Also refers to a friend who has become non-responsive. None of the goodies get past that person. Supposedly from the first letters of the words "Oh Shit. Sandblower: A person of very short stature. Pump and Dump: A term in Boot Camp, normally used by RDCs allowing Recruits time to use the Head. void perif:: BarPAT:: representData() override private The representation of this peripheral's data in a meaningful way for debugging, caching, and database operations. Assholes and elbows: The only things which should be seen by a boatswains mate when deck hands are on their hands and knees holystoning a wooden deck. The head of a ship, submarine, aviation squadron or shore command; usually no lower in rank than a Commander, often a Captain, the Commanding Officer is in charge of most of the everyday things that happen on board the ship, in the squadron or aboard the shore installation, from corporal punishment (Captain's Mast) to common everyday maintenance, and upkeep of the ship, squadron or shore command. Garden Party: A semi-formal social gathering requiring dress whites from the waist down and dress blues from the waist up. Consists of classroom and pool instruction and culminates with the dreaded "Dilbert Dunker" and "Helo Dunker. WESTPAC widow: Sailor's wife looking for a temporary fling, often with another sailor. Or jump out of your rack and make it. Missile Sponge: Usually a frigate or destroyer with limited air defense capability stationed on the outer ring of a battlegroup, as they are the ships most likely to be hit in a convoy. So called because of the gold braided loop that they wear around their arm. VS: Fixed Wing Anti Submarine Squadrons. "We better slow down or the fat boys won't be able to keep up. Usually the only small bit of privacy found on a ship. Motrin: A magical pill dispensed by hospital corpsmen capable for minor owies or to hypochondriacs; "take two aspirin and call me in the morning." Baby Birdfarm: A helicopter carrier/amphibious assault ship. The similar silver clouds and lightning bolts addition to an Air Force Major's/Colonel's hat is called Farts and Darts. 90 Day Wonder, 90 Day Miracle: OCS graduate (as opposed to a graduate of four-year Naval Academy or ROTC training). 1845. A ship's bumper sticker was authorized by the CO and were printed by the thousands until the CO found out what BOHICA meant. Place where food is prepared for consumption. Baboon Ass: Corned beef. Used to motivate someone who is not pulling their weight. Coffin Locker: A personal storage area located underneath a sailor's rack. Radioactive Rudolph: Reindeer meat brought onboard in Scandinavian Ports, especially soon after the Chernobyl meltdown. Splash: Name earned by a sailor who has had the good fortune to be recovered after accidentally falling overboard until the ship returns home from deployment. From your Navy superiors. Search for other Beer & Ale in Long Beach on The Real Yellow Pages. Cow: A refrigerated fixture in the galley that dispenses something like milk. Often used when situations, as can be normal, repeat themselves but more often when you just know you are about to get it again from the Command. Some Instructors at Naval Nuclear Power School are Limited Duty Officers, but are commissioned immediately upon completion of college, as opposed to LDOs that have spent time in the enlisted ranks. The Boat: Airdale term for the ship their airwing is attached to. USS In-Port Royal: The USS Port Royal (CG-73). Shit Can Liner: Plastic bag to put in a shitcan. Old Salt: A naval veteran. For personnel aboard ship, this means to remain in bed, while onshore this may simply mean to stay home for the day. Grotopotamus: The rather large ladies that graze around the Groton, CT area. Drop your cocks and grab your socks: A saying that the petty officer of the watch yells in the sleeping quarters when it's time for everyone to get up. Wayspouse: Sailors' spouses waiting on the pier, if sufficiently overweight that they could be used as navigation waypoints. Blowing Shitters: An act by which an HT uses straight firemain pressure on a clog in the sewage line (CHT/VCHT) that cannot be removed by ordinary means. Flux capacitor: New members of a CVN's MMR will be sent to retrieve the "flux capacitor" from the OOW in the reactor control room. LHO: Large Heavy Object. "M-Crud" MCRD: Marine Corps Recruit Depot. RL - Special Duty Officer - Cyber Warfare Engineer. Bluenose: An individual who has crossed the, Blue Dick: The Navy, AKA (I've been f-ed by the Blue Dick again), Blue on Blue: (1) Fratricide, friendly fire, so called because blue is the color associated with friendly forces during "workups" and exercises, while the fictional enemy country is usually orange. Barney Clark: A slider topped with a fried egg. SWCCs are more commonly referred to as Special Boat Teams or Boat Guys., Dirty-dick: To rub genitalia on someones cup or soda can as an act of retribution or to be funny; see also "cock swab.". B.O.C.O.D: "Beat Off Cut Off Date": The date prior to returning home from a deployment on which a man should stop masturbating in order to save himself up for his wife or girlfriend. "PAC" refers to the Pacific Fleet and "LANT" to the Atlantic. BARPAT, INC. Phrog: CH-46 Sea Knight helo. This 2-day class must be completed every few years by pilots and aircrew. A dangerous thing for a sailor to be around Pearl Harbor, as some of the natives see them as easy targets for crime, especially when local law-enforcement doesn't seem to care. Fan Room (see "X-Ray fitting"): (1) A room with a fan or blower, A "closed" space which is often utilized for general mischief away from watchful eyes. Tube steak: Hot dogs (also, called "dangling sirloin"). Cu Shing: The sound of shit when it hits the fan. As in: BM2 keeps parting lines on the capstan. Sex is universally expected, although technically not required. It is usually kept under the mattress and can stand up on its own by the end of cruise. Also the Enlisted Aviation Warfare Specialist breast insignia. Mandatory physical training regimen designed to return sailors to within physical readiness standards. Flag Deck, Flag Bridge: Command level on large ships for Admirals if they are present, see Flag. "Whatever happens on WESTPAC stays on WESTPAC.". One bell corresponds to 30 minutes past the hour. Circa 1981. Ricky Forklift: A boot camp term for a dust pan. Taken from the Supply Corps' porkchop-shaped insignia. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Nagaraj's . WEFT: Typically it stands for "Wings, Exhaust (or Engine, for prop aircraft), Fuselage, Tail" and is a method by which ship's lookout stations can visually identify aircraft within the vicinity. Haole: Pronounced "How-Lee" Hawaiian term for non-native. Usually used by seasoned boots to refer to sailors with one or more weeks less time in service. During the six hours off you eat and sleep. 4 acres of sovereign U.S. soil: An aircraft carrier. "John and I were buds on the but then he went sinker and I never heard from him again.". Shower Tech: Sonar Technician (Submariner). VD: Venereal Disease, also know as the clap, Gonnorea or syphillis. Often still used by a "dirt sailor." (2) (. LDO Security Blanket: Good conduct ribbon. Quadball: Any sailor with a 0000 NEC. Honch ("the Honch"): Entertainment district just outside the main gate of Yokosuka Naval Base. Extra Man Onboard, Enlisted Puke: Derogatory term used sparingly and very privately among junior officers to describe a particularly worthless and disliked enlisted subordinate. Famous for masagi girls, karaoke and Kirin beer. A "Royal Cunt Hair" is the finest unit of measure. Most schedule writers will have a "snivel log" for such requests, which may or may not be granted based on the needs of the unit and the sniveler's standing with the schedules officer (Skeds-O). First, you came to a large board with . AOL: Absent Over Leave; Navyspeak for AWOL. See "Chub Club.". D1-R 3M periodicity code or a shower (slang for daily, once, or as required). Service Dress Beer: With the pre-NWU utility uniforms, the act of removing the shirt and untucking the T-shirt to hide the name tape above the pants pocket, in order to purchase alcohol on an off-base establishment. See UA, the correct Naval term. Equipment failure is usually caused by letting the smoke out. A frame on a ship is its ribs and they are set a certain distance apart so if your ships frames are 3 apart the rule is 9. CGU-11: Nomenclature for a Seagull to boot sailors. Akin to PFM (pure fucking magic). Boot Chief: Nickname given to a Chief during their first year as a Chief. Stacker: Crew that handles and maintains the air launched weapons, Aviation Ordnancemen (Red shirts), BCG's: Birth Control Glasses: Standard Navy-issue corrective eyewear for non-flight crew and non-flight deck personnel. Monkey Watch: A "fake" security watch created for new members when going through the Suez Canal on an Aircraft Carrier. (2) Somewhat derogatory reference to a sailor that takes too many chances, or attempts to constantly play the hero. Royal Baby: Originally the fattest man on the ship, chosen as part of Neptune's court during Shellback initiation, which includes kissing his belly. Introduction. Plastic Fantastic: F/A-18 used in the 1980s. Most engineering daily chores are performed on the 0000 watch, after which one is relieved at 0530 for chow, followed by drills at 0700, chow at 1200, followed by drill review at 1300, collateral duties at 1500, chow at 1700, followed by the 1800 watch; a very long "day" underwater 24+ hours. Iron Bottom Sound: A term used to this day to describe the waters between Guadalcanal, Savo Island, and Florida Island in the Solomon Island chain, because of the large number of ships sunk in that area during World War II. An important component of the war on boredom. Spudlocker: Area below the ramp of an aircraft carrier. A great place to catch up on scuttlebutt and unwind after a long day. Refers to the shape of a gas turbine module. Availability In Stock (27) Out of Stock (20) Piece Type Cups and Mugs (9) Serving Bowls (8) Platters & Trays (7) . Depending on the wardroom and in particular on the person preparing the grog, it may be pleasant and delicious or one of the most foul and disgusting beverages ever conceived. Watch: A period of duty, usually of four-hours duration, six-hours on submarines. OOC: Pronounced "oh oh see." The first Sailor to smile loses and is required to buy a round. So called because of the rubber seals at the neck and wrists which keep water out in the event of water entry. Today's modern electronic video game fighters like the F/A-18 will never be in the same ballpark. Kiddy cruise: officially a 'minority enlistment'. Can also be used to describe the status of a person whose plan has gone awry. History and Detailed Information guide of Barpat , People and near by Tourist Places in Barpat. Aviation Queer: The enlisted rating AQ, Aviation Fire Control Technician; since merged into Aviation Electronics Technician (AT). It is EXTREMELY loud to overcome the jet noise on the flight deck. F.U.B.I.S. ZUT: CW (Morse radiotelegraphy): "forever." Stand By: To wait, can also be to foreshadow chastisement or punishment from a superior. Frocked: Advanced in rank or rate with no pay increase. Would you like a kick to help you get airborne? Out of sight hi/lo: Steam boiler casualty in which the water level in the steam drum gauge glass goes out the top/bottom, requiring the boiler to be immediately shut down to prevent water hitting the turbine blades (hi) or melting boiler tubes (lo). Common departments are combat systems (combination of some operations/weapons department divisions) supply, admin, deck, engineering, operations, and maintenance. Replaced with the PFA. For example 2 sets of 2 bells, followed by a single bell (5 total) could be 0230, 0630, 1030, 1430, 1830, or 2230. JO Jungle: Pronounced "J-O Jungle; term for the berthing assignments of Junior Officers which consist up eight racks and associated berthing facilities. Killer Tomato: A large reddish-orange inflated ball used in gunnery practice at sea. Punching Holes: When a submarine is underway submerged, as in "Punching Holes in the Ocean". On an aircraft carrier, this consists of 5 divisions: IM1 - AIMD Admin, IM2 - Airframes and Power Plants, IM3 - Avionics, IM4 - Ground Support Equipment (GSE) and Aviation Ordnance, IM5 - IMRL. A submarine (submarines are called boats, with only limited exceptions). A monthly review print-out of one's pay record, time-in-service, amount of leave on the books, and other important record keeping information. IA: ("One Alpha") Modified GQ to conduct amphibious operations. Mobile Hospital #4 of September 1942 Also known as a "Butt Shark.". Skateboard: A clipboard full of random papers carried as a skating prop, to provide a visual "excuse" for wandering around the ship. (1974), Boot Camp: Term used to refer to the eight week basic training course held at Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes, Illinois. Water wars: Water fights in the engineering spaces, including the use of hot brine, disassembling ventilation ducting, rigging temporary air hoses, and dumping trash cans full of water on the deck. Immediately followed by, "Push up, position, Shitbags!" Color Company: The recruit company in boot camp that maintains the highest score through the entire eight week evolution; they are given three days special liberty unmonitored. Fresh Water Navy (derogatory) members of the US Coast Guard. Department: Highest organizational level in most naval commands. LDO: Limited Duty Officer: generally a senior and highly qualified enlisted person (E6E8) who has earned a commission through a competitive process and continues to work in their field. Short arm inspection: The inspection a ship's corpsman performs on a sailor's penis, looking for visible signs of any venereal disease, if the sailor suspects he may have contracted one. Specialized training for Avaition maintainers. The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) and GE Power Conversion has provided a boost to the indigenous capability in the field of advanced technology for Integrated Full Electric Propulsion System. Usually takes the form of "Hey, did you hear (insert ship name here) had a fire in their main machinery room and can't get underway so our cruise got extended by a month?" Butt Puckering: A term used to describe a harrowing or scary experience. They have small, useless metal handles on the side, and are perfectly sized so that one has to turn them at an angle to get through a knee knocker without grazing one's knuckles. "first-termers"). Only larger, self-sufficient ships can operate on these waters. PRT: Physical Readiness Test. Flare to Land, Squat to Pee: Navy pilot's derisive description of aircraft landing technique used by (primarily) Air Force aviators; used in comparison to the nerve-wracking controlled crash that is the typical carrier landing. Must be signed off by a superior or expert. When JOPA is unified it can control some wardroom social functions, but little else. Chit Chipper: Paper Shredder. In the aviation community, hot racking refers to an individual who has not taken a shower before retiring to his bunk, usually after working a 12-hour shift on the flight deck. Amp ; Ale in Long Beach on the capstan storage area located underneath a sailor rack... A submarine ( submarines are called boats, with only limited exceptions ) in BM2... Reference to a Chief also refers to a graduate of four-year Naval or! Came to a graduate of four-year Naval Academy or ROTC training ) a superior or expert loud to the. 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