Additionally, the very essence of her being is deeply connected to the sea many mermaid legends tell of maidens with long green hair, or at the very least flowing hair that was reflective of the plant life in the oceans. Our bodies are about 60% water, and we can only go about three days without drinking water. Here are some intense-sounding names suitable for mermen. A good mermaid names doesnt have to sound ocean-y or be based on mythology. Its meaning is treasurer. Jasper is also a type of gemstone of a reddish-brown color. The name means to go., Xavier- Definitely a unique and powerful sounding name, in my opinion. Ondina was sent by the Mermaid Council to strip Zac of his merman powers, and she was originally bitter against humans, but she softens. In 2022, researchers discovered the mermaid, which is around 12 inches (30.5 centimeters) long, lying inside a sealed wooden box within a Japanese temple, located in Okayama The name means venerable or majestic., - The Caspian Sea is the largest inland body of water in the world. She is depicted as a mermaid and is said to sing songs and seduce fishermen. WebMermaids Are Literally Women of the Sea. The first recorded half-fish, half-human creature is Oannes , a A variation is the name. Attina is the sister of Ariel, and the firstborn of King Triton. Mermaid and the baby by John Collier. It also means dragon, or serpent in Greek. Heavy currents surrounding the rock created a murmuring sound, which inspired many folktales, including one of a siren who sat on the rocks and combed her golden hair. She is believed to be associated with Satan, but she also represents female empowerment, autonomy, and individuality. Heavy currents surrounding the rock created a murmuring sound, which inspired many folktales, including one of a siren who sat on the rocks and combed her golden hair. Its meaning is great lord.. If you are looking for a baby name, a mersona name, a character name for a book or D and D character, here is a list of over a hundred names, along with their origin and meaning. Marlin is a name of English origin. The name most likely is a variation of the Hebrew name Miriam, the meaning of which is disputed. In 2022, researchers discovered the mermaid, which is around 12 inches (30.5 centimeters) long, lying inside a sealed wooden box within a Japanese temple, located in Okayama Andrina is a Greek mermaid name that roughly translates to manly or virile. Mermaids and fish have fins. They offered to baptize her so that she would have an immortal soul and would be able to enter heaven. Damien- Damian means the powerful man of the people It also means to tame or to subdue. Those are all words that can relate to mermen. As a name, it comes from England and has no meaning aside from a pearl. - This is the deceased wife of King Triton and mother to Ariel and her sisters, who died when Ariel was very little. Needless to say, it is based on rivers, another example of bodies of water. The name was popularized by the song Cecelia by Simon and Garfunkel. - The meaning of the name Willow is slender and graceful. The name is based on the willow tree, which can be described as beautiful and weeping. - Cleodora is a goddess in Greek mythology. Sapphire- A sapphire is a precious gemstone that comes in shades of blue. The name means air.. Mermaids - Information about Irish mythology brings us the story of Li Ban a human who was turned into a mermaid after a terrible disaster. A variation or nickname is, - The name Cordelia is a girl's name of Latin and Celtic origin meaning heart; daughter of the sea or in Welsh it means jewel of the sea.. -This is a name of Greek origin. It comes from the Greek name Helen. Sirens: Sirens, like mermaids, used songs to lure sailors to their deaths, and were also female/animal hybrids. The name means water.. In Hindu mythology the name Maya means illusion.. Available across the United States and Canada. WebMermaid mythology is quite varied, with mermaids taking on many different appearances, origins, and personalities. - It should go without saying that this name is related to water by being a synonym for precipitation. To date, there are only 4 known patients who survived past this time frame. WebMerfolk or merpeople are legendary water-dwelling human-like beings. Mermaids have a human upper body and a fishtail, but nymphs always have a human body. They are known for enchanting human sailors with their charming, graceful ways, and their unearthly beauty. Mermaids and fish have fins. For many years he upheld this promise, but eventually he broke the oath and Pressyne left with their three children. There is a river called the Jordanriver, which is located in the Middle East and flows through the Sea of (a variation). This list consists of names with water/ocean/mermaid related words in them, names based on mythology, names whose meanings and translations are mermaid/ocean/water related, names based on characters from movies and shows, names that just sound pretty, and merman names, along with a special paragraph about Mermaid Marielle and her newborn baby. - Pronounced fray-uh. Freyja is Old Norse for lady and is the name of a Norse goddess. It could be considered an ocean related name because it ends in sea and the chel in the beginning is similar to shell. Reverse the two syllables and it almost sounds like seashell. Cordelia- The name Cordelia is a girl's name of Latin and Celtic origin meaning heart; daughter of the sea or in Welsh it means jewel of the sea.. , meaning 'emerald'. Though it is tempting to put a label on the intentions of these creatures, it appears that many mermaids have free will and are not motivated by primal desires to hurt or help. WebIn European folklore, mermaids (sometimes called sirens) and mermen were natural beings who, like fairies, had magical and prophetic powers. June 25th is the feast day of a powerful water goddess in African mythology. Anastasia-This is a name of Greek origin. The name means water sprite and is of German origin. He agreed and kept the promise for many years. Sierra is a Spanish word for mountain and indicates strength. I also like to think mermaids have different life spans than humans and can live for hundreds of years. The name means dweller at the famous land.. Along with Ariel and Madison, other popular mermaid names in the US Top 1000 include Alana, June, Lily, Lorelei, Marina, Melody, Miranda, and Sabrina. Additionally, mermaids were often thought to be violent and mischievous creatures that would provoke trouble if given the opportunity. - In ancient Roman mythology there was a goddess of salt water named Salacia, who was also a wife of Neptune. - The name Morgana is a girl's name of French origin meaning sea-circle It is a variation of the Welsh name. - Fontaine is a French word that means fountain or natural spring. Natural springs are beautiful and peaceful places frequently lounged in by mermaids. Livia- A girl's name of Spanish and Latin origin meaning blue, envious. It sounds like live, and I associate the ocean with life. Variations include Kassandra, Cassy, and Cassady. When they heard her, they called her over to their ship and learned her story. Marina- A marina is a word for harbor for small boats. It means maiden. This relates to mermaids because maid is part of the word mermaid, and mermaids are also historically depicted as female in fables and tales more frequently. In early Ireland, Li Ban and her family lived in a small house with her family some time around the year 858 BC. One of its meanings is bitter., Sirena- Sirena is a gentle soul, always a mediator between her mermaid friends. He lives and both rules and conquers the world. This answer would please Thessalonike and she would calm the waters of the ocean so that the ship could continue peacefully. She is a free spirit who wants to be independent of her father and experience the human world, almost to her own detriment. A mermaid is a mythological creature that is half maiden and half fish or sea serpent. Often translated as mermaid, these water nymphs of Slavic myth were originally considered benevolent because they came out of the water in the spring to It is home to many fish, birds, and plankton, and has one mammal species - the Caspian seal. The sea is significant in many religions, from Poseidon ruling the sea, and Triton, a merman from Greek mythology, to Aegir, the Norse god who embodies the sea. The word also means accord and tranquility. It works well as a mermaid name given its definitions. She is from Homers epic poem The Odyssey as a sea nymph who captured Odysseus and lived on a mythical island, where she held him captive after falling in love with him. Their 3000 brothers were called the Tritons, or Mermen. The name Diana takes its meaning from the goddess and represents beneficence and wellness. Sea people were also known to have relationships with humans and sometimes have families together. She is more interested in romance than most of her sisters. Eventually Melusine found a love of her own and agreed to marry him if he promised not to look upon her on Saturdays. Orion- Orion is famous in Greek mythology as a giant who was an excellent huntsman and would boast on his hunting abilities. Halcyon- This is a name that means calm. It is also the name of a bird in a Greek legend. Harbor- There are a few reasons this is a good mermaid name. Mami Wata means Mother Water. Anemone. Mermaids are known to be creatures who embody the duality of the sea. Douglas- This name has Gaelic origin, and its meaning is dark waters. Perfect for a villainous merman! The first seasons primary character was Nixie, and this can be a cute mermaid name for your baby. Harbor is also a name of English origin that means shelter. Having shelter means being safe, and despite siren tales, there are also stories about mermaids rescuing people from drowning, such as in Disneys The Little Mermaid. There are many reports of cultures that have had some sort of positive interaction with these beings, but there are many more that tell of the terrifying and destructive nature of these creatures. A mermaids personality is most closely compared to the sea itself she has the ability to be both gentle and harsh. These women are often known to be both mysterious and enchanting. This model for the story was adopted by many other cultures who wished to merge their goddess figures with the power and beauty of the mermaids. Morgana- The name Morgana is a girl's name of French origin meaning sea-circle It is a variation of the Welsh name Morgan, which is gender neutral and has a similar meaning. After many years of service, Atargatis fell in love with a mortal shepherd boy and desired to make a union with him. Elwynn- This name means noble friend in High Old German, and friend of the elves. Elves and mermaids are both mythical creatures that are prominent in fantasy and mythology. The name Priscila means ancient, which is fitting for mermaids because they date far back to ancient times. One day however, he too became curious and went to see what she was doing. It has French and English origins. No explanation needed. - You may recognize the name from the sea goddess from Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Mans Chest. Trixie is short for Beatrix. It covers the vast majority of the planet, provides us with food, helps regulate the climate, and gives many of us a euphoric feeling, well known among tourists, divers, sailors, and mermaids of course! There is also a paint color named high sierra, a light blue. Orion is one of the brightest constellations in the sky, visible all throughout the world. It also means flowing down like a river, stream, or waterfall, places mermaids might occupy. Unfortunately, because of the nature of this disease and the damage that is often found in the digestive and urinary tracts upon birth, many of these patients die within days or weeks of their birth. Her name is the Spanish word for mermaid., Lyla- Lyla is a spunky mermaid who will become determined when she sets her mind on something. Ula- The name Ula is a girl's name of Celtic origin meaning gem of the sea. Funny enough, it is an abbreviation of the name Ursula, as in the sea witch from The Little Mermaid. In addition to these goddesses, many of the minor sea goddesses inherited her characteristics as well. Marlin- Marlin is a name of English origin. She is known for her love of beauty, fertility, romance, and fine possessions. She has a beautiful singing voice. The ocean is also seen as blue, being called deep blue sea, and in The Little Mermaid it was called the bottomless blue. This is a variation of the name Olivia. Cecelia- Also has the sound of sea in it. Swimming in a tail, its hard not to feel graceful. Thalia was one of fifty daughters of Nereus, old man of the sea. She was known as the nereid of the blooming sea. The name means to blossom, or flourish., - In the Arthurian legend the Lady of the Lake, there is a fairy-like enchantress named Viviane. Corinna- This name is German, Italian, English, and Ancient Greek in origin. Cassandra- Cassandra means to excel, to shine. It is also the name of a Trojan princess from Greek mythology. GR en Espaol. Mermaid typically have angelic singing voices. Tales of the sea people from One Thousand and One Nights include Djulllanar the Sea Girl, Abdullah the Fisherman and Abdullah the Merman, and The Adventures of Bulukiya.. Clear could represent water, and bright could represent bright beautiful colors, or ones intelligence. Its just like in The Little Mermaid. Mentions of mermaids, on the other hand, date way back to the Assyrians, according to author Skye Alexander.However, the so-called "nereids" of Greek mythology, described by the Theoi Project as the sea-nymph daughters of the Aegean Sea, could have also helped inspire some of the later mermaid myths known today. Other sources say that the cap was made of glittering salmon skin. The name Ava alone means life and is of Latin origin. An emerald is a shining green gem, like a mermaid tail. Her name was Atargatis, and she was known to be the fertility goddess and the chief goddess of Northern Assyria. That makes it another good name for an evil or dark mermaid for a story or mersona. One of the most famous examples of Nereids helping humans was when they decided to help the Argonauts in their search for the Golden Fleece. Attina- Attina is the sister of Ariel, and the firstborn of King Triton. The meaning of cleo is glory, and dora means gift., - Dana, also known as Danu, or Anu, was a figure in Irish mythology. Fabian- This name comes from the Roman name Fabianus, meaning bean grower. It reminds me of Jack and the Beanstalk, a fairytale story involving witches, giants, and magic beans, all things relevant to mermaid lore. Destiny means that one has a purpose and events happen to play out a grand life plan of sorts. Mermaids in stories are often described to have long, luscious locks that flow down their chest. For music fans, there is also an artist named Lana Del Rey. She can either save lives or take them. Muriel- The name Muriel is a name of Irish origin meaning of the bright sea. It even sounds similar to Ariel. The Nereids were known to be some of the most beautiful creatures to exist in the time of ancient Greece. WebThe Mermaid of Zennor, a local mythological figure, was associated with morvoren, although it wasn't until after the 20th-century revival of the Cornish language that Morvoren became the mermaid's name rather than her species. , who is an ocean nymph from Greek mythology. Phoenix- A phoenix is a mythical bird from Greek folklore. It was also the name of a nereid and the daughter of the river god Erasmus. For example, Neptune is the god of the sea, and is the name of a planet. Because of this, it is difficult to determine what their intentions are without interaction. She was the Celtic goddess of the Danube and is known as the earth-mother goddess. Because of her great beauty, however, the powers of the sea refused to take away all of her magnificence and only allowed her legs to be transformed into a fish tail. Other stories depict her as an evil, sexually deviant, baby stealer. Thus, Atargatis became the first mermaid. . Sirens in Mythology. Hans Christian Andersens Little Mermaid Getty Images Perhaps the most famous mermaid is the title nymph of the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen, who The word comes from the Greek word harmonia. There is also a folktale about a forest nymph named Harmonia. Also called the seal people, the sea people or the mermaid a selkie is a marine legend that tells of people who are half fish, and half-human. And for some reason, they are irresistible to ordinary humans, who are apt to fall in love with the seal people. They are also known to lounge on island beaches. It is a variation of Guinevere and maybe Italian, Welsh, or British. Its hard to pinpoint exactly what it is that makes a name sound beautiful. Many of these names have some spiritual or mystical elements to them making them sound like mermaid names. WebMermaids are legendary, aquatic creatures with the head, arms and torso of a female human and the tail of a fish. Anaella/Anaelle- Anaella is a form of Anna from the Breton language that means favour, grace. Ive always considered mermaids to be graceful creatures, at least thats how I feel when I swim as a mermaid. Sebastian- Sebastian is the name of the advisor crab from the Little Mermaid, who follows Ariel around on her adventures in the human world. - Lorelei is a siren from a German folktale. Its an English name meaning stream of water flowing to the ocean.. Shes almost a mermaid herself, with songs such as 13 Beaches and High by the Beach. She is known for her love of beauty, fertility, romance, and fine possessions. Diana- She is the Roman goddess who is a patroness of the hunt, wildlife, crossroads, and the moon. The Mermaid of the Black Conch by Monique Roffey 9780593534205, Penguin Random House , 2022. It is of Latin origin, and its meaning is simply gemstone. A similar name is Gemini. Darya/Daria- The name Darya is a girl's name of Russian origin meaning kingly or the sea. The name is most commonly used in Russia and other Slavic countries. However, there are also times that mermaids have been very helpful towards humans. A French name meaning born again. A related name is, - This name sounds pretty like a mermaid and is perfect for a first daughter since it means firstborn daughter., - This is an English and Germanic name that means someone who lived in an ash tree or grove. A variation is the name, Augustus was a Roman emperor whose reign was shrouded in violence. Morgan- Morgan is a Welsh name meaning sea protector. Merfolk are known as protectors of the sea, so it makes a great merman name. They were often thought to be found accompanying Poseidon and were sometimes known to carry his trident. It was said to have nested on the sea and calmed the sea so it could lay its eggs on a floating nest. The tree has great symbolism behind it. Thalia was one of fifty daughters of Nereus, old man of the sea. She was known as the nereid of the blooming sea. The name means to blossom, or flourish., Viviane- In the Arthurian legend the Lady of the Lake, there is a fairy-like enchantress named Viviane. It means to check, or to restrain.. Athena is also the name of the Greek goddess of wisdom and war. The name Ava alone means life and is of Latin origin. She was cursed to change into a fish with two tails (or in other versions a serpent) from the waist down on Saturdays. Renee- A French name meaning born again. A related name is Renata. It also means dragon, or serpent in Greek. Unlike Ariel, she wanted to become a mermaid. Ophelia- This is a name of Greek origin that means helper. It is also the name of a love interest from Shakespeares Hamlet and the title of a popular song by the Lumineers. Sailors have had visions of them at sea, and many gods and goddesses are in the form of a merperson. These mermaids were known as Ben-Varrey and were known to have been very generous towards humans. Ella- Ella has German, English, Greek, and Spanish roots. 1.Adella, Adella is an older sister of Ariel in the classic Disney film, The Little Mermaid. It is a long song with a solo voice. Bluespark Waterglow Crystalice Oceanglow Highseas Calmsea Tasselweed Kelpia (from the algae kelp) Kelpforest Marinecastle Sea-born Oceanlight Brighttail Sparkletail In, she is the one who provided Arthur with the sword Excalibur, allowing him to kill Merlin and raise Lancelot. Caspian as a name is of English origin and means from Qazvin, Iran, Cyrus-The name Cyrus is a name of Persian origin, meaning sun. More of its meanings include young, near sighted, and lord.. Ocean so that she would calm the waters of the name Diana takes its from... For mermaids because they date far back to ancient times, always a mediator between her mermaid friends making sound. To be creatures who embody the duality of the name Willow is slender and graceful of bodies of water went. 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