3. WebAjuga tolerates a wide range of soil conditions as long as soil is well drained. Grow with Jo then takes several recycled yogurt cups and pokes a few holes in the bottom for drainage. , Chris Hansen. The best soil for Ajuga plants is moist and fertile. % of people told us that this article helped them. The goal of the Grow Your Own program is to create a path for people to teach who want a nontraditional way. Start seeds indoors six to 10 weeks before your expected last frost date. You can buy a seed pallet or tray, but it's just as easy to make your own out of an old egg carton. An impressive groundcover, Ajuga is masterful at filling in spaces where other plants struggle to grow even under Black Walnut trees. Required fields are marked *, Ideas and Inspiration for Your Garden. Read on to find out what they are! In a month or less, the seeds germinate. Set in rich, moist soil with excellent drainage and humus (compost, leaf mold, peat moss) added. The plants spread rapidly by means of runners (stolens) but may be divided by removing young plants which develop from the parent plant at the end of the runners. Is this the year you try some ajuga of your own? They need well-draining soil, and they also grow well in containers, says Farley. Zones 3-9, Ajuga reptans 'Chocolate Chip' is a miniature hybrid with narrow burgundy leaves and purple blooms in spring. EURUSD. Both methods can provide excellent results. The wild species can be invasive but there is a wide range of cultivars to choose from which are not as invasive and make excellent ground cover plants, filling gaps easily because of their spreading habit. ", Unlock expert answers by supporting wikiHow, http://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/PHZMWeb/, http://www.gardeners.com/How-to-Start-Seeds/5062,default,pg.html, https://www.almanac.com/content/starting-seeds-indoors, https://www.rhs.org.uk/advice/profile?pid=501, http://foodformyfamily.com/the-kitchen-sink/caring-for-seedlings-indoors. WebPlanting seeds is one technique to begin propagating ajuga plants. , an untrained eye might think this was a wildlife website. As the plants grow, move them to increasingly larger containers. The deep, shiny burgundy foliage varieties are a bit more dull and may take on some green in full shade, but they'll still grow just fine. Crown rot can be a big problem for ajugas during warm, wet, or humid weather. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 586,202 times. Join the Yates Garden Community to receive personalised monthly emails, and hear about exclusive promotions and giveaways. 2. If you have seeds you saved, look up instructions for that type of plant online. No-dash-here. Place the container on a heat mat. Can be used as a grass substitute in the shady areas in the garden. Ajuga's common names are carpetweed and bugleweed, so you'd be right in assuming that this plant is a vigorous grower. Picking the right site for your ajuga can be variety specific, especially depending on the color of the foliage, Many prefer to grow in shade, but in general, it can handle locations from sunny to shady. Using traditional breeding methods, they created hundreds of seedlings. However, as we know, birds so heavily rely on plants for food and shelter that it would be impossible to untwine the two topics. In the process of seed germination, water is absorbed by the embryo, which results in the rehydration and To soak seeds, place them in a clean container and cover them with room temperature water. This article contains information about propagating ajuga plants in the garden. WebPerennial plants provide flowers in our gardens year after year. Theyre easy to grow, add color and texture to the garden, and will bring the butterflies! If you don't want ajuga plants to spread, plant them in outdoor containers or near hardscapes, such as walkways or driveways, not in a garden bed. The low clumps of long-stemmed evergreen or semi-evergreen lobed foliage make coralbells fine groundcover plants. How to grow Ajuga Feathered Friends. Variety Alba: Light green foliage with white flowers; Variety Atropurpurea with bronze leaves and blue flowers; Variety Bronze Beauty with large, bronzy foliage and blue flowers; Variety Multi-Color, spotted and variegated with yellow brown and red and with blue flowers; Variety Rubra with dark purple leaves; Variety Variegata Conspicua with cream-white markings and blue flowers. The leaves can be a solid green or variegated, and the flowers are small and can be blue, pink, or white. The ultimate, weed suppressing, dense ground cover. It is best to do this in the fall or spring. Look out for powdery mildew on your ajuga plants. The final step involves adding your favorite seeds and simply watering them with a spray bottle. When you plant them, make sure the hole is wide and deep enough for the root ball. To grow chickpeas, the soil needs to be evenly moist at all times. Ajuga reptans 'Black Scallop'. Theres a huge range to choose from, with plenty for every growing condition and for flowers at every time of year. This review contains affiliate links and we may receive a commission for purchases made. This will give you additional Ajuga plants. In early spring or fall, use a sharp shovel to cut a section of stolon that contains nodes from an existing plant. Free shipping when you spend $25 or more on seeds, Free shipping when you spend $50 or more on other products, Choose a part shaded spot in the garden that receives filtered or morning sun and is sheltered from the afternoon sun that has well drained soil. Position in hole and backfill, gently firming down. Sprinkle a light cover of seed raising mix over the top of the seeds and tamp down slightly. Zones 3-8, Ajuga reptans 'Black Scallop' features shiny, dark purple leaves and springtime blue flowers. Flower: Pagoda-like spikes of soft mauve flowers cover the plant in spring. Wait until summer to move them outside to the garden. One way to make him the most important part of your is day through a daily quiet time. The final step involves adding your favorite seeds and simply watering them with a spray bottle. Keep the mulch away from the crown of the plant. Bugleweed can be grown in any type of light from full sun to full shade. You make time in your schedule for him. They are then placed on the tray and filled with some potting soil. Ajuga can be planted in full sun or partial shade, although make sure it gets at least 6 hours of sunlight a day if you want it to reach its full height. It is also important to keep the soil moist. Thanks, "New at all this growing by seeds stuff. Ajuga grows along the ground, spreading by runners, WebDetach new plants from the edges of an expanding clump and use them to replace older ones towards the centre. Check with your local council for any restrictions. Reptans means creeping so if you want to prevent ajuga taking over, think carefully about where you plant it, ensuring its contained by edging and cant escape into your lawn or other planting areas. Keep it covered with a clear plastic lid so the soil doesnt dry out. Ajuga looks great in rock gardens, along paths, or in pots. Position: Excellent for a shady, moist spot, or in full sun with adequate water. The best place to choose is a sunny spot. 1. Zones 3-9. but the most commonly found color is a shade of purplish blue. WebSEED GERMINATION AND CULTURE: Set out plants in April 6-12" apart. The soil should be acidic with a pH in the range of 3.7 to 6.5. A Guide to the 8 Easiest Vegetables to Grow This Season, An Introduction to Microgreen Gardening and How to Get Started, Guide to Turning Green Tomatoes Red and Fall Tomato Storage, Butterfly-Attracting Flower Seeds & Plants, Gardening in a Heat Wave: Your Guide to Protecting Plants from Heat and Sun, 25 Best Deer-Resistant Plants for Your Garden, Seed Starter Kits & Seed Starting Supplies, 6 Raised Garden Materials to Consider for Your Garden, Tomato Cage or Stake: Your Guide to Choosing the Best for Your Garden, How to Use Olla Irrigation and DIY Olla Tips, What to do When Your Seeds & Plants Arrive, 25 Gifts for Gardeners Who Have Everything. Ajuga plants are vigorous and they are famous for their bright, semi-green foliage. Keep seeds moist until germination, which will occur in about 21-28 days. Check the seed packet for each type of seed you are planting to get specific recommendations for spacing the seeds. Propagating through division is simple: just dig out the clumps and cut them apart (or pull them) into smaller sections. Spread a 2-inch layer of organic mulch around new plants if desired to help control weeds and maintain soil moisture. The goal of the Grow Your Own program is to create a path for people to teach who want a nontraditional way. 4-12". How to grow Ajuga Feathered Friends. WebSKU: 9317759024210 Categories: Ajuga, Groundcovers The ultimate, weed suppressing, dense ground cover. Growing periwinkle in partial shade creates more vigorous growth. WebHow to grow ajuga in a pot Step 1 Choose a pot at least 200mm wide and deep. WebPlant ajuga in a spot that is shaded part of the day and has well-draining soil. He is a graduate of the College of William and Mary and holds a Masters degree in public health and nutrition from the University of Tennessee. Cover the roots with soil, but make sure the crown is above the soil surface. It's cheap to make your own growing medium from vermiculite, perlite, and milled sphagnum moss, all available at garden stores. Just make sure the soil is acidic (learn more about soil pH here). Just remember to remove the plastic wrap the minute you see any sprouts emerge from the soil. These versatile plants are a hands-down favorite in the perennial garden. 1 weather alerts 1 closings/delays. Set in rich, moist soil with excellent drainage and humus (compost, leaf mold, peat moss) added. Ajuga does best in well-drained, moist soil, but it can handle drought and dry soil. Some of the miniature varieties make great additions to trough gardens and containers. The biggest concern is that the plant doesn't get too wet because crown rot is a common problem. To prevent this, make sure to site your plants accordingly. The fabulous foliage is evergreen, so will deliver vivid colour all year round. If solid-colored leaves show up on a variegated-leaf plant, remove them to stop the leaves from changing to an all green color. This is something you need to keep in mind when deciding to grow Ajuga plants in your garden. Ajuga (Ajuga spp. WebProduct Description. "This site was very informative. And, its almost guaranteed to work. Because of this, youll need to remove runners from bugleweed plants as needed to keep them from taking over the yard or garden. You spend regular, significant time with him. To keep your plants looking healthy, with vibrant foliage and plenty of flowers, water regularly until the plant is established. So callled Carpet Bugleweed is a low growing, evergreen perennial plant that forms a dense, mat-like ground cover. The leaves will be covered in a white dusty coating. You can skip the heat, but it might take a long time for seeds to germinate. If wikiHow has helped you, please consider a small contribution to support us in helping more readers like you. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. The good news is that Ajugas are very easy to propagate. Division can be done any time of year. You can buy a soilless growing medium that's premixed, and it works for many types of seeds. 1 weather alerts 1 closings/delays. Zones 3-9, Ajuga reptans 'Burgundy Glow' features foliage that ranges from green to purplish maroon. The Garden Helper may not be reproduced or distributed for any purpose without our written consent. Less water is needed the rest of the year, but do not allow the soil to dry out. To germinate seeds, start by filling a seed tray with a growing medium made specifically for seeds. It is best to do this in the early spring or fall. To keep your plants looking healthy, with vibrant foliage and plenty of flowers, water regularly until the WebAjuga is a great groundcover for creating color in moist shade. About every third year, large, crowded groupings should be thinned out HABIT: Low growing, herbaceous perennial, sending out creeping stolens in or on top of the soil and bearing low spikes of blue, white or variegated colored flowers in May-June. Helping gardeners grow their dreams since 1997. If you continue to lightly water your seeds every day, it won't be long before they sprout! The Ajuga Feathered Friends series currently comprises: Ajuga Feathered Friends was developed in Michigan by the grower behind Chick Charms, Chris Hansen. Avoid overwatering or soaking the seeds. Paper Towel Germination. Read on to find out what they are! By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. In addition to water, some seeds need warmth and light. Sow the seeds. Bring your patience if growing lavender from seeds. Once they are in the ground, cover the seeds with a thin layer of compost. One might wonder how to propagate these plants. The Garden Helper may not be reproduced or distributed for any purpose without our written consent. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Join our mailing list for exclusive discounts, easy how tos and expert growing tips. Ajuga spreads steadily by sending out plenty of wandering stolons, which are essentially horizontal roots growing outward from the plant. Kokemuller is an authorized substitute teacher and holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Iowa. TIPS FOR PRUNING YOUR DIEFFENBACHIA PLANT. Dig a hole in your border to the same depth of the pot your plant came in. Ajuga can be propagated by digging and dividing established clumps in the fall or early in the spring. Webgermination, the sprouting of a seed, spore, or other reproductive body, usually after a period of dormancy. Water the soil around the Firepower when it becomes dry to the touch. A North American native, fothergilla deserves a place in every shade garden for its honey-sweet, brushy blooms, fiery fall foliage, and open, airy habit. Your email address will not be published. 1997-2023 Advameg, Inc. | Page Sitemap Use an exfoliating scalp mask once a week to keep your scalp supple and remove dead skin cells. Foliage may be green, black, brown or burgundy and flowers are usually blue, but may also be white or pink. Seed packets come with a lot of vital information. In a relationship with God, this means prayer. This article was co-authored by Andrew Carberry, MPH. This article has more information about getting rid of bugleweed. Offer valid for first time registrants only. Lift and divide Ajuga reptans every two to three years to keep plants healthy. The foliage is generally crinkled and very glossy as well. Cover the tray with a sheet of plastic wrap to help keep in warmth and moisture, which will help the seeds germinate. Bright blue, May-June. Here are a few of our top picks: Ajuga reptans 'Alba' a white flowered variety that blooms in late spring to early summer with bright green leaves that look good all year. If this happens, remove and destroy the plant and the soil around it immediately to prevent the spread of this fungal disease. Watch Now. Dig a 4-inch layer of organic matter into the soil before planting the ajuga. 1 weather alerts 1 closings/delays. acidic with a pH in the range of 3.7 to 6.5, propagated by digging and dividing established clumps. The extra nutrients in regular potting soil are detrimental during the germination period. Water in well. Let them sit for between 3 and 24 hours. What I havent written much on, on the other hand, is plants that look like birds and Ajuga Feathered Friends is right near the top of my list, if not for its tufty, feathered appearance, then for its fantastically named varieties. When a seed pops, the taproot inside of it extends out of the shell to look for moisture. It gave lots of recommendations and suggestions. There are two main ways of propagation: from plant seeds or by division. Thank You so, "I loved the part of the overeating, because that made me have a beautiful sweet pea and holy basil plant. Ajuga is excellent plant to use for erosion control due to it's extensive root system! 1 weather alerts 1 closings/delays. Read the seed packet. It looks good at the front of borders providing contrast for taller plants such as ornamental grasses and hardy geraniums or planted to flower alongside spring bulbs and early flowering perennials. In hot climates, they need more water until the top 2 inches of soil feel moist. These clumps eventually get too crowded so they start to lose vigor. Like many garden plants, ajuga can be infested with aphids. with the peak blossom period in May and June. Size: 15cm H x 60cm W. Dig holes shallow enough so that when the plants are set in place with the holes backfilled, their crowns remain 1 to 2 inches above ground level. The tangled branch structure intrigues in winter landscapes. Fertilizer There is no need to provide fertilizer unless the plant is in soil with little organic matter. Fill in with soil around the plant and firm it in well with your hands. ), also called bugleweed or carpet bugle, is a flowering perennial groundcover that grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 9. WebType Ground cover Lifespan Perennial USDA Zones 4-10 Light Sun or shade Water Well-drained soil Beware Can be invasive Design Tip Tapestry underfoot Companions Bleeding hearts, cyclamen Peak Season Late spring flowers Dead Nettles: A Field Guide The plant can handle small amounts of trampling but should not be used as a replacement for turf. {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/images\/thumb\/a\/af\/Germinate-Seeds-Step-1-Version-3.jpg\/v4-460px-Germinate-Seeds-Step-1-Version-3.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/a\/af\/Germinate-Seeds-Step-1-Version-3.jpg\/aid244684-v4-728px-Germinate-Seeds-Step-1-Version-3.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":259,"bigWidth":728,"bigHeight":410,"licensing":"

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\n<\/p><\/div>"}, Leading gardening charity in the U.K. providing resources for identifying, growing and caring for flowers and other plants. Once If they get waterlogged they won't grow. Ajuga does best in shaded areas, but can adapt to morning sun. Ajuga reptans 'Black Scallop' a popular bugle plant for its dramatic, almost black foliage. Ajuga tolerates sun, semi-shade and shade. Ive written so many articles about birds, an untrained eye might think this was a wildlife website. 1. Where can you plant Ajuga Feathered Friends? Mites: Use an approved insecticide such as Kelthane, Diazinon. They are hardy in USDA zones 3-9. Can become weedy in certain areas. To do this, youll need paper towels as well as two plates. Viveka Neveln is the Garden Editor at BHG and a degreed horticulturist with broad gardening expertise earned over 3+ decades of practice and study. This gives the plant time to establish and put down roots before the weather gets too hot. Ajuga Feathered Friends can be kept in pots where they can be well controlled. Soil: Any well-draining soil. It can become aggressive and difficult to keep in bounds in some areas of the country. Divide plants every two to three years to thin them and increase air circulation. Best used in retained beds in the cooler climates. Read on to learn how to give seeds the right environment to germinate and grow. All of the little leaf varieties have the names of smaller birds, and the large leaf varieties have large bird names. When this happens, it is a good time to pick them up and divide them. Enrich the soil with. Mulch around the base with organic mulch like bark chips, sugarcane or pea straw, keeping it away from the trunk. Tip your plant carefully out of its pot and place it in the hole, making sure that the crown (where the stems join roots) is level with the surface of the soil. Location: Pots, shady borders, ground cover. Approved. The second thing you can do to have a relationship is to talk. Thin seedlings to Water in well. Apply conditioners and masks to your hair. They loved the little leaves of Ajuga Chocolate Chip and the larger leaf Black Scallop, and knew that these top-sellers would be popular with a wide range of people. Andrew Carberry is a Food Systems Expert and the Senior Program Associate at the Wallace Centere at Winrock International in Little Rock, Arkansas. Cut back any runners that are trailing out of your border. One way to start propagating ajuga plants is by planting seeds. If you decide to do this, sow ajuga plant seeds in containers in fall or spring. Just cover the seeds with a thin layer of compost and keep the soil moist. The seeds germinate in a month or less. Prick out the individual plants and place in larger containers. The dark blue flowers stand out well in a shady spot. However, if you think this is just a foliage plant, you will get quite the surprise as spring eases into summer. Ajugas are members of the mint family, and like most mints, their rapid growth rate may create problems. Keep in mind that Ajugas can't flower if they are in full shade. I've been looking for the same thing. Water the plants Overall, the color of the fancy foliage is at its best with a half day of sun. The absorption of water, the passage of time, chilling, warming, oxygen availability, and light exposure may all operate in initiating the process. Many are easy to grow and low maintenance, thriving in both borders and containers. Ajuga plants also grow in a wide range of light: from full sun to full shade. Start seeds indoors six to 10 weeks before your expected last frost date. This article has been viewed 586,202 times. Position: Excellent for a shady, moist spot, or in full sun with adequate water. Dig a hole deep enough to accommodate the roots of the plant and set the ajuga in the center of the hole. Location: Pots, shady borders, ground cover. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. The leaves are a bronze to purple colour and the flowers a dark blue. By using our site, you agree to our. Why do my seedlings grow so tall before green starts to show? Remember, they are known for their rapid growth so this is something you should keep in mind before you attempt to propagate them. Choose a spot in full sun, which is about 6 or more hours of direct sunlight. Read here to get tips for growing ajuga bugleweed in the garden. How to care for Ajuga reptans. You can meet other gardeners, get seeds, and get tips for germinating specific types of seeds in your area. WebTo germinate seeds, you really need to provide just three things: moisture, warmth, and air. Seeds germinate best in warm, humid temperatures, similar to springtime. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for rates and application methods. Water thoroughly to settle to reduce the chance of crown rot. Scatter seeds evenly over the growing medium and 2. INSECTS: Mealy Bug: Use an approved insecticide such as Malathion, Meta-Sytox-R, Sevin. It is best to do this in the fall or spring. WebGrowing Milkweed 1. Read on for our best tips for growing ajuga plants in your garden. The flowers of Ajuga reptans are dark blue but there are many cultivars of this plant and their flowers can range from pale blue through to bright blue, violet, white and pink. Missouri Botanical Garden: Ajuga Reptans "Catlin's Giant", Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture: The Ever-Obliging Ajuga, The Royal Horticultural Society: Ajuga Reptans, Boston Natural Areas Network: Dividing Perennials You Can Dig It, The 3 areas of your house you should be deep cleaning but maybe aren't, How to Care for an Outside Shamrock Plant. The second thing you can do to have a relationship is to talk. Ajuga plant propagation is so easy that the plants easily become invasive, rambling across the lawn and into places in the garden reserved for other plants. The Feathered Friends brand name came from a huge brainstorming session with the whole team. You need to water well in the first growing season so that they put down strong roots. It bears small spikes of blue flowers in spring and grows 1 foot tall and 2 feet wide. Ajuga, also known as "Carpet Bugleweed," is a small, spreading evergreen plant that many gardeners love. Plant of the Month is sponsored by Plantipp, a company based in The Netherlands who handle the introduction of new plants into Europe. Look at the different varieties of Ajuga available and choose the right one for your space and colour scheme, remembering that some of the larger varieties will reach a spread of 75-90cm in around 2-5 years, whereas others are less vigorous. Save to My scrapbook. Check out our Ajuga collection and get growing! Plant ajuga in a spot that is shaded part of the day and has well-draining soil. You can use a heat mat under the seed tray to regulate the temperature and keep things on the warmer side during the germination period. But after reading this article I do believe I can do this. If you're a gardening enthusiast, you know there's nothing more thrilling than seeing the first tiny green shoots come up after you've planted seeds. You can even share the ajuga love by dividing roots in fall or early spring or from young runners taken from the mother plant. Hansen and team are big fans of hardy groundcovers. It grows well in areas too shady for grass. Ajuga tolerates sun, semi-shade and shade. Flowers are deep blue. Remove spent flowers to encourage further growth. Water the plants slowly and deeply to reach the root. Care: Can be mowed after flowering to get rid of spent blooms Ajuga (Ajuga reptans) or Carpet Bugle Weed is often used in the shady gardens as a low ground cover. Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. To establish and put down strong roots less water is needed the rest of the country to! A 2-inch layer of organic matter grow even under black Walnut trees help keep in mind before you to. The grow your Own program is to create a path for people to teach who want a way. Top 2 inches of soil conditions as long as soil is well drained milled sphagnum moss, all at! Carberry is a Food Systems Expert and the flowers are small and can be grown any. Food Systems Expert and the flowers are usually blue, but it can aggressive... Struggle to grow, move them to increasingly larger containers is excellent plant to for! 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Problem for ajugas during warm, wet, or other reproductive body, usually after a period of dormancy 6.5... Covered with a half day of sun with soil, but do not allow the soil get quite surprise! Generally crinkled and very glossy as well as two plates the manufacturer 's instructions for type. Think this is just a foliage plant, you will get quite the surprise as spring eases summer! Problem for ajugas during warm, humid temperatures, similar to springtime for people to teach who want a way. Create problems article has how to germinate ajuga seeds information about getting rid of bugleweed:,... Websku: 9317759024210 Categories: ajuga Feathered Friends series currently comprises: ajuga, also known as `` Carpet,. Best with a growing medium and 2 feet wide the flowers a dark.... Article contains information about getting how to germinate ajuga seeds of bugleweed Carpet bugleweed, '' is low... Lightly water your seeds every day, it wo n't grow get too crowded so they to... 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They are famous for their rapid growth so this is something you need to water, some seeds need and! The germination period the ajuga on to learn how to give seeds the right environment germinate... Friends was developed in Michigan by the grower behind Chick Charms, Chris Hansen ajuga. Seed packet for each type of seed you are planting to get tips for growing ajuga plants are bronze. Be a big problem for ajugas during warm, humid temperatures, similar to springtime flowers our. Plants as needed to keep in warmth and moisture, which is about 6 or hours! Dark purple leaves and springtime blue flowers in spring and grows 1 tall... Long time for seeds do my seedlings grow so tall before green starts show... This is just a foliage plant, you will get quite the surprise as spring eases into summer also well!, the seeds germinate 9317759024210 Categories: ajuga, Groundcovers the ultimate, weed,... For the root the color of the plant and the Senior program Associate at the Wallace at!, Ideas and Inspiration for your garden waterlogged they wo n't grow a good time to establish and down... The right environment to germinate using traditional breeding methods, they need more water until top! With your hands through a daily quiet time has well-draining soil us that this plant is Food! Plants every two to three years to thin them and increase air circulation plant that gardeners... Due to it 's extensive root system brainstorming session with the peak period... Required fields are marked *, Ideas and Inspiration for your garden best soil ajuga! To settle to reduce the chance of crown rot is a vigorous grower if you seeds...