We dont have time for a full session baby, but Ill give you what you need, your being such a good girl for your Devil, he chuckled as she whined against his throat. Chapter Three: A Fresh Start. . With one last remaining Death Eater to catch, they are on the cusp of peace at last. Lucretia Black had never been one to take the world at face value, now starting her fifth year at Hogwarts a certain Gryffindor peaks her interest. He should've worn clothes. Harry Potter has accepted his immortality, with all the begrudging grace that he is capable of.Hes decided that maybe forever doesnt sound so terrible with a group of friends who can never die, and a boyfriend who has singlehandedly decided to ensure that Harry is living his best life. The next day an injured vampire knocks on the Cullen's door and Jasper instantly knows that she is his mate and gets very possessive, protective and dominant of her. Harry expects nightmares when Madam Pomfrey refuses to give him any more Dreamless Sleep. A tiny, pale hand holding a warm human hand, applying nail polish. At all. His Wolf Pup - a Jasper Hale Story by Madie. Life After Death And Betrayal. Umbridge and others wishing Dahlia harm had best watch their steps for this powerful witch is now under Major's protection. Upon his death, the entity of death itself offers their master a choice of whether to live or not. Neither knew how to deal with the inexplicable feeling of happiness that they brought each other. And then Alice gasped, and Edward was treated to a brief barrage of images: A brown hand tucking a small, dark braid behind the shell of an ear. So each day he wish something will change. Eles esto mantendo sua vida em segredo porque no podem mat-lo e seu poder tanto que eles sabem que ele no poder ser contido para sempre. Realising that all-out war might not be the best way to achieve his goals, he starts with securing a position as the Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor at Hogwarts under the name of Thomas Gaunt.Aster Potter is the Girl-Who-Lived. Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Twilight, they belong to their rightful owners. Where else to go besides Forks, Washing to one of the Black Family estates. Voldemort est sendo torturado pelo Ministrio da Magia e ningum alm de seus trs guardas e o Ministro sabem de sua existncia. With graduation loomingA wedding on the horizonAn eternity with one anotherHarry and Jasper are happy and content. Harry struggles as he's confronted with the strangely terrifying Cullens, Quileute prophesies and keeping Charlie Swan's daughter out of trouble. I thought I was destined to live a terrible life alone, and then they changed everything. Work Search: It doesn't matter because you're gonna get on with your life and you'll never have to see me again and you can go and have forty fucking ginger babies and maybe one day years from now I'll have finally gotten over you and we forget this ever happened. Quality of one who finds comfort in darkness. Character development (people can change, y'know?) " ?" Thankfully, Death takes care of his master.Death wants to travel back in time? And oh, Tommy is Holly's singer. For whatever fucked up reasons, (though most likely Stockholm Syndrome if he's being completely honest) Voldemort somehow manages to look like a kicked puppy, despite the lack of nose, lips, and two distinct red slits for eyes. What if she took a chance on Jasper sooner? When Edward leaves Bella in the woods someone other than Sam finds her. OOC. And now he is stuck in a web of people who had fallen in love with him. The relationship grew unworkable for Renee, wh Alice x oc x Rosalie What he doesn't expect is to have his first soulmate dream only days after Voldemort returned. When the Dark Lord suddenly waltzes into the bathroom, casual as you please, Harry sputters out some (non-magical) curses, intermingled with phlegm and blood. Si por el camino, termina cometiendo traicin y asesinatos, no es que le importe mucho. You probably haven't heard of her yet, because she's been away from her sister for 7 years. Harry Potter, after having just witnessed the death of his beloved godfather, finally decides to turn his back on the Light Side of the war. Pairings: Edward/Harry, Carlisle/Esme, Emmet/Rosalie and Jasper/Alice. What if she took a chance on Jasper sooner? Waving his hair back, he kissed Teddy on the forehead before leaving the room. Harry despert un da sin saber nada. Instead, shes turned into a vampire, discovers her gift, and lives her life. SLASHADOPTED FROM tinybee As a brand new outcast of Slytherin, he wonders about his childhood friend and brother, Harry Potter, and where he is in life. The only silver lining is a certain blonde ex-soldier, who can somehow understand his past experiences more than anyone else before. Please consider turning it on! (Pay attention to tags). And Starscream didn't think he'd actually like a human. Oh you have to be shitting me? Le doy a Harry un novio posesivo, una familia, un montn de drama sangre pura y alimento su curiosidad por la magia. Lo primero que vio y que a partir de ese momento sera su primer recuerdo, fueron unos inigualables iris ojos, que lo miraban con tal preocupacin que sinti que tena que tranquilizar a esa persona. Something they haven't been able to do since a pesky wizard Myrddin bound their reach. Comenz como simple curiosidad por saber por que un diario poda responder como una persona viva. Harry coughs up a little more blood, just to see the older man sweat. In that moment she knew he was hers and she was his. Voldemort and Harry Potter's face off in the Little Hangleton Graveyard goes a *little* haywire when they both find themselves unable to speak.They can't speak, but they can sing. After centuries of mystery, she decides to break the family silence and find her father, Carlisle Cullen, now a vampire living a human life in Forks. 4 Jasper and the Amazonian Hybrid After being with the Cullens for two decades Jasper finally hears bews on his mate. Scars that were caused by his own family. He expects to run into trouble. Harry went through to Teddy's room and tucked the little boy into his bed. If Remus didn't know better, he would have named them lovers, which was going to start causing all sorts of problems just about now Kassidy-Ann Swan, the twin sister to Bella Swan (Bellybear) and the daughter of Charlie and Renee Swan. In the centuries that had past, Jasper hadn't realized how lonely he'd gotten until the possibility of a mate is presented to him, in the form of Harry Potter, and it is everything he could imagine. Then again; what if they never met at all?The butterfly effect has endless possibilities, and this explores a few of them. Jasper had been drinking human blood longer than animal blood, which made him less civilised. Everyone wished they never encountered it. Now she wants to go to muggle high school for her last year instead of repeating 7th year at Hogwarts. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, A chance meetingor is it a setup?leads to the start of a relationship filled with buttery baked goods, sweet smelling flowers, and hedgehogs.~, A chronological 28-chapter fic based on the 28 prompts of the H/D Candy Hearts Fest **1 chapter update for every day of February**. The body pressed down against him and, taking the hint, Jasper pressed his mouth hard onto Harry's. Everything goes amazingly well, until Harry's shitty luck rears its ugly head, and the vampires enter the chat. If I have any chance at all at honesty with her, she has to be able to process this at her pace. Quando o Lorde das Trevas tenta mat-lo, os dois ficam inconscientes. Esme and Carlisle walk downstairs and opened the front door to see a beautiful angel Sage Bradshaw has been a nomad for as long as she could remember. Cummings were used in this fic, the epilogue outcome (that we and harry truly deserved), Edward and Bill are friends with benefits, Original Female Character Becomes a Vampire, Original Female Character Becomes a Cullen, Wizarding World of the United States of America, Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting, Alice Cullen/Jasper Hale/Original Female Character(s), Jacob and Renesmee are not romantic at all, Caius (Twilight)/Original Female Character(s), Jasper isn't a racist because we rewrote him, Fanfic authors shouldn't have to clean up your messes, nothing is sacred and i will bend canon to my will, recasted twilight too because diversity is poggers, alice is manipulative but beautiful and badass, because we don't vibe with unhealthy things, jasper is a closet sweetheart but mostly a badass, I WILL FIX STEPHANIE'S MISTAKES SO HELP ME GOD, Patience is a virtue (Jasper Hale x OC! Whispers with no source follow her everywhere. AU. Alice has a vision of Jasper's true mate. Meeting the Cullens forever changed my life. June 27, 2018 rae Dominant and possessive Emmett and Jasper Cullen (sometimes the other Cullen men) . Voldemort laughed delightedly at the sight of Harry. He never thought his roommate would still be human.To his surprise, his mate was Elena Goldstein, Renesmee's seemingly Human door mate in college. What he gets in response, however, changes everything. Blood, and entirely too much of it. [Started: May 9th, 2018] Something has woken inside Jasper, he is no longer a meek and guilt-ridden Cullen but The Major of the south. Maggie Cullen and Jasper Hale fall into an unspoken relationship with Charlie Swan, while also falling out of a familial relationship with their coven. Victory is being reborn. As her brother's rival and with Voldemort holding the key to Dina and her friends' freedom will Dina and Harry ever be able to be together. unite students edinburgh. segway e300p. Harry Potter reincarnates several times to feed his greed that was squashed and thrown away by the manipulations of Dumbledore. Will they be able to overcome the obstacle. He was still a little pissed off at his dominant mate. My name is Major Jasper Whitlock, Confederate Army. wdfw creel reports; city of oceanside setback requirements Alice always wanted a child.Ever since Bella and Edwards daughter was born,she has grown depressed.Jasper,her mate,has noticed and hated seeing her like this.He goes to Carlisle and asked him for adoption.But one night when he was hunting he finds a baby girl.What will happen when Alice finds out. Sirius's death is what literally broke the camel's back. Edward and the rest of the Cullens finally find out that Bella's a vampire and been living with Alice and Jasper. Didn't end well for the prey in either scenario. With the Battle of Hogwarts over, Harry realizes that a political party with a strong hold on magical society in England could be a threat to his godson Teddy. When Harry can't deal with the overbearing press and public expectations after the end of the war, he escapes to the quaint little town of Forks, Washington, where he intends to do well, anything, really. Having just witnessed her godfather's death, Isabella finally decides to break away from Dumbledore and the Light. Evelyn Rivers blended in. Suddenly left on her own with five children under the age of ten, Lily has to figure out how she will take care of them. At the age of 130, Harry Potter dies long after his friends and family have. Harry loses almost everyone he loves and discovers he is unable to follow them into the after life. What if she met the Cullens too soon? To make matters worse one of the Bunny munchers is under the impression that Harry is their destined soulmate and keeps trying to talk to him (Merlin forbid). Only the storyline and OC a character belong to me. He recreates the resurrection ritual, but this time, with a crucial alteration to the ingredients: the flesh of a servant. "Sadie Gilder is a high school student with a love for psychology, a strong moral compass, and a fair amount of curiosity. As he introduces her to the world of Tom Riddle; the Dark Lord takes a vested interest in her. She didn't like the care he had for her.Jasper Hale wasn't used to the warmth that filled him with her near. While exploring her country's sister, Ursula never would have expected that her life would change forever. . let me say i love twilight I'm totally team Jasper. Set post Battle of Hogwarts, during Eclipse. He left her to "protect" her but He didn't come back. Loving parents, a hot young secretary, he's one of San Francisco's most eligible bachelors and also Vice President of Cullen, Inc. His life is perfect until he receives an unexpected phone call that changes everything. El hombre lo salv del ataque de un extrao anciano, que lanzaba rayos de luz con un palo, que Harry saba era una mala idea dejar lo tocaran. Then again; what if they never met at all?The butterfly effect has endless possibilities, and this explores a few of them. This is a companion story to Cross my Heart and Hope to Die with a collection of drafts and side snippets.Several what-if scenarios that I dont think will make much sense unless youve read the main story. Alex was the first human love of Edward Anthony Mason Cullen. Jasper gets a call from his brother Peter telling him that he will meet his mate soon. Incluso si una inquietante sensacin de peligro haca doler su pecho. Harry gets nightmares about Sirius and Cedric deaths. And what if Jasper's blood singer and mate happened to share a dorm room with Renesmee? After Jasper slips and kills Bella Swan, he breaks away from his family in the attempt to come to terms with his mistake. vespa scooters with sidecars for sale But as time goes on his hope dies. Jasper had been drinking human blood longer than animal blood, which made him less civilised. I thought I was destined to live a terrible life alone, and then they changed everything. The chip reader is beeping now, urging Jasper to remove the card, but he's frozen in place. Seven years after the Cullen's left, her luck isn't any better, Jasper and Emmett come across her being raped by a group of men. But this time it doesn't come from Alice but Peter. Y alguien en quien confiar. Scars that were caused by his own family. While Jasper finds the love he's been searching for for centuries in the young witch who quickly becomes his Hope. Bella knew what her life would be like if she turned around and got back on the plane to Arizona. But when Harry Potter discovers a series of truths and secrets about himself, his capture would be the least of his concerns.Or it would have been, if Voldemort and the horcruxes werent so damn fixated on him. What if Holly made a different choice? In the process he does much more than the Volturi requested or even desired. hallelujah. What if it took Renesmee going to university to finally bring Jasper's awaited mate into his life? "Give me Harry Potter," she beckoned, hissed, almost sung his name like a siren. Pre-Marauders Era characters; please heed warnings; tags may be added as the story progresses, I wholeheartedly do not support JKR or any of her statements, I will only tolerate inclusion and diversity and hate will be deleted, tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Underage, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (102), Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Movies) (3), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (1), The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien (1), Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort (135), Harry Potter & Tom Riddle | Voldemort (22), Possessive Voldemort (Harry Potter) (281), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (43), Lucius Malfoy/Original Female Character(s), Severus Snape/Original Female Character(s), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, I think I finally understand how tags work! The Cullens never return after Bellas disastrous birthday party. Jasper Hale is intrigued by this new student who looks so vulnerable but sends off such overwhelming waves of angst. Feeling like he has nothing to live for after the death of his friends and the loss of his magic, he slips into a deep depression. No recordaba su nombre, las personas o lugares que haba conocido, ni tampoco cmo haba llegado al lugar en el que estaba, o siquiera dnde estaba. In which Harry decides to play magizoologist in Chile and ends up meeting a pair of vampires who promise him both a family and a place to belong. Please consider turning it on! A modern day Harry Potter is sent to school armed with a charmed cell phone from his muggleborn mother and the advice from his father that he probably has just enough Veela heritage to recognize the person who is destined to be his partner for life. Kassidy-Ann Swan, the twin sister to Bella Swan (Bellybear) and the daughter of Charlie and Renee Swan. Or the worry that came with their supernatural-filled lives. Jasper Hale had 279 years to plan how he would tear Alice Brandon apart. One he had been given, and one he had given himself, though he did not know either of them.No, not quite. Which is pretty damn rude, in their opinions. The Magical United States of America. My Grandpa had lung cancer and died on July 24 2010 Twilight Oath I promise to remember Bella His embarrassed spluttering only makes Max laugh even harder. She decided to move to For. He's too lazy to pick a date. Lady Voldemort - the ungodly goddess of the dark- the one who was destined, prophesied, and largely obsessed to bedevil his life, the one who had made him the chosen one - was calling for him, waiting for him, in the forbidden forest. This is my first time posting a story please be niceAfter his 5th year at Hogwarts, harry is Sent back to the Dursleys without a care from the light side. Twilight Series | Romance Vampires Vampire Mate Possessive Protective Dominant Love. "He fixed my damaged heart. ", Hurt me like you used to love me like you once did. Harry/Jasper, abuse, depression, animagus. Email Us pianolektioner liding Baotian Moped Kvalitet, She prefers to be called Morgan, her middle name. Harm had best watch their steps for this powerful witch is now under Major 's protection into. Call from his family in the woods jasper is possessive of harry fanfiction other than Sam finds her young who... ; protect & quot ; her but he didn & # x27 ; t back... 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