She nods, shooing him away. As it should be. And one I would like to accomplish now. He makes a move to escape the bed, but Karas grip on him tightens. It needed to be someone she would recognize, pick out of a crowd. Its me, Lena. I lost Kara when you told me the truth. And as much as she wishes that last sentence was true to only one half of her life, she knows it applies to her Super half as well. A shimmer of water rolls over her friends cheeks, plopping onto the concrete wall she leans on. She didnt know what she thought. The couple lays on the couch, Kelly between Alexs legs and leaning on her chest as the two of them are covered in blankets. How could you put up with someone who had lied to you from the very start? The moment Kara says it she regrets it. Kara pulls away from Lena, dropping Lenas arm and approaching the man and girl. She brings it down into the sink, then turns on the faucet. Kara stands, collecting the extra plates and piling them together. Are you alright?. At the end lays a fat hunk of steel with a rounded end and a flat back. Imra, theres theres something I need to tell you., She nods. "I mean Mike." Kara shakes her head no, and he quickly corrects. Hes a good liar in his new form, he knows that. Things change between you and Lena. They are partners. She hadnt seen him this happy in days, weeks even. We didnt know that he was planning an attack. Was she okay? Kara asks, the hero in her peeking out at the mention of a civilian in trouble. Do you have an idea you couldnt say in front of the team? She asks. She looks up at him with eyes full of fear and hesitantly reaches into her pocket and hands him the key to Karas cuffs. Lena finishes her stitching and moves on to the other leg, noticing what Alex is going to do next and passing her the portable ultrasound. Im gonna miss you so, so much, she cries, holding him tighter. Finally, Kara kicks her way out, falling to the ground in a heap of blood, blisters, and charred suit. Ill see what I can do. Winn nods and steps to the side to let her pass. How-. At that moment, Karas eyes open wide and she gasps for air. You know I keep my promises., He smiles and gestures for them to sit down. What did Maggie need help with? Kara asks, a mouthful of potsticker jumbling her words. Willingly, she walked into her cell, lined with lead bars that hindered her from escaping. The voice that would tell her she loved her every morning and every night. As far as the Luthors go he pauses, not wanting to expose too much. Her eyes glow brighter, reflecting off of Lenas who shuts her eyes to prevent herself from becoming blind. He twirls his wrist, sending snaking blue swirls toward her hand and around her knuckles. Were talking about a woman who can make broken look beautiful and strong look invincible. Miles and miles later, Kara pulls into Collum State Park. Kara laughs, sinking back into her normal self. He turns back to her, putting a hand on the side of her head. Her eyes are immediately drawn to the sink. She draws in a shaky breath, staring into his innocent eyes, and suddenly they are the only ones in the room. The cane fires, right towards Lenas chest. She watches him closer, staring at his cane. He tells Imra hell be back and jogs after Kara. Coincidentally, you have always been the one to have a word with her when those occurrences come up., The number of times I could have died while you were with me is a very high amount, yet whenever danger struck you always seemed to flee the scene just in time for Supergirl to rescue me.. He didnt care about death, he cared about the weapons. I didnt think so. Thats what I was afraid of.. Lena had been searching for the right time to tell Kara the truth. She takes his hand in hers, squeezing it softly. She hugs her tightly, holding Cats frail body gently. But I dont have a location or a certain place Im going to. She still wears her suit, her bangs falling down her forehead and hair blowing in the wind. She inhales sharply but allows him to hold her. Because even though it may be a strength, in my eyes, it matters what youre being patient for. Then why are you here? To be with another girl? Later, at the DEO Imra and Kara talk and Imra tells Kara that she knows Kara and Mon-El used to be together and when Mon-El first arrived in her time he spoke only of finding a way back to Kara, that he wouldn't even look at another woman until he realized he wasn't going to find a way back and that he certainly did not move on lightly. She knew that Lex was out of prison and she said nothing. Then, the rubber toes of red boots come into the top of her view. And if I make a mistake, it needs to be my guilt if I accidentally take you down., You wont be able to have guilt, Jonn interjects, setting down his marker. I have a few more things to show you, then Im simply going to disappear. Id love to have you there with me., Kara grins. Plenty of angst and eventual fluff. Seven years since Cadmus had resurfaced with the release of Lex Luthor and hatched their plan to take her down once and for all. Brainy! Hey, she points, watching herself spin among the other heroes. Why are you here?. Well, I told her. He knew it. Will Lena's relationship with Kara put her in the front running of getting the Christmas Tree Farm? She seemed fine with it. She sits on a mound of rubble, grabbing her cape and wrapping it around herself. The helicopter swings by and Lex snags the ladder, lifting off into the sky to safety. And I already know the answer you are going to give me. Tears fill in their ducts and leak from his eyes, falling atop Romeo and Juliet. A strong one, capable of a love that could bond sisters and go years without communication only to come together as if no time separated them. Alright, lets see what we got here. The truth is, we cant save everybody.. I already have. But its Nia. We all did! Too little is left in her body, most of it a puddle surrounding them. She has to figure that out for herself. While we were out there I thought I saw Mon She cant say his name. As she steps toward one, her boot connects with something heavy. Their friendship. Even though the city, no, the nation, had seen her fall to quite presumably her death, they still believed she was in the wrong. Is it bad that I wish I was? She wasnt herself, she couldnt be herself, even in her own world. He crouches slightly, looking at Kara just over the top. You okay? He whispers. Im listening. And if were both missing, rumors will spread and our colleagues will gossip.. Please, just let me go so I can stop him from killing any more innocent people.. Okay, no peeking. The reach the summit and she stops him, panting. He slowly opens the box, as if something is going to jump out at him. I would never love her the way I love you., No! I shouldve asked before-, No, no, William, Im not, Kara says, putting her hands on his arms as she stares into his wild eyes. How it sounded so fresh and complete and new. But, Im afraid I cant disclose what that product is quite yet. Karas heart sinks. When Kara got hit by a superpowered alien two nights ago and was thrown off from CatCo's rooftop, Mon-El hadn't had the time to think twice before he leaped and grabbed Supergirl in his arms. But youre married., It was arranged. Alex flinches. That depends. We know how we are going to track the doppel, take her down, and hold her, but how are we going to get the rifle and Kryptonite?, Lena steps forward, closing the small circle the four of them stand in. She tilts her head at it, trying to determine what exactly this man has. His hand runs along the dents, his fingers poking through some of the holes. There is a knock on the door and Mon-El enters, bowing his head at Alura. I love you. Your daylight is running out.. How far could she go? Lena quickly sits up, downing whats left of her whiskey and placing the glass gently in her wastebasket. Basement, cell. Karas sister sits behind her couch, face red from crying and wet with tears, stomach sore from her wails and lungs tight from wheezing. Now move, let me finish the job.. Another is on his side and a final one in his chest. Im so sorry. His fingers graze over her legs and her arms and up her back and across her chest. The one person she didnt trust enough to hold it. Yeah, right? Kara feels the heat rise on her neck and she looks away, not able to make eye contact with her sister. When Cadmus was stealing aliens from Earth to turn them into slaves, Alex was aboard the ship that was on a course to space, never to be seen of again. The door opens quickly and Brainy appears in the entrance, stepping through and shutting it behind him. I was a God to everyone who began to look up to me. After a few moments, she looks at him, a spark in her eyes. The stinging, burning sensation that radiates throughout her body but begins in her heart. So when he didnt I could always tell when he was lying. The coiled wires that held the bridge snap, the heat melting them and loosening them from their hinges. She chuckles lightly at his aggressiveness, missing it, then shrugs. But I wouldnt take it back. She steps away, back into the center of the room. Following me, asking questions, getting me in trouble. Only then will I restore your life to the present., Kara grinds her teeth, clenching her fists and fuming. She pauses, listening, and a thump on her front door makes her flinch. Well, hah! So if youre asking me if you can leave, the answer is no., Lena cocks her head, challenging. Supergirl, its been so long.. I know its not exactly home, but its-. As much as I missed you, I also missed myself., She thinks for a moment, watching him play the role of desperate so well. Her glasses glint in the light, and Lena cocks her head at her. The founder is on the cover, a powerful stance as she stares down the camera. Guys, I think we found a solution! Calls Winn ecstatically. It seems so weird, I have things on my mind and this- she gestures to the DEO, -helps me think. She looks around and squints, searching for a special someone. So him being on Earth was difficult for me. A voice she was sure she would never hear again. They fly out to the center of the desert and land a few hundred yards away from the structure. She knew Lex was free, she held Sam captive, she can make Kryptonite. What are you talking about? I also have this story posted on Wattpad under the same title with the username @swimmingisawesome101. Kara nods and they slip into James office. Its Kara. The jacket of his suit was bulging with the shape of a massive gun, and his pockets were filled with the round bodies of grenades. The fall of Lex Luthor was affecting everyone in National City differently. But she was never supposed todie. On AO3, Karamel is the fifth most written ship within the Supergirl fandom tag; Kara's fourth most written and Mon-El's most written; they have over 1300 fics as of November 2021. That night when we were about to go back, I was so ready to tell you. You dont know anything about Lex, so what if youre wrong about him, too?, I know enough to understand hes not a good person. Like you know Im going to get you out of here. Alex straightens, stalking around the table and inching closer to Kara. If you cant get past this, then whats the point in calling yourself a hero? But we are here now, and we still have a whole lot of work to do., Alex smiles, rubbing her sisters arm. She doesnt stop holding his hand, and hes thankful for it. I believed that you were different. Kara has a larger significance that Supergirl. Kara smiles slightly, able to have one good thought in her several days of misery. How is that fair?, Lex sucks his teeth, looking away from the hero with guilt. She puts her hands out to calm her, trying to ground herself and stop her legs from shaking. She picks up the metal, turning it over in her hands and analyzing it. Kara closes her eyes, remembering his lips on hers and the familiar feeling. The pain was the only thing tethering her to this moment. What happened?, I found her. James emerges from a hallway and squats down next to her, nudging her leg. Lena puts a hand to her mouth, almost crumbling at the sight of her. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Im a badass, Alex says, clearer and stronger. Why are you back so early?, What! Kara cries, leaning back. She can feel them breaking all over again, bending and twisting in the wrong directions. The pain. But he dips back into the infirmary before she can see his tears, returning dutifully to a smiling Imra. You dont really know me, and I dont really know you, but Id like to. I hear your pleas and your wishes of a perfect world. I explained myself, and cried, and basically begged her to forgive me for lying. She groans, putting her hands on her ears and looking around for the source. Wrong building to rob, buddy, she shouts. Why would Lex Luthor be behind a signal to the Legion? It was when you were sick and dying she trails off, suddenly growing rigid at the fact that he might not remember. No! If she couldnt, I wasnt going to leave her., I left her. No criminals, robberies, car chases, pets stuck in trees?, Winn cocks his head at her, genuinely intrigued at her questioning. He sleeps soundly beside her, content with the pressure of her hand on his chest so she can feel the rise and fall of his breaths. I wish I didnt.. Lenas brow furrows, walking over to her. She takes it in, walking around the room curiously. One that was going to pay the price for lying. One of the wheels was missing, so Supergirl lays on the dusty cushions at an awkward angle. Sure, she needed them for her experiment downstairs, but she was more curious about whether Kara would actually break the law for her. What do you mean? Please, Alex begs, ripping up some grass and pressing it in her hand. She could wake up at any minute.. The day had only been a few hours in real-time, but Mxy was speeding up her alternate reality. The last box seems to be his personals. But he was still alone. A rolled-up copy ofRomeo and Juliet sticking out of his breast pocket. You did it.. James, Kara, Lena starts, sitting down with them on the couches. Its understandable to be allied with her, it makes sense. She wouldve accepted me?, Mxy only shrugs. She is beaten, bloodied, and bruised. Hes struggling to run everything, not keeping up with his duties. Youll have to get up and see, she teases, escaping his hold and slipping out of bed. She takes a few steps closer to the hero, her voice rising in anger and pain as she has to tell the worst moment of her life to the woman who made it happen. What is this about?, The heros gaze drops to the floor and Alex speaks for her. He stands, returning to her room to dress. She doesnt ever have to physically ascend a great height to appreciate the view, able to float in the sky and take it in. I havent been Supergirl for years, now.. I missed you so much, Mon-El teases through gritting teeth, showering her face with kisses. Im sorry if Im ruining your date, Alex whispers. Stay here and rest up. Ah, yes. Kara pushes her off, looking down at her hand and feeling the heavy metal weigh her arm down. I just stood there and watched as you almost exposed yourself. What is it? Kara was awaiting her in the conference room, arms crossed and pacing back and forth. Knowing there is not enough time to push her out of the way, she jumps in front of her at the last second. Maybe now they can fix things between them. All through high school, she learned how to act normal, not use her powers, staying hidden in the shadows. She remembers when he brought it home to show her they carry food in small tubes. What happened?, Kara sighs, shaking her head and looking out the window at the city. Kate sighs, never realizing she didnt know the heros past. You are her! Lena says excitedly, a curious smile on her face. I know, I am destroying it inside and out. I didnt mean for this to happen, Imra-, You might not have, I believe that part. God, and I hate that I keep thinking about Alice., My sister. There is only one pair, and whoever obtains one will have absolute power and divine blessings. The image of it ignites something inside her, and an insane realization washes over her. Do you know what could have gone wrong?. A few weeks? Why are you crying?, Kara sighs, shaking her head. I get it. You brought her back, she says proudly. Depois que Mon-El foi embora de National City, Kara mal conseguia abrir os olhos e o corao para outra pessoa! I took him to the DEO where he was in a coma for several days before he woke up, almost killed a few agents, then ran away trying to send a message to his home planet. Hundreds of acres of rolling sand dunes speckle the park. Enough to puncture the unbreakable woman. He hadnt given up on her. Work Search: She gestures to Winn behind his computer and he pokes his head out, hearing his name. You never had to go through the experience of almost losing her. How could she hold the weight of her lies so gracefully she fooled the Luthor for so long? Unfortunately, that was me.. Alex drops her tablet on the table, quickly walking over to Kara as her sister puts her hands on her hips and sucks in a raspy gasp of air. Look at me like you know me. Kara cocks her head at her. Kara has his jacket splayed out as a barrier against the damp ground and loose dirt. James takes the opportunity to come around the gurney, shoving Winn out of the scene. I believe you can get her back. She asked me for help and you know Kara-, She never asks for help, Alex finishes, nodding absently. After evoking a trial by combat wit Rhea, Supergirl trains with Superman to help her beat Rhea, and save Earth. Needs it off her. Kara takes it from him, flipping through the articles and finding a few with her name as the writer. The same is with Jonn and any other close friend. Mon-El? She asks. What had she done? She knew exactly who it was, where they were, what was happening. I take it you didnt want to tell the truth. You, he growls, sliding a hand up her thigh and to her waist. He finds her with Winn at his desk going over charts. Kara flinches, her eyes growing wide at her tone of voice. Lena shakes her head, cursing herself for her actions with handling Reign. Im on a true date with a true gentleman. Look, I know you believe he doesnt hold an ounce of love for you anymore, but trust me when I say he does. You okay? Kara asks, her hand still on his arm. He catches her faraway look at the mention of the award. He looks up at her then closes his eyes, smiling. Rhea tricks Lena into helping her in a side-plot in 2x19 (Alex). Your controller. The quieting of the agents causes the three of them to look up from the tablet Alex holds, turning their heads. The city would be safe, yes. I knew exactly where hed go. She glances at her friend and catches Karas gaze. Kara brushes past Lena and stands behind her, taking her arms and folding them behind her back, using a hand to lock her wrists together. It takes her a moment to regain her balance, for her mind to straighten out this situation. But you couldve told me. Kara takes a deep breath. I can make it up to him.. And where am I falling?, In the future, just a mere seven years from now, you become corrupted. Kara uncaps it and walks further into the DEO, sipping. But Karas curiosity gets the better of her. For the moon boys all three of them found the one who was there equal. From out of the corner of her eye, she spots a large figure rounding the corner. But that protection and caring were all in between you fighting for fathers attention, creating little gadgets that harmed the family dog or cut the power to the house. Then tell me. In truth, she had been exposed to Kryptonite so many times before that her tolerance was high enough to break out of this ice. The monitors display images of the brain, certain lobes highlighted and marked specifically. Shall we? He drapes his arm over her shoulders, starting their path back to her loft. I always talk out loud. It makes you look like a leader. And that is not your fault. She looks to her sister, bent over and huffing, but smiling at her so wide it causes Alexs lips to curl up. What is it? He asks. Jonn assigned me as his babysitter and it slowly became easier to tolerate each other. She really is hurt. Her friend was upset that they havent seen each other. Collum? So, she begins, wiping her mouth with her sleeve, what is it about Kara?, Mon-El opens his mouth but nothing comes out. Karas brow furrows, shaking her head at him. Lena walks up to him, tears already running down her face. Not this time. He holds her hand to his mouth, her fingers pressed against his lips. He stands, coming around his desk and greeting Lena with a peck. Alexs daughter, she figures. Immediately. A hand pats her on the back and she straightens quickly, her eyes finding Mxys. The Fortress of Solitude, Kara whispers, staring out the window. Curiosity getting to her, she pulls down her glasses, using her x-ray vision to get a better look at his stick. Kara whimpers involuntarily, biting her lip hard as she pushes past her into the hall. The officers who had been deployed at the first sign of battle wave their hands in front of their faces, hoping to clear the dust to see. Supergirl, she begins, pausing purposefully. She turns to her sister. This operation is strictly confidential. And that is why she needs to confess. She embraces him, and Kara watches longingly as her body is engulfed in his arms, his eyes closing as he sighs against her. Shes using her, she knows that, and she hates that shes allowing Lena to push her around but what other choice does she have? He also tells Kara that where ever he goes hell be a better person because of her. You are in no position to tell me what to do.. Needed. Articles, reports, blogs, have been written that state us as being best friends. And I love you now. She closes her eyes, sighing. It's like Supergirl but without the "Super" The good kind. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize you had company," Clark whispers to Kara, then turns to . She shutters and relaxes, her muscles softening. He tucks his head into her arm, sighing contently. Oh, my God! Extremely patient when it comes to the people Im interested in. She would know she was being deceived. Olivers death had sent a shockwave through the unconventional family, however. Their complementing colors make her heart ache, her mind filling the open space on his chest with her house symbol. She needs plants, trees, grass. You will be mine, Supergirl., Kara tilts her head at him. To who?, Youd think in your own fantasy youd know who you want to be married too, he mumbles under his breath. Kara observes her cautiously. To protect you. She sits back, slowly pulling her legs in front of her and tilting to the side. I dont really have the time to chat with you about this, she says, gesturing to Karas aura, so well have to schedule a lunch or coffee. They climb in and Kara starts it, sliding a pair of sunglasses onto her face. Theres one more part to this show, then Ill let you be.. I was running on steam at the time so I didnt really listen to him, but funny enough, Barry actually helped me see he was worth keeping. I killed my brother for you, for our friends! You would have been in extreme danger with the government if you had known. Kara turns back to him and Nia slinks away back into the Tower. The day that I saved your plane from crashing was the day it all began. They still treated him as the ditzy alien who didnt know any better. Trying to pin the blame on the indestructible woman whos name saves people just by saying it. The crowd on the street shields their eyes with their arms as they stare up, intrigued. Her sister just died in her arms. No, no, no. A blown out window is decorated with yellow-tinted glass next to the door and Mon-El takes a step toward it. And when she stops to continue her spiel, Lena reaches into her pocket and pulls out the one thing she brought with her. Brainy did berate her on making Kara remove her suit to be repaired, however. But at a cost. Its really not that hard, Supergirl., Karas head drops and she shakes it slowly. Nia mustve heard me say his name and I ran over to him before I realized it wasnt him. With the government wanting to know her identity and Haley investigating, you had us wipe your memory of her. She sighs, the name ringing in her ears. You will remain Director and you wont step down. Karas eyes open and she looks over at Mon-El carefully. Are we allowed to be back here? Kara says, her gaze shifting around the bustling kitchen. Its just Im used to the important stories. The Luthor that succeeded. The suit Kara has worn all the times she has saved her, rescued her from danger. I Um I dont know. Tell Clark that I hope his little boy grows up to be exactly like him, and that he knows I didnt die scared or a hero, I died someone who had lived. A tear slips down her cheek, knowing she will not be able to see Clarks little boy grow up to be a man. He chats with Kara afterwards, telling her that he will most likely never see her again in this lifetime. Its safe to say that this planet isnt keeping me from anything.. But also Lena. But his presence it was when we had our first kiss.. Kara gazes at her mother. Okay, okay. Of course, Lena had only volunteered in helping to send Maalefaak downstairs, but it was too much after working together. But that light is soon snuffed by the dark. An empty warehouse. Supergirl doesnt kill. I loved her so much, she cries, leaning forward and falling into Lenas lap. But not until Kara wakes up. Im fine.. He looks at them one by one. I understand that you werent in the right mind, and now Ive been given a second chance. Clark didnt exactly give me a date on when they will come to Earth, but he promised soon., Thats good, Alex nods, then furrows her brow. I can promise that when you dont have a wife anymore. She removes his hand from where it rests on her hip and pulls it out from under the covers. The hero was already crying, her face blotchy and red with swollen eyes. And what choice do I have when I have direct orders from POTUS to do this?. Lena Luthor. Being on separate sides and all, Lena interrupts. She could feel the friendship between them growing, knowing it would eventually get to an Oliver and Barry level, and she was so grateful for it. The door opens and Alex enters, a cold look plastered on her face. Show you one of my own interesting little places., He smiles, rubbing a hand on the back of his head. Please, let us cross that bridge when we come to it. But there is a reason to her madness. Hell, I only did it for a few months and I almost exposed myself several times.. Alex and Maggie are married with a child, yet you are forbidden to interact with her. Happy reading! Maybe when Im gone you can find peace. Everything she put into it was worth nothing. Im going to be. He sighs, then nods. All the DEO agents stare, mouths open. I know I hurt you but this? She gestures to the gun, shaking. They both share a hesitant look toward one another. Her pajamas sit neatly on the floor beside her, folded and waiting. Im sorry for that. He tilts his head till it rests on hers, closing his eyes and leaning back on her. Small cut-out holes in the walls allow light, but they dont look like windows. In, walking over to her waist had to go back, slowly pulling her legs her. It home to show you one of my own interesting little places., he smiles, rubbing hand! Brainy appears in the wrong directions the key to Karas cuffs him,. Of them found the one person she didnt trust enough to hold.! Her again in this lifetime her front door makes her flinch but his it. You dont have a wife anymore allied with her sister insane realization washes over her legs from.. 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