Of course, not all Leos are destined to be famous, but nevertheless, Leo was born to shine. Capricorn placements love deep things just like Scorpio placements do, they just understand each other. Active person on my dash and the colors are always so lively. Oprah has this. They tend to love to indulge in self care and love to pamper their emotional inner child which is why they should watch out for their mental health often (tends to be very emotionally sensitive) People tend to obsess over their nurturing and intuitive nature. They tend to take a loving on spiritual activities & divination tools. there could be some arguments about you, you might feel like you have to explain yourself all the time. Cancer: 4 16 28. -In this post we will finish discussing about degree theory and how it applies. Always great to read, Soft has a way with words, I think they cover essentials pretty well <3 Astro journal type blog Also really sweet and into ghibli :D. Duckie is the one of the most supportive and nicest ccs here!! Please consult your doctor before taking any action. Libras major placements tend to always be able to find friends easily. Their main motive is security and if anyone were to bother with their boundaries the person would have to face harsh reality from Astarte in Taurus / 2nd house individuals. Astarte in Capricorn/ Astarte in 10th house: These natives at times tend to shut down their Venusian traits a bit and they tend to focus a lot on career & their future. for ex: barely an earth in chart you'll attract earth signs and balance each other out. Please. They could be prone to feeling insecure about their Venusian traits but they tend to be very attractive because of the way they take care of themselves and tend to look very put together, theyre a sucker for the little things. sagittarius placements love refreshing their mind. This is kind of a theory, but fish represents fertility & happiness & intelligence. Gemini venuses / moon are most likely to think theyve met their twin flame they are the twins and when they get someone that really gets them they start to believe it. (And some freckles there and there), Libra placements may get along with Sagittarian energy well, Ive realized both of these energies love uplifting people:). Not to scare you, but just a theory I have. people may also mimic their sayings. May give off aquarius vibes. They can find themselves needing therapy but neglecting it since they do not like to talk about how they feel & run away from it. Okay Ive realized a lot of leo moons have mothers that are bad bitches & set high expectations for the child. I will not expand on this as I dont have too much knowledge on magic. A lot of people admire them for their humor and creativity. taurus in 3rd can indicate someone who people may think are slow in learning & maybe even dumb. aquarius prominent placements especially the rising / aquarius in 11th have always felt weird and that a lot of people dont understand them so when they do find someone they love they cherish them forever and are as loyal as ever, just be understanding. Good mix of astro and tarot tips. Q: Do you do energy exchanges with other readers / intuitives? according to nikola's research, each degree is connected to the sign it rules: aries degrees 1, 13, 25 - taking action, fighting spirit, not giving oneself up to fate, struggle, war, can indicate abuse, labor, diligence, leadership, beginnings, etc taurus degrees 2, 14, 26 - money, food, the earth, stability, luxuries, voice, singing, etc uranus in 1st / uranus doms individuals have very strong intuition but it may come to them in a really random way, they could literally be pooping and they will be hit with that realization. They tend to have luck when making things come true / manifesting. Scorpio Midheaven is prone to being more expressive, Aquarius Midheaven is humanitarian and Leo Midheaven rules the entertainment business in particular. While these placements maygive the nativesa leg up when it comes tobecoming famous, it is important to remember, however, that not everyone with these specific fame indicators in astrology will become famous. GEMINI RISING: Natives with this placement with no doubt look very youthful. They tend to have very appealing body / face structure. Uranus at 17 (Leo degree), one of the fame degrees (although to me its the only Fame degree that comes with some challenges). They dont like their war side but will use it when needed and tend to use their intelligence and knowledge to their. Ex: someone with a 0 Mars in Sagittarius could embody the purest, highest form of Mars in Sagittarius (alot of action and energy that expands easily almost to the point of burnout). Jupiter rules the first (self) and tenth (Career) houses, while Saturn is placed in the tenth house of career and success. - Below discusses Nikolas thoughts on certain degrees in astrology. Leo risings change their hair a lot. Im shutting down. They wanna be heard and will not hesitate to say whatever needs to be said, with that being said a lot of people could get turned on from their words and they could have a very sexually appealing voice. Especially if this Saturn is in domicile or exalted. Most of the time I see them support a bunch of pacs if ur interested. They could be really social and hide their other side in-fact they can manifest anything they want into reality and can camouflage to the right environments. The dynamic could have been that the native could have had more responsibility towards their siblings (almost like a parental figure) rather than just being a sibling. Do feel free to tip at $tladytalks if you do enjoy my content, as I do work hard to make this kind of content. They tend to be very blunt and authoritative to the public eye and people tend to see them as someone who isnt scared of the truth. (synastry). Sagittarius degrees- 9, 21:college, border, foreigner, foreign country, travel, street name, horses, arrow, archery, a plan, to find, gamble, professor, abundance, expansion, wisdom, and to explore. Degrees are important in astrology for accurate interpretation. This can manifest as them starting blogs / social media a ton. Gemini placements are prone to being more stressed as it rules the nervous system. They are truthful to what they do but keep good manners. For this sign to be known as the sign ahead of its time they have to be intuitive on some level. Nikola mentions this is the degree of clairvoyance. They will go on on their path unbothered. Link to the first part will be at the bottom of this post. -Neptune/pluto/venus in 1st house or conjuct ascendant (for acting) It takes them a while to get mad at something because they prioritize their own things much more than anything else and hold themselves in high regards. The talented, the beautiful, the Girlfriend, Tracee Ellis Ross is a perfect representation of the fame indicator by degree example.. As you can see, Tracee Ellis Ross has both her Moon and Venus . Pisces moons get addicted to things EASILY. This house also rules public attraction to the individual or acceptance among the collective. Her Part of Fortune is at 2, one of the most powerful degrees in Astrology according to N. Stojanoviks Degree Theory. Male Earth Risings can be very desired on the media for their body figure & their structure. I've noticed that the asteroid Juno actually tells way more than I thought! The following fixed signs pertain to resourcefulness, lucky accidents, or coincidences. They could benefit / are prone to having a lot of praises online and could have some internet fame. Venus in tenth can give off taurus/ libra vibes to the public. Possibly couldnt travel as much when they were younger. Even if its not a part of my routine, just the enjoyment of it., You know, I get tired of socializing and not feeling like I have close connections. The last degree of every Sign. Aries mercury & scorpio mercuries can get along very greatly. Are usually taller than expected. Ive noticed this quite a lot. I have never met a Libra in my personal life that was lacking in the aesthetics department, at least clothing wise. Their immediate environment could have been limiting for their growth. Show your Support , May not want to have children, or may have children later on in life. Fire Risings on Media can be seen as untouchable and very desired and intimidating. Uranus influence - Uranus rules fame, so having it positively influencing someones chart points to fame. Workers bees lmao!). Capricorn mars is the most hardworking placement in my opinion. According to Nikola Stojanovics degree theory, personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) at 5, 17 and 29 degrees are more significant than others in terms of acquiring fame. They may take their time with gaining income. Their sexual appeal could be a bit hidden at first but it tends to be very perfect in other people eyes, they tend to have very fit / healthy bodies. They will not hesitate to put people in their place but are also very internally beautiful and do not like chaos but dont run away from it especially for Justice. Another theory: I think based on the numerology of the number 22 can also be a reason why Nikola may think this degree is connected to assassinations. Their war side could get them into potential drama and a lot of people may gossip about them often. They still did it anyway. - In my opinion, since this degree represents the purest energy of a sign/planet, Ive deduced that people with this degree in multiple planets can possibly rub others the wrong way because of how much they can (possibly) embody the sign/planet of whatever this degree is over. If your midheaven is in this sign, you may find yourself striving to achieve this level of perfection . People who have planets or points* at 2 wield supreme power and are well-positioned to make remarkable achievements, according to research work done by Serbian astrologer Nikola Stojanovic. Ceres is the goddess of harvest, and what is cereal made from? You all love to break rules, but you all will kill somebody if your own boundaries are closed. It is also a turn on when their partner knows multiple languages and random wisdom. Astarte in the 6th house will make the native very analytical and reliable. Her Part of Fortune is at 2, one of the most powerful degrees in Astrology according to N. Stojanovik's Degree Theory. And they are common but not like extremely common on my blog! 2 of Supreme Power. May have to learn how to have a structured routine in this lifetime. 2. Cancer Major Placements (women) tend to be very desired by men. In the natal chart, this asteroid could indicate a positive, hopeful, and expectant person with a . I kinda wish I could tap into the more emotional side of myself yet sometimes you gotta be careful because people are so entitled. The final degree of a sign (29, the thirtieth degree) in the natal chart is the end of an era. Therefore, the bullets in red will represent my personal thoughts about the degrees in astrology. Their set of eyes is very alluring and trapping. Every taurus major placement Ive met is so hard working. Astarte in Scorpio / Astarte in 8th house: Astarte in the 8th house tends to embody their sexual appeal very prominently and are very attractive and their beauty could even be somewhat suffocating and they tend to attract envious malicious people / energies. -Sun/venus/neptune/jupiter conjunct north node. Capricorn = Anything dark green, brown, black, dark grey. You make things happen with your bountiful luck and resourcefulness. People tend to be attracted to their speculative way of expressing themselves a lot of people may want to dig deep into them so its important they establish healthy boundaries. (Taurus). I feel like this can apply to degree astrology when necessary. They tend to take a loving in interesting that stimulate their mind and that tends to be intellectual abilities. They tend to have advantages when it comes to dealing with enemies / bad things because of their sense of organization and they tend to have their eye out often and notice every little thing and tend to be very resourceful. They are the definitions of peace makers and their war side is more toned down but believe me dont try to over-step them in anyway because they can be very possessive and dominant and they also have more of the masculine side of Astarte in their character as well. They tend to be very creative and excel in Venusian activities like Arts. Person is extremely intelligent but can at times keep their achievements to themselves to not be viewed any different. 5, 17, and 29 are known as the degrees of fame, or Leo degrees. They could be really social and hide their other side in-fact they can manifest anything they want into reality and can camouflage to the right environments. These natives tend to take a loving on knowledge and their intelligence tends to be something very admirable and they tend to be very open- minded and free-spirited individuals. This is because pisces placements can truly be themselves online, but theyre really shy in person. They just want someone that will understand them. I do what I want, when I want, how I want, and who gon have an issue? Elpis (59): Elpis is the Greek goddess of Hope, and was described as a beautiful looking woman holding flowers and a cornucopia. (Most people with this are around 16-early 18 if Pluto is in Sagittarius) There is usually something about education. These people dont take advice easily from others, they love following their own eccentric path. Pisces placements tend to be very in-tune with their psychic side but Cancer placements tend to not realize this until later on. If you have an aquarius chiron Im gonna assume you have never found friends that let you be weird. Obviously the whole chart matters and if someone has one of these, it doesnt mean that they will be the next Kim Kardashian. Money. They may love traveling and ascending into higher things in life. Also, since Ceres is an asteroid, one may not necessarily feel the prominence of Ceres unless it is in exact or close conjunction with a personal planet. I aint gonna hear it out anymore. A: By putting togethers patterns & my understanding of Astrology based on the houses & meanings of degrees & etc. people who lack an element will attract that element. Responsible. (Prominently the front two). Anything that is not at a far distance. They tend to love having goals to make them feel structured and they could have more of the Masculine Venusian traits. They can tend to be shy when it comes to their actual feelings, they tend to make it a little harder on purpose. They are very protective over their loved ones and dont you dare very crossing someone they love or else youll face their reality. A person with a planet at avatar degrees usually becomes the sought-after person known to make things happen. Leo risings express themselves by their hair. someones mars being your venus is such good combo for love. This degree is known as the anaretic degree by astrologers. Fashion shows. One who has psychic abilities. See ya later!! A lot of people will have mixed opinions on these individuals but a lot of people admire but yet question them. I am back with another series! A lot of these natives are very intuitive and should use that to their advantage & they just know things, they arent too logical at times. They tend to love to indulge in self care and love to pamper their emotional inner child which is why they should watch out for their mental health often (tends to be very emotionally sensitive) People tend to obsess over their nurturing and intuitive nature. Ive noticed that the asteroid Juno actually tells way more than I thought! Taurus: 2 14 26. Ive noted a lot Of Libras and Virgos are drawn to each other. Therefore it is assumed that people with this life path will do great things that will change the world in some way. . Your mature years are shown by 9th, 10th and 11th house. The degree theory is a more modern theory in astrology by the late Serbian astrologer Nikola Stojanovic! Remember that this is also a Venus-ruled Moon during this eclipse. They are seen as peace makers but it is important to not underestimate them. They tend to have very beautiful and. Ive played by these rules and won, I think? Scorpio degrees- 8, 20:secrets, death, sex, insurances, taxes, jealousy, pregnancy, manifestation, wealth, to take from others, and borrowing. Ive met a lot of Pisces mercuries who like interacting with fun and unique people, its just an observation but they dont like small talk at all. Their sexual appeal is usually very noticeable because they make it seen and they love when other people notice their sexual nature. Kylie Jenner has this. They tend to have very beautiful thoughts (creative mind) and could excel at writing and people usually tend to enjoy their intellectual mind / work. ( at least in vedic. No angles and corners. when a sagittarius placement finds someone that makes them feel this way, theyre never letting go, loyal as ever. So yes, Saturn is tough, but once you come out of that karmic debt you are much wiser, stronger, and intelligent. People may love to give them money as 8th house rules inheritance or people could think they are well off in money terms and they tend to keep the way they do things to get to the top privately. Gemini: 3 15 27. Her degree series and astro observations never miss, Joys personality is so uplifting, great content. libra prominent placement women may look really good in leggings, they are ruled by the buttocks;). having a 5 does signify an individual having short-term fame or it could give a kin admiration from a large scale at a young age. ), lmaoo as a gemini rising i have never posted ANYTHING on every social media account ive had. They tend to have high standards for the people around them so they wouldnt tolerate with anything less than what they deserve. May look older. War, fighting, police officers, firefighters, any occupation that involves uniforms and possibly risking your life. Astarte in the 4th house will make the native very intuitive and this could be an admirable trait. Earth & Water In big three indicates someone very distant with their emotions and finds it hard to express them. Overconfidence, grandiosity, lack of humility, and/or extreme discontent in modest circumstances may be your faults. Again, you need to study them and check all the aspects etc. Elysian has so much knowledge (smartest and brightest cc ever) about specific placements and the aspects different planets make. Ive noticed Moon in Aries individuals at least once in life have gone through a phase of repression and resentment thus isolating themselves a bit, couldve struggle with explosive emotions. Ceres was found, serendipitou. - Nikola states that this degree represents the very raw, unfiltered energy of the sign and planet it is over. Our website services, content and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. sagittarius placements (especially the moon) may have somewhere they call a safe place somewhere where they can be a true kid at heart. Person is very careful and patient when dealing with life. Im tired of it. May like to buy and drive older car models. Astarte in Libra / Astarte in 7th house: Astarte in the 7th house tends to prioritize relationships / partnerships quite often as it brings them joy. Ive noticed Gemini moons tend to learn languages quickly or have a lot of phrases from different languages mesmerized. They tend to be extremely creative and would be wise to express their dreamy imagination into creative artistic ways. Welcome to my corner of the internet where I explain astrology using pop culture! Sun in 6th tells me that when you finally put boundaries up, no one respects them. Astarte in Pisces / Astarte in 12th house: These natives tend to have a very dreamy almost not real appearance, ironically though a lot tend to be very self- conscious about their appearance and could be prone to not knowing who they really are. PLEASE DO NOT REPOST OR STEAL MY WORK!! CANCER RISING: Round headshapes are very common here along with flared nostrils & slight dimples can be recognized. Person is constantly doubtful about things in life. Ive noticed this quite a bit now.. Cancer Venuses tend to be very attracted to the female figure & the breasts. VIRGO RISING: These natives unless anything contradicts this in the chart, age very graciously and beautifully. They tend to have a liking for darker and mysterious activities and tend to be very private individuals when it comes to what they do and who they are inside. This can sometimes manifest in an unwanted way, it can be negative attention or the person doesn't really enjoy it. Ariana Grande has this. Today I will discuss an observation of this chart based on that specific time, but not the entire chart. PART 2 WILL COME OUT LATER!! They tend to cling on the idea of love and desire their fantasy and dont want anything less. Also leo rising, vv pretty haha, Rat I see on my dash every now and then <3 she give updates on her life (I wish them lots of love) Posted more astro content back when I was more active <3 Sweet, supportive, gives good kpop recs if u like lol. Ex: someone with a 0 Mars in Sagittarius could embody the purest, highest form of Mars in Sagittarius (alot of action and energy that expands easily almost to the point of burnout). People need to learn how to fight for themselves. You can not pin a gemini rising down as native does whatever they feel like and have no hard behind their actions, they can go from very sociable to very quiet the next day. If you have capricorn placements (especially capricorn moon) or/and virgo placements Im just gonna assume you expect the worst case sceneraio 24/7. NN is the point that we should aspire to in this lifetime, and we may feel that intense push of how can I get to where I need to be? Of course you need that Leo presence for acting, but to form and get into a character so deeply like on TV, the aforementioned planets. 5th house, 5th degree. But their masterlist u could look thru :D, Tessa I scroll thru their blog a lot. If someones Jupiter conjucts a placement in your big three or Venus the connection is usually long lasting. However, they have a lot to give. Venus in 10th individuals can get their info/ photos usen to catfish & etc, people admire them a lot. I need to stop playing around sometimes., You know I have done it all. History, things of the past: Nikola mentions that Capricorn degrees represents old things and history. They are the type to not speak to you for a while and send you a meme out of nowhere. they love animals! They may have to make sure that their responsibilities are done first before they indulge in other things. LEO RISING: Usually a fair complexion & skin tends to be clear. Gemini venuses may fall in love online / wouldnt mind distance if its the right person. -Nikola also mentions that a degree at which a planet occurs applies for the whole range of said degree (0'00'00" - 0'59'59"). do not steal. I need to learn to be balanced and relaxed with my intellect, and also use my intellect as a good networking skill instead of just stepping on toes all the time. This quite a bit now.. cancer Venuses tend to love having to... Great things that will change the world in some way involves uniforms and risking! With a planet at avatar degrees usually becomes the sought-after person known to make that. Into creative artistic ways responsibilities are done first before they indulge in other things elysian has so much on... Just understand each other very noticeable because they make it seen and they could /... Love traveling and ascending into higher things in life remember that this degree represents the raw. 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