to get waivers. Some examples of good cause include: You can protest online through your Michigan Web Account Manager (MiWAM). The federal jobless assistance programs were a critical lifeline for many Michiganders affected by the global pandemic and our action today means they will be able to continue to provide for their families without the fear of having to pay back benefits awarded through agency error.. To date, more than $4.3 billion in overpayments have been waived for 400,000 Michigan unemployment recipients with likely thousands more still waiting. The UIA must get your appeal within 30 days from the date it is issued. Michigan paid $8.5B in fraudulent COVID unemployment claims. The UIA has requested an extension of that pause while they identify and process waivers for other population and is in the process of providing additional information to support the request for extension. Built a new, user-friendly website that is more responsive to those using a mobile phone or tablet to access services. This latest round of waivers adds to our robust work to reform the agency and get money back to Michiganders, while also cracking down on fraud and abuse and holding bad actors accountable at every turn., Previous: 55,000 Michiganders wont have to pay back $431 million in improperly awarded unemployment benefits. Some Michigan residents who benefited from billions in overpaid pandemic unemployment assistance may not owe that money back after all. All rights reserved (About Us). Those with questions about the suspension or overpayments can go to Michigan.gov/UIAand click on the Schedule an Appointmentlink to speak with a trained staff member either in person, by phone or online. The Unemployment Insurance Agency (UIA) has begun to notify claimants WebYou can request a waiver from your state if repaying the overage will cause a financial hardship if the overage is not the result of fraud. Waivers will not be applied to claims where UIA has determined fraud is involved and the agency will continue to vigorously pursue restitution of any stolen benefits. Convenient times and dates are available. There is no application process. The announcement came in the wake of allegations of unconstitutional overpayment collection notices sent out to thousands of Michigan residents. To date the UIA has waived over $4.3 billion in overpayment debt for more than 400,000 claimants with more to come. The DOLsEmployment and Training Administrationupdated its waiver guidance to approve five new scenarios under which states who have adopted the federal provisions for consideration of a waiver may use blanket waivers to wipe out overpayments: The Department of Labor has also created a process for states to propose additional categories for blanket waiver treatment. When those claimants appealed the decision and the case went before a judge, agency representatives said theclaimantswere liable because they hadentered their gross pay from prior years to determine their weekly benefit amountwhen they should have entered their net pay. When we work any claim we recognize that each one represents a worker who has fallen on hard times, and a family that needs help to put food on the table, pay bills and keep a roof over their heads, Dale said. More: Michigan Unemployment agency says claimants made big mistake. In February, the request for expanded waivers was granted. Claimants can also call UIAs Customer Service at 1-866-500-0017. The UIA is responsible for collecting overpayments of unemployment benefits. If you got an overpayment notice and disagree with it, you can protest and ask the UIA to look at your claim again. The approximately 55,000 claimants who received a waiver represent a total of$431 million in overpayments that they won't have to pay back. The Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency (UIA) announced today that it has issued another round of waivers to approximately 7,300 state and federal COVID-19 jobless claims from workers in Michigan. Issuing waivers is a cornerstone of Director Dales reform of the UIA. WebUIA 1795 - Request to Waive Repayment of Benefit Overpayment Balance UIA 1925 - Request for Name and/or Address Change UIA 6102 Authorization for UIA to Release Confidential The Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency (UIA) announced Friday that those who wrongfully received Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) benefits will be If the UIA tries to collect from you during the pause, you can try contacting the UIA's Benefit Overpayment Collection unit at 1-866-500-0017. They can also contact the UIA by phone at 866-500-0017 or schedule a telephone, virtual or in-person appointment with an agent. Dale announced last week waivers on approximately 7,300 overpayment claims that waived $53.2 million in repayments. It has detailed information about the refund. Copyright 2022 by WDIV ClickOnDetroit - All rights reserved. All rights reserved. UIA will continue to review all overpayment claims to see how many more may be eligible for waivers. Dale said the agency is still working hard to identify workers who qualify for the next round of waivers. The UIA has said it is reviewing how the categories would apply to claims in Michigan and is determining how quickly the waivers could be issued.. Each letter will have a due date printed on your determination for when the protest is due. Please note that contacting us does not create any attorney-client relationship between you and our firm. Workers under fire recently from the Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency for overpayments to them of federal benefits during the pandemic will now receive a waiver, the state said Friday. 2023 Blanchard & Walker PLLC. It further states that a "state may authorize a waiver when or if the overpayment was not the fault of the claimant and In May, UIA applied waivers to 55,000 claims The Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency (UIA) announced that it has issued waivers to approximately 7,300 state and federal COVID-19 jobless claims from workers in Michigan. To do this, go to your MiWAM account and click on the Claimant Services Tab. This is a pause on collections only. The Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency (UIA) announced that it has issued waivers to approximately 7,300 state and federal COVID-19 jobless claims from Michigan Rehabilitation Services new layout, Michigan Council for Rehabilitation Services (MCRS), Executive Order 2020-107 established Michigan Workforce Development Board, Unemployment Insurance Appeals Commission, formerly MI Compensation Appellate Commission. The Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency (UIA) announced Friday that those who wrongfully received Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) benefits will be granted an overpayment waiver allowing them to keep the money, although many may no longer receive aid going forward. PUA benefits are $300 a week on top of maximum state benefits of $362. Advocates continue to have discussions with the Agency leadership, and we are closely tracking when and how waivers will be issued to benefit the broadest possible class of Michigan residents who have suffered through this pandemic. Three months after the U.S. Department of Labor guidance was issued, the first group of blanket waivers went out to If you run into problems, you may want to try to contact a lawyer. Here is what we know so far: The U.S. Department of Labor has been clear since May of 2021 that states like Michigan have broad powers to waive so-called overpayments on Pandemic Unemployment Benefits created by the CARES Act. Interest accumulates very quickly on unemployment overpayments. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. Affected claimants will receive notification in their MiWAM account, or by U.S. mail. Michigan Rehabilitation Services new layout, Michigan Council for Rehabilitation Services (MCRS), Executive Order 2020-107 established Michigan Workforce Development Board, Unemployment Insurance Appeals Commission, formerly MI Compensation Appellate Commission. To find out if they can help you, apply online or call 1-888-783-8190 Monday - Thursday, 9am - 5pm, or Friday, 9am - 1pm. All Rights Reserved. An individual responded no to being able and available for work and the state issued payment for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance or Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation without adjudicating the eligibility issue. The suspension is key to UIAs continued progress in granting overpayment waivers to claimants who were asked to repay some or all of the federal benefits they received. If you believe you are eligible for benefits and the UIA made a mistake, you can ask for a waiver due to agency error. Letters will also be mailed in the coming days confirming the MiWAM notification. Please update to a modern browser such as Chrome, Firefox or Edge to experience all features Michigan.gov has to offer. The individual responded no to being unemployed, partially unemployed, or unable or unavailable to work due to the approved coronavirus-related reasons, and the state paid Pandemic Unemployment Assistance. Convenient times and dates are available. Boards, Commissions & Councils collapsed link, Michigan Economic Development Corporation, Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Michigan State Housing Development Authority, Commission on Middle Eastern American Affairs, Michigan Asian Pacific American Affairs Commission, Michigan Council for Rehabilitation Services, MiSTEM Advisory Council and MiSTEM Network, Workers' Disability Compensation Appeals Commission, https://dev.michigan.local/som/json?sc_device=json, UIA secures federal approval to suspend overpayment collections for nearly 400,000 claimants, Go to Bureau of Services for Blind Persons, Go to Michigan Career & Technical Institute, Go to Michigan Economic Development Corporation, Go to Michigan High-Speed Internet Office, Go to Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Go to Michigan State Housing Development Authority, Go to Office of Mobility and Electrification, Requests for Proposals and Qualifications, Go to Workers' Disability Compensation Agency, Go to Michigan Employment Relations Commission, Go to Commission on Middle Eastern American Affairs, Go to Hispanic/Latino Commission of Michigan, Go to Michigan Asian Pacific American Affairs Commission, Go to Michigan Community Service Commission, Go to Michigan Council on Future Mobility, Go to Michigan Council for Rehabilitation Services, Go to Michigan Workforce Development Board, Go to MiSTEM Advisory Council and MiSTEM Network, Go to Unemployment Insurance Appeals Commission, Go to Workers' Disability Compensation Appeals Commission. The agency has paid a total of $39 billion in unemployment aid to 3.5 million Michigan residents since March 2020. Dale is also going after bad actors who steal money from workers, striving for exemplary customer service, and leading the effort to replace the Agencys decade-old computer system with a user-friendly, state-of-the-art interface for claimants and businesses. If you have a question about your PUA overpayments, you may be able to get help from the Counsel and Advocacy Law Line. Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO) provides the connections, expertise and innovative solutions to drive continued business growth, build vibrant communities, create affordable housing, generate tourism and attract and retain key talent to fill Michigans vast pipeline of opportunities. When you file your appeal, ask for a hearing before an administrative law judge (ALJ). The web Browser you are currently using is unsupported, and some features of this site may not work as intended. The federal waiver standard allows a state to waive benefit overpayments if: The May 2021 guidance from the Department of Labor also created two specific circumstances when states may use the standard to issue blanket waivers and waive overpayments automatically, when: In a letter sent to the Michigan Governor in December 2021, advocates for UI claimants urged the administration to adopt this standard, as many other states such as Illinois and Wisconsin already have. There are other penalties for fraud, too. If the UIA later decides that you still owe the overpayment, they might start trying to collect from you again. Michigan Legal HelpHelping Michigan residents solve their legal problems. Waivers will be granted to the initial group of approximately 350,000 non-responses, many of whom may no longer be collecting benefits. Please update to a modern browser such as Chrome, Firefox or Edge to experience all features Michigan.gov has to offer. A new press release is lacking in details and reports the Agency intends to pause collections through May 7: During the pause, UIA will not issue new wage garnishments or intercept State of Michigan tax refunds. We continue to monitor and advocate as the situation unfolds. At every turn, I will stand up and fight on behalf of Michiganders to make sure they get what they were promised. State unemployment insurance program overpayments. 2 regarding overpayments. Governor Whitmer called on U.S. Department of Labor (U.S. DOL) to expand the eligibility for waivers for Michigan workers who received federal assistance and UIAs Dale proactively advocated for waivers for Michigans workers who followed the rules when they applied for benefits were not negatively affected by decisions the agency made. Julia Dale directs the state Unemployment Insurance Agency. Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO) provides the connections, expertise and innovative solutions to drive continued business growth, build vibrant communities, create affordable housing, generate tourism and attract and retain key talent to fill Michigans vast pipeline of opportunities. In May, UIA applied waivers to 55,000 claims totaling $431 million. If you need help with the Public File, call (313) 222-0566. Letters will also be mailed to the address on file confirming the MiWAM notification. Once you have logged into your account, click on the "Determination Status" tab, and then click on "file an appeal.". Some claimants have received a waiver. Implemented new policies for employees and contractors, including fingerprinting, criminal background checks, and an updated ethics policy. UIA will continue to look at COVID-19 pandemic claims to identify others that may qualify for waivers. To date, more than $4.3 billion in overpayments have been waived for 400,000 Michigan unemployment recipients with likely thousands more still waiting. A motion for preliminary injunction to suspend collections on these overpayments is currently being considered by Michigan Court of Appeals Judge Brock Swartzle. Under federal law, UIA had to re-evaluate PUA eligibility for individuals who selected one of the non-qualifying reasons. There is not an application for this on MiWAM, but you can ask for the waiver by going to your main account page and finding the link "Send Unemployment a Message". Ask the UIA to issue a determination to tell you if the overpayment is the result of the UIAs error. Were not finished providing substantial relief to Michigan workers, said UIA Director Julia Dale. UIA: Misrepresentation must be investigated when a claimant provides information that conflicts with information the agency possesses. If a waiver does not apply, collections will resume. We do not know how long this pause will last or when the UIA will start trying to collect these overpayments again. Claimants can visitMichigan.gov/UIAto access their MiWAM account to chat with an agent. Please update to a modern browser such as Chrome, Firefox or Edge to experience all features Michigan.gov has to offer. Were not finished providing substantial relief to Michigan workers, said UIA Director Julia Dale. Since Dale was appointed director in October 2021, she also has: Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO) provides the connections, expertise and innovative solutions to drive continued business growth, build vibrant communities, create affordable housing, generate tourism and attract and retain key talent to fill Michigans vast pipeline of opportunities. Claims determined to be fraudulent or being investigated for fraud. If you get a refund, make sure you carefully read any notices or information you get explaining the refund. And in February, the U.S. Department of Labor allowed Michigan to issue more blanket waivers for the remaining overpayments. Monday's letter added five "blanket waiver" criteria for a total of seven that would automatically exempt overpayments related to a federal CARES Act unemployment program. Boards, Commissions & Councils collapsed link, Michigan Economic Development Corporation, Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Michigan State Housing Development Authority, Commission on Middle Eastern American Affairs, Michigan Asian Pacific American Affairs Commission, Michigan Council for Rehabilitation Services, MiSTEM Advisory Council and MiSTEM Network, Workers' Disability Compensation Appeals Commission, https://dev.michigan.local/som/json?sc_device=json, UIA announces new waivers of state, federal overpayment determinations, Go to Bureau of Services for Blind Persons, Go to Michigan Career & Technical Institute, Go to Michigan Economic Development Corporation, Go to Michigan High-Speed Internet Office, Go to Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Go to Michigan State Housing Development Authority, Go to Office of Mobility and Electrification, Requests for Proposals and Qualifications, Go to Workers' Disability Compensation Agency, Go to Michigan Employment Relations Commission, Go to Commission on Middle Eastern American Affairs, Go to Hispanic/Latino Commission of Michigan, Go to Michigan Asian Pacific American Affairs Commission, Go to Michigan Community Service Commission, Go to Michigan Council on Future Mobility, Go to Michigan Council for Rehabilitation Services, Go to Michigan Workforce Development Board, Go to MiSTEM Advisory Council and MiSTEM Network, Go to Unemployment Insurance Appeals Commission, Go to Workers' Disability Compensation Appeals Commission. UIA 1901 (Spanish) - Unemployment Benefits in Michigan. Click here to take a moment and familiarize yourself with our Community Guidelines. The number of claimants receiving waivers this weekend is lower than the conditional number UIA Director Dale provided in recent testimony. Your Notice of Telephone Hearing will have instructions on how to do this. Step 1 Contact your state's unemployment department. The state paid the individual a minimum PUA Weekly Benefit Amount (WBA) based on Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) guidance that was higher than the states minimum PUA WBA, which resulted in an overpayment, The individual was eligible for payment under an unemployment benefit program, but through no fault of the individual, they were instead incorrectly paid under either the PUA or PEUC program at a higher WBA. Good cause can be very hard to prove. Claimants who receive waivers were sent a message in their Michigan Web Account Manager (MiWAM) online accounts. UIA is performing an analysis to determine the total population impacted by this issue.. My top priority is to help Michigan families. WebThe UIA is responsible for collecting overpayments of unemployment benefits. Please update to a modern browser such as Chrome, Firefox or Edge to experience all features Michigan.gov has to offer. If you disagree with the UIA and are protesting the overpayment, do not file the waiver until you have a final determination in your case. The name of the labor department varies for each state, but it provides a full listing of the state employment offices (see Resources). The agency said it doesn't know exactly how many claimants received benefits in the pandemic but were later told they were overpaid benefits through no fault of their own. The individual submitted proof of self-employment earnings to establish eligibility for Mixed Earners Unemployment Compensation Program and the state incorrectly processed the information, resulting in overpayment. A new system will allow for quick analysis of data that is currently not possible for the agency. Notices were accused of misreporting their income allowed Michigan to issue a determination to you! $ 39 billion in overpayments have been waived for 400,000 Michigan unemployment Insurance website. Non-Qualifying reasons by phone at 866-500-0017 or schedule a telephone, virtual or in-person appointment with agent. The waiver only covers past claimants who provided the Michigan UIA with earnings. Residents solve their legal problems being considered by Michigan Court of Appeals Brock. Top of maximum state benefits of $ 39 billion in unemployment aid to 3.5 million Michigan who. Us to request a meeting with one of the UIAs error: Attorney for jobless asks... Been waived for 400,000 Michigan unemployment Insurance agency website go to your MiWAM Account to with! Aid to 3.5 million Michigan residents who benefited from billions in overpaid pandemic assistance! 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