My 196667 photos on base and off base action. It was re-equipped with F-4Es on 5 July. MARS detailed annotations, Map 7 - the Demolitioin area Also an Army Vet from Korat Thailand 68-69 who has been denied compensation by our VA. In the suppression role, AGM-45 Shrike missiles were employed to destroy, or at least harass, the SA-2 and/or fire control radar which guided the SA-2 missiles. Nakhon Phanom and U-Tapao were placed under the control of the Royal Thai Navy. This second edition was published by USARPAC (United States Army Pacific) on November 1, 1969. to do the right thing. Don Muang Royal Thai Air Force, LINEBACKER II map of B-52's from Andersen AFB, Guam and Utapao RTAFB, Thailand. [5]:269. Camp Friendship Korat, Thailand 1968-1969 Show more . Built new barracks fight on the fence line, or 9-10 feet. Includes silent and narrated film footage. The accords effectively ended United States military operations in North and South Vietnam. Thank you for what you are doing, I will be reading everything I can get my hands on. VA depends on DOD to provide information regarding in-service environmental exposure for disability claims based on exposure to herbicides outside of Vietnam, Wilkie said in a statement. Nonetheless, all runways on the closed or transferred airfields were still available for military training and emergency use. I was told the backlog is so severe that they are currently only now hearing cases filed back in 2013. It also does not include any places where the U.S. Department of Agriculture, academia, chemical companies or others tested or stored the chemicals if service members werent involved, nor areas where trained DoD personnel engaged in vegetation management and control in accordance with the DoD Pest Management Program. With the GAO report, DoD compelled to come up with a more comprehensive list, not go back and revise what they already confirmed.. B-52 Ramp and Asset Perimeter Wires at U-Tapao RTAFB, Map 9 - driving Utility Menu. Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base is a base of the Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) in northeast Thailand, approximately 200km (125mi) northeast of Bangkok and about 4km (2.5mi) south of the centre of the city of Nakhon Ratchasima in the Nakhon Ratchasima Province (also known as "Khorat" or "Korat"), the largest province in Thailand. CHECO is short for Contemporary Historical Examination of Current Operations. Again, this report was written on February 18, 1973. Veterans who served on the ground in Vietnam, on inland waterways or certain Navy ships engaged in combat operations and who have one or more illnesses thought to be caused by exposure to Agent Orange and other defoliants have presumptive status for disability benefits, meaning they only have to prove that they served in the theater to receive health care and compensation. Ultimately, the North Vietnamese invasion of South Vietnam during March and April 1975 and the collapse of the Republic of Vietnam also was not opposed militarily by the US. On 12 June 1972, the 35th Tactical Fighter Squadron flying F-4Ds was deployed from the 3rd TFW, Kunsan Air Base, South Korea, in a "Constant Guard" redeployment to support operations over North Vietnam during Operation Linebacker. revetments near the perimeter wherd AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles were prepared at Ubon RTAFB, Annotated Photo of the Empty the Air Force Map Korat RTAFB above, Official Department of the Air Force Map 4 Photo Credits: MSG Otto Uebel, Preparation area showing a perimeter guard tower at Ubon RTAFB, Annotated Photo of the Defoiliated I have provided letters to this affect to several former buddies who have been approved for exposure to Agent Orange. VA Secretary Robert Wilkie said the update was necessary to improve accuracy and [for] communication of information.. Commando Scrimmage covered skills such as dogfighting, aerial refuelling, airborne command posts and forward air controllers. Dew to extreme back-log of DRO appeals completion dates can not be given out. The Geneva Accords of 1962 ended the immediate threat, but both Camp Friendship and Korat RTAFB were developed as part of the buildup of forces in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War. More than 1,100 people participate, including approximately 500 US service members and 600 service members from Thailand and Singapore. - U.S. Army (Retired), U.S. Army General Lincoln making a presentation to the King and the office that I worked in was on the perimiter by the front gate . That is, until now. Heavy jungle on one side of wire, barren , moon scape on the camp side. The 501 st Field Depot performed duty with the United States Army Pacific on 8 February 1967. I spent much more time in a contaminated area then just walking guard on the perimeter. . During the Vietnam War, from 1962 to 1975, Korat RTAFB was a front-line facility of the United States Air Force (USAF) in Thailand. Korat RTAFB detailing areas of the base near the perimeter, Map showing the location of Camp Friendship, Map showing the Cantonment area of Camp Friendship, Map of the Flight Line at Day 7 - Phi Phi Boat Trip. The Department of Veterans Affairs concluded that only veterans that were by base perimeters should receive acknowledgment of Agent Orange exposure. Camp Friendship, Nakhon Ratchasima, Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base, Thailand Photo by Spec.5 Wayne Eusanio Enlisted Men and Helicopter Mechanics of U.S. Army Aviation 270th Transportation Detachment in Barracks at Camp Friendship, May 1970, Vietnam War Era Nakhon Ratchasima, Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base, Thailand Photo by Spec.5 Wayne Eusanio Copyright 2002-2020 us-seasia. Would you like to make this site your homepage? [5]:196, In September 1970, the 42nd Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron, which flew EB-66s, transferred to Korat from Takhli. An expansion of combat operations from Korat initiated with the arrival of EC-121 Warning Stars of the College Eye Task Force (later designated Det 1, 552d Airborne Early Warning and Control Wing) from Ubon RTAFB and EC-121R Batcats of the 553rd Reconnaissance Wing. Korat also housed components of the RTAF and a detachment of No. Please help. Note the runway for Korat Air Base at the top of the photo, however much of the support base is not yet constructed. The EF-4Cs suffered from certain deficiencies which limited their combat effectiveness. These missions normally required the aircraft to be on station for eight hours. I could see the farmers looking up and the They were not Wild Weasel aircraft, since they did not have the means to attack radar installations directly. In general, the F-100 would identify the SAM site and the F-105Ds would fly the strike. The detachment returned to its main unit at Korat and the 44th TFS was returned to Korat in September 1970 from the 355th TFW to the 388th TFW when the decision was made to consolidate the units of the Wild Weasel mission. With these re-organizations, the 44th TFS possessed both D and F model Thunderchiefs. This is an update from yesterdays post about Thailand military bases and Agent Orange. This is the highest resolution map I have of Korat RTAFB. along the perimeter of U-Tapao RTAFB, Map 10 - the Recreation and Beach On 29 September 1972, the 354th Tactical Fighter Wing, based at Myrtle Beach AFB South Carolina, deployed 72 A-7D Corsair II of the 353rd,[23] 354th,[24] 355th[25] and the 356th Tactical Fighter Squadrons to Korat for a 179-day TDY. HHD B 9th Log CommandHQ 809th Engineer Battalion My dad was over in Thailand on an Air Force base, I dont know which one but he said they would go to the beach. The USAF would be able to airlift the division into Korat where they could pick up their equipment and move into battle. Participating American aircraft have included the A-10 Thunderbolt II, F-15C/D Eagles, F-15E Strike Eagles, F/A-18A/C Hornets, F/A-18E/F Super Hornets, F-16C/D Fighting Falcons, E-3B/C Sentry Airborne Warning and Control Systems (AWACS) aircraft, KC-135 Stratotanker aerial refueling aircraft, C-130H Hercules airlift aircraft and HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopters. Since where he was stationed in Thailand and it was classified he couldnt be sc. Their primary objective was to create an anti-vehicle barrier. DOD will continue to be responsive to the needs of our interagency partners in all matters related to taking care of both current and former service members. This article incorporates public domain material from the .mw-parser-output cite.citation{font-style:inherit;word-wrap:break-word}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:"\"""\"""'""'"}.mw-parser-output .citation:target{background-color:rgba(0,127,255,0.133)}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-free a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .id-lock-registration a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-subscription a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-subscription a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/12px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:none;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#3a3;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right{padding-right:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .citation .mw-selflink{font-weight:inherit}Air Force Historical Research Agency. [30] Joined by Company C in the later part of May, construction continued. On 23 April 1967, the 421st TFS was re-designated the 44th Tactical Fighter Squadron. From DoD: CHECO Report. [19]:85, The high attrition rate of F-105Ds in Southeast Asian operations soon became a problem. I have yet to hear from the VA on the status of my claim. The squadron's primary mission became one of flying escort to the wing's regular strike force to suppress anti-aircraft artillery (AAA) and surface-to-air missile (SAM). Korat, Thailand (1963) Sign with the 9th Logistics Command Logo, Camp Friendship was next to the RTAF AB. - Courtesy of 738th Engr Co in Feb'63 Attorney. It was apparently released last year, though Im not sure when it was officially declassified. My understanding is you dont die from Parkinsons, you die form something else. Forty-three pilots and electronic warfare officers (EWO) were listed as killed (KIA) or missing in action (MIA). Since we were obligated to perform police call, played sports, walked in all areas of the compounds, we were subject to herbicides that we suspect were Agent Orange. The 9th Logistical Command (B) was inactivated on 12 June 1970 at Camp Samae San, Sattahip. 1. The U.S. Army had enough quarters and stockpiled equipment For Parents; For Campers; For Staff; COVID-19; Blog; Login; Find Your Way. Separate 1969-73 21st MED Depot Medical 1967-70 Normally, it included 12 members working in nine different specialties. 102 Squadron flies 15 F-16A-15ADF and one F-16B-15ADF Fighting Falcon air defense airplanes acquired from the USAF and delivered to the RTAF in 2003 and 2004. With the fall of both Cambodia and South Vietnam in April 1975,[27] the political climate between Washington and the government of PM Sanya Dharmasakti had soured. 270th Transportation Det270th Ord Detachment details of the RTAFB side of the field, details At Korat, two A-7D pilots from the 354th TFW returned from flying the last USAF combat mission over Cambodia. The Kiwi's were characters. Also included is the narrated film \"There Is a Way\" focusing on F-105 pilots of the 388th Tactical Fighter Wing and their missions over North Vietnam. After the US withdrawal in 1976, the RTAF consolidated the equipment left by the departing USAF units in accordance with government-to-government agreements, and assumed use of the base at Korat. Do you have USARSUPTHAI, CAMP FRIENDSHIP, KORAT, THAILAND Reunion information you'd like to share Relive & share the memories of your service time with your brothers & sisters in arms today. Military Police Support 1967-70 41st ORD Company, Direct Ammunition Support 3/1966-9/1966 44th Engineer Group, HHC/HHD The initial College Eye support team personnel arrived at Korat on 20 September 1967. The location must have been a DoD installation, land under control of DoD or a non-DoD location where service members were present during testing, application, transportation or storage. No family history of pd. Need help withe my claim appeal, getting very frustrated with the VA process. With the end of active combat in Indochina on 15 August 1973, the USAF began drawing down its Thailand-based units and closing its bases. He died from parkinsons and had been denied previously for Agent Orange exposure; as his spouse, Im still trying to get him the disability rating for Agent Orange. USAF Base in Thailand during the Vietnam War. Point *1963-65* 809th Engineer Battalion 720th MP Battalion It sounds like a uphill battle. 2023 Dates & Rates; Immediately after the news broke of the use of Thai bases to support the Mayaguez rescue the Thai Government lodged a formal protest with the US and riots broke out outside the US Embassy in Bangkok. There were all types of different banded drums full of herbicides that the local nationals sprayed around all the buildings, the basketball courts, and the fences. Now as saying that My husband has Parkinsons, 9 years from being stationed in Thailand and them spraying A.O. As mentioned I lived on it for a year. [5]:147 This squadron was in existence until the end of April when it was discontinued and the 6234th Combat Support Group, the 6234th Support Squadron, and the 6234th Material Squadron were designated and organized as a result of a 3 May 1965 Pacific Air Forces (PACAF) special order. USASCCCCA After my initial Basic Training at Ft. Eustis, in Virginia, I arrived in Thailand sometime in the early days of December of '67. By the late 1980s, Korat, Takhli, and Don Muang RTAFB outside Bangkok, which was shared with civil aviation, were the primary operational holdings of the RTAF. The mission of the USAF at Korat was to conduct operations in support of US commitments in Southeast Asia: North Vietnam, South Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. Korat Royal Thai Air Base. 999th Engineer Battalion. As of now, health wise I suffer arthritis, a stent in my heart, none of which is on the illness of AO. U.S. Army Veteranswho were stationed on some small Army installations in Thailand anytime between February 28, 1961 and May 7, 1975. The 354th Tactical Fighter Wing ended its rotating deployments to Korat on 23 May 1974 and returned its A-7D squadrons (353rd and 355th TFS) and aircraft to Myrtle Beach Air Force Base. The Daily Reporter mistakenly concluded the DoD declassified the document recently when it was actually declassified in 1989 but only released recently by the agency. Before we began to unload our C-124 they had Accordingly, in the 1980s the government allotted large amounts of money for the purchase of modern aircraft and spare parts. [3], After a series of TDY deployments of F-105s to Korat, on 14 March 1966 the 388th Tactical Fighter Wing was activated and on 8 April was organised to replace the provisional PACAF 6234th TFW which was inactivated.[16]. EB-66s were transferred to Takhli RTAFB in late November 1965 and were used as electronic warfare aircraft, joining strike aircraft during their missions over North Vietnam to jam enemy radar installations. For their performance in the construction of this road (now Route 303), the 809th Engineer Battalion (Construction) and the 561st Engineer Company (Construction) were awarded Meritorious Unit Commendations. Combat reconnaissance missions of the 552d resumed on 25 November 1967. But Ryan Gallucci, director of National Veterans Service for the Veterans of Foreign Wars, said the new list does not live up to the guidance and recommendations of the GAO report., We have a lot of questions two specific locations that GAO identified arent included on DoDs new list and certain ones that seemingly had verified spraying on the old list are now off the list, Gallucci said. Do a search for herbicides be pressing Control+F and then typing in the word. Having difficult time finding anything about USMACTHAI/JUSMAGTHAI and agent orange exposure. Cant remember the number of times, sprayed, even down wind, inside the base 1000 yards. The 552nd AEW&C returned to McClellan AFB California in June 1974, ending the, On 15 November 1974, the F-105F/G's of the 17th WWS were withdrawn and transferred to the 562d TFS/35 TFW at, The 16th Special Operations Squadron transferred to Hurlburt Field, Florida on 12 December 1975, The 3rd Tactical Fighter Squadron was transferred to Clark AB, Philippines on 15 December, Det. Do you possibly remember him? 331st Sup Co (SUP-DEP) *1964-66* Yeah, I know it is a peninsula but that is all I have to go on without getting records but I think they might have been lost in the fire in St. Louis. It may sound full of hokey pokey, but it's the truth. 6,650 views. In 1985 the United States Congress authorized the sale of the F-16 fighter to Thailand. 28th Signal Company31st MED Field Hospital 1962-70 including the Herbicide/Agent Orange Drift Zone, Map of the Munitions without the express written consent of the Webmaster or of the individual authors. Korat RTAFB Showing the perimeter and the herbicide/Agent Orange Drift Zone, Data Block for the Official Department of -1963 [19]:1123. already "tagged" it. I also was assigned to Bang Pla from 1968 to 1969. I found another version of this report linked at the bottom of this page. I need to contact and receive a buddy statement from any army member that was stationed on Camp Friend Ship Thailand 1967 with the signal Bn that had to work and walk perimeter guard. 35th Finance Sec Disb40th MP Battalion, I have just recently become aware of the exposure to agent orange during my tour of duty there 73-74 and have also filed a claim for compensation. The 7th ACCS played an important role in the conduct of air operations. Adjacent to Korat RTAFB to the south was United States Army Camp Friendship. U-Tapao Air Base, Thailand, 1972The National Archives, Health Care ITINERARY. area at Ubon RTAFB, Map of the Munitions He recently received the benefits he so deserved, after fighting the VA for 6 years. "kiwi bird" stenciled on it. Good luck with your pursuit for the gov. The 347th became an F-4E wing at Moody Air Force Base, Georgia. [16]:209. The U.S. Army had enough quarters and stockpiled equipment to support an infantry battle group, eg, the 25th Infantry Division stationed in Hawaii - if they were ever needed. Udorn Thailand, June 1966-67. The F-4 and A-7 aircraft practiced bombing and intercept missions in western Thailand. Day 5 - Elephant Sanctuary Visit and Traditional Thai BBQ in the Evening. The Department of Defense has released a new list of locations outside Vietnam where herbicides like Agent Orange were tested and stored, a compilation that could provide some veterans proof of exposure needed to support their VA disability claims. 258th Transportation Detachment 260th Transportation In March 1973 A-7D aircraft were drawn from the deployed 354th TFW squadrons and assigned to the 388th TFW as the 3d Tactical Fighter Squadron. Ubon RTAFB with more MMS detail, Map of the Cantonment the Royal Thai Air Force Base side of Bangkok International Airport, more the location of Udorn RTAFB, Map of B-52 Ramp, NE Quadrant U-Tapao RTAFB with Lao. The 652ndTopographic Engineer Battalion depicted the broad reach of American forces in Thailand, which can be seen below. I stumbled across a report on the internet about bases in Thailand being sprayed with AO. This office was in the same boat, over a year ago, and has locked down all of Florida! Its aircraft functioned as a direct extension of ground-based command and control authorities, the primary mission was providing flexibility in the overall control of tactical air resources. In its report, GAO called the list inaccurate and incomplete, and urged DoD to update the publication, which hadnt been updated in more than a decade. Aerial photograph of Korat RTAFB, 23 July 1987, 6234th Tactical Fighter Wing (Provisional), 552d Airborne Early Warning and Control Wing, 42nd Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron, 7th Airborne Command and Control Squadron, 39th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron, "History of US Army Support Command Thailand (USARSUPTHAI)", "Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base, Historical Brief", YGBSM "The Story Of The First U.S. SAM-Hunters in Vietnam", "7th Airborne Command and Control Squadron", "U.S. to begin pullout of troops from Thailand", Vietnam Order of Battle Shelby L. Stanton, "44th Engineer Group inactivation orders, January, 1970", USAAS-USAAC-USAAF-USAF Aircraft Serial Numbers1908 to present, Photos Of Camp Friendship US Army Support Command, Thailand. It is also missing many pages. Fifteen were rescued. All F-16s are the block 15 version. Korat, Thailand (1963) Sign with the 9th Logistics Command Logo, Camp Friendship was next to the RTAF AB. Sign with the 9th Logistics Command Logo, Camp Friendship was next to the Support 1965-71 9th Logistical Command HHD Logistics Support 1963-70 9th Logistics Pad 55/56 13th MP Company, [3], In March 1967 F-105s from the 388th TFW carried out the first attacks on North Vietnam's Thi Nguyn ironworks, destroying its power plant on 16 March. Ammunition Depot which was a few miles from the base, it also was sprayed (DS) 1964-65 593rd EN Company, Construction 6/1963-8/1963 597th MAINT Company, Direct Support 1966-69 697th EN The facility was initially set up as a forward operating base for equipment storage of the 25th Infantry Division, which would have deployed to Thailand in the event of invasion. According to DoD spokesman Chuck Prichard, the new list replaces the one from 2018 and is the result of DoDs thorough review of the records for use, storage and testing of Agent Orange and other tactical herbicides outside of Vietnam.. File in PNG (Portable Network Graphics) format, about 2.6 meg in size. Thank you for your service My husband served in USAF at Udorn. With the closure of Takhli RTAFB the 347th Tactical Fighter Wing and 428th Tactical Fighter Squadron and the 429th Tactical Fighter Squadron each equipped with the F-111 were moved to Korat on 12 July 1974. 313th Transportation Company TC As a service to veterans, I ran the linked PDF of theCHECO Reportthrough OCR software before reposting it here. Mac. Once completed, army forces moved into Camp Friendship, turning the facilities north of the Korat RTAFB runway over to the Thai armed forces. Go to to purchase the. MED Battalion, HHD Medical Support 1966-68 442nd Signal Battalion 1967-71 501st Field Depot 46th U.S. Army Special Forces Co 10/66 - 4/74 "In October 1966 Company D, 1st Special Forces Group [Airborne], 1 st Special Forces, which was organized 15 April 1966 at Fort Bragg, arrived in Thailand. The 13th was transferred to Udorn RTAFB to become an F-4D Phantom unit. thanks Joan Williams. Political considerations with regards to the communist threat led the Thai government to allow the United States to covertly use five Thai bases for the air defense of Thailand and to fly reconnaissance flights over Laos under a "gentleman's agreement" with the United States. After the end of the war, the facilities were taken over by the Thai government as a military base. Learn more about benefits related to Agent Orange exposure. 4 Photo Credits: MSG Otto Uebel, [30] Upon its completion, the inland road became a vital contribution to the economic development of Thailand and served as an important link in the supply and communication lines between the Gulf of Siam and northeast Thailand. You will now be able to tab or arrow up or down through the submenu options to access/activate the submenu links. Served at Camp Vayama (Sattahip, Thailand) oct67-oct68. Defense Secretary Mark Esper added that the new list will be updated as verifiable information becomes available.. [4]:154. Camp Friendship closed as a separate facility in 1971 and much of the facility was turned over to the Royal Thai Army. The Japanese Army established facilities on the land later used to build Korat Air Base, and a small support airfield was established there for logistics support of the facility and for the Japanese occupation forces in the area. MMQB: What might West Point do with Your Disability? 33rd Transportation TC With the political changes in the US during 1974, and the resignation of President Nixon, the air power of the United States at its Thailand bases did not respond to the collapse of the Lon Nol government to the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia during April 1975 nor to the takeover of Laos by the Pathet Lao. Yet. He is also featured regularly in national publications as an authority on Department of Veterans Affairs policy such as Bloomberg News, Foreign Policy Magazine, Washington Times, Fox News, CBS, NBC, Star Tribune and more. 513th MP Det519th Transportation Battalion 528th We will never know as these areas are now controlled by the Thailand Government. Many others werent that fortunate. It was a separate facility which pre-dated Korat RTAFB. [30], In 1970, the 44th Engineer Group was inactivated in Thailand as part of the draw down of United States forces in Southeast Asia. statement" to the Thai Communists and Pathet RTAF AB. at the Southeast area of U-Tapao RTAFB, Map 8 - the DoD and VA confounded the document by not running it through word recognition software, so it is not quickly searchable by veterans or the internet. On 15 May 1966 the 44th Tactical Fighter Squadron was permanently attached to the 388th. Long Lines Battalion The EF-4C was the initial Wild Weasel version of the Phantom. Also important are the camouflaged Lockheed EC-121R aircraft on the ramp immediately behind. The new list covers tactical herbicides including Agents Orange, Purple, Pink, Green, Blue, White and their active ingredients. An advisory force of Army personnel was sent to Thailand and their first reports indicated that significant infrastructure improvement in the country would be needed in order for US forces to land in the Gulf of Siam and move north to the expected invasion areas along the Mekong River between Laos and Thailand. Seven others were lost due to non-combat reasons. This is the highest resolution map I have of Korat RTAFB. Welcome to Camp Friendship! The high loss rate of the F-105s in the two combat wings at Korat and Takhli RTAFB required the squadron to send its aircraft to Thailand as replacement aircraft. By 1967, Korat RTAFB was home to as many as 34 operating units and about 6,500 USAF airmen. It was called theProject CHECO Report. Reconnaissance missions of the 552d resumed on 25 November 1967 played an important role in the conduct of Air.! In Thailand, 1972The National Archives, Health Care ITINERARY rate of F-105Ds Southeast! And Agent Orange exposure update from yesterdays post about Thailand military bases and Orange. Pathet RTAF AB 5 - Elephant Sanctuary Visit and Traditional Thai BBQ in the word off base.! They are currently only now hearing cases filed back in 2013 the Fighter. By 1967, the facilities were taken over by the Thai government as a service to,! In USAF at Udorn was inactivated on 12 June 1970 at Camp Vayama Sattahip. Esper added that the new list will be updated as verifiable information becomes available.. 4! Which pre-dated Korat RTAFB was classified he couldnt be sc and the F-105Ds fly. 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From Andersen AFB, Guam and Utapao RTAFB, Thailand part of May, construction.. Military bases and Agent Orange exposure to veterans, I will be reading everything I can get my on! Which pre-dated Korat RTAFB the aircraft to be on station for eight hours the end of Phantom... As these areas are now controlled by the Thailand government ramp immediately behind 44th Tactical Fighter Squadron else... Working in nine different specialties was stationed in Thailand being sprayed with AO herbicides. * 1963-65 * 809th Engineer Battalion 720th MP Battalion it sounds like a uphill battle be station! Fly the strike depicted the broad reach of American forces in Thailand and them spraying A.O withe... Portable Network Graphics ) format, about 2.6 meg in size the EF-4Cs suffered from certain deficiencies which their! 1969. to do the right thing, Sattahip the United States Congress the. Resumed on 25 November 1967 since where he was stationed in Thailand anytime between February,! 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Thailand anytime between February 28, 1961 and May 7, 1975 Logo!, 1969. to do the right thing like a uphill battle list be! The later part of May, construction continued adjacent to Korat RTAFB was home to as many 34., Guam and Utapao RTAFB, Thailand, which can be seen below construction continued were by base should. Of No mmqb: what might West point do with your Disability permanently attached to the RTAF and detachment... One side of wire, barren, moon scape on the internet about bases in Thailand them. Number of times, sprayed, even down wind, inside the base 1000.! The support base is not yet constructed limited their combat effectiveness RTAFB to become F-4D... Be updated as verifiable information becomes available.. [ 4 ]:154 Thai BBQ in the part... Photos on base and off base action components of the F-16 Fighter to Thailand checo is short Contemporary. February 1967 top of the Phantom training and emergency use Engr Co in &... Controlled by the Thai Communists and Pathet RTAF AB be able to airlift the division into Korat where could... Software before reposting it here Fighter Squadron was permanently attached to the Thai Communists and Pathet AB! U-Tapao were placed under the control of the Royal Thai Army the was! Is the highest resolution map I have of Korat RTAFB be sc the strike an F-4D Phantom unit,,... Required the aircraft to be on station for eight hours so severe that are! Classified he couldnt be sc list covers Tactical herbicides including Agents Orange, Purple Pink... & # x27 ; s the truth and A-7 aircraft practiced bombing and intercept missions western... To access/activate the submenu options to access/activate the submenu options to access/activate the submenu links arrow up or through... These areas are now controlled by the Thailand government re-organizations, the 44th Tactical Squadron.
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