The new data highlights the danger of the presence of guns during politically charged protests, and raises concerns about continued violence during and after election day, when many Americans anticipate delays, confusion and protests before the winner of the presidential race is confirmed. Victor Cazares Jr., 27, Illinois: Cazares was killed by a shot to the head in Cicero in a separate incident on the same day; both deaths have been ruled as homicides. These figures would make the recent protests the largest movement in the countrys history, according to interviews with scholars and crowd-counting experts.". These tactics, the lawsuit argued, were approved directly by city leaders like then-Mayor Bill de Blasio and former Police Chief Terence Monahan who spoke out openly against the protests that caused widespread looting and destruction of property. But the kettling strategy was broadly defended at the time by Bill de Blasio and Police Commissioner Dermot Shea, who said it was needed because the protesters were defying curfews set after looters ransacked parts of Manhattan. Other demonstrators died when cars drove through or rammed into crowds of Black Lives Matter protesters. ", "Many people of color, Black folks, are killed doing mundane things just literally sleeping in their home, walking down the block," Neal told ABC News. "The 117th Congress must understand that we have a mandate to legislate in defense of Black lives, the first step in that process is to root out white supremacy starting with impeaching the White supremacist in chief.". The 1992 riots, which followed the acquittal of four police officers in the beating of Rodney King, cost $1.4 billion in 2020 dollars, according to the report, which did not give a specific damage estimate for the Floyd protests. Do you want to automatically post your MailOnline comments to your Facebook Timeline? Palm Springs residents sue to remove 25-foot Marilyn Monroe statue depicting her iconic My Daily Horoscope: What does 2nd March hold for MY star sign? The day before also saw a high number of arrests 90 nearly double the number seen on Wednesday. Besides the spike in demonstrations on Juneteenth, the number of protests has fallen considerably over the last two weeks according to the Crowd Counting Consortium. There are also people who have participated in demonstrations, which have occurred in hundreds of cities, who may have no allegiance to Black Lives Matter, or may even oppose it, and have rioted or committed other acts of violence making it even more difficult to determine how a violent incident occurred. Fist fights broke out and, as night fell, Trump supporter Aaron "Jay" Danielson, 39, was fatally shot as he walked on a sidewalk. One, is comprised of anti-government militias, whom he referred to as "people who don't recognize the legitimacy" of government on both state and local levels and often deem themselves "sovereign citizens." According to the Civis Analytics poll, the movement appears to have attracted protesters who are younger and wealthier. ", U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar is "facing 40 years in prison and deportation after seven new crimes uncovered. The protests are colliding with another watershed moment: the countrys most devastating pandemic in modern history. Comparisons between Black Lives Matter and what happened on Capitol Hill are false equivalencies, said several experts and advocates who spoke with ABC News. Protesters took to the streets following the police-involved . By posting your comment you agree to our house rules. Trump has portrayed people arrested in the protests as dangerous, left-wing radicals. Collectively, the recent Black Lives Matter protests more organic in nature appear to have far surpassed those numbers, according to polls. We need your help. Surveillance footage shows Scurlock jumping on Gardner; the Douglas County Attorneys Office determined that Garner acted in self-defense and he will not face charges. Drinking or using tap water treated with chlorine is dangerous because chlorine is a poison., Joe Biden described America as the foothills of the Himalayas with Xi Jinping., Kid Rock tweeted, Some people wouldnt recognize tyranny if it slapped a mask on their face, made them stand 6 feet apart, and forced them to take a vaccine for a virus with a 99.8% survival rate., The train that derailed in Ohio was carrying over 300,000 gallons of a chemical that was banned in 1974.. And organisers have sought to "to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in. All rights reserved. On June 6, for example, at least 50,000 people turned out in Philadelphia, 20,000 in Chicagos Union Park and up to 10,000 on the Golden Gate Bridge, according to estimates by Edwin Chow, an associate professor at Texas State University, and researchers at the Crowd Counting Consortium. The latest flareup of protests against police brutality began May 26 in Minneapolis, where the previous day, George Floyd, a Black man, died after a white police officer kneeled on his neck. These figures would make the recent protests the largest movement in the countrys history, according to interviews with scholars and crowd-counting experts. Washington, DC Most of the protesters killed this year were shot to death, and many of the incidents involved confrontations at protests that escalated and turned deadly when at least one of the people involved had a gun. The protests may also be benefitting from a country that is more conditioned to protesting. There are also people who have participated in demonstrations, which have occurred in hundreds of cities, who may have no allegiance to Black Lives Matter, or may even oppose it, and have rioted or committed other acts of violence making it even more difficult to determine how a violent incident occurred. including 41 on U.S. Capitol grounds, and four people died, . That was a riot, it was sedition, it was an insurrection, a siegeit was a domestic terrorist attack.. News reports at the height of demonstrations over Floyds killing cited dozens of deaths in connection with protests, but many of those turned out to be examples of deadly crimes carried out in the vicinity of protests, rather than directly related to the demonstrations themselves, the researchers concluded. In short, there isnt evidence to back the numbers in the claim or to blame Black Lives Matter for each part of the claim. Turn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest? 727-821-9494. stated on July 25, 2020 in a Facebook post: Black Lives Matter "injures 1000 police officers kills 36 people and does $8 billion in damage. Even before George Floyd's death in 2020 sparked nationwide protests that enabled the continued mainstream growth of the BLM movement, M.I.A has not shied away from criticizing the movement for not highlighting the plight of people groups persecuted in other countries. T he vast majority of Black Lives Matter protests more than 93%have been peaceful, according to a new report published Thursday by a . We focused on the rest, and found that the biggest problem with the post, leaving aside the numbers claimed, is the lack of proof that Black Lives Matter caused the violence that is claimed. Officers injured: The New York Post reported on June 8, citing the U.S. Justice Department, that more than 700 law enforcement officers were injured on the job during nationwide protests over Floyds death. Some were members of far-right armed militias. 24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events. The vast majority of demonstrations were peaceful and leading BLM activists repeatedly distanced themselves from agent provocateurs and instigators. It looks, for all the world, like these protests are achieving what very few do: setting in motion a period of significant, sustained, and widespread social, political change, Professor McAdam said. Robert Forbes, 55, California: Forbes died on June 6, a few days after he was struck by a car while peacefully protesting in California City. Together, they tried to'suppress the protests with well-orchestrated operations corralling and violently arresting the protesters,' the suit claims. Before he was shot, several protesters told Gomez they disapproved of him being armed, and even a journalist questioned him about why he was holding his gun in his hand with his finger on the trigger, the Las Vegas Sun reported. In the latter case, what happened at the Capitol in January was an attempt to buttress white supremacy.". The Capitol was put on lockdown Wednesday after hundreds of Trump supporters broke through police lines and stormed the building, disrupting the Electoral College certification process and forcing the nations lawmakers to flee or take shelter. The man who shot and killed Foster, the US army sergeant Daniel Perry, had previously tweeted Now is the time to take up arms and protect yourselves against violence and responded to a Trump tweet in June about protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters by saying, Send them to Texas we will show them why we say dont mess with Texas.. The authors of the report say the Trump administration has exacerbated tensions caused by racial inequality and police brutality. To do this we will link your MailOnline account with your Facebook account. The victims include a 77-year-old man who was a retired St. Louis police captain and a 22-year-old woman from Davenport, Iowa. Whats more, news coverage of the protests have also included numerous reports that identify law enforcement officers as causing injury to civilians. ", stated on February 26, 2023 in an Instagram post. The adversarial stance that the Trump administration has taken on issues like guns, climate change and immigration has led to more protests than under any other presidency since the Cold War. In total, the city could spend between $4million to $6million on the settlement. ", What happened at the Capitol, you can't call that a protest anymore, said Miller-Idriss. Figures show stark differences between arrests at Black Lives Matter protests and Capitol Hill in [+] D.C. Just 52 people were arrested in Washington D.C. Wednesday after Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol and interrupted Congress certifying President-elect Joe Bidens win. The Womens March of 2017 had a turnout of about three million to five million people on a single day, but that was a highly organized event. The latest flareup of protests against police brutality began May 26 in Minneapolis, where the previous day, George Floyd, a Black man, died after a white police officer kneeled on his neck. The Association detailed the unrest and compiled data from protests between May 25 and July 31 in MCCA member cities, Fox News reports. Four recent polls including one released this week by Civis Analytics, a data science firm that works with businesses and Democratic campaigns suggest that about 15 million to 26 million people in the United States have participated in demonstrations over the death of George Floyd and others in recent weeks. As for the numbers claimed in the post, the U.S. Justice Department told us it does not have figures on officer injuries or property damage resulting from civil disturbances, and the FBI said it had no comment. The rioters also displayed symbols of white supremacist extremism including a noose stationed across the Capitol which, according to Miller-Idriss, "symbolizes the horrific history of lynching," but also refers to a white supremacy code that signals a "day of reckoning when traitors will be hung in the streets.". That was a single day in more than a month of protests that still continue to today. New York City has agreed to pay more than 300 Black Lives Matter protesters $21,500 each after they were zip-tied, hit with batons and pepper-sprayed during a 2020 demonstration. Video shows President Joe Biden recalling an alien encounter. Findings from Armed Conflict Location and Event Data raise concerns about continued violence during and after election day. ), a Democrat from Ohio, said it was no question (that) there is a double standard between how police treated Black Lives Matters protesters last summer and the pro-Trump supporters this week. If we added up all those protests during that period, were talking about hundreds of thousands of people, but not millions, she said. Stephon Clark died after being shot at least seven times in his grandmother's backyard in Sacramento, California, by police who were investigating a nearby break-in. New York City has agreed to pay more than 300 BLM protesters $21.500 each after they were zip-tied, hit with batons and pepper sprayed. Video and photographs of the incident appear to show Keltner slapping a security guard for a local news crew, who responds by pulling out a gun and shooting him. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.). September 5, 2020 11:47 AM EDT. Chase Mayo comforts his wife, Anna Mayo, the sister of Garrett Foster, during a vigil in memory of Foster on 26 July 2020, in Austin, Texas. The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. Aaron Jay Danielson, a far-right Trump supporter, was shot after a rally in Portland in August. "It caught on really fast," Lisbon said of the "defund" message which even made its way into the 2020 presidential campaign. Dorian Murrell, 18, Indiana: Only a few hours after Beatys death, Murrell was fatally wounded in an early morning shooting on May 31. The Black Lives Matter movement was founded in 2013 after the verdict in the murder trial for the killing of Trayvon Martin, a Black teenager who was killed while walking home in Florida. Protests nationwide began in the aftermath of the May 25 death of Floyd, a handcuffed Black man captured on cell-phone video pleading for his life as Minneapolis police officers held him face-down on the ground, one with a knee planted on the back of Floyd's neck. With being home and not being able to do as much, that might be amplifying something that is already sort of critical, something thats already a powerful catalyst, and that is the video, said Daniel Q. Gillion, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania who has written several books on protests and politics. Magazines, Digital "Defund the police" was plastered on signs, chanted in protests and written on car windows at that September 2020 protest. The comments section is closed. Lee Keltner, a navy veteran who made custom western hats, was shot after a patriot rally in Denver on 10 October. Your comment will be posted to MailOnline as usual. Topline: Though curfews are lifting and protests remain predominantly peaceful, the death toll from two weeks of demonstrations over the death of George Floyd continues to creep upward, with at least 19 peoplea majority of whom are blacknow dead. Soon, the lawsuit says, 'police indiscriminately struck protesters with batons, threw them to the ground and sprayed them with a chemical agent.'. Right: On 1 June, police clear the street near the White House as protesters demonstrate against the death of George Floyd. A 21-year-old man was killed in downtown Detroit after someone fired shots into a vehicle during a protest. In Las Vegas, Jorge Gomez was wearing body armor and carrying several guns when he was shot to death by Las Vegas police at a protest in June. Some protesters fainted, or lost consciousness and went into convulsions.'. Fiery exchanges took place when House lawmakers convened Wednesday to impeach President Donald Trump for a historic second time, just one week after a mob of his supporters attacked the Capitol grounds. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol resulted in "almost 10 dead." Four people died that day, and five others -- all law enforcement officers -- died days, weeks and . During the Black Lives Matter protests last summer, over 500 people were arrested in one day . The other four deaths included three who died of natural causes and one from a drug overdose. Couple find note in chimney that reveals their 290,000 house was 100 times cheaper 50 years ago. Unlike with past Black Lives Matter protests, nearly 95 percent of counties that had a protest recently are majority white, and nearly three-quarters of the counties are more than 75 percent white. and NASCAR for Black Lives Matter may have also encouraged supporters who typically would sit on the sidelines to get involved. O'Reilly said the chant meant "dead police officers". COVID-19 vaccines "provide zero benefit relative to risk for the young and healthy.". The tension reached a new high last weekend when the pro-Trump caravan motored into downtown, with some shooting paintballs and spraying bear repellent at Black Lives Matter protesters who tried to block the streets. The age group with the largest share of protesters was people under 35 and the income group with the largest share of protesters was those earning more than $150,000. ". Long Waits, Short Appointments, Huge Bills. According to a police report, the man was sitting in the driver's seat of a car in a. 'How much can business take?' LOS ANGELES, CA - JUNE 08: A drone aerial view shows a memorial service for George Floyd and other [+] victims of police killings on a downtown street as demonstrations continue over his killing despite the dangers of the growing coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on June 8, 2020 in Los Angeles, California. The other includes white nationalists, those he said are "electrified and mobilize[d] going on the streets to stand up to Black Lives Matter and the fantasy of Antifa". In Kenosha in August, a 17-year-old carrying a rifle he was not old enough to legally possess shot and killed two people, Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber, and seriously injured a third at a volatile late-night protest. Bedel Saget and Anjali Singhvi contributed reporting. Dave Patrick Underwood, 53, California: Underwood was shot May 30 while on guard duty outside a federal courthouse in Oakland and was one of two officers targeted in a drive-by shooting amid nearby protests. A group of demonstrators broke off from the march and blocked the Route 101 freeway. Ive never seen self-reports of protest participation that high for a specific issue over such a short period, said Neal Caren, associate professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, who studies social movements in the United States. Neal described the Black Lives Matter protests last year as "a multi-racial social justice movement, much like the civil rights movement in the 1960s. A Seattle Times review of footage linked to the chaotic scene of the shooting suggested that some people in the protest zone might have believed they were under attack when they fired their guns at the stolen Jeep Mays and another young teenager were driving into the zone. A month of protests that still continue to today their 290,000 house was 100 times cheaper years. House was 100 times cheaper 50 how many people died in blm protests ago woman from Davenport,.! 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