Or go back to feature writing. I tried to explain that it is probably a lot like being a male gynecologist: the daily procession of personal parts becomes so routine that it ceases to be of anything but professional interest. 2023 Vimeo.com, Inc. All rights reserved. A lot of why Philly loves Long is his straight shooter attitude, which was on full display in this episode. I have no idea why, except that Nolan Ryan and my daddy are my heroes, and I just have no need of seeing either one of their white heinies. Several of the writers said, "I wonder what's up with that.". I was amazed. Fox NFL analyst Brian Baldinger said Sainz was "asking for it," during a radio conversation, and Washington Redskin Clinton Portis put on an entertaining display when asked about comments he made during a radio interview, saying that when there are female reporters in a locker room, "I Ludtke and Time Inc. filed a civil rights lawsuit months later. Olson worked as a sports columnist for the Daily News for ten years. Visit our website terms of use and permissions pages at www.npr.org for further information. Once you have a live camera or microphone in front of you, youre a different person, says Eskenazi, who covered a variety of sports over his long career. Being in the national spotlight was difficult and a little Pearlman is a household name when it comes to sportswriters, and Long is one of the most beloved Philadelphia athletes in recent memory. As of 2013, she was working as a freelance writer.[1]. Places in Arlington might not get it until mid-afternoon. I dropped my plans to go to the University of Texas and study broadcasting. (He later apologized in a newspaper ad, while denying using crude language. I never told my friends. You get a really honest reaction, and thats what makes stories good., Some of the best locker room reporting comes when the unthinkable happens, reminding us that these gods between the lines are just men and women outside of them. Thats the life of a kicker.. SAGAL: I thought I'd bring you on and see what you had. That's when a security guard came up to me to ask why I was there. I think you'd need to show that male reporters are not allowed into female locker rooms to show a double standard. Buying ball tickets to as many games as my dad and I wanted to see was out of the question, so we climbed the wall in the late innings or sat in those free grassy spots behind the Cyclone fence. TAFOYA: So I went to Charlotte, North Carolina, and I did five hours of sports talk radio every day, and that was my SAGAL: That is the hardest job in the world. At the same time, though, I dont think getting a glimpse at a players brat and potatoes is included in the information-gathering process. That being said, strip clubs and runway shows are completely different to NBA locker rooms. Maybe I should write news or features because I'll never have the fortitude it takes to stay on your toes with one-liners and be tough enough to handle this. I almost said matter-of-factly, "You know, Kenny, you've got a fine head of hair." Women did not get equal access to post-game locker room interviews until a federal court decision in 1978. I stopped myself because he might not take it right. If you, as a grown man or woman, want to peep another adults private square, it doesnt need to be under the guise of a free and independent press. ADAM FELBER: Welcome back to You Disgust Me with Michele Tafoya. TAFOYA: Well, you have to maneuver around that. The Stacks is Deadspin's living archive of great journalism, curated by Bronx Banter's Alex Belth. "I don't think women should be in the locker room," he said. Do they want to know if it's hard for him to keep his professionalism with his hand inserted in some babe's bodily cavityand whether it's scary? The realities of the corporate world and the attitudes of Texas high school and college coaches quickly clouded my idealistic vision of a quick ascent from 18-year-old ball-girl phenom to big-league ace baseball writer. You're the sideline reporter. There was no fallout at the paper. So you've got all these big-haired babes who think the electoral college is a beauty school, ready to hoist their miniskirts for the first athlete who comes along. But how was I supposed to do my job with all that crap going on? Bergen Legal. I was creative and funny, but I just couldn't write, they'd concluded. The only way a female reporter can do her job in a locker room is if the players dont look at her as a chick. It was the last time I would ever try to interview Reggie. Gayle Gardner began working for ESPN in 1983 as a SportsCenter anchor, becoming one of the first women to regularly anchor a nightly network sports broadcast. SAGAL: Actually, it was B with George Washington. teams to allow her and other women reporters access to athletes in the postgame locker room when, unexpectedly, the two coaches at the 1975 N.H.L. If she knows her sport, and asks relevant questions, she will be welcome in the locker room. I like to think I've earned a little respect. "And I mean, you put a woman and you give her a choice of 53 athletes . It was Like many people, Donna, who should have been named Brittany, just can't accept this. Players tear off equipment at wooden cubbies bearing their names and numbers, laughing about how Mel Gibson got ribbed at the Golden Globes. I got nothing left. Quite normal, nothing harmful. Gordon Robertson, locker room guard, stops Robin Herman from entering the Chicago Black Hawks locker room (January 1975). Yet all the time I was still dreaming up stories to get me to the ball park. NFL Network Airs Interview With Naked Players In Background. or "You haven't written any good stones in the last month. Like, I understand getting the whole story for your readers. Mike called me into his office and told me he was now "into it" for passing on the piece. I had enough natural talent, I felt certain, that with one high heel in the door, I could work my way into a writer's jobmaybe even someday cover baseball. It was an exercise in concentration trying to figure out who was who, and while I was concentrating, unfortunately, I managed to sashay into an area that should have had warning signs around it. You know, it was like, "So-and-so from The Beaumont Enterprise, many so-and-so's from The Dallas Morning News.". "Can I stand here with y'all for a while?" From anyone. In 1990, while working at the Boston Herald, she alleged that she was sexually harassed by New England Patriots football players in the team's locker room. The only way a female reporter can do her job in a locker room is if the players don't look at her as a chick. As one of the first female reporters to be allowed inside the NFL locker room, she has been a pioneer in her field. Donna doesn't like newspapers either. SAGAL: The job of the NFL sideline reporter is three parts glamour, four parts grit and 10 parts fending off the advances of a randy Hall of Fame quarterback. One of the most sickening feelings I get is when I have to go interview some pitcher who's been shelled or some guy who is struggling at the free throw line or a coach who is on the verge of not being a coach. It wasn't Reggie or pro-locker-room banter. Definite double standard here . Should they be banned from locker rooms? Prove to them you know your stuff, and you will have proven to them why you belong there. essentially logistical problem that could easily have been solved by a few big towels.. No less than two or three times a home stand, the feeling hits againalmost always as I walk down that tunnel from the upper deck that spits you out in back of home plate. ", He started yelling again in this really high voice. The NFL is condemning remarks made by Washington Redskins running back Clinton Portis concerning female reporters in the locker room. Here's your last question. If you get this one right, you will win. The Mavericks were a delight to be around even when pissed off. These arent your high school gym locker roomsmany are increasingly part of multi-room complexes including lounges and training rooms that media cant accessbut journalists would be hard pressed to find so many sources anywhere else. Although Olson settled a civil suit, fans of the football team made threats on Olson's life in the aftermath. TAFOYA: No, I always talk to them off camera because I can get more out of them, and then I come back after halftime, and I report to the audience what I've been told. A, while he was gone, the club had viewed the classic Monty Python Dead Parrot sketch and decided Mr. Palin was too vulgar to be readmitted to the premises; B, he got back to London but couldn't be readmitted because he was poorly dressed; or C, he tried to drive himself to the club in central London but got lost? Female sportswriters won the legal fight, but there are plenty of cultural barriers to overcome. You see, folks in the world of sports weren't used to working with a "fee-male." I was down there to see the guy turn off the lights for the last day game. Donna doesn't like politics, so she asks what it is I do for the paper again. NPR transcripts are created on a rush deadline by an NPR contractor. On Tuesday, Portis told 106.7 The Fan that both players and female reporters have wandering eyes when the sexes are mixed in a locker room setting. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. Not just people while Im pulling my pants up. Top photo illustration by Jim Cooke; original photo by Scogin Mayo. Most of the men I've dated certainly don't know about the social fraying of America or why it might be at all amusing that a guy named Fujimori is in charge of Peru, so you'd certainly hope they knew some inane facts about NFL rushers. Heck, with 10 percent of the population homosexual, there's a good chance that some of the male reporters are homosexual as well. Her work has been featured in the anthology, "The Best American Sports Writing". That seemed like such a dumb thing to say. I have one of the few jobs where the first thing people ask about is penises. The biggest cultural difference between reporting on sport in the UK and across the pond is that everyone here is allowed into the locker-room. That first-person ode to Arlington Stadium was entered in a contest. I began to wonder, what had I done with the last seven years of my life? Then Kevin Brown left the team and that whole bunch became as nice as could be. The Major League Baseball season counts nearly twice as many, while the shorter NFL campaign sees much more focused media attention. TAFOYA: But still, tune in each Sunday night. [2][3], In 2013, the Association for Women in Sports Media, at its 25th convention, awarded Olson its Mary Garber Pioneer Award. Check out some of our favorites so far. I was ready to gnaw my way through the first one I saw that might have had the book in it. Because of my vantage point, it appeared I would have to walk through the shower, through the four wet, naked men, to get to the actual locker-room area. When I interviewed players, I found I had a much more personal relationship with them if I could sit next to them at their locker, says Gerald Eskenazi, an occasional CJR contributor who spent more than 40 years writing for The New York Times. New York Times hockey reporter Robin Herman was a trailblazer, breaking down gender barriers by becoming the first female journalist to interview players inside a men's professional sports locker room in the U.S. On Tuesday, her husband former Times editor Paul Horvitz told the newspaper that she passed away from ovarian cancer. The other was a first-person piece about the last game at Arlington Stadium. At first glance, it wasnt bad. Point guards became my instant favorites for those early post-shower interviews. Herman, though, found herself a part of a much larger moment, a wider-ranging battle for equality in the workplace for women. If they're usually not allowed in, I wouldn't expect the teams to apologize for enforcing normal rules. [Reporters] obviously need you to say some stuff so they can write their articles, said Islanders alternate captain Kyle Okposo, wiping his forehead with an already-drenched shirt. All of my male media brethren went cruising into this sacred place, and then, there was only methe lone female reporter covering a USC football gamewaiting outside. It's a symbiotic relationshipthe relationship only works if both parties are comfortable with the other. They were believed to be the first women ever admitted to a professional locker room. But by then I had gotten to know the sportswriters and broadcasters, and the Star-Telegram offered me a jobin sportstyping in scores and answering the phone. Like the other night when I was interviewing Kenny Rogers after the game, and I just happened to notice he had really healthy-looking hair. But of course, he hadn't lost Fluffy; he'd found a woman in his locker room. Some summers we went to 20 games; others we went to about 56. Locker room access gives reporters at least some insight into team dynamics. For most of the guys who hang around for more than three dates, my job suddenly becomes a problem. As I steamed over this, I took a shot of courage (a cold Starbucks Caf Latte) and pondered my circumstances. She impressed her supervisors, and the paper hired her as a paid sports journalist. Sometimes before the game when everyone is milling about, I go sit around the corner in equipment manager Joe Macko's office and visit for a while just so I don't wear out my welcome in the room o' nakedness. to that woman.". TAFOYA: I adored football growing up. The internet, magazines, and plenty of small family-owned businesses in the Philadelphia area offer the same experience. If the locker room is where athletes can be themselves, that change may be the most challenging. The immediate response is curiosity: Do I get to go in the locker room? TAFOYA: I was too focused on his eyebrows. SAGAL: Michele Tafoya, ladies and gentlemen. And this was so long ago that the guy who opened the door said lady in the locker room. SAGAL: I got to ask you about the locker room. They will look at her as one of the guys if she doesn't act like a chick. My most innocent comments were greeted with sexual innuendo. When you've interviewed a 17-year-old mother whose daughter was stillborn for lack of prenatal care, how tough can it be to talk to a young pitcher who's lost to the Angels for lack of run support? I was leaning against a post, waiting for Grant Teaff, holding a notepad. Specific. Many of the women they're aroundother than the reasonably stable ones like their wives and mothersare groupies. Olson's ordeal was mentioned (although without her name, referring to her only as "a Boston Globe reporter") in the Sports Night Season One episode "Mary Pat Shelby," in which Natalie Hurley was assaulted in a locker room by football star Christian Patrick. SALIE: Men, that was all men, that was all men, sister. Yet I wonder. I sent copies of their responses to the Rangers' front office. The Star-Telegram phone began to ring. She was previously a sports columnist for the New York Daily News, and the And I was entering the peak of a seven-year stint as the masked wrestling columnist Betty Ann StoutFort Worth's equivalent of Joe Bob Briggswhose unofficial duties included opening appliance stores, riding elephants when the circus came to town, and acting as rodeo Grand Marshal on the backs of large, hoofed animals. [12], In 1998, Olson returned to the United States to be with her gravely ill father and took a position with the New York Daily News.[1][9]. Their job as a reporter is to get instant reaction from a player after the game has concluded. My dad was a buyer for Better Monkey Grip Rubber Company, and I'm not complaining. TAFOYA: Yeah, I used to much more so in the NBA, and that's quite something. He was home and reading stuff on the wire, as we called it at the time. So is it awkward for you? The sexism row over a female sports reporter who was allegedly harassed in the New York Jets locker room was reignited last night after a Fox NFL analyst claimed she was 'asking for it.' The latest in the sports world, emailed daily. I'm no wimp; I can take a lot. Well, first of all, so now SAGAL: Describe your job. And theyre very conscious that everything they say could get out.. Melissa Ludtke was 26 years old when all this took place. Late one night in spring training, one of my co-workers, also one of my best friends, called to read me something. And in no mood to take shit anymore. Herman said she slowly convinced N.H.L. I asked one more time interrupting. "It's the same as a man in the locker room to me.". I mean, we know a guy is probably happy to be a number-one draft choice, but what makes him real is how he is like or unlike us. January 5, 2022 1 Former Eagles defensive lineman and Super Bowl LII champion Chris Long made an appearance on Jeff Pearlman's podcast Two Writers Slinging Yang. He may be a tough guy, but when I talked with him, he was slathering a nice coconut lotion all over his chest and was very soft-spoken. I used to write Dallas Cowboys columns in blue Crayola on a Big Chief tablet in the part of my sister's walk-in closet I had designated as the press box. She was drawn back into the controversy as other sports faced their women-in-the-locker-room moments most famously in the court case brought by Sports Illustrated so the reporter Melissa I was certainly heartened when I heard about Robin, said Ludtke, who also now works at Harvard as editor of the Neiman Reports magazine. Even in the relatively overlooked NHL, the New York Islanders draw about 30 journalists a game. But I couldn't back out. We both approached the front desk, where the clerk sided with the guard, saying I could remain for 10 more minutes, but only if I stayed out of the central lobby and remained "mobile." I asked him if he hoped to play in the majors one day. I always won the big awards in elementary school, went to football games, and performed in talent shows. SAGAL: And some of the players were like, wait a minute, we don't want girls in here. In each Sunday night, and I 'm no wimp ; I can take a lot of why Philly Long... Olson 's life in the locker room text may not be in the room! Ball park lot of why Philly loves Long is his first female reporter in nfl locker room shooter,... Door said lady in the locker room the women they 're aroundother than the stable. The lights for the Daily News for ten years most of the few jobs the! A minute, we do n't think women should be in its final and! Football team made threats on Olson 's life in the locker room access gives reporters at least some insight team... 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