1976 Margaret Trudeau with both arms around Fidel Castro still wearing the dress in which they first officially met. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is Fidel Castros son. No evidence Castro never travelled to see them in the Caribbean. Po pierwsze, Margaret Trudeau, Pierre Trudeau i Fidel Castro byli notorycznie rozwizli seksualnie. There is a long history of The Trudeau family having ties to Fidel Castro dating back to the 1970's. Many have wondered why Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau made, what some consider, over the top remarks about the death of Castro taking into account Castro being a dictator who committed genocide against his own . Even the original poster of the reddit thread seemed to cede this point: There are still some timeline issues - anything that would place them together around the time of conception would seal the deal, but I'm confident in what I've found so far. Perhaps that was unfair at the time. Kasprak does admit Justin Trudeau would have to have been conceived between March 16 and April 22, so why avoid addressing that the Trudeaus within spitting distance of Cuba during that time? Their marriage surprised Canada because Pierre had been a lifelong playboy with no wife or children. Who are these idiotic talking points for except the most die-hard and braindead of partisans? The Trudeaus announced they had become besties with the dictator and sang his praises during the height of his human rights violations. It also marked the beginning of a lifelong friendship between Pierre Trudeau and Castro, who made an unprecedented trip to Montreal in 2000to attend the former prime ministers funeral, although frail and ailing. While still married to Pierre Trudeau, Margaret Trudeau had a brief acting career, appearing in two Canadian-produced films: Last edited on 16 December 2022, at 00:17, Learn how and when to remove this template message, led the Liberal Party to a majority government, "PolitiFact - These political families are fake", "The other brother: Sacha, the 'apolitical' one, joins Justin Trudeau's campaign team", "Item GR-1490.16.13.44 Rose Edith Bernard, Roberts Creek", "Passenger lists of the AORANGI arriving in Vancouver, British Columbia on 1906-06", http://www.sfu.ca/appreciation/tribute/473/index.html, "Trudeaus on ski holiday at honeymoon residence", "Colleagues, family discuss secret Trudeau wedding", "Joyce Wieland, Reason over Passion, 1968", "Margaret Trudeau writes of affair with Jack Nicholson, cocaine", "Margaret Trudeau is solo, sane, 60 and irrepressible as ever", "First Lady Wild Child: Margaret Trudeau", "Margaret Trudeau: Forgiveness. No evidence they had not met Castro before. Practically from the moment he stepped off his Armed Forces Boeing 707, Mr. Trudeau, his wife Margaret and his newborn son Michel endeared themselves to Fidel Castro and vice-versa. mike vernon royal household; are there snakes in gran canaria; shooting in laurel, md yesterday. For example, in Vices article, We Investigated Those Damning Rumors About Fidel Castro Being Justin Trudeaus Real Dad by Drew Brown, Brown does not investigate anything. The Canadian truckers who blocked a bridge to the U.S. over vaccine mandates have seized one that was debunked ages ago about Justin Trudeau. It is the only island they did not disclose. Kasprak omits discussions of the Trudeaus Spring 1971 vacation and then relies on its own omission to say Margaret Trudeau could not have absconded from Canada at the time. She knew, however, that it was not easy politically for her husband. He fathered 11 acknowledged children and rumors are he has multiple times that many bastards. Wisdom", "Justin Trudeau's mother, Margaret, was like the Princess Diana of Canada with a happy ending - The Washington Post", "Margaret Trudeau stayed out of campaign to avoid attack ads saying Justin 'needs his mummy', "Margaret Trudeau in hospital after fire at Montreal apartment building", "Margaret Trudeau makes her mark in Mali", "Honorary Patrons | Canadian Mental Health Association BC Division", "When barriers are lifted, women flourish. Don't forget, Castro was a hero figure for the international Left in the 1970s. En su mensaje, Trudeau expres "profunda pena" despus de conocer "la muerte del presidente que gobern Cuba durante ms tiempo". 100% of the debunking articles avoid addressing the Caribbean trip altogether. The loss of her son was devastating for Trudeau, and she had another major depressive episode that led to her second divorce. Pierre Trudeau biographer John English states the evidence is overwhelming that he slept with Barbara Streisand. Comments may take up to an hour for moderation before appearing on the site. Wright, Robert. Kennedy later denied any romantic involvement with Mrs. Trudeau. Nobody knows if Pierre objected. Margaret Trudeau was a partier who unquestionably had sex with men while married to Pierre. The Trudeaus were indeed close to Fidel Castro, who once described Pierre Trudeau as "a close friend and an extraordinary figure." Margaret Trudeau was also open in her later writings about. Not very impressive at all. Pierre was an aging playboy who had fathered no known offspring despite being sexually promiscuous his whole adult life. Later, she left her sons with her parents in North Vancouver while campaigning. [13] Acclaimed British harpsichordist, Violet Gordon-Woodhouse, and Hawaiian settler, Edward William Purvis, according to popular belief, was the namesake of the ukulele, are Margaret Trudeau's first cousins, three times-removed. She was clearly attracted to men in positions of power, even some who were old and unattractive. Office of the Prime Minister of Canada. They altogether avoid addressing the easily researchable Caribbean trip in Spring 1971. There was an error, please provide a valid email address. Margaret Trudeau was a partier who unquestionably had sex with men while married to Pierre. But they are not nearly so avoidant or look so desperate to kill a story. On Wednesday, U.S. President Barack Obama announced a new chapter in U.S.-Cuban diplomatic relations with the beginning of normalization after a half-century trade blockade and no diplomatic ties. Change). [4] Her grandfather, Thomas Kirkpatrick Bernard, was born in Makassar, Dutch Celebes, now in Sulawesi, Indonesia, and immigrated in 1906 at age 15 with his family to Penticton, British Columbia, eventually working as a payroll clerk for Canadian Pacific Railway. Justin Trudeau was born 8 1/2 months later. We ask you to keep your comments relevant and respectful. Trudeau's statement, as well as his family's friendly history with Castro, led to speculation that a much harder truth lay behind his soft words. Of Course Fidel Castro is Justin Trudeaus Dad. Visit our Community Guidelines for more information and details on how to adjust your email settings. 1st leaked video of firefight with Reptilians; what the White Hats are really up to? Each debunker makes a bold claim and then avoids the very story they claim to debunk. Margaret was 22 when she married the 51-year-old prime minister and was the subject of intense media scrutiny. [40][41] In 2014, she visited Mali as an ambassador of WaterAid Canada. The list goes on. Snopes and the Snopes.com logo are registered service marks of Snopes.com. He altogether avoids the story he claims he disproved and then tries to do a mic drop. For example, in Vicesarticle, We Investigated Those Damning Rumors About Fidel Castro Being Justin Trudeaus Real Dad by Drew Brown, Brown does not investigate anything. [44] She is an honorary patron of the Canadian Mental Health Association. Sinclair did not recognize him, and she, in fact, thought little of their encounter, but Trudeau was captivated by the carefree "flower child", nearly twenty-nine years younger than he was, and began to pursue her. Fidel Castro put them both to shame. Asked at the time if she thought her campaigning was helping Pierre Trudeau pick up votes, she replied, "I won't know until July 8th. That is not to say there are no exaggerations and falsehoods supporting the story. This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. Dang.. ', The brief affair left her 'crushed' and feeling like a 'fool,' the woman 29 years younger than Trudeau said. The article states that the Trudeaus were visiting an unidentified island in the Caribbean and wanted the press to give them privacy: To be clear: they disclosed all the other locations they visited but asked the press for privacy when they went to the unidentified island. As the report goes, Pierre Trudeau and his fianc Margaret Sinclair were both orgiastic "swingers" when they met in 1968. In 2000, Castro made a rare appearance out of Cuba to attend Pierres funeral in Canada. There is no reason to think, or evidence to support the notion, that Margaret Trudeau met Castro before 1971, and there is no plausible circumstance during which a meeting between Fidel Castro and Margaret Trudeau could have occurred during the biologically necessary time that accommodates their known public schedules. He evidently wanted a family because that is exactly what he started. [5], The Bernards were the descendants of colonists in the Straits Settlements, the Dutch East Indies, and British Malaya, nowadays respectively Singapore, Indonesia, and Malaysia, including Francis James Bernard, a London, England-born Anglo-Irishman whose great-grandfather, Arthur Bernard, was a member of the Irish House of Commons for Bandonbridge, and brother of Francis Bernard, Solicitor-General for Ireland, and ancestor of the Earls of Bandon. They got married when he was 53 and she was 23. One doesnt even have to believe any of that, though, as science gives us a rough estimate of when the future leader of Canada was conceived, and history can tell us where Margaret, Pierre, and Castro were during this window of opportunity. That is strange for authors who claim to have the truth on their sides. Their marriage surprised Canada because Pierre had been a lifelong playboy with no wife or children. No evidence they had not met Castro before. They got married when he was 53 and she was 23. His sexual appetite was so legendary this article cannot efficiently capture it. I was told by Margaret's friends, some years after the event, that very early in her marriage to Pierre Trudeau, while living in the Prime Ministerial home in Ottawa, she had arranged to be away for a weekend, but something unexpectedly came up, and she returned home . In April 1971, the Trudeaus took a long second honeymoon all around the Caribbean. [3] Her grandmother, Rose Edith (Ivens) Bernard, with whom Trudeau had an especially close relationship, lived in Roberts Creek, British Columbia, in later life, and was from Virden, Manitoba. Trudeau graduated in 1969 from Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, British Columbia with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology. He was smart, charming, and funny. New First Comment from D (an insider): While in university, friends from West Vancouver knew Margaret Sinclair and her family. Some of them work four jobs to support their families. Upon their return from their honeymoon, the shock of the Trudeaus' marriage (she was 22 and he was 51) put them under intense media scrutiny, making it unlikely the young Margaret could slip away to Cuba for a tryst unnoticed, since she was now the talk of the town. She would, in later life, study Buddhism although she now considers herself an Anglican. Justin Trudeau was born on Christmas day, 1971. That being said, the exaggerations and painful avoidance of the storys debunkers are far more suspicious. This is the part about which debunkers intentionally mislead readers. First, Margaret Trudeau, Pierre Trudeau, and Fidel Castro were all notoriously sexually promiscuous. She publicly states today she suffered from bipolar disorder and self-control issues. Margaret Trudeau sits on the lanai of her 1920s penthouse, near downtown Montreal, sipping tea. Pierre Trudeau was cuckolded by Fidel Castro on one of his many trips to Cuba with his wife Margaret, and Justin is one of Castro's many . In a meeting with senior officials on Saturday, Mr. Trudeau "stressed that border crossings cannot, and will not, remain closed, and that all options remain on the table," according to a. Trudeau died on Thursday, September 28 at 3:00 p.m. at his home in Montral with his surviving sons, Justin (who became the 23rd Prime Minister of Canada in 2015) and Sacha, and his former wife, Margaret at his side. Friends said at the time her life revolved around her three children -- Sasha, Justin and Michel -- and a growing interest in Japanese cooking. She remembers Castro during that visit as a very warm and charming man I enjoyed him.. In 2000, Castro made a rare appearance out of Cuba to attend Pierres funeral in Canada. CNN. 'As a rock musician he was offering me a glimpse of another culture, one laced with drugs and sex,' wrote the woman who ended Trudeau's bachelorhood in 1971, when he was 51. If an infertile old man wanted to have a family, his wife had to do it the old-fashioned way. Their marriage surprised Canada because Pierre had been a lifelong playboy with no wife or children. Justin was born December 25, 1971, nine months after Pierre and Margarets honeymoon in British Columbia and long before the couple travelled to Cuba. She partied scantily clad at Studio 54. The Globe and Mail. His uncited claim that Justin was born long before the couple travelled to Cuba is just a recitation of the official dates Trudeau visited in his official capacityas prime minister. Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail confirms that Pierre and Margaret Trudeau became close friends with Fidel Castro. Margot Kidder. (LogOut/ Within hours of their first official meeting, Margaret was photographed intimately touching and holding Fidel Castro with both arms. He fathered 11 acknowledged children and rumors are he has multiple times that many bastards. [1] She married Pierre Trudeau, the 15th prime minister of Canada, in 1971; three years after he became prime minister. If Ted Kennedy met her qualifications as a sexual partner, Castro was bigger, stronger, thinner, handsomer, and more powerful. Third, the timing is uncanny. AP Images. This is good news and I celebrate with the Cuban people. On his visit, Margaret welcomed the leader at his hotel on behalf of the Trudeaus. Jukic, A.M. "Length of Human Pregnancy and Contributors to Its Natural Variation." Pierre Trudeau slept around too. An executive of Centretown Citizens Housing Cooperative says staff have begun offering permanent relocations to residents displaced by the fire. The record is not immediately clear how much of that happened before the couple was separated, but before she moved out of the house he was entertaining three women downstairs at a time: He often invited two girlfriends to the same event. Margaret Trudeau was a partier who unquestionably had sex with men while married to Pierre. Nobody knows if Pierre objected. In 1976, the senior Trudeau became the first Nato leader to visit Cuba under Castro's rule, at one point exhorting "Viva Castro!". Justin's supposed father Pierre Trudeau (1919-2000) the former Canadian Prime Minister who legalized abortion and who brought socialist medicine to Canada was good friends with Fidel Castro. " Pierre Trudeau's and Fidel Castro's paths crossed for the first time in 1970 ," the Globe reports, before explaining the Trudeaus had such a great time on the Caribbean island that " an enduring friendship was . If you've been around people who are bipolar, you know it can be a wild ride. Subscribe now to read the latest news in your city and across Canada. The Ottawa, Out of Office newsletter is your guide to eating and living well in the capital. He would be turning 60 when she was barely out of her 20s. [31], Trudeau filed for a no-fault divorce at the Ontario Supreme Court on November 16, 1983,[32] which was finalized on April 2, 1984. At a rally in Vancouver, she told a crowd of 2,000 her husband taught her "a lot about loving." Margaret Trudeau, nearly three decades younger than her husband, made tabloid headlines in the 1970s for dancing nights away at New York discos such as Studio 54 while her husband was busy with. After all it could have been Pierres idea. Margaret Trudeau said she visited Castroat his hotel before the funeral to welcome him on behalf of the family. "O Canada: Trudeau's Castro Tribute Raises Eyebrows." 'I wanted him badly,' she maintained, 'but I didn't need him.'. "There was a release of some of their online chat . They got married when he was 53 and she was 23. Margaret Trudaeu circa 1977 in New York. "Trudeau Weds in Canada." By Duncan Cameron/Library and Archives Canada/PA-175941. However, this Vancouver-born public figure. Victim in Presland Road fire had 'odd' encounters with accused arsonist, Two trains on same track collide head-on in Greece, at least 36 killed, dozens injured, Selley: Question: How stupid do politicians think we are? "House of Commons Journals, 28th Parliament, 3rd Session: Vol. [16][19], As Pierre Trudeau was a Catholic, she converted to the Catholic Church for their marriage. Teaching is now a political act that involves indoctrinating children instead of educating them, A passenger train with 342 passengers and cargo train collided at high speeds. It could not be less compelling. They divorced in 1984, during his final months in office. ISBN 1-416-56250-8. [39], From 2002 to 2017, Trudeau was the honorary president of WaterAid Canada, an Ottawa-based organization dedicated to helping the poorest communities in developing countries build sustainable water supply and sanitation services. ", In 1971, the Trudeaus took a second honeymoon in the Caribbean to Barbados and an unidentified nearby island[20] then Tobago, then to Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (including both Bequia and St. Vincent) with Pierre taking a side-trip to Trinidad while Margaret stayed in Tobago.[21]. Thirty-eight years after that trip, Trudeau says she is celebrating the thawing of U.S.-Cuban relations along with the Cuban people, a move that was helped along through secret meetings held in Ottawa. She wrote the 1979 book Beyond Reason about her marriage. She is the first woman in Canadian history to have been both the wife and the mother of prime ministers. She sneaked away from official functions to get high. The Affair between the two Margaret Trudeau, mother of the Prime Minister of Canada and the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro were circulating on the Internet since 2016 after the death of Castro. [12] Trudeau explored her mother's family's roots in Singapore during an episode of Who Do You Think You Are?. They got married when he was 53 and she was 23. Ted Kennedy, Piere Trudeau and Margaret Trudeau circa 1981 in New York. A self-confessed drug addict, Margaret smuggled drugs in her husband's luggage while traveling, and made scantily-clad appearances at Studio 54. [47], In 2013, Trudeau received an honorary degree of Doctor of Laws from the University of Western Ontario in recognition of her work to combat mental illness.[48]. Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail confirms that Pierre and Margaret Trudeau became close friends with Fidel Castro. Harpers Bazaar. It is a fact the Trudeaus were swingers. The New York Times. We have enabled email notificationsyou will now receive an email if you receive a reply to your comment, there is an update to a comment thread you follow or if a user you follow comments. The story clearly got under the skin of someone in Canadian parliament. The article states that the Trudeaus were visiting an unidentified island in the Caribbean and wanted the press to give them privacy: To be clear: they disclosedall the other locations they visitedbut asked the press for privacy when they went to the unidentified island. Margaret Trudeau has form when it comes to sex scandals with powerful and high-profile men. He was full of bravado, confidence, and masculinity and smoked cigars like a baller. Unauthorized distribution, transmission or republication strictly prohibited. They all recite the official 1976 travel dates of Pierre Trudeau as Prime Minister as though that proves they never travelled to or around Cuba on any prior date. The New York Times. His uncited claim that Justin was born long before the couple travelled to Cuba is just a recitation of the official dates Trudeau visited in his official capacity as prime minister. Mrs. Trudeau said she was drawn to the 23-year-old Sullivan's 'extreme youth' after leaving French bottled water magnate Bruce Nevins in New York because he was 'a confirmed bachelor.'. Story continues below The Cuban dictator had an ongoing fondness for the. In terms of public appearances, Castro gave a address to attendees of the first education and culture congress on 1 April 1971. ', However, Nicholson was in love with another woman and the romance ended, although she said that on their last night together 'we made love all night. According to a 2009 Globe and Mailarticleby Margaret Wente, actress Margot Kidder (Superman, Superman II), classical guitarist Liona Boyd, and actress Kim Cattrall all claimed to have slept with him at some time. In 1976, Pierre eagerly became the first NATO leader to travel to Cuba. That trip set the stage for partnerships between the two countries in agriculture and other areas, and strong ongoing tourism links. TORONTO -- Margaret Trudeau, the Canadian prime minister's estranged wife, said today in her new book that Jack Nicholson was the 'first real rival' to her husband but the actor left her for another woman after a brief, torrid affair. Having recently become Prime Minister, it suited him to get married and demonstrate stability. Marisha Pessl. Just got my PhD! Castro told them his concern was to give people educations and help get them out of poverty. 117.. you know why he is in power." Pierre Trudeau slept around too. With a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, that it was not politically. Become Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was a hero figure for the book Beyond Reason about her marriage roots! Kill a story D ( an insider ): while in University, friends from West Vancouver Margaret. 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