A sticking point for Leo is loyalty, and Gemini is known to be capricious. Too much air is a major pain. This can be complementary at times, but can also be intensely frustrating. Your partner is personal, involved, and intense in their romantic dealings; you are more impersonal and rather detached, able to see the bigger picture. A lover can have either a stimulating time or a completely exasperating time getting to know you, and its doubtful anyone truly does get to that point. Venus Aquarius is a cool character, not prone to sentimentality or cuddly affection. The Bull likes to show love in a sensual, earthy way and may be put off by Venus Libra's running commentary on everything, even analyzing technique in the boudoir. The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. Taurus Mars is probably the most stable and most calm Mars any of the signs, more calm than Cap Mars (which has an obsessive compulsive need to plan everything to the T). The truth is, you need both, but it can be hard to know when you need what. There's an innocence about you and your affections that's disarming for your more self-controlled friend. But if there's other chemistry, your friend won't mind playing a supportive role. You could butt heads over plans, and be irked if your mate makes sudden changes. If you have the space to breathe a little, all the better. Now, this is interesting because Venus Libra likes clear communication, while Venus Pisces speaks in metaphor or not at all. You're both most alive when doing something and hate to be bored. Aquarius Pisces. Venus in Aquarius gives someone the desire to explore the highest level of intellectual connection with others. You might find that you both share a universal love of mankind, and that you are both very idealistic people. Venus-Mars Compatibility. on a zodiac sign to read about the Sun, Moon, Venus in Aquarius is liberal-minded in the traditional sense of the phrase; they will give anything and everything a chance, breaking most to all rules along the way. With my parents it was the opposite - the synastry had practically nothing but the composite had some important aspects and they were married for three decades until one passed over. Much will depend on maturity, timing, and how ready you are to grow to meet the other. Aquarius might learn from Scorpio to do something that is really difficult for Aquarius to learn: that there's actually something inside of us, a heart and emotions. While you are able to take a step back from many emotional issues in your partnership, if only to gain perspective and understanding, your partner has the hardest time doing just that. Beware of emphatic statements on both sides, which can threaten to end things in a dramatic grand finale. This earthy Venus is sober and serious. Pisces. See our Mars sign tables. Each of you expresses a different loving style that holds some answers to what you may be overdoing in your own life. Click If sun-kissed Leo is eclipsed by too many dark, morose days, that's a sign that stagnation is setting in. Just based on the people that I know with either placement, I don't see just those aspects alone making it work. It's his or her Venusian nature to wander, and this restlessness can make even confident Leos feel like they're notenough. These love mates have trouble understanding one another's origin of thought. Aquarius Leo Like my dad who is an Aqua Sun with Pisces Venus and mom who is a Pisces Sun with Aqua Venus - my dad is an Aquarius through and through (even if his Venus is in Pisces) and he often does his own thing.. and so does my mom. When that's fostered, the relationship can be a success. If you make them laugh, and draw them out of saturnine melancholy, your value rises in their eyes. Both need breathing room, though Libra finds it hard to harmonize with such a solo traveler. Venus Leo and Venus Gemini are kindred spiritsboth find the amusing angle in any situation. Both signs have sensitive nervous systems, and if things go well, will create an orderly refuge against the chaotic world. Though Venus Scorpio hides his or her feelings, they have an intense need for control and a desire to possess body and soul. There's a need for freedom, living at the growing edge and intensity. Infatuations happen easily, but true love can be a little elusive for you. Venus Leos in love are flashy, with flares that might be short-lived if they don't get the admiration they crave. Your partners approach to love, however, can be a little more impulsive and emotional than yours, as you tend to be much calmer and less excitable. I think we have to stop looking overall to charts to look if a relationship can work or not, in the end it's up to the people involved. You are somewhat unpredictable when it comes to expressions of love, and your partner is more likely to appreciate this quirkiness than most Venusian signs, simply because they enjoy challenges and the feeling that a relationship is alive. Furthermore, your unconventionality can be quite attractive to your Venus in Aries partner. If you can get beyond this minor incompatibility, and treat it as an opportunity to grow, your partnership has much potential to work well. You have the hit of inspiration, and your mate translates that to the reality of real life. In reality, there are countless points of comparison that need . Venus Leo guys and gals shine and have outbursts of ecstatic creativity. How You Relate to a Partner with Venus in Aries: In most cases, this combination inspires mutual respect and appreciation. Looks are important to them, though they may have a quirky style, and go for striking types since they also appreciate originality. Yours is a Venus that is stoked by heated arguments, clashes, competition and demonstrating self-direction. Libra But what about going out? Dont know your Venus sign? Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Each of you can learn a lot from each other, as long as you are tolerant of each others needs. Your friend is skilled in making nice when what you're craving is some energizing tension. Read more about Venus in Scorpio and compatibility. Yours is a Venus that's self-centered and in some ways, solo mia, even in a longstanding bond. Some Famous People with this Combination: Winona Ryder, Jay-Z, Drake, Snoop Dogg, Emilia Clarke, Chris Noth, Grace Slick. However, both of you will give the other enough space to breathe, probably because you each need some independence. Nothing in the world could stop the fact that he wasn't what I needed nor I was what he wanted at the moment. In the long term, however, their extravagant tastes could lead to conflicts over the household budget. You don't want to follow the rules or love the way you're "supposed" to; you have your own approach to showing affection. Taurus brings out the sensual side of Aquarius but may get jealous of the friendly way with others. It is important that your partner appreciates your uniqueness and encourages you to be authentic in love. How You Relate to a Partner with Venus in Capricorn: This is a somewhat odd combination, as your Venus sign position is in a next-door-neighbor sign to your partners Venus. It is easy for you to feel claustrophobic in relationships that are too close, too needy, or too demanding of your time. Venus in Air, Mars in Water (Romantic Air, Watery Desires): In matters of the heart, you are a youthful, intelligent, and passionate lover, or you are magnetically drawn to partners with these qualities. You tend to thrive with a lot of freedom, and don't handle feelings (yours or others) with a lot of nuances. You can sometimes frustrate love interests with an air of indifference, but your partner is more apt to understand this quality and appreciate it than others. What Leo wants is ardent passion. You like active, bright friends who always know something fun to do. You need to be tilted toward risk can be alarming to your mate or friend. Each could find satiation for big appetites, with a lot of passion and endurance into the night. With Venus in Aquarius You're both freedom lovers, and that makes this an inspired friendship. There may be some issues surrounding the definition of your relationship. Venus in Scorpio people often perceive the world in a black and white way. Here's how lusty, fiery Venus Leo matches with other Venus signs. He was into secretive bizarre, violent sexual activities with young men whom he abducted and then killed. These attitudes will help smooth your relationship. The weird sense of humor and theatrical individuality of the Venus Aquarius gets Venus Leo's mojo going as well. This is tough because Venus Leo craves affection and so might feel neglected. Venus in airy Libra finds pleasure in sharing ideas, always seeking new ways to bring balance and beauty to the relationship. If this is an intimate relationship, the two strong libidos make it one for the record books. The commitment you make generally has to be a little different in order to be tolerable to you, and you are proud of that difference. The kind-hearted romantic Pisces soul is just as interested in the arts, so that's a major commonality between the two. It simply might require more adjustments than either of you may desire. Read more about Venus signs: Love Signs Read more about Mars signs: Mars Signs Read more about Sexual Astrology. These two Venus signs form a friction-causing square, that may throw sparks and passionate intensity, too. You are a curious person and enjoy intellectual stimulation in your relationships. Negative Traits: Eccentric, Superior, Detached, Aloof, Oddball. I think this is because Pisces is able to be more of an enigma and more gently probing than Scorpio. And their spiritual bent opens you to many dimensions of life. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. I think it's one of the most challenging Venus placements . When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility. Libra Both are Venus-ruled, and lovers of finely crafted things, the melodious and the tasteful. Aries After a fight, Aries wakes up with amnesia and a smile, while Leo never forgets. The Sun as Leo's planetary ruler has a cycle of rising and shiningand of setting. You'll have to learn patience, as your lover has to plan everything out, while you're quick to act. In the end I would never tell someone "oh you are a Gemini so you should not mix with a Capricorn sun" or "your Cap Venus won't mix with his Leo Venus", etc. You'll find clues by reading about Aquarius in Love since Venus is the love planet. Confrontations arise is Scorpio's possessiveness gets the better of . Butfun and adventure await the grounded twosome. Gemini The urge for both is to live their values and passions to the fullest, and they get irritable when their high standards are not met. After all, your way of loving life (Venus) is expressing your singular self in a concentrated way. As both of you can be rather stubborn in love, there can be an imbalance. He or she wants to see adoring eyes and will lose interest in a flash if the twinkle goes out of your eyes. Libra is Venus' own sign and one of a heightened sense for aesthetics. A waxing and aspected Moon will normally suppress the bad effects of Venus for almost any ascendant. If well I'm charmed by Geminis and fascinated with Libras, I think I'd actually end up loving Aquarians despite the huge difference. Thank goodness for that right? In astrology, next-door-neighbor signs generally have a difficult time finding common ground. They come from two very different perspectives, as they take different approaches to problem solving and have differing emotional wants and needs. beyond Sun Signs. But if you are too rough, even without meaning to be, your shy lover can swim away. Venus Leos want their Venus Virgo lovers to be visibly enthralled, overwhelmed by Leo's special something. If there's no sense of purpose, or you're very young, it could be a short, but exciting affair. The only difficulty with all of this is that your partners desires in love are quite variable, and when theyre turned on, they want love and want it right now. A shared sense of purpose is love glue. You have a gift of being able to step back from a problem in order to find ways to solve it. Your opposite attraction sign is Venus in Virgo, an earth sign that will likely help you ground some of those feels. Being flirty to get a reaction is a way to intensify the drama, but it's a dangerous game to play. If you are receptive, your partner is more likely than most to be able to infuse your creative, inventive mind with just enough emotion, inspiration, and imagination to really take you places. Your partners tendency to wrap themselves around a partner is soothing and nurturing for some, and is probably attractive and fascinating to you, but can cause a problem if you begin to interpret it as stifling or restricting. This is tough on your friend, who gets uneasy in conflict unless there's a willingness to find common ground. Scorpio I would suspect then that the composite of you didn't match. Venus Taurus seems at times to want you to mellow out, and match their calmer rhythm. Mars in the 1st house generally is one of aggression, but if it's Earth Mars on the rising, you'd get someone much more anti-Mars and placid. Venus Capricorn is often wholly invested in their life's work, and it's what they love, and where they want to be. This Venus gets burned out if they are too "on" all the time. As such, Venus Leo might feel silently judged for tooting their own horn. Whenever two people with the same Venus signs come together, the strengths lie in seeing eye to eye, and weaknesses stem from a lack of balance. Aquarius is known for being a humanitarian and generous soul at heart, as well as a very intellectual person. The only option is to try to learn from each other. You thrive when there's room for your growth spurts. Cancer It's all or nothing for Leo, in matters of the heart. You value peace and not only believe in equality, but you also treat people with equality in practice. Your quirkiness can be fun and even electric. Both are strong-willed and can be stubborn. What they are most likely to do is always their own thing. When Venus is in Libra (transiting), natives feel like they're walking on air, and are in the mood for romance. You might find them a tad too sensitive. It's one of the more difficult placements for Venus. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. You're both restless in relationships like to fight and abhor wishy-washy people. Both Aries and Aquarius tend to push forward toward whatever excitement they can find. This is not to say you cannotor will notfall in love. They are far too different. Click Most would think that combo is going to be flirtatious, fickle and flakey, and a complete (both emotional and physical) cheater. You may be inclined to react to your partners more emotionally intense moments by giving them space. Both of you love to talk, finding a partnership that is growth-oriented and mentally stimulating a plus. You love to brainstorm with your partner, and in Venus in Pisces, you have found a completely fascinating brain to pick. At times, however, your partner might try to back off from the microscope, as they are certainly more sensitive and moody than you are when it comes to relationships. Important Note: We offer sign-to-sign compatibility interpretations assuming readers know that the comparisons attempt to show both the negative and positive sides of only one point of comparison. These are not astrology related but general relationship advice. Be sure to find out your personal astrology data online, at no cost. Venus shows us what we're drawn to in relationship, and that varies with the Zodiac signs. Holidays and birthday parties are standout moments. And neither shies away when conflicts ariselove to these two means a fair amount of drama. Your lover values constancy and dependability in their relationships. Its intense and personal, and very passionate. But Venus Capricorn is marriage-oriented, and if the two put their heads together and share a common goal, be it in business, the arts, or as pillars in society, the match will work. This dichotomy may be confusing for a partner, and even for you at times! Venus and Mars in signs that are square: Your romantic needs and sexual needs are quite different, and this presents a constant struggle for you. It's natural to rush into new experiences, and there's so much to do and see. Airy Aquarius, while also quite logical, prefers not to dwell on things. You like to be in hot pursuit! This can be hurtful to your sensitive mate or friend. You dive in first, to a new acquaintance, and ask questions later. You can also be very reactive in your relationships, and this can mean you end up acting in a way that is not in your own best interest! Your partner craves a relationship that is very personal and committed, while you are more inclined to look for a classic friendship in any love relationship! You are a freedom-lover, and your love may seem universal and impersonalthe style doesnt hold the kind of intimacy and attachment that your partner craves. One of the main differences in your temperaments is your willingness to make adjustments. Libra You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Otherwise, your lover is prone to feeling like theyve done something wrong. The Scorpio lover comes across as serious, and at times even Venus Libra can turn that brooding frown upside down. It's compatible energy, a sextile, which is like a trine lite. Theirs is sensual, in many worlds at once, and at times seemingly in another one entirely. You get noticed because your persona is supercharged -- people feel an excitement around you -- and you come on strong. Your sexual . Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. Scorpio might be the only one to dig deep enough to discover that secret side of Aquarians. In fact, something about their manner promises they will be satisfying lovers and partners. You are extremely charming, as you are both playful and warm at once. This relationship can be a little more challenging than some, but compassion and understanding can most certainly make it work. You're the open book in love, while your friend is guarded, and keeps much closer to the chest. All combinations can work with love and understanding! You're fast friends, and neither holds back if there are strong feelings. Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. While Aquarius prefers intellectual variety, Aries likes physical adventure. The misunderstanding of each others unique and different love natures is what is most likely to divide you. This is a match that can bring shocking surprises -- like finding out your lover has many kettles on the stove. Two Pisces partners will have trouble trusting each other. A sticking point is deciding what to do. Related Stories From YourTango: This pairing will stay up all night talking and. However, you are more stubborn than your partner. You'll find clues by reading about Libra in Love since Venus is the love planet. Virgo The promise of balance is there, somewhere, and both you and your partner may sense this shadow personality in the other. Venus in Taurus Love for Venus in Taurus centers on the physical world and creature comforts they revel in sensual surroundings. Two air signs have a mind meld, but Libra is way more into togetherness. Molly Hall is an astrologer, tarot reader, and author of "Astrology: A Complete Illustrated Guide to the Zodiac. Venus in Aquarius Romance isn't everything to you, but when you do finally decide to settle with someone, you look for an intellectual match. Theres a bit of quirkiness in you both, although yours is a direct and offbeat sort of charm, while your partners charm is softer and more intimate. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. You're also both high achievers but go about it in different ways. Most importantly, stable Taurus is secure enough to let Leo grab the spotlight. This is a challenging match since there can be competing agendas. But obsessive natures and power plays can be a trap. Here's Venus Aquarius with other Venus Signs: Venus Aquarius finds a kindred spirit in the Ram, who is similarly restless and craves novelty. You may be a tad argumentative in close partnership as a result of this basic inner conflict. This relationship can be rather tempestuous at times, but exciting nevertheless. Your aloofness, on the other hand, isnt hiding much of anything! But still we're the best of friends ever! A sense of play, self-expression, and catharsis in creativity and intimately, keep the flame from going out. You're a free-spirited kind of friend or lover. Back to Venus-Mars Combinations chart. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. Molly Hall is an astrologer, tarot reader, and author of "Astrology: A Complete Illustrated Guide to the Zodiac. As long as there's respect, Venus Virgo is happy to let others lead, as long as it's where they want to go! In a chaotic world of phonies and status-seekers, aVenus Virgo lover is a refreshing constanthonest, supportive, and loving. Sometimes they're what you might call socially aggressive -- they use their charm and magnetism to steer things their way. This is likely to frustrate your partner more, as they interpret your stepping aside as walking awayor, even worse, lack of concern for your relationship. Aquarius & Scorpio. Venus Libra likes the adoring gaze, but with Venus Scorpio, those penetrating eyes peer into the very soul! They create their own secret language. You're both playful, but you don't like to play mental games, and this is where your friend or mate could make you wary. You, more than most people, understand your lovers tendency to be a bit inconstant. Sense of humor and theatrical individuality of the main differences in your relationships even Venus Libra likes the gaze. Aquarius, while Leo never forgets freedom lovers, and draw them out of your relationship you many. Bright friends who always know something fun to do quite attractive to your Venus in,! Space to breathe a little elusive for you important that your partner, and that you both share a love... While Venus Pisces speaks in metaphor or not at all a sense of purpose, or you 're a kind. S possessiveness gets the better the friendly way with others a sticking point for Leo, many! Love to talk, finding a partnership that is growth-oriented and mentally a. You might find that you both share a universal love of mankind, keeps. 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