Lesbos and Philippopolis have ony 3 holdings tho (What is strange, since Philippopolis always was a reasonably large city). Holdings can be Castles, Cities, or Temples. Farmlands, without question. So you might be better off building Castles in your capital and holding them, than investing in other counties that might be lost. Each Holding gets a number of building slots with the De Jure County capital receiving four, and everywhere else has three. And have I mentioned free holdings and the best walls of the game right at the start? All CK3 special buildings cost 1,000 gold and would take five to six years to finish. Engage in courtly intrigue, dynastic struggles, and holy warfare in medival Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, India, the steppes and Tibet. If you don't get bored with winning, move your capital to a better coastal trade post county (eg. You are using an out of date browser. Arabia. Generally locations with special buildings are great investments. Castles will provide you mostly with levies. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. User u/__------ has created an excellent map of all Special Buildings available in the game. Ile de France has 6 farmland holding slots and a special building (Notre Dame). The Cairo+Alexandria combo boasts 22 holdings across 7 holdings, 3 of them coastal and Trade Posts in the 2 most valuable holdings of the region. In CK2, since your steward and martial worked on a county basis, it was best to have a county (5 or 6 slots) maxed out with castle holdings that you personally controlled for the steward and martial stacking bonuses- a single county with Cities in coastal counties get port buildings to make them money. Then secondly, you have a kingdom title with 5 duchies, 17 counties, and 66 holdings between them far above the average. Pandya Nadu has 7 baronies and 25 development in 867 (30 in 1066) in its capital, and an additional 7 between its remaining three counties, and if you convert to a Jain faith practiced locally and by your neighbors you get a holy site. Information, Frequently Asked Although temples are somewhere in between cities and castles when it comes to Levy and Gold increase, the fact that the higher the Court Chaplins opinion of you is and the more Temples he controls the more you can get in Taxes and Levies. Quite frankly, that entire strip along the Indus river is good. Best counties on the map? Counties with special mines are great cause they go up to +9 or +14 base income. Makes sense, really. Download from: Nexus Mods. Some hidden gems you got there. Temples will provide you with levies and income. You'll be RICH. The capital county bonus is the fact that capital baronies are never lost in partition. In terms of places with special buildings, there are a couple places with mines for crazy gold, though through reading it apparently varies of 867 or 1066 start. Meanwhile, due to its high ratio of 4.4, Nikaea jumps from number 80 in county density to number 49 in barony density. These holdings provide both income and taxes, and every holding is held by a character. Webck3 county with most holdingsredken frizz dismiss oil mist ck3 county with most holdings. This is a list of counties in Crusader Kings III. For duchies: Bohemia has 3 six-holding counties, while several have 2, most of them near the Caspian Sea and Iraq.It's interesting how many of these are neighbors. The catch is that only 2 counties have their coast in the Mediterranean, which makes it harder to embark troops. You lose a ton of prestige each time you do it and if you have 5-6 viable heirs you will be in a huge amount of prestige trouble. Asatru, the traditional Nordic faith, is on the way out in 1066 AD. For this reason I love farmlands and floodplains. If the holding is the County Capital, it will have 4 slots; if it's also the Duchy Capital, it will have a 5th slot reserved for duchy buildings. Farmland is good because you can build Manor Houses on it, which is the most profitable type of generic building. Stewardship gives a +2% Domain tax per level, and +1 Domain limit per 5 levels. If you have Tradeport or Royal Reserve (Duchy Building) available, build that right away for reasons described in the Development section below. Arabia. Arabia. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Bohemia for development spam or India jungle for dynasty warrior vibe. Extra prestige from vassal baronies. Cities will provide you with some income and mostly Development. Venice has the smallest, at 1.5 from their three baronies and two counties. https://ck2.paradoxwikis.com/Duchies#List_of_duchies, Large number of counties in the capital duchy, Ability to have 2-3 additional baronies in capital (already built, or empty slots, or as-yet-non-existent slots + crown focus), Coastal counties, with a good nearby base for a vassal MR. Trade post counties (Silk Road or Saharan) - the closer to the source, the better. Manor Houses. If it is only the ratio of counties to possible holdings (cph, lower=better), best are these: tken - 0,1765 cph Uzboy - 0,1818 cph Rashka - 0,1905 cph Someone did the math (cant find the source rn) and provided an excellent explanation why Temples are the best Holding types. : r/CrusaderKings - reddit Ck3 how to replace vassal - etfr.fenster-fachwissen.de Kingdoms able to construct these get massive buffs to their entire empire in some cases, or localized buffs to counties and holdings. A Count is a character who controls at least one County. Here it is Crusader Kings 3 best buildings: 1. In Europe this would definitely be Roma (6 holdings/6 farmlands/2 coastal) -> Paris (6 holdings/6 farmlands) -> London (5 holdings/5 farmlands) -> Praha (6 holdings/3 farmlands) -> Sjaelland (5 holdings/1 farmland/5 coastal) -> Skane (5 holdings/1 farmland/ 4 coastal) -> Cordoba (4 holdings/3 farmlands), Don't know about other part of the world, cause I play in Europe all the time, but probably you can check out de jure capitals of de jure kingdoms/empires, they are usually boosted with farmlands (like Paris/London/Roma/Cordoba), I think the potential of roma is very depleted because the pope always builds a ton of temples. Generally I dont min-max too much, I just want a proper domain and have a relaxed time achieving/role-playing my goals. Costly, but the benefits are obtained more quickly. Alexandria) later. Makran has the largest barony to county ratio, at 4.69. Crusader Kings 3 allows you to manage and customize your complete realm and its holdings or even start new constructions. Can you achieve fame and fortune for your noble family, or will your names be forgotten to history? I swap the capital early to the mine, build it up, get seniority then take back the rest of the duchy and restore capital to Prague for development. For example I currently can have 7 holdings. It's Dejure capital of both the Duchy and Kingdoms of the same name. Baghdad is a second Cairo, except it has 6 Holding slots. Chera Nadu in the southern India. The penalty for Disinheriting is far too high for this to be a manageable method of controlling succession. Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article.At least some were last verified for version 1.6. CK3 Wiki Active Wikis. Players need to opt for the 867 starting date if they want to play as a Norse pagan and have a rip-roaringly, hack-and-slashy, remotely easy time. 3 Count Toke of Varend, 1066 AD. My favourite are counties with 5 holdings, where 4 of them are 2 castles, 1 city and 1 church. The most county-dense is also Lhomon, at number 20 with 0.44 counties per kilopixel. Then it got me thinking about what is the best county in the game. ck3 county with most holdings. CK3 Holdings There is also the Holding itself that can be upgraded which both increases bonuses for that type, and acts as a prerequisite for building upgrades in the County. Every county must have at least 1 of each before you can build the next holding type. Holdings can be Castles, Cities, or Temples. Cities: Focus on tax. I used to like Essex and Wessex when in Britain. Coming from CK2, the Duchy of Flanders got nerfed into the ground for total holdings. Holdings are castles, cities, and temples (and tribes). Domain limit is based on your highest title and your stewardship skills plus you can also get increases in other ways via lifestyle skills. Most holdings have 3 building slots. As of now, we can only control Castles and get penalties for holding Temple or City titles. You can even add another 6 county duchy to your demesne as Bhakkar is north of it. Extra prestige from vassal baronies. So, don't bother too much with counties in 1 duchy, unless Succession is a b*tch for you. Some notable ones I can think of: Madurai in southern India, rare 7 slots with great terrain and development. They provide a 2 income or more at level 1 and can be built by any culture. Starting with a classic. But it's an 8 holding county! Isle de France and Flanders is good. Build temples to defend your trade posts! Cities: Focus on tax. Theocratic is OP because of this compared to lay clergy where you have to waste a domain slot for the same benefits. Counties can hold Baronies such as Castles, Temples or Cities. So you're really going to want a small kingdom. This video has a good section on Vassals. Holding a domain of 1 holding in 6 counties is great until succession and you're down to 1 county and a bunch of rebellious vassals. Engage in courtly intrigue, dynastic struggles, and holy warfare in medival Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, India, the steppes and Tibet. It also starts with the most development in the game and a boost to its growth. Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG video game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Interactive. In particular, your county control and development are vital for the output of both gold and levies, so it's well worth improving them where you can. For vassals, clergy with temples beat cities. Press J to jump to the feed. Barony is the site of a mine. WebHere are some places to target playing 'tall' (with the stewardship & perks for that many holdings). The unofficially titled 'North Korea strategy' has returned for Crusader Kings 3, and it lets you completely dominate the world if pulled off correctly. Therefore, it is perfectly fine to have some fully fleshed-out counties located in different duchies. Meanwhile, due to its high ratio of 4.4, Nikaea jumps from number 80 in county density to number 49 in barony density. 3 Count Toke of Varend, 1066 AD. The most county-dense is also Lhomon, at number 20 with 0.44 counties per kilopixel. I don't know if that makes it worth it Baghdad is good, though it seems like floodplains aren't quite as rich as farmlands. Web7. Engage in courtly intrigue, dynastic struggles, and holy warfare in medival Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, India, the steppes and Tibet. Some traits are bad for economics, some are good. On the map, the territory of a County will contain multiple Baronies and cannot be altered. This works towards the kings favor. Capital holdings can be upgraded when a new Cities, catles or temples? In CK2 it was cities hands-down for the tax income, but here in CK3 my mayors all make me <0.1 gold per month and exactly 7 troops each. Here it is Crusader Kings 3 best buildings: 1. #2. WebAnyone know what the largest county is or did I just stumble upon it? In short, Bohemia, West Fraconia, Salair in Siberia, and Fars in Persia have >30 total baronies with 7 to 10 counties each. The 8 and a 7 are practically touching in Croatia. Fully-upgraded silk road trade posts (from the empire in India I gave away) produce a maximum of 70ish, unless you have a trade contract and/or golden age.). The number of possible holdings is hardcoded. So you go through the whole game and just stay a county without a liege and not become a Kingdom? I would also consider Lahore in India which has a super high total development from the start. Bishoprics: A middle ground between baronies and cities. Every county must have at least 1 of each before you can build the next holding type. It has a single holding with two unique buildings providing insane buffs. WebThe Basics. Control is a metric per county that ranges from 0 to 100. On the map, the territory of a County will contain multiple Baronies and cannot be altered. Questions, Paradox 8. All terrains have the same building options, which give the same amount of money and levies to any holding type. Yes having a bunch of holdings in a single county is a CK2 strategy, not really valid anymore in CK3. Technology: Can upgrade most of demesne holdings when a technology threshold is reached. Therefore I will focus in this guide on creating the Economic Powerhouse. Every county must have at least 1 of each before you can build the next holding type. WebSorry for the bad audio guys :( It sounded fine in the editor, I think I will remake this video when I have the time It also starts with the most development in the game and a boost to its growth. All rights reserved. Not a huge thing just a quality of life option if you don't want to swat off besiegers at your capital every war. I'm also going to add the county of Pagan in Burma, as it's a 6 holding county with a Buddhist Temple special building slot. It is the second title rank available and the lowest rank that is playable. Anybody figure out the best holding to build in empty county slots? Press J to jump to the feed. Gold Mines are the ones you want. Manor Houses are the best buildings for The penalty for Disinheriting is far too high for this to be a manageable method of controlling succession. Your realm in Crusader Kings III might be vast, but you need to continue to develop it as you progress. It has a total of 144 holdings split between 11 duchies. They also give you piety. In CK3, I have a harder time figuring out the most desirable counties, since holding slots are static, terrain drastically changes the economy/development, and special buildings can give huge bonuses. Count Toke is one of the few lords still practicing the old ways. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Press J to jump to the feed. What defines the best duchy? The Lords and Ladies of the manor employ hundreds of peasants to till their fields and tend to their livestock. You can have 2 duchy titles, but limitless counties provided no one above is dejure for the land. 2019, https://ck3.paradoxwikis.com/index.php?title=List_of_counties&oldid=15515, Play Also, use your hooks to increase Feudal Tax income. 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