1779 Massachusetts Avenue NW Thirty-six percent say they are somewhat comfortable and 10 percent say they are not comfortable at all. U.S. Several Asian, African, and Central American countries also have large immigrant populations. According to IAAS data, 54 percent of respondents report belonging to the Hindu faith (see figure 6). Formed in 2021, we provide fact-based, non-partisan news. As the figure demonstrates, religion leads the way59 percent of Indian Americans believe it is responsible for creating internal divisions in the community. Given the fact that the majority of younger Indian Americans below age twenty-seven are born in the United States while the opposite is true of those above age twenty-seven, YouGov oversampled younger Indian Americans between the ages of eighteen and twenty-seven to ensure that the studys analyses can make inferences about generational differences within the Indian American community. The top 15 states also include several with large immigrant populations, such as Florida, Washington, Maryland, and Pennsylvania, where the foreign-born population grew faster than in the country overall. The matched cases and the frames were combined, and a logistic regression was estimated for inclusion in the frames. Apart from attending religious services, the survey asks respondents how frequently they pray (outside of the times they attend religious services). Overall, the Obama administration deported about 3 million immigrants between 2009 and 2016, a significantly higher number than the 2 million immigrants deported by the Bush administration between 2001 and 2008. The Census Bureau pooled together survey responses from between 2013 and 2017, allowing the bureau's statisticians to publish estimates of how many people in the foreign-born populations of each state and the District of Columbia came from various countries. This paper explores a different cleavagepartisan affiliation in Indiaby examining how Indian Americans who favor the Congress or the BJP view supporters of the other party. Note: This is an update of a post originally published May 3, 2017, and written by Gustavo Lpez, a former research analyst focusing on Hispanics, immigration and demographics; and Kristen Bialik, a former research assistant. In order to be eligible to serve as a respondent for the IAAS, members of YouGovs panel must self-identify as a person of (Asian) Indian origin who resides in the United States. Members of the Indian American communityboth individually and collectivelyare mobilizing in response. Nationally, 38 percent (7 million) of children of immigrants in 2017 had a primary parent a from Mexico, 19 percent (3.5 million) from the rest of Central America and South America, and 43 percent (8 million) from other parts of the world. 10 Anna Purna Kambhampaty, At Census Time, Asian Americans Again Confront the Question of Who Counts as Asian. 11 Chakravorty, Kapur, and Singh, The Other One Percent, 178. For complete survey topline results, please visit Appendix B here. . To what extent does the community exhibit signs of shared solidarity, and are there signs of division as the group grows in number and diversity? The term net international migration describes the total number of people moving to a state from another country minus people moving to another country from that state. There are a host of plausible reasons why U.S.-born Indian Americans might report greater discrimination, including differences in social norms, greater awareness of discriminatory practices, or less fear of retaliation.48. Independence Day (July 4) ranks second (57 percent), followed by Christmas (54 percent). The U.S. foreign-born population reached a record 44.8 million in 2018. 38 Badrinathan, Kapur, and Vaishnav, How Do Indian Americans View India?, 1213. The term net domestic migration describes the total number of people moving to a state from another state minus people moving to another state from that state. But this remains a minority view: 40 percent of Indian Americans do not believe that domestic politics are dividing the Indian diaspora in the United States. In fact, that is precisely what the data suggest (see figure 10). Between 1990 and 2000, the number of foreign born from India in the United States more than doubled. Of the non-citizen population residing in the United States, the survey finds that 80 percent of them would accept U.S. citizenship if offeredan important preference given that Indian law forbids dual citizenship. Somali immigrants are the second-largest immigrant group in Minnesota. It explores this contentious subject in three ways. 29 Maari Zwick-Maitreyi, Thenmozhi Soundararajan, Natasha Dar, Ralph F. Bheel, and Prathap Balakrishnan, Caste in the United States: A Survey of Caste Among South Asian Americans (Equality Labs, 2018). At the time, most immigrants from what was then British India were in fact Sikhs, not Hindus. When it comes to online discussions of politics, 28 percent of U.S.-born citizens posted comments about political issues on an online forum, compared to 18 percent of foreign-born citizens and 14 percent of non-citizens. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. There does appear to be some variation based on respondents religious identity (see figure 7). For a daily dose of the most relevant Dallas News! Sixteen percent of Indian Americans report being discriminated against by virtue of their Indian heritage. as well as other partner offers and accept our. For complete survey topline results, please visit Appendix B online. Although a large proportion are not U.S. citizens (38 percent), roughly 2.6 million are (1.4 million are naturalized citizens and 1.2 million were born in the United States). The surveys initial question on whether respondents personally identify with a caste grouping is restricted to respondents who identify with Hinduism (and make up slightly more than half of the IAAS sample), where caste categories are reasonably well-defined.30 However, broader questions regarding the role that caste plays in social networks (discussed later) are asked of all respondents. Only adult respondents (ages eighteen and above) who identified as Indian American or a person of (Asian) Indian origin were able to participate in the survey. Thirty-one percent respond that it is a major problem, 53 percent believe it is a minor problem, and a small minority (17 percent) believe it is not a problem at all. See Doug Rivers, Pew Research: YouGov Consistently Outperforms Competitors on Accuracy, YouGov, May 13, 2016, https://today.yougov.com/topics/finance/articles-reports/2016/05/13/pew-research-yougov. Report this user for behavior that violates our Community Guidelines. This represents 19.1% of the 244 million international migrants worldwide, and 14.4% of the United States' population. Report. Roughly one-fifth lived in the Northeast (21%) and 11% were in the Midwest. And how might their self-conception influence the composition of their social networks? Thirty percent of non-citizen IAAS respondents possess a green card (or a permanent residency card), which places them on a pathway to gaining U.S. citizenship. An estimated 50.6 million American residents, or a little more than 15% of the countrys 331.4 million inhabitants, were born abroad. Washington, DC 20036-2103. Interestingly, among IAAS respondents, Diwali emerges as the most celebrated holiday63 percent of respondents report that they celebrate the Indian festival of lights (see figure 16). There is a separate table for the U.S. territories. How might non-Indians discriminate against Indians on the basis of caste if caste is not a salient category for them? As one might expect, first-generation (foreign-born) and second-generation (U.S.-born) respondents approach this question differently (see figure 12). Third, Christians are much more likely to report that hardly any or none of their Indian friends share their religion. For instance, 27 percent of Hindu respondents who identify with a caste report that all or most of their Indian friends share their caste affiliation. Figure 4 unpacks this further and looks at three categories of spouses or partners: Indian origin but born in India; Indian origin but born in the United States; and non-Indian origin. . Existing research has found that among major Asian American communities, Indian Americansboth men and womenhave the highest rate of endogamy (the custom of marrying within ones community) in both the first and second generations, although there is a noticeable increase in marriage outside of the community among members of the second generation.21. These data suggest that the vast majority of the Indian immigrant population in the United States were already highly educated prior to arriving in the country. Fifty-four percent of Republicans say they are very comfortable having Democratic friends. The modal responseselected by 38 percent of respondentsis that some of their friends are of Indian origin. Although Indian Americans born in the United States assess Indias present trajectory more critically than those born outside of the United Statesa finding the February 2021 IAAS study established 51the latter are somewhat more likely to blame religion (62 percent versus 55 percent) as well as political leadership (61 percent versus 48 percent). Minnesota has proportionally fewer immigrants compared to the nation as a whole, but we have long been a state shaped by immigration. A small minority of non-citizen respondents6 percentclaim some other visa status. The actual change is expected to come in 2055, when Asians will become the largest immigrant group at 36 percent, compared with Hispanics at 34 percent. Nineteen percent of them are not comfortable having close friends associated with the BJP. We bring the best out of every single solitary culture in the world here in the United States of America, and we give people an opportunity to let their dreams run forward.2. In fiscal 2019, a total of 30,000 refugees were resettled in the U.S. Not only are Hindus less likely to report attending religious services, but they are also less likely to say that they pray. In certain cases, these larger groupings consist of smaller denominations that have been aggregated upward. The Government of India maintains an Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) designation for persons of Indian origin residing abroad who do not hold Indian citizenship. In contrast, there is more variation on the dimensions of region and caste. While the majority are immigrants, a rising share . 1 (2015): 51104. Given that there are many more Indian Americans who are Hindu in the IAAS sampleand the fact that nearly half of Christians and Muslims report that all or most of their friends share their religionthis means that both Christians and Muslims have substantially more religious homophily, relative to Hindus. 16 Of those born outside of the United States, 80 percent were born in India. From the 1820s to the 1840s, approximately 90 percent of immigrants to the United States came from Ireland, England, or Germany. 43 The survey asks respondents how comfortable they would be having close friends from various backgrounds. born outside the US varies widely from state to state, Here's how many people in each state were born outside the US, 2 maps that show how every state's economy would suffer if Trump shuts down the US-Mexico border, This map shows that each US state is basically its own country, Here's the highest-paying job in every US state. Muslims and Christians are significantly more likely than Hindus to say that religion is very important to thema gap of nearly 30 percentage points. Bookmark Quiz Bookmark Quiz Bookmark. Forty percent of respondents born in the United States report being a member of an Indian American organization, compared to 29 percent of those born elsewhere. where they are the largest immigrant group. Somali immigrants are the second-largest immigrant group in Minnesota. For instance, the social networks of an Indian American in Wyoming (where there are very few Indian Americans) will likely be dominated by non-Indian Americans. However, non-citizens and foreign-born citizens report nonparticipation at roughly twice the rate of U.S.-born citizens: 47 and 41 percent, respectively, compared to 22 percent of U.S.-born citizens. Further methodological details can be found in Appendix A, along with a state-wise map of survey respondents. The decline in the unauthorized immigrant population is due largely to a fall in the number from Mexico the single largest group of unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. 52 Arthur G. Rubinoff, The Diaspora as a Factor in U.S.-India Relations, Asian Affairs: An American Review 32, no. Immigrants from Mexico and Central America are less likely to be high school graduates than the U.S. born (54% and 47%, respectively, do not have a high school diploma, vs. 8% of U.S. born). To broaden the aperture, the survey asks about discrimination along several dimensions beyond country of origin: skin color, gender, religion, and caste. In 2018, 3.6 million people in New York (18 percent of the state's population) were native-born Americans who had at least one immigrant parent. 24 Christine Tamir, Aidan Connaughton, and Ariana Monique Salazar, The Global God Divide, Pew Research Center, July 20, 2020, https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2020/07/20/the-global-god-divide/. The US Census Bureau's American Community Survey asks millions of people every year detailed questions about their social, economic, and demographic situations. This is a list of U.S. states and the District of Columbia by annual net migration. The data described below unambiguously reveal a high degree of polarization, although its structure is asymmetric. Nearly half or around 45% of all Asian immigrants or those of Asian origins live in the West, with around a third (31%) currently living in California . She holds a PhD in political science from the University of Pennsylvania. Furthermore, the earlier version of the chart incorrectly showed thepartialyear shares of Hispanic and Asian recent arrivals in 2015; the correctedcompleteyear shares are 31% and 36%, respectively. Largest Immigrant Groups by US State Can you name the 5 largest immigrant groups in each US state? There is also important variation by ones religious identity. California had the largest immigrant population of any state in 2018, at 10.6 million. In all, 52 percent of Indians in America completed their education in the United States. If the rate of population growth and influx of new immigrants from the region continues in the next couple of years, Asians will be the largest immigrant group by 2055 according to the Center. Hover over a state to get the total foreign-born population and double click on a state to get top county estimates. The data suggest that discrimination based on skin color is the most common form of bias: 30 percent of respondents report feeling discriminated against due to the color of their skin. One of the questions asks respondents what their country of birth is. The February 2021 IAAS study examined the degree to which Indian Americans remain connected to India through cultural outlets such as Indian food, movies or television, and art, dance, or music.38 This paper looks at one additional aspect of cultural engagement: participation in select holidays regularly celebrated in India. The survey also queries respondents about whether they participated, over the past twelve months, in any of five political activities: volunteering or working on a political campaign; posting comments online about politics; discussing politics with friends and family; contributing money to a candidate, party, or campaign organization; or contacting their elected representative or another government official. The first, released in October 2020, explored the political attitudes and preferences of Indian Americans in advance of the November 2020 U.S. presidential election.12 The second, published in February 2021, explored how Indian Americans view changes underway in Indian politics.13, Indian Americans are the second-largest immigrant group in the United States.14. 31 Richer, more educated respondents are more likely to identify with a caste group. Florida, fourth in 2016 in the share of residents who are foreign-born, first made an appearance on the list in 1980. . In the 1820s, nearly 60,000 Irish immigrated to the United States. Another 31 percent report little or no participation in religious services, claiming they do so seldom or never. Jonathan Kay is a nonresident research assistant in the Carnegie South Asia Program. By 2017, that number had declined by 1.7 million, or 14%. Portuguese-born people comprise 11.5% of Rhode Island's foreign-born population. Fifty-one percent of Democrats say they are somewhat comfortable with Republican friends and 22 percent say they are not comfortable (more than twice the number of Republicans who felt that way about Democrats). In eight states, Canadian immigrants made up the second-largest group, and in four states, the second-most common country of origin was the Philippines. The survey furthers asks respondents to assess whether they believe that domestic politics in India might be creating or exacerbating divisions within the Indian American community. The percentage of the population born outside the US varies widely from state to state. The differences are especially stark for Diwali and Indian Independence Day, where the gap between the two groups is on the order of 20 percentage points. 23 Americas Changing Religious Landscape, Pew Research Center, May 12, 2015, https://www.pewforum.org/2015/05/12/americas-changing-religious-landscape/. There is no variation at all based on duration of stay in the United States. (+1) 202-419-4300 | Main May 3, 2016. 8 See, inter alia, Thenmozhi Soundararajan, A New Lawsuit Shines a Light on Caste Discrimination in the U.S. and Around the World, Washington Post, July 13, 2020, https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/07/13/new-lawsuit-shines-light-caste-discrimination-us-around-world/; and Yashica Dutt, The Specter of Caste in Silicon Valley, New York Times, July 14, 2020, https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/14/opinion/caste-cisco-indian-americans-discrimination.html. A very small minority, around 10 percent, strongly or somewhat disagrees. For instance, for Indian Americans who skeptically view the rise of Hindu majoritarianism in India, it is unclear how they might apportion blame given that religion, leadership, and political parties are all deeply intertwined, especially in the current political scenario. Questions that measure social distance are often used to understand the salience of group identity and perceptions of group hierarchy, and as a basis of prediction of inter-group prejudice. The most common activity is performing community service, something 20 percent of respondents engaged in, followed by working with others in their community (15 percent), attending a public meeting (13 percent), and attending a protest or demonstration (11 percent). This study relied on a nonrepresentative snowball sampling method to recruit respondents. This statistic is nearly identical to the average of the American population at large. (+1) 202-419-4372 | Media Inquiries. Of this latter group, the overwhelming majority83 percentcategorize themselves as General or upper caste. Just 24 percent of Indian Americans who have lived in the United States between one and ten years identify as Indian American, compared to 41 percent of those who have been here for eleven to twenty-five years and 53 percent of those who have been here for more than twenty-five years. Media reports about caste discrimination in the technology hub of Silicon Valleywhere a large number of Indian Americans are employedand a heated controversy over whether caste should be a part of history textbooks in the state of California have brought the issue to the forefront once more.28 A 2018 survey of 1,500 South Asian Americans found that many low-caste members of numerous diaspora communities had endured firsthand experience of caste discrimination. 39 This finding holds even if we use a binary measure of Indian American concentration, using a cut-off of two percent of a countrys population; drop outlier counties with unusually high concentrations of Indian Americans; control for the total number of households in a county; and control for a respondents place of birth. The five largest foreign-born groups in the United States, including those from Mexico, the Philippines, India, China, and Vietnam, account for 44 percent of the total immigrant population. However, there is marked variation by place of birth. When it comes to discrimination experienced by Indian Americans, a significantly larger share of foreign-born Indian Americans (59 percent) state that they have not been discriminated against on any grounds in the past year, compared to just 36 percent of U.S.-born Indian Americans (see figure 27). Motivated by their emotional ties to India, as well as their rights and responsibilities as American citizens, Indian Americans have pushed the U.S. government to mount a large-scale humanitarian response.54. Today, Indian Americans are a mosaic of recent arrivals and long-term residents. Responses are very divided. 13Sumitra Badrinathan, Devesh Kapur, and Milan Vaishnav, How Do Indian Americans View India? Pew Research Center estimates indicate that in 2065, those who identify as Asian will make up some 38% of all immigrants; as Hispanic, 31%; White, 20%; and Black, 9%. What do the social networks of Indian Americans look like? Those who wish to do so may apply after meeting certain requirements, including having lived in the U.S. for five years. On the other hand, Muslims are much more likely to self-identify as South Asian (27 percent compared to 7 percent of Christians and 5 percent of Hindus). 49 Although sample sizes are extremely small, it does seem that Hindu respondents who affirmatively identify with a caste are more likely to report discrimination on the basis of caste. This margin of error is calculated at the 95 percent confidence interval. Although Indian Americans do not appear to be among the primary targets of this violenceas they were in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacksthe disquieting crime wave has cast a spotlight on the bigotry and violence many Asian immigrant populations experience in the United States.9, The official classification and self-identities of the Indian American community have posed a conundrum for more than a century, from Hindoo to Asian to South Asian to Asian Indian to Indian American to American. Indeed, even the use of the term Indian American is contested, as some members of the diaspora prefer the term South Asian American,10 which signifies solidarity with other groups hailing from the subcontinent. Among Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents, 88% think immigrants strengthen the country with their hard work and talents, and just 8% say they are a burden. Self-identification also varies by religion. It Depends on the Measure, Pew Research Center, June 17, 2014, https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2014/06/17/which-party-is-more-to-blame-for-political-polarization-it-depends-on-the-measure/. For instance, do respondents feel more Indian than American, more American than Indian, equally Indian and American, or neither Indian nor American? Vietnamese Americans are the largest Asian origin group by population in four states (Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Nebraska); Hmong Americans are the largest in Minnesota and Wisconsin; and Korean Americans are the largest in Alabama. 4 Sanjoy Chakravorty, Devesh Kapur, and Nirvikar Singh, The Other One Percent: Indians in America (New York: Oxford University Press, 2017). By the 1930s, Italians were the largest immigrant group in the nation and in nine states, including New York, Louisiana, New Jersey and Nevada. This study is the third in a series on the social, political, and foreign policy attitudes of Indian Americans. True False True Indeed, the survey finds that in counties with more Indian American households, respondents are significantly more likely to say their social networks are dominated by fellow Indian Americans (see figure 17).39 This effect appears to be roughly linear, although there is a steep rise once more than 5 percent of households in a county are Indian American. About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. But self-identification as a person of Indian origin tells us little about the strength of a respondents Indian identity. This suggests that the evidence of polarization, while real, should not be overinterpreted either. How do they respond to the dual impulses of assimilation and integration? White immigrants to America, 80 percent . In 2017, 45% were naturalized U.S. citizens. As the number of Indian-origin residents in the United States has swelled north of 4 million, the communitys diversity too has grown. This new methodology has also allowed the inclusion of the figure from 2000. Thirty-seven percent of Congress supporters are somewhat comfortable having friends who support the BJP (identical to the share of BJP supporters who are somewhat comfortable having Congress friends), but just 23 percent say they are very comfortable having BJP supporters as friends (for BJP supporters, the analogous share is 35 percent). Want the news delivered straight to your inbox? Between 2007 and 2017, this group decreased by 2 million. Immigrant Population by State and County This map displays the geographic distribution of immigrants in the United States by country of origin. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. An equal percentage of respondents18 percent apiecereport that they have been discriminated against due to their gender or religion. Although overall levels of poverty are lower than the American average,5 there are concentrated pockets of deprivation, especially among the large number of unauthorized immigrants born in India and residing in the United States.6. 50 Surinder S. Jodhka and Ghanshyam Shah, Comparative Contexts of Discrimination: Caste and Untouchability in South Asia, Economic and Political Weekly 45, no. On the contrary, India continues to exist in the present as it influences the lives of the diasporaeven as its members chart a new path in their adopted home. Respondents for this survey were recruited from an existing panel administered by YouGov. Caste has long been a sensitive and controversial issue in discussions about the Indian American community. On the matter of campaign finance, one-fifth of U.S.-born citizens report contributing to a political campaign, while just 13 percent of foreign citizens and 5 percent of non-citizens said they did so. U.S.-born Indian Americans, however, are more likely to report a social network with a limited number of Indians (stating very few or none of their friends are of Indian origin) or to take the middle ground42 percent of them report that some of their friends are Indian origin, compared to 35 percent of foreign-born respondents.40. Hindus, in turn, are much more likely than Christians or Muslims to state that religion is somewhat important, not too important, or not at all important in their lives. Of origin represents 19.1 % of the United States 1.7 million, the survey asks largest immigrant groups by state! The District of Columbia by annual net migration have been discriminated against to! 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