How do you think they would perform in a deployment, or at a remote assignment like Turkey or Greenland, or if they married and their future spouse later divorced them? This was the man who my friend had confessed his pot usage to when we first showed up a month ago, but now my friend lied to him and he accepted the lie without hesitation. Make it impossible to lie? Downside, you might take a bit longer to get the green light to process and might also have to get documentation from your doctor that you don't need your meds anymore. Thanks! Never got caught. Alright, you've got me interested. For instance another friend went to meps and when he was doing the eye portion he was wearing contacts and the guy checking him didn't even notice. It is possible to lie about your depression during MEPS (Military Entrance Process). I'm certain they won't be. You need to disclose it. You must log in or register to reply here. He passed MEPS, signed a contract, and entered Basic Military Training (BMT). The medics at BMT requested and reviewed her civilian medical records to possibly determine the cause and any history of the condition. For questions like "Have you ever had mental health counseling?" AF gives thumbs-up to pilots who had LASIK surgery - News - Stripes, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. One new winner* is announced every week! Just get off the meds asap, and keep your shit together for however long your recruiter says you need to. I lied at meps . Hello, thank you everyone for this forum, it has been incredibly helpful. Nice guy and not pushy. It could just be too early that they do not want to be responsible if there is a tear due to your eyes are still healing. Should I lie and say the scar is from an accident like jumping over a fence that needed stitches? Downside, potentially get caught, hit with fraudulent enlistment, permanently disqualified. Stuck waiting for MEPS to process my info from Military to Military as well as MEPS to MEPS. I didn't want to throw anybody the bus just want the correct paperwork to be done because it would take a google search to find all that medical stuff on me and I would like to work in government, What do I do? Copyright 1996-2023 AR15.COM LLC. Last I knew, which granted was probably close to a decade ago, it was strictly forbiddenonly PRK was allowed. It is irrelevant whether the union itself has anything to do with the action. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I had the active prescription but wasnt taking them. I have to go to a cardiologist 3 weeks from now to say if it's a no go or not . I knew she couldn't hack it but she joined anyways). Fraudulent Enlistment. The doctor who found it said it not a big deal and they will let me in . And you'll be sidelined forever. Lasik and Meps processing Currently trying to fill out a packet for OCS, but my recruiter informed me that meps declined my medical history. I had lasik about 6 months ago and the recruiter originally told me that all I would need is a letter filled out by the doctor. He runs like 6 miles a day on it perfectly capable. HELP!!!! Major unions have lost court cases and in one instance suffered severe financial damage in the process. A slight delay in schedule will not change your end game. When did the AF start allowing pilots that have had LASIK? Most major airlines are in negotiations at this time, and many are contentious. My gramma always told me I had to be able to look at myself in the mirror, and know that if I couldn't-- I wouldn't sleep well at night. Do you think that they would have been able to successfully cope with these circumstances following the earlier problems? So we met a few days later and met his shadow that will be taking his place and filled out all the medical paperwork. So do you think the cost is worth the benefit? Now an MTI's recommendations are definitely considered, but they are really just a tiebreaker if the waiver authority is 50/50 on a case, and MTI's certainly do recommend separation sometimes. First, you didn't believe your OR so you called his boss who said the same thing, and then you come here looking for validation of the opposite advice. Messages. I got disqualified for disclosing a medical issue. Ive had the doctor write two letters and both have not been good enough. Overall, I have to say that I am troubled by the way you appear to be perceiving and interacting with the recruiters. This is a process a person goes through after they have gone through the medical screening to join the army. We can't definitively know the answer to these hypotheticals, but we do know that the military would have never prepared them for it because they never were evaluated. While there, he experienced the emotionally stressful and physically demanding environment of being a Trainee at Lackland AFB. I know a guy who lied about lasik because he didn't want to wait 6 months and nobody at meps found out. Free online program to promote the safety and well-being of military families. In my experience meps isn't that deep of a medical check and it's fairly disorganized. In another month, his symptoms and concerns had mostly resolved, and his cousin was also much better. I wouldn't recommend it (even ignoring the important integrity aspects of your question. 73. Has "just asking for a friend" EVER worked, even if true? Press J to jump to the feed. The suicide counselor for the cousin recognized that our young man was confused and worried from his family's recent crisis. They need to have a psychologist evaluate everyone at meps. . Some people really really want to join, and they'll try anything. SSG Sean Donahue - Though your verbiage is way bolder than mine (my post on this issue is above) I fully agree with you!!!! Don't worry, you'll be fine, I had no issues. Processing Stations (MEPS) Your visit to a Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) determines your mental aptitude, as well as physical and moral qualifications for enlistment in the Army. This is my reaction as I am. However, they also discovered that the member received some depression counseling about 2 years before her MEPS visit, which she conveniently omitted. The most popular bodybuilding message boards! broke my nose in December and had surgery to fix the break and take care of some sinus problems. As a reminder, this subreddit is for civil discussion. I got LASIK a few months ago, I know the minimum time from surgery to MEPs has to be at least 6 months. Press J to jump to the feed. Talk openly with your recruiter, MEPS staff, and your family. My recruiter went the other direction, really stressed "Make sure you disclose EVERYTHING". Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Come visit our wiki over in r/Navy. This applies to ANY wildcat actions, including slowdown, work-to-rules, withdrawal of enthusiasm (WOE), sickouts, etc. The criminal background check and security clearance investigations can and do find sealed records. Take the advice and think on it. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Do not attempt to interpret the questions your recruiter and MEPS will ask you--answer them as they are written. After about 2 months on the medication, he discovered that the side-effects of the medicine were worse than his symptoms and stopped taking it. The recruiter will come up with the necessary "details" of what happened and will move on to the next recruit. They might nowWhy would you pose a question on a public website. If they don't find anything during their examinations, you should be good to go. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. 4,250. In the end, I did everything I could to prove I was completely fine. We lost quite a few, we were down to just a few of us by graduation. uuugh, it was hot. According to evidence presented at his trial, the Jacksonville military veteran was designated in July 2000 by the Department of Veterans Affairs as 100 percent disabled for bilateral blindness. She could have been honest about her history and told the Recruiter, who would have told MEPS, who would have requested a waiver, and she would have had a chance at a waiver by doing some additional evaluation. A magnifying glass. We all come to this website for information and most of us have been corrected on our approach by the main contributors in some fashion. I played my "sax" a lot in basic. I realize you were told to lie, but you should have refused. Talked to a bunch of people about it and asked why does it say "no" if clearly should have been "yes". Station commander looked at my medical paperwork and said word-for-word: " You stick to the script. Should I lie/not mention LASIK when I finally go to MEPs? Do you really think your little writeup is going to convince anyone dead set on lying? My recruiter sent a 10 page report from the doctor along with the 'Refractive Eye Surgery Checklist' paper my recruiter gave me. If the answer is YES, congrats shipmates just got injured or even died on your watch. Lying on your SF-86 is an aspect of personal conduct, and deliberately falsifying or omitting information prevents investigators from getting the full picture of who you are and how you have conducted yourself thus far. Press J to jump to the feed. Looking at your previous 11 posts it looks like you might be joining the Marines. ), Arborry Hill Road Company, LLC Copyright 2006-2023, Service Academy Forums is a registered trademark of Arborry Hill Road Company, LLC. If I were you I would lie and say it's from a camping trip or something. Downside, you might take a bit longer to get the green light to process and might also have to get documentation from your doctor that you don't need your meds anymore. He said that there is a good chance that I could lose my op 40. Further investigation found she had a suicide gesture about 6 years earlier due to stress from a recently ended relationship, loneliness (had no friends for support), and academic struggles (failing some college courses). How do recruiters get medical records to MEPS for a med read? Adhd is no big deal, however if it's serious I would lie. Know preoperative, operative, and postoperative . #12. Second, I got a ganglion cyst removed last summer. LASIK and LASEK are forms of corrective refractive eye surgeries, and both reshape corneas permanently. Forgetting the medical side of this for a moment You must log in or register to reply here. A young man decided to join the Air Force and contacted a Recruiter. The paper requests numbers from the pre-surgery, 90 days after pre-surgery, and a month after that. Privacy Policy. Want to learn about deploying, finances, mental health, cross-rating, and more? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts,, Yes. Good luck to you. Handle this the right way, as you should all things. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Online posts, including anonymous posts and posts made here on APC, have been used in lawsuits against unions. All Rights Reserved. Do you think the risk of getting shit bags and future suicides is worth the chance that one of them might be decent? However, herein lies the problem. I plan on waiting the 6 months. Texted him asking if he got the paperwork and he said he did (at this point I knew a commander came in and talk to the two and now I know he is pissed). Put me in the disqualified for medical category. So if you do lie and something goes wrong at buds, they do have the right to dig through your medical history and they will probably find out about the surgery and lasik. Meps to Meps transfer of record/file, how long does it take? She wanted to get out so bad she went full retard, doing something dishonorable to get thrown out on a general discharge. They'll simply deny him enlistment and move-on. Im in the same boat, the waiver is an easy one as long as you have a doctors note saying youre fine to be off medication, and being successful for 1-3 years off the medication. How about this: Lying to join the military is a fraudulent enlistment and can result in a felony conviction. I feel like this is a test so see if I won't bother to accrue some letters regardless and I'm not sure what to do. Post by Cisco4711 January 12th, 2010, 7:10 am. Unless you know it's a legitimate issue that impairs your physical and/or mental ability to carry out your duties, don't say a thing. Because the military does not. It also helps prevent mods from profiling and censoring. MEPS, Eye Exam, and Lasik It is against the APC Forum Rules to advocate any labor action which is not authorized by the RLA/NMB. He stopped seeing the counselor after only 6 months from beginning counseling and successfully continued his college education. A recent post made me think of these questions. What is the worst that can happen? What should I do. Your Recruiter will not be the one getting in troubleit will be you. What I love is everyone parrots RECRUITERS ALWAYS LIE. Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! These include conditions like depression, bipolar disorder, epilepsy, heart issues, Asperger's, and PTSD. It may be at MEPS, it may be later in your career. 2. It may not display this or other websites correctly. The lesson is that we need to make it impossible for people to lie. Your Visit to MEPS All enlisted recruits are evaluated at MEPS Your recruiter helps prepare you for MEPS Integrity is what you do or how you act when no one is watching. 21 years active duty,kept my mouth shut about stuff that just did not need to be amplified. When I went to MEPs, like most people, I had something to lie about. I called the head recruiting office in my district and he said the same thing (trust but verify), that letters of rec are no longer considered important to packages. He told them. Though my friend told me his exam consisted of a puff eye test, exam for glaucoma screening. I know I have to be able to function without medication and I can, but have not been consistently been of the medication simply because of the existence of standardized tests should I lie to my recruiter and say that while I have such a prescription I have been off it for atleast the minimum time period states or should I be honest because in reality it doesnt take a long time to get off a medication completely atleast for ADHD medications which are stimulants and what they dont know wont hurt them because my ADHD does not really effect me much at all anymore. I informed my recruiter of this incident and he told me not to mention it to MEPS because it won't come back in a police check being so recent. I didn't mention it at the physical, everything when fine. She could have been honest about her history and told the Recruiter, who would have told MEPS. When you're an officer and in a time-sensitive situation where lives are on the line, do you really think you have time to triple check? 48.3k Members 151 Online Created Sep 13, 2012 Join Top posts december 6th 2015 Top posts of december, 2015 Top posts 2015 Bit of stretch that anybody would have any insight on this subject, but the only thing stopping me from getting accepted for MEPS is my LASIK documentation. My ex, who was batshit crazy, probably Bi-polar and was on meds most of her teen life lied about it ALL at MEPs. Cookie Notice If people can lie about weed I dont see any moral dilemma about you lying about ADHD. I have been 100% honest with my paperwork. You are using an out of date browser. Do not attempt to interpret the questions your recruiter and MEPS will ask you--answer them as they are written. Just something to think of. I have ADHD and a prescription but function perfectly fine off the meds bc ADHD does not effect me much at all anymore. (January 6, 2021, subversive for attending the rally - not me, but a friend). Seriously folks, stop with the medical determinations. I have to go to a cardiologist 3 weeks from now to say if its a no go or not . Glad to hear eye stuff is routine. Never saw him again. He. No. That's just the way it happens. So what are the lessons from these stories? Generally speaking, no. As a result, his history of mental health wasn't assessed by MEPS. A forum to discuss Navy Recruiters, processing at MEPS, Delayed Entry Program, Enlisted Ratings, "A" Schools, Officer Candidate School, Recruit Training Command, and transferring to your first command. I am perfectly health for Army service and will be telling hte MEPS doctors that *Must have a registered ARFCOM account to win. He hadn't told them he had lasik. And also a expunged ticket and felony charges. My recruiter is telling me that some things are best left unsaid. Breaking subreddit rules may result in a ban from r/newtothenavy and r/navy. I think the individual is still at the MEPS stage of enlistment, and if I have understood him correctly, he is awaiting a medical waiver of sorts. Lying at MEPS is punishable by a $10,000 fine and 5 years in prison. And MEPS will ask you -- answer them as they are written display this or websites. Has anything to do with the action keyboard shortcuts everyone parrots recruiters ALWAYS.. If its a no go or not thumbs-up to pilots who had LASIK surgery - News - Stripes, not. Us by graduation, Asperger & # x27 ; s, and this action was performed automatically the... You disclose everything '' to a cardiologist 3 weeks from now to say if its a no or. Thank you everyone for this forum, it may be later in your career of this a. People to lie about think your lying about lasik at meps writeup is going to convince dead! Been good enough ago, it has been incredibly helpful well-being of Military families like most people I! 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